Thank You, Founding Fathers, For the Electoral System

It used to be that states ran their own affairs, but the Federal government increasingly has taken over their power. Now the President determines such things as to how your child is educated in school to what doctor you should see. It's freak'in ridiculous and never designed this way. Now it is to the point where every Presidential election cycle, half of the country wants to impeach the President because power is so top heavy.

Yes, in a modern nation, you need centralized government.

Frankly, I'd rather have a centralized government deciding these things rather than some state level amateur politician like the lady with the big wart on her face I only hear from every two years when she's trying to get re-elected.

Now step back and ask yourself, what if states could decide such issues as health care, abortion, and gay marriage? You would no longer have half the country wanting to secede from the union every 4 years.

Yeah, instead you'd have a mishmash of laws that don't work... that wouldn't be better.

It would also help end corruption. Instead of buying off a hand full of powerful federal bureaucrats, you would be faced with multiplying that number by about 50 once state legislators regained their power over their own affairs. This is the way it was set up and it worked just fine.

Are you some kind of fucking retard? The lower down you get in elected officials, the MORE likely they are to be corrupt! Because the lower down you get, the less likely they are to get any attention from the media. Like I said, most people barely know who the lady with the Wart on her face is... but she's bought and paid for by right wing interests. And every two years, she stuffs my mailbox full of campaign literature paid for by the Koch Brothers.

For those interested, support your local Article V movement for states to amend the Constitution and regain their power back. About 12 states have already signed on and we only need 3/4 of them to make it a reality.

No, not really interested in the locals and the yokels making these kinds of decisions, thanks.
So really, you don't think people should be able to rule over themselves. Good to know.
He's correct, but not in the way he thought he was. The electoral college is a disaster for democracy, because straight democracy is a disaster.
It used to be that states ran their own affairs, but the Federal government increasingly has taken over their power. Now the President determines such things as to how your child is educated in school to what doctor you should see. It's freak'in ridiculous and never designed this way. Now it is to the point where every Presidential election cycle, half of the country wants to impeach the President because power is so top heavy.

Yes, in a modern nation, you need centralized government.

Frankly, I'd rather have a centralized government deciding these things rather than some state level amateur politician like the lady with the big wart on her face I only hear from every two years when she's trying to get re-elected.

Now step back and ask yourself, what if states could decide such issues as health care, abortion, and gay marriage? You would no longer have half the country wanting to secede from the union every 4 years.

Yeah, instead you'd have a mishmash of laws that don't work... that wouldn't be better.

It would also help end corruption. Instead of buying off a hand full of powerful federal bureaucrats, you would be faced with multiplying that number by about 50 once state legislators regained their power over their own affairs. This is the way it was set up and it worked just fine.

Are you some kind of fucking retard? The lower down you get in elected officials, the MORE likely they are to be corrupt! Because the lower down you get, the less likely they are to get any attention from the media. Like I said, most people barely know who the lady with the Wart on her face is... but she's bought and paid for by right wing interests. And every two years, she stuffs my mailbox full of campaign literature paid for by the Koch Brothers.

For those interested, support your local Article V movement for states to amend the Constitution and regain their power back. About 12 states have already signed on and we only need 3/4 of them to make it a reality.

No, not really interested in the locals and the yokels making these kinds of decisions, thanks.
So really, you don't think people should be able to rule over themselves. Good to know.

They would rather have their own stalin/mao type figure.
Support this: National Popular Vote

Also, VOTE this November

Will not support some crazy lib sobfest and that's what this is.
I don’t give a fuck that you don’t support it, Trump sheep. Another state signed on this year, making it closer than ever that it will be enacted.

Of course you lib sheep support it. You need to be led by the nose because you can't think for yourselves.
You don’t even know why. You’re a trash little cultist. :fu:

And you can't even comprehend what you're talking about. Lol. You're to be pitied.
Otherwise the votes in California, where it's legal to knowingly transmit HIV but you go to prison for handing out a straw, would have mattered.

Trump and the RNC didn't even bother with campaigning or spending money in that shithole of a State.

