Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close

These old plants need to be retired.
I would like you to go to the families of each of the 105 people who will lose their jobs and tell that to their faces.
It is my hope one or more of them kick your pinko liberal ass clear across the Appalachian Mountains.
It is also my hope you some day find yourself unemployed due to the Obamessiah's short sighted and idiotic decisions.

Your logic makes about as much sense as continuing to have wars so defense contractor employees can have a job.

Coal is dirty, polluting, unhealthy - and destructive to the planet.

Mountaintop Removal Mining - High Resolution Photos
well then, join a tribe in the amazon and quit pestering us.
So... a tenuous CHANCE at dying from some pollutant caused disease which a direct causation cannot be established on one end....

Or starvation, or death by exposure on the other hand because there's no jobs and power's too expensive.

Hmmmmm.... what to choose... what to choose....


Hmmm... you remember that whole shitstorm about conservatives cutting off heating oil programs for the poor? Yeah... wait, you're telling me that was a mistake? You're telling me that liberals are somehow anti-poor? Do you have ANY idea what's going on in this country regarding the class wars of poor vs rich? Yeah... those liberals... always against the poor!

Also... mercury is 'some pollutant' to you? And half of all mercury pollution in the atmosphere being caused by humans isn't a problem for you?
Is the mercury in my CFL... WHEN it breaks, any different from my thermometer? Is it possibly more dangerous than the emissions from a coal fired plant? Some sort of 'atomic anomoly' that makes it... better for me?

What in the hell are you talking about?
These old plants need to be retired.
I would like you to go to the families of each of the 105 people who will lose their jobs and tell that to their faces.
It is my hope one or more of them kick your pinko liberal ass clear across the Appalachian Mountains.
It is also my hope you some day find yourself unemployed due to the Obamessiah's short sighted and idiotic decisions.

What about the 7 million people Bush, the GOP and Bain Capital fired when they sent all those manufacturing jobs overseas?

We're supposed to be worried about 100 coal miners?

And coal miners should be re unionized. The GOP and Coal miners unions were busted and those mines haven't been safe sense. And what is the penalty today if a mine collapses? Less than it would cost to keep the mines safe. Deregulations and unsafe mine conditions when the GOP run the show and no worker rights.

This is just the GOP trying to win over the coal miner vote. Scare them and tell them Obama is going to cost them their jobs. He is, because coal is bad. Sorry 100 people.

Less coal and oil, more battery, solar and wind energy. Those coal mining jobs are obsolite.
1. Mercury in the environment is seen as bad for it causes health problems
2. Half the mercury pollution in the atmosphere is attributed to nature, and this cannot be decreased.
3. AFAIK as I know the regulations already in place for Mercury in coal plants does a bang up job on reducing mercury.
4. There is little to no evidence further reductions in this level will have a significant advantage over what is currently been done.
5. Undue hardship on the facilities make them unprofitable, and in a cost saving move, their owners will shut them down rather than deal with fines and penalties.
6. The closing of the plants will harm local economies in a ripple effect through W VA.
7. The price of electricity will jump because of the closed plants and less product on the market, pushing prices higher since there is no current replacement for these facilities, peaking or not.
8. When did making people unemployed from good jobs and increasing the price of electricity become 'compassionate' for the sake of an unproven tightening of a regulation that direct causal links to disease have not been established?
9. CFLs have mercury in them that can be released if something goes wrong with the bulb or it breaks. This is a known toxic pollutant, and you want it in every light socket, while taking it out of every thermometer and coal plant...and warning about seafood. But CFL's are safe! :rolleyes:

