Thank you, President Trump

Those would be unconstitutional. Just because they exist doesnt mean the constitution is void.
Hearsay can not strip away your constitutional rights. Thats why we have due process.
I wish I could understand why you want to defend someone like Cruz having 10 guns.
They had PROOF cruz was threatening peoples lives. With your bullshit, i can call your police dept and tell them you are nuts. They come and scoop up all your rights. THEN, you have to FIGHT to get them back.
HUGE difference.
And its not about defending anyone.. Its about defending EVERYONE and ALL their rights.

I would like to read those police reports and see why they let him go.
I believe that was actually the FBI. Which, IMO, is even worse.
You cant depend on govt. Especially when they keep themselves enveloped in failure.

No it was the cops, the FBI never went even though they were alerted.
The FBI went and interviewed the guy that turned in the threat. He turned it in to the FBI
Those would be unconstitutional. Just because they exist doesnt mean the constitution is void.
Hearsay can not strip away your constitutional rights. Thats why we have due process.
I wish I could understand why you want to defend someone like Cruz having 10 guns.
They had PROOF cruz was threatening peoples lives. With your bullshit, i can call your police dept and tell them you are nuts. They come and scoop up all your rights. THEN, you have to FIGHT to get them back.
HUGE difference.
And its not about defending anyone.. Its about defending EVERYONE and ALL their rights.

I would like to read those police reports and see why they let him go.
I believe that was actually the FBI. Which, IMO, is even worse.
You cant depend on govt. Especially when they keep themselves enveloped in failure.

No it was the cops, the FBI never went even though they were alerted.

The cops, state, AND FBI all failed with Cruz. So the leftists want to restrict people's rights to defend themselves? :cuckoo:

I can't figure out a way to have that make it me?

If the government's not gonna protect you (which apparently they're not), you're on your own in a life or death situation. Would you rather have an AR, or a speargun?
I wish I could understand why you want to defend someone like Cruz having 10 guns.
They had PROOF cruz was threatening peoples lives. With your bullshit, i can call your police dept and tell them you are nuts. They come and scoop up all your rights. THEN, you have to FIGHT to get them back.
HUGE difference.
And its not about defending anyone.. Its about defending EVERYONE and ALL their rights.

I would like to read those police reports and see why they let him go.
I believe that was actually the FBI. Which, IMO, is even worse.
You cant depend on govt. Especially when they keep themselves enveloped in failure.

No it was the cops, the FBI never went even though they were alerted.

The cops, state, AND FBI all failed with Cruz. So the leftists want to restrict people's rights to defend themselves? :cuckoo:

I can't figure out a way to have that make it me?

I heard this on the news...that a kid has to wait until 21 for a shotgun, but can buy an assault gun at 18? ..Is that true
Those would be unconstitutional. Just because they exist doesnt mean the constitution is void.
Hearsay can not strip away your constitutional rights. Thats why we have due process.
I wish I could understand why you want to defend someone like Cruz having 10 guns.
They had PROOF cruz was threatening peoples lives. With your bullshit, i can call your police dept and tell them you are nuts. They come and scoop up all your rights. THEN, you have to FIGHT to get them back.
HUGE difference.
And its not about defending anyone.. Its about defending EVERYONE and ALL their rights.

I would like to read those police reports and see why they let him go.
I believe that was actually the FBI. Which, IMO, is even worse.
You cant depend on govt. Especially when they keep themselves enveloped in failure.

Everything is messed up.. These government workers are over worked and underpaid. This kid should have been brought in and they failed..
And why wouldn't the people he lived with see those guns..?
What a mess

They did, they did everything they could, and the government failed.
They had PROOF cruz was threatening peoples lives. With your bullshit, i can call your police dept and tell them you are nuts. They come and scoop up all your rights. THEN, you have to FIGHT to get them back.
HUGE difference.
And its not about defending anyone.. Its about defending EVERYONE and ALL their rights.

I would like to read those police reports and see why they let him go.
I believe that was actually the FBI. Which, IMO, is even worse.
You cant depend on govt. Especially when they keep themselves enveloped in failure.

No it was the cops, the FBI never went even though they were alerted.

The cops, state, AND FBI all failed with Cruz. So the leftists want to restrict people's rights to defend themselves? :cuckoo:

I can't figure out a way to have that make it me?

I heard this on the news...that a kid has to wait until 21 for a shotgun, but can buy an assault gun at 18? ..Is that true

It wasn't when I was 18. 21 for a pistol, though.
Why do we need a gun that can kill like that..I read that his gun jammed and could have killed many more.

Why do we need to be able to tell the government to go fuck themselves?
Why do we need the right to due process?
Why do we need the right to practice our religion freely when it doesnt intrude on anyone?
Why do we need the civil rights act?
Why do we need women to vote?
Why do we need everyone over 18 to vote?

You know when they wrote the constitution they didn't have assault rifles did they?
Great logic, my dear. Now, we can ban all words, religions and news outlets that were made after 1787
you are twisting what he said ,,,,,,try for honesty for once here
He is a she. And i didnt twist anything.
I applied her logic to another amendment in the same document.
You need a militia now ?? Our forefathers are turning over in their graves knowing how you republicans bastardized their constitution
The vast majority of you are still ignoring the fact that these are the President's ideas and the majority of Americans agree with him (and me). They are pretty modest "fixes," all in all. IMO, you look pretty stupid screeching about Constitutional rights. Chicken Little's.
what majority agree with him? He lost the majority by 3 million and bet it's more now
Polls say 70% of Americans support stronger gun laws. Since the President's suggestions are all mild, very reasonable suggestions, I am betting most would be behind the changes he is proposing.
I'd prefer you not turn the thread to other topics, but you seem to be having trouble with that.

