THANK YOU, HILLARY: Hillary - "No one should be too big to fail!"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Finally something Hillary says I actually agree with:

GOOD NEWS: Hillary Clinton says, "No one should be 'too big to jail'!"

BAD NEWS: She was only talking about Wall Street! (Yeah, the same Wall Street; she has been taking an arse load of money from, who she has pathetically invoking 9/11/01 to justify her doing so.)

OF COURSE she wasn't talking about her sorry, corrupt ass! Though she is neck-deep in the midst of an FBI investigation she and every Liberal out there believes Hillary is 'too big to jail' and should be given a pass on any and all criminal activity exposed during the investigation!

LINK: Hillary Clinton on Wall Street: 'No one should be too big to jail'
OMG you used the cap lock in your title, the Cap lock police might get you.

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