Thank You, Founding Fathers, For the Electoral System

It used to be that states ran their own affairs, but the Federal government increasingly has taken over their power. Now the President determines such things as to how your child is educated in school to what doctor you should see. It's freak'in ridiculous and never designed this way. Now it is to the point where every Presidential election cycle, half of the country wants to impeach the President because power is so top heavy.

Yes, in a modern nation, you need centralized government.

Frankly, I'd rather have a centralized government deciding these things rather than some state level amateur politician like the lady with the big wart on her face I only hear from every two years when she's trying to get re-elected.

Now step back and ask yourself, what if states could decide such issues as health care, abortion, and gay marriage? You would no longer have half the country wanting to secede from the union every 4 years.

Yeah, instead you'd have a mishmash of laws that don't work... that wouldn't be better.

It would also help end corruption. Instead of buying off a hand full of powerful federal bureaucrats, you would be faced with multiplying that number by about 50 once state legislators regained their power over their own affairs. This is the way it was set up and it worked just fine.

Are you some kind of fucking retard? The lower down you get in elected officials, the MORE likely they are to be corrupt! Because the lower down you get, the less likely they are to get any attention from the media. Like I said, most people barely know who the lady with the Wart on her face is... but she's bought and paid for by right wing interests. And every two years, she stuffs my mailbox full of campaign literature paid for by the Koch Brothers.

For those interested, support your local Article V movement for states to amend the Constitution and regain their power back. About 12 states have already signed on and we only need 3/4 of them to make it a reality.

No, not really interested in the locals and the yokels making these kinds of decisions, thanks.
The only way the two states could determine an election by popular vote is if those two states had 50% of the electorate? LMAO! Sure, if everyone else voted GOP.

No, Hillary won the popular vote only BECAUSE of the population levels of New York and California.

You could equally argues she won the popular vote because of the 3.8 Million people who voted for her in Texas, or the 4.5 million who voted for her in Florida... see how that works.
It used to be that states ran their own affairs, but the Federal government increasingly has taken over their power. Now the President determines such things as to how your child is educated in school to what doctor you should see. It's freak'in ridiculous and never designed this way. Now it is to the point where every Presidential election cycle, half of the country wants to impeach the President because power is so top heavy.

Yes, in a modern nation, you need centralized government.

Frankly, I'd rather have a centralized government deciding these things rather than some state level amateur politician like the lady with the big wart on her face I only hear from every two years when she's trying to get re-elected.

Now step back and ask yourself, what if states could decide such issues as health care, abortion, and gay marriage? You would no longer have half the country wanting to secede from the union every 4 years.

Yeah, instead you'd have a mishmash of laws that don't work... that wouldn't be better.

It would also help end corruption. Instead of buying off a hand full of powerful federal bureaucrats, you would be faced with multiplying that number by about 50 once state legislators regained their power over their own affairs. This is the way it was set up and it worked just fine.

Are you some kind of fucking retard? The lower down you get in elected officials, the MORE likely they are to be corrupt! Because the lower down you get, the less likely they are to get any attention from the media. Like I said, most people barely know who the lady with the Wart on her face is... but she's bought and paid for by right wing interests. And every two years, she stuffs my mailbox full of campaign literature paid for by the Koch Brothers.

For those interested, support your local Article V movement for states to amend the Constitution and regain their power back. About 12 states have already signed on and we only need 3/4 of them to make it a reality.

No, not really interested in the locals and the yokels making these kinds of decisions, thanks.

You really don’t understand our country’s history do you? The states are soverign but united. The Founding Fathers understood this, which is why they set up a republic. The federal govt was designed to do the things the individual states could not (common defense, commerce, foreign policy, etc.), but that is why the Constitution states: those powers not spelled out for the federal government are reserved to the states. They wanted local rule so idiots from another state could not tell them how to live. This is the exact reason why they set it up this way.
The EC is a mixed bag. While I have not seen a better alternative put forth, the fact that a single vote in some states is worth 3 times as much as a vote in another state just does not sit right.

Think about this, if we were currently using just the popular vote and someone floated the idea of letting a vote in Wy be worth 3 times a vote in Florida, do you think the folks in Florida would be on board with that?

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It’s fascinating to think that our founders knew there would be states that would foster and manifest disgusting human beings in mass numbers. They protected good, real Americans with the EC system. Their foresight was absolutely amazing.
BUT boy did they fuck up with the 14th and birthright citizenship.
They wrongly assumed leaders of the future would have the courage and brains to protect America.

And all the FF were dead when the 14th was ratified.