Do you get me now? Or do I have to go SLOWER STILL???
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1. Mercury in the environment is seen as bad for it causes health problems
2. Half the mercury pollution in the atmosphere is attributed to nature, and this cannot be decreased.
3. AFAIK as I know the regulations already in place for Mercury in coal plants does a bang up job on reducing mercury.
4. There is little to no evidence further reductions in this level will have a significant advantage over what is currently been done.
5. Undue hardship on the facilities make them unprofitable, and in a cost saving move, their owners will shut them down rather than deal with fines and penalties.
6. The closing of the plants will harm local economies in a ripple effect through W VA.
7. The price of electricity will jump because of the closed plants and less product on the market, pushing prices higher since there is no current replacement for these facilities, peaking or not.
8. When did making people unemployed from good jobs and increasing the price of electricity become 'compassionate' for the sake of an unproven tightening of a regulation that direct causal links to disease have not been established?
9. CFLs have mercury in them that can be released if something goes wrong with the bulb or it breaks. This is a known toxic pollutant, and you want it in every light socket, while taking it out of every thermometer and coal plant...and warning about seafood. But CFL's are safe! :rolleyes:

Do you get me now? Or do I have to go SLOWER STILL???

6. The closing of the plants will harm local economies in a ripple effect through W VA.

Your parties policies sent 7 million good paying manufacturing jobs overseas and now you want us to care about w. virginia coal miners?

This must be a swing state. The GOP must be afraid they are going to lose w. virginia.

Those 7 million jobs were much more important to the American economy than are these coal miner jobs you are talking about.

Sure they are important to w. virginia but I find it funny you guys are arguing that jobs will be lost after you sent 7 million of them overseas. Bain Capital Romney sent at least a million jobs overseas. Wny vote for him?
1. Mercury in the environment is seen as bad for it causes health problems
2. Half the mercury pollution in the atmosphere is attributed to nature, and this cannot be decreased.
3. AFAIK as I know the regulations already in place for Mercury in coal plants does a bang up job on reducing mercury.
4. There is little to no evidence further reductions in this level will have a significant advantage over what is currently been done.
5. Undue hardship on the facilities make them unprofitable, and in a cost saving move, their owners will shut them down rather than deal with fines and penalties.
6. The closing of the plants will harm local economies in a ripple effect through W VA.
7. The price of electricity will jump because of the closed plants and less product on the market, pushing prices higher since there is no current replacement for these facilities, peaking or not.
8. When did making people unemployed from good jobs and increasing the price of electricity become 'compassionate' for the sake of an unproven tightening of a regulation that direct causal links to disease have not been established?
9. CFLs have mercury in them that can be released if something goes wrong with the bulb or it breaks. This is a known toxic pollutant, and you want it in every light socket, while taking it out of every thermometer and coal plant...and warning about seafood. But CFL's are safe! :rolleyes:

Do you get me now? Or do I have to go SLOWER STILL???

See what I mean here? This is what i'm talking about regarding the CFL's. You guys are always up in arms about CFL's which yes, can be dangerous when broken because of the mercury... but you're fine with the levels of mercury being ejected into the atmosphere and wish the EPA wouldn't be able to regulate any of that shit because it affects business.

Half of all mercury in the atmosphere comes from nature yes. But half of it comes from man. That doesn't fucking blow you away, that we pump as much mercury into the atmosphere as this gigantic fucking sphere we call Earth does? And that's just the mercury. That's not talking about the Benzene. That's not talking about the Formaldehyde, that's not talking about the Ozone. That's not talking about all the other astronomical quantities of pollutants we pump into our world for us to breathe, for our children to breathe, for our descendants to breathe.

And somehow, the EPA and environmentalists are a bad thing. We need to be able to pump MORE of that shit into the atmosphere. We need to be able to dump more of that shit into our lakes and rivers. We need to be able to ingest more of that stuff in our food.

All for business and the Almighty Bottom Line.
Gee, what about General Motors and the "ripple effect" it could have had - if Obama hadn't save it...?
Gee, what about General Motors and the "ripple effect" it could have had - if Obama hadn't save it...?
Contrary to popular leftbat propaganda, chapter 11 filings wouldn't have meant that GM & Chrysler would've just vanished in a poof of smoke.

Go peddle your wilful ignorance over at DU or Daily Kooks.
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Higher energy prices are not reflected in the CPI so they get away with that on paper with their fake headline inflation.