Or in New Yawk, or Illinois, or New Mex or Joisey.

Why should we? We're not going to get a fair shake in any of those States. Not with dimocrap scum counting the votes.

Check out what the greatest of all dimocrap scum heroes said

...and of course you are one of the people who should get a vote.....right?....

Maybe, maybe not.

I believe in 3 Criteria for voters Educated, Informed, and Invested. For each election the voters should be given an opportunity to prove they meet all 3 criteria. If so, they get to vote. If not, too bad.
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Again it's clear liberal scum want everything bad for this country.
Support this: National Popular Vote

Also, VOTE this November

When you consider that I believe at least 85-90% of Americans don’t deserve to vote, why would I ever support that?

I’m a staunch Conservative living in the Communistwealth of Taxachusetts; my vote has never counted.

You just articulated exactly why you should support that. Unless your preference is to just sit there and wallow so you have more to whine about. Which I strongly suspect is indeed your plan.
So I reckon the Electoral college is the next objective of the Progressive to destroy. If this ever happens, New York and California will decide every election, something that Progressives fantasize about every day as the rest of us are all held hostage with no where to run.

The only way those two states could decide the election is if they made up 50% of the electorate... which they don't.

I should point out that even with an awful candidate like Trump, the GOP still got 40% of the vote in those states. They were hardly monolithic.

And those Rump votes were tossed in the shitcan. And they're OK with that.
It’s fascinating to think that our founders knew there would be states that would foster and manifest disgusting human beings in mass numbers. They protected good, real Americans with the EC system. Their foresight was absolutely amazing.
BUT boy did they fuck up with the 14th and birthright citizenship.

They had wisdom and bronze almost completely lost on humanity today. I can't say I know the 14th amendment, but born here is a different thing than anchor babies. Born here OK. Illegal parent, get the fuck out.
The Founding Fathers feared a direct democracy.

They also feared their slaves getting freedom, shit in Chamber pots and thought bleeding people was a valid medical treatment.

Heck, even their original idea for the EC didn't work out that well, which is why they had to amend it with the 12th Amendment after the first couple of tries turned into a train wreck.

Here's the real problem with the EC. It disenfranchises most states. There's really no point in voting Republican in CA or Democratic in TX (at least for now). The election comes down to about 10 swing states, which are often vulnerable to the kind of hacking that went on in 2016.

It also locks us into a two party system that most folks kind of agree is broken. Third parties kind of whither and die after one cycle.

A much better system would be to have a general election and if no one gets more than 50% of the vote, then you have a run-off between the top two vote getters.

It has nothing to do with the 2 party system. The issue is how Progressives have centralized power.

It used to be that states ran their own affairs, but the Federal government increasingly has taken over their power...... <snip>

It has EVERYTHING to do with the Duopoly, which as it works the EC keeps protected from any threat TO that Duopoly.

ANY state ANYWHERE is going to vote for either the so-called "Red" or the so-called "Blue" candidate, and everybody in that state knows it, therefore they're not going to waste a vote on the "Green" or "Purple" candy because they know god damned well it won't count. The only reason anybody anywhere has a reason to vote at all is if that particular state is uncertain about whether it will go "red" or "blue", and that voter wants to lean it this way, or more likely ensure it doesn't lean 'that' way.

EVERYBODY ELSE'S VOTE EVERYWHERE IS TOSSED IN THE SHREDDER. It's recycled to make grocery bags, and thank you for shopping here, have a nice day. And even those in that so-called "swing" state who voted with the "red" or "blue" candy who did not prevail, their vote goes into the same shredder. Worthless. That state then goes to Congress and lies through its teeth, saying "wow it's amazing, literally everybody in our state voted for Doofus, this hasn't happened since the last six dozen times it happened, every four years. Amazing".

So don't come on this board and try to pretend the Electrical College isn't short-circuiting the vast majority of the People's vote and try to shunt off into shiny objects of "oh look over there, what the government is doing". People just ain't that fucking stupid.
He's correct, but not in the way he thought he was. The electoral college is a disaster for democracy, because straight democracy is a disaster.
Look at the date/time stamp on that tweet.