The 14th was added after the civil war. It was enacted to assure that the children of slaves were recognized as American Citizens. Its no longer needed and should be taken out.
A majority vote makes it easy to cheat. Bogus votes can be submitted anywhere in the Union. A thousand votes may decide an election.

Electoral requires a cheater to know which States, if any, will be close. And those thousand fake votes in that State may still not swing the outcome with the Electoral votes.

So the question is, why do the Left want to make it easier for Putin to manipulate our election.
The founding fathers had it wrong. Rather than prevent lunatics from getting elected, it made it more likely that lunatics will be elected. The electoral college is not a firewall against would be populists, but a facilitator of them. It was a mistake and should be abolished.
Support this: National Popular Vote

Also, VOTE this November
/----/ If we move to the popular vote then Trump will run a campaign to win the popular vote not the EC vote like he did in 2016. BTW maybe Hildabeast will get off her lazy butt and actually campaign.
sore loser hillary.jpg
The founding fathers had it wrong. Rather than prevent lunatics from getting elected, it made it more likely that lunatics will be elected. The electoral college is not a firewall against would be populists, but a facilitator of them. It was a mistake and should be abolished.
So you think Hillary would have created this great economy and brought NK to the table? :cuckoo:
The founding fathers had it wrong. Rather than prevent lunatics from getting elected, it made it more likely that lunatics will be elected. The electoral college is not a firewall against would be populists, but a facilitator of them. It was a mistake and should be abolished.
So you think Hillary would have created this great economy and brought NK to the table? :cuckoo:

Nothing was created. There is not a single economic indicator that changed after the election, all keep moving in the same direction.

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The founding fathers had it wrong. Rather than prevent lunatics from getting elected, it made it more likely that lunatics will be elected. The electoral college is not a firewall against would be populists, but a facilitator of them. It was a mistake and should be abolished.
So you think Hillary would have created this great economy and brought NK to the table? :cuckoo:

Nothing was created. There is not a single economic indicator that changed after the election, all keep moving in the same direction.

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Other than GDP, UER, Consumer Confidence, Business Confidence, and wages, you're right, nothing is better.
The founding fathers had it wrong. Rather than prevent lunatics from getting elected, it made it more likely that lunatics will be elected. The electoral college is not a firewall against would be populists, but a facilitator of them. It was a mistake and should be abolished.
So you think Hillary would have created this great economy and brought NK to the table? :cuckoo:

Nothing was created. There is not a single economic indicator that changed after the election, all keep moving in the same direction.

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Other than GDP, UER, Consumer Confidence, Business Confidence, and wages, you're right, nothing is better.

All of those kept following the same trends from the previous 5 years. Not a one of them changed direction after the election.

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The founding fathers had it wrong. Rather than prevent lunatics from getting elected, it made it more likely that lunatics will be elected. The electoral college is not a firewall against would be populists, but a facilitator of them. It was a mistake and should be abolished.
So you think Hillary would have created this great economy and brought NK to the table? :cuckoo:

Nothing was created. There is not a single economic indicator that changed after the election, all keep moving in the same direction.

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Other than GDP, UER, Consumer Confidence, Business Confidence, and wages, you're right, nothing is better.

All of those kept following the same trends from the previous 5 years. Not a one of them changed direction after the election.

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Economy grew at 1.5% in 2016.
It's at 4.1% now.
It’s fascinating to think that our founders knew there would be states that would foster and manifest disgusting human beings in mass numbers. They protected good, real Americans with the EC system. Their foresight was absolutely amazing.
BUT boy did they fuck up with the 14th and birthright citizenship.
They did know. They did not want Boston and New York making decisions for Virginia and Georgia.

Oh fucking bullshit. Virginia was by far the biggest electoral influence of its time. Go ask your teacher what state the first five presidents came from and tell me if Utah is the one that keeps coming up.


No Virginia, every one except Adams, and 32 years out of 36, were slaveholders from Virginia. And that was ensured by the Electoral College and its infamous "three-fifths compromise" that let them count three-fifths of their slaves toward representational power while awarding those slaves zero-fifths of a vote in their own interests.

What the Electoral College does in practice is toss most voters' choices directly in the trash bin, prevents most citizens from seeing candidates in a campaign, creates artificial bullshit divisions of so-called "red" and "blue" states, which would not exist otherwise, and perpetuates the Duopoly forever with zero chance of any third party ever challenging it, ensuring we are condemned to a fake choice between Tweedle Fucking Dum and Tweedle Fucking Dee forever, whirled without end Amen.

Such a brilliant system that is that the only country in the world that elects leaders in a similar way is fucking Pakistan.