Never mind how it actually affects real people.
These old plants need to be retired.
I would like you to go to the families of each of the 105 people who will lose their jobs and tell that to their faces.
It is my hope one or more of them kick your pinko liberal ass clear across the Appalachian Mountains.
It is also my hope you some day find yourself unemployed due to the Obamessiah's short sighted and idiotic decisions. soon as you and Big Fitz go to the THOUSANDS of auto worker families who would have lost their jobs and explain that they are a bunch of lazy fucks who should have lost their jobs and that YOU disagreed with the enormously successful bail out.

They would kick your fat, condescending, soft, mushy Rush Limbaugh loving ass clear across the Great Lakes.

Obama didn't save GM...Obama saved the UAW union contract with GM.

Fine, then explain to us WHO actually saved GM?
Nobody did, you dunce.

They would have filed chapter 11 and reorganized...But that would've meant that the UAW would've been shit out of luck, so Boiking illegally stepped in and shafted the class A bondholders to bail out the union.
Obama didn't save GM...Obama saved the UAW union contract with GM.

Fine, then explain to us WHO actually saved GM?

Obama saved the good paying unionized GM that will honor its pensions.

He saved the Americans automotive industry. The Big 3.

Letting GM go bankrupt would have had a ripple effect.

And what's funny is that these right wingers understand how this works, but would never admit it. But one of them did just a couple posts ago. He/she said that if the coal mines closed, it would cause a ripple effect in the community.

So they understand how many suppliers and how many jobs would have been lost if GM would have went through bankruptsy.

And it would have crushed the unions. Lowered wages all over america because unemployment would have skyrocketed. And then they would have beat Obama in 2012.

The GOP really wanted GM to go bankrupt. Mitt Romney wanted GM to go bankrupt. We won't forget that come November here in Michigan.

And Ohio isn't going to forget Romney wanted to take collective bargaining away from them.

Republicans and the rich have waged class warfare on the middle class. It is time we fight back.
Why do people not realize the GOP have waged class warfare on the middle class? Sending jobs overseas to lower our wages. Hiring illegals in our factories instead of Americans. Wanting to kill social security and medicare. All this they did on purpose. Now they can say we are broke and they can cut more programs that they don't want to pay for. But then they give all the tax savings to the corporations who are not hiring. And allow them to send their money overseas and pay no taxes.

This is all true yet I'm a conspiracy theorist.
Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close | The Gateway Pundit

Three West Virginia coal plants just announced they will close this year. Metro News reported: Ohio based FirstEnergy Corporation announces it will close three coal fired power plants in West Virginia by this fall. The closings come directly from the impact of new federal EPA regulations. The plants to close are Albright Power Station, Willow Island Power Station, and the Rivesville Power Station. The company says 105 employees will be directly impacted. The three plants produce 660 megawatts and about 3-percent of FirstEnergy’s total generation. In recent years, the plants served as “peaking facilities” and generated power during times of...

GOOD! It's a dirty energy that pollutes our planet. Get rid of it altogether.
Why do people not realize the GOP have waged class warfare on the middle class? Sending jobs overseas to lower our wages. Hiring illegals in our factories instead of Americans. Wanting to kill social security and medicare. All this they did on purpose. Now they can say we are broke and they can cut more programs that they don't want to pay for. But then they give all the tax savings to the corporations who are not hiring. And allow them to send their money overseas and pay no taxes.

This is all true yet I'm a conspiracy theorist.
No, it's all an hallucination and you're a paranoid hysterical fool.

Maybe some couch time would be beneficial.
Funny, when I asked a right winger how many babies born with birth defects are acceptable, the right winger said, well, if we want jobs, some things are unavoidable.

So I asked the right winger how many of their kids would they let have a birth defect to help the country and they said "None".

Funny, I think you're lying. As usual.

I see a notable lack of concern on your part, and indeed on the part of all the leftists here, for the people Obama's going to put out of work and the poor people who will be hit the hardest by rising energy costs.

Guess if you want the leftist agenda enacted, some things are unavoidable. Right?

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