Trump was butt hurt Obama had just won re-election by an electoral landslide compared to the popular vote.

Obama achieved 61.4 percent of the electoral vote, compared to 51.1 percent of the popular vote.

Trump did not achieve either one of those benchmarks, so his tweet is especially rich in irony. :lol:

Hell, even Romney got a larger percentage of the popular vote than Trump did!
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He's correct, but not in the way he thought he was. The electoral college is a disaster for democracy, because straight democracy is a disaster.
Look at the date/time stamp on that tweet.

Trump was butt hurt Obama had just won re-election by an electoral landslide compared to the popular vote.

Obama achieved 61.4 percent of the electoral vote, compared to 51.1 percent of the popular vote.

Trump did not achieve either one of those benchmarks, so his tweet is especially rich in irony. :lol:

Hell, even Romney got a larger percentage of the popular vote than Trump did!
Right. That's why i said "not in the way he thought he was." Past tense. He was referring to it in the context that the left currently is: it didn't deliver the result i wanted therefore it's stupid and should be eliminated. Both sides play that game on a daily basis.
The Founding Fathers feared a direct democracy.

They also feared their slaves getting freedom, shit in Chamber pots and thought bleeding people was a valid medical treatment.

Heck, even their original idea for the EC didn't work out that well, which is why they had to amend it with the 12th Amendment after the first couple of tries turned into a train wreck.

Here's the real problem with the EC. It disenfranchises most states. There's really no point in voting Republican in CA or Democratic in TX (at least for now). The election comes down to about 10 swing states, which are often vulnerable to the kind of hacking that went on in 2016.

It also locks us into a two party system that most folks kind of agree is broken. Third parties kind of whither and die after one cycle.

A much better system would be to have a general election and if no one gets more than 50% of the vote, then you have a run-off between the top two vote getters.

It has nothing to do with the 2 party system. The issue is how Progressives have centralized power.

It used to be that states ran their own affairs, but the Federal government increasingly has taken over their power...... <snip>

It has EVERYTHING to do with the Duopoly, which as it works the EC keeps protected from any threat TO that Duopoly.

ANY state ANYWHERE is going to vote for either the so-called "Red" or the so-called "Blue" candidate, and everybody in that state knows it, therefore they're not going to waste a vote on the "Green" or "Purple" candy because they know god damned well it won't count. The only reason anybody anywhere has a reason to vote at all is if that particular state is uncertain about whether it will go "red" or "blue", and that voter wants to lean it this way, or more likely ensure it doesn't lean 'that' way.

EVERYBODY ELSE'S VOTE EVERYWHERE IS TOSSED IN THE SHREDDER. It's recycled to make grocery bags, and thank you for shopping here, have a nice day. And even those in that so-called "swing" state who voted with the "red" or "blue" candy who did not prevail, their vote goes into the same shredder. Worthless. That state then goes to Congress and lies through its teeth, saying "wow it's amazing, literally everybody in our state voted for Doofus, this hasn't happened since the last six dozen times it happened, every four years. Amazing".

So don't come on this board and try to pretend the Electrical College isn't short-circuiting the vast majority of the People's vote and try to shunt off into shiny objects of "oh look over there, what the government is doing". People just ain't that fucking stupid.

It's doing exactly what the Founders designed it to do. Deal with it.
He's correct, but not in the way he thought he was. The electoral college is a disaster for democracy, because straight democracy is a disaster.
Look at the date/time stamp on that tweet.

Trump was butt hurt Obama had just won re-election by an electoral landslide compared to the popular vote.

Obama achieved 61.4 percent of the electoral vote, compared to 51.1 percent of the popular vote.

Trump did not achieve either one of those benchmarks, so his tweet is especially rich in irony. :lol:

Hell, even Romney got a larger percentage of the popular vote than Trump did!
Right. That's why i said "not in the way he thought he was." Past tense. He was referring to it in the context that the left currently is: it didn't deliver the result i wanted therefore it's stupid and should be eliminated. Both sides play that game on a daily basis.
I have not seen the Left flip flop on the popular vote. It has long been a Left cause to get rid of the electoral college.