And that my friends is a post by somebody who continues to suffer the most severe case of butt hurt every known to exist. Butt hurt is known to cause those afflicted to think 2+2=5, or in Pogo’s case, to think the electoral college does exactly the opposite of what it really does.
The founding fathers had it wrong. Rather than prevent lunatics from getting elected, it made it more likely that lunatics will be elected. The electoral college is not a firewall against would be populists, but a facilitator of them. It was a mistake and should be abolished.
So you think Hillary would have created this great economy and brought NK to the table? :cuckoo:

Nothing was created. There is not a single economic indicator that changed after the election, all keep moving in the same direction.

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Other than GDP, UER, Consumer Confidence, Business Confidence, and wages, you're right, nothing is better.

All of those kept following the same trends from the previous 5 years. Not a one of them changed direction after the election.

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Economy grew at 1.5% in 2016.
It's at 4.1% now.

I do not believe you are really this stupid, so I will chalk it up to dishonesty

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The founding fathers had it wrong. Rather than prevent lunatics from getting elected, it made it more likely that lunatics will be elected. The electoral college is not a firewall against would be populists, but a facilitator of them. It was a mistake and should be abolished.
So you think Hillary would have created this great economy and brought NK to the table? :cuckoo:

Nothing was created. There is not a single economic indicator that changed after the election, all keep moving in the same direction.

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Other than GDP, UER, Consumer Confidence, Business Confidence, and wages, you're right, nothing is better.

All of those kept following the same trends from the previous 5 years. Not a one of them changed direction after the election.

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/----/ Well do you want them to change directions? They may be heading in the same direction but at a faster rate. Where are all the democRATs who screamed the economy would tank and we'd go into a deep recession if Trump won? Why does Maxine Waters threaten to reverse all of Trump's policies if the DNC takes control of Congress? Will that make things improve even faster than now?
The founding fathers had it wrong. Rather than prevent lunatics from getting elected, it made it more likely that lunatics will be elected. The electoral college is not a firewall against would be populists, but a facilitator of them. It was a mistake and should be abolished.
So you think Hillary would have created this great economy and brought NK to the table? :cuckoo:

Nothing was created. There is not a single economic indicator that changed after the election, all keep moving in the same direction.

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Other than GDP, UER, Consumer Confidence, Business Confidence, and wages, you're right, nothing is better.

All of those kept following the same trends from the previous 5 years. Not a one of them changed direction after the election.

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/----/ Well do you want them to change directions? They may be heading in the same direction but at a faster rate. Where are all the democRATs who screamed the economy would tank and we'd go into a deep recession if Trump won? Why does Maxine Waters threaten to reverse all of Trump's policies if the DNC takes control of Congress? Will that make things improve even faster than now?

What is moving “faster”? Is the UE rate going down faster? Are jobs being created faster.

I do not know where those idiots are, personally I moved more money to the markets the day after the election and it was a good move for about 14 months, now Trump has screwed that up also.

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It used to be that states ran their own affairs, but the Federal government increasingly has taken over their power. Now the President determines such things as to how your child is educated in school to what doctor you should see. It's freak'in ridiculous and never designed this way. Now it is to the point where every Presidential election cycle, half of the country wants to impeach the President because power is so top heavy.

Yes, in a modern nation, you need centralized government.

Frankly, I'd rather have a centralized government deciding these things rather than some state level amateur politician like the lady with the big wart on her face I only hear from every two years when she's trying to get re-elected.

Now step back and ask yourself, what if states could decide such issues as health care, abortion, and gay marriage? You would no longer have half the country wanting to secede from the union every 4 years.

Yeah, instead you'd have a mishmash of laws that don't work... that wouldn't be better.

It would also help end corruption. Instead of buying off a hand full of powerful federal bureaucrats, you would be faced with multiplying that number by about 50 once state legislators regained their power over their own affairs. This is the way it was set up and it worked just fine.

Are you some kind of fucking retard? The lower down you get in elected officials, the MORE likely they are to be corrupt! Because the lower down you get, the less likely they are to get any attention from the media. Like I said, most people barely know who the lady with the Wart on her face is... but she's bought and paid for by right wing interests. And every two years, she stuffs my mailbox full of campaign literature paid for by the Koch Brothers.

For those interested, support your local Article V movement for states to amend the Constitution and regain their power back. About 12 states have already signed on and we only need 3/4 of them to make it a reality.

No, not really interested in the locals and the yokels making these kinds of decisions, thanks.
/----/ "Yes, in a modern nation, you need centralized government. " "Yeah, instead you'd have a mishmash of laws that don't work.." Says who? You? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA "the lady with the Wart on her face is..." Why do you attack women so much? does warts make one unqualified? I thought Libs preached we need to look beyond the superficial. Did you vote for Hillary with the tree trunk legs and cankles?
real men.jpg

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