Polls say Hillary has a 97% chance of winning on election night, too. Polls(these days) are published in order to influence mass opinion. It didn't fly on 11/16. Not much has changed since, either.
Seriously, you people want to put all your faith in the government? I think maybe you should consider what a stellar job they did with this Cruz kid and evaluate your position on whether or not you want people to be armed for themselves.

When you have only seconds, the police are only minutes away.
Seriously, you people want to put all your faith in the government? I think maybe you should consider what a stellar job they did with this Cruz kid and evaluate your position on whether or not you want people to be armed for themselves.

When you have only seconds, the police are only minutes away.
I get the point A shooting going on I'd love some one with a gun to shoot the bad guy ,,,but giving everyone a piece the solution??
Oldlady thinks common sense policy is to strip away basic human and civil rights. Can you believe that shit? All for agenda.. Sad

Why do we need a gun that can kill like that..I read that his gun jammed and could have killed many more.


Where did you read that? CNN? lol.

The Virginia Tech shooter killed almost twice that many with two pistols. It isn't the gun, it's never been the gun.

I saw it on the news this morning

Florida gunman's AR-15 reportedly jammed during the school shooting, he had 180 more rounds left

The Florida gunman's AR-15 reportedly jammed during the shooting, and he had 180 more rounds left


I own an AR. They are extremely easy to clear. Perhaps he lacked the training and knowledge to clear it but I point also to the fact that he tried to get away and planned to do more school shootings. He did what he came there for. He could have done more damage with two pistols, which don’t jam as much btw.
The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

This is because the Trumpkins elected a guy who openly supported the 92 crime bill as well as confiscating civilian guns. Say, when the wall going to be built?
The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

You. Are. A. Useful. Idiot.

What the man says ( which has probably just occurred to him in the moment ) is almost never what he ends up doing. In fact, his will hardly moves anyone other than those who support him. None of those people are in Congress.

As I've said before, you seem like a very nice person. But if you think that meeting was anything but a complete train wreck, you deserve harsh criticism.
Seriously, you people want to put all your faith in the government? I think maybe you should consider what a stellar job they did with this Cruz kid and evaluate your position on whether or not you want people to be armed for themselves.

When you have only seconds, the police are only minutes away.
I get the point A shooting going on I'd love some one with a gun to shoot the bad guy ,,,but giving everyone a piece the solution??

No, only those comfortable with, and capable of doing so. Everybody's different. Looks like that school resource officer wasn't.
The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

Yes....ask the democrats what they got from their meeting with him on DACA....see how much of this holds up in Congress too.....

And...please....oldlady, explain how any of these would have stopped the mass shooter...since the police could have arrested him 39 times and the FBI had clear reason to bring him in at least twice...... support everything that won't stop the next mass shooter, and yet you expect us to treat you as an intelligent, thoughtful individual?

Actually, an ERPO law would have allowed the police to take his weapons before Feb 14. The bump stock law would have brought down the death/injury count in Vegas. Nothing wrong with either of those things in my book.

He could have used a rubber band for the SAME effect.
95% of Americans didnt even know what it was until Vegas.
Bunch of emotional idiots.

Why yes, he could have. Therefore that type of weapon is far too dangerous for the general public and should require the same license as a fully auto .45 Thompson.
If anyone cares to read what an ERPO is and what the President meant (actually a Judge has to sign off on the Order BEFORE the weapons are taken) here is one article. There are plenty if you don't like that one.

Once an ERPO has been filed, a court must find clear and convincing evidence that an individual is threatening harm to self or others, before the court can order the respondent to temporarily surrender any guns to the police. The respondent will not be able to buy, sell, or possess other firearms for a temporary period of time.

Penny Okamoto, executive director of Ceasefire Oregon explained the ERPO due process protections. “To protect the rights of the respondent, the bill establishes procedures for the respondent to request a hearing. The burden of proof is on the petitioner to show clear and convincing evidence.” Okamoto added, “ERPOs are not to be taken lightly. False applications ERPO or violation of ERPO is punishable by one year’s imprisonment, $6,250 fine or both.”
SB 719 Extreme Risk Protection Order Passes House
So on one hand you want to take our the same time you make sure that crazy people can keep their guns.

Good job.
Oldlady thinks common sense policy is to strip away basic human and civil rights. Can you believe that shit? All for agenda.. Sad

A lot of Americans will agree with her too. They'd rather have false sense of security than freedom.

It's a damn shame. I choose freedom over convenience and people losing rights.

I bought a gun when I was 18.

Future young men will not have that privilege, sad.
You said you bought your first gun at 13. Rode home with it on your bicycle. Saved $ from your paper route or something. Said you're still using it.
Oldlady thinks common sense policy is to strip away basic human and civil rights. Can you believe that shit? All for agenda.. Sad

A lot of Americans will agree with her too. They'd rather have false sense of security than freedom.

It's a damn shame. I choose freedom over convenience and people losing rights.

I bought a gun when I was 18.

Future young men will not have that privilege, sad.
You said you bought your first gun at 13. Rode home with it on your bicycle. Saved $ from your paper route or something. Said you're still using it.

My mom bought it for me with money I had earned. I didn't say all that. :eusa_naughty: I bought the 1st gun by myself when I was 18.
The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

It turns out that the Democrats were right and the OP was taken in by Trump's dishonesty after the NRA got to Trump.

Thanking Trump was consequently unwarranted and foolish.

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