That's why Trump wanted to get rid of it. He's a New York limousine liberal Democrat and a huckster.
He's correct, but not in the way he thought he was. The electoral college is a disaster for democracy, because straight democracy is a disaster.
Look at the date/time stamp on that tweet.

Trump was butt hurt Obama had just won re-election by an electoral landslide compared to the popular vote.

Obama achieved 61.4 percent of the electoral vote, compared to 51.1 percent of the popular vote.

Trump did not achieve either one of those benchmarks, so his tweet is especially rich in irony. :lol:

Anybody can create fake Teets....

I am not a fan of fake tits...

Sent from my iPhone using
THUMBS DOWN!!!!! :biggrin:
He's correct, but not in the way he thought he was. The electoral college is a disaster for democracy, because straight democracy is a disaster.
Look at the date/time stamp on that tweet.

Trump was butt hurt Obama had just won re-election by an electoral landslide compared to the popular vote.

Obama achieved 61.4 percent of the electoral vote, compared to 51.1 percent of the popular vote.

Trump did not achieve either one of those benchmarks, so his tweet is especially rich in irony. :lol:

Hell, even Romney got a larger percentage of the popular vote than Trump did!
Right. That's why i said "not in the way he thought he was." Past tense. He was referring to it in the context that the left currently is: it didn't deliver the result i wanted therefore it's stupid and should be eliminated. Both sides play that game on a daily basis.
I have not seen the Left flip flop on the popular vote. It has long been a Left cause to get rid of the electoral college.

That's why Trump wanted to get rid of it. He's a New York limousine liberal Democrat and a huckster.
I wasn't referring to flip flopping. Was referring to the sentiment.
He's correct, but not in the way he thought he was. The electoral college is a disaster for democracy, because straight democracy is a disaster.
Look at the date/time stamp on that tweet.

Trump was butt hurt Obama had just won re-election by an electoral landslide compared to the popular vote.

Obama achieved 61.4 percent of the electoral vote, compared to 51.1 percent of the popular vote.

Trump did not achieve either one of those benchmarks, so his tweet is especially rich in irony. :lol:

Hell, even Romney got a larger percentage of the popular vote than Trump did!
Right. That's why i said "not in the way he thought he was." Past tense. He was referring to it in the context that the left currently is: it didn't deliver the result i wanted therefore it's stupid and should be eliminated. Both sides play that game on a daily basis.
I have not seen the Left flip flop on the popular vote. It has long been a Left cause to get rid of the electoral college.

That's why Trump wanted to get rid of it. He's a New York limousine liberal Democrat and a huckster.
I wasn't referring to flip flopping. Was referring to the sentiment.
It's hypocrisy. Sheer hypocrisy.
He's correct, but not in the way he thought he was. The electoral college is a disaster for democracy, because straight democracy is a disaster.
Look at the date/time stamp on that tweet.

Trump was butt hurt Obama had just won re-election by an electoral landslide compared to the popular vote.

Obama achieved 61.4 percent of the electoral vote, compared to 51.1 percent of the popular vote.

Trump did not achieve either one of those benchmarks, so his tweet is especially rich in irony. :lol:

Hell, even Romney got a larger percentage of the popular vote than Trump did!
Right. That's why i said "not in the way he thought he was." Past tense. He was referring to it in the context that the left currently is: it didn't deliver the result i wanted therefore it's stupid and should be eliminated. Both sides play that game on a daily basis.
I have not seen the Left flip flop on the popular vote. It has long been a Left cause to get rid of the electoral college.

That's why Trump wanted to get rid of it. He's a New York limousine liberal Democrat and a huckster.
I wasn't referring to flip flopping. Was referring to the sentiment.
It's hypocrisy. Sheer hypocrisy.
It's the norm, not the exception. Hard to get upset about anyone in politics being wildly hypocritical. It happens when you don't have any principles, like the politicians we have and their blind allegiance followers.

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