Thanks TRUMP!!!

My health insurance deductible just went up -1500 bucks!
My co-insurance went up -20%!
What am i going to do now!?!?
Trump is going to destroy your healthcare. Then eat your babies
Can't read WaPo. Paywall
It was just a link from last year saying how trump was going to destroy the healthcare system.
Then i get a letter telling me how my prices are going bigly down LOL

I'm calling BULLSHIT.
Of course you do. The first response from every hack is LIAR! Then they read further and realize how stupid they look as they slither away.
pretty east to understand how Trump did absolutely nothing and prices went down.
My health insurance deductible just went up -1500 bucks!
My co-insurance went up -20%!
What am i going to do now!?!?
Trump is going to destroy your healthcare. Then eat your babies
Can't read WaPo. Paywall
It was just a link from last year saying how trump was going to destroy the healthcare system.
Then i get a letter telling me how my prices are going bigly down LOL

I'm calling BULLSHIT.
Of course you do. The first response from every hack is LIAR! Then they read further and realize how stupid they look as they slither away.

Back when the left rolled out that disaster Obunglescare I was on AOL boards. The first day you could sugn up the left was oohing and ahhing about the great deals they got on insurance when they signed up

Not realizing the site had crashed and nobody could sign up. Lying jackasses
So much for all the dire warnings that without the tax penalty, rates would soar. That's good, TN.
My health insurance deductible just went up -1500 bucks!
My co-insurance went up -20%!
What am i going to do now!?!?
Trump is going to destroy your healthcare. Then eat your babies
Can't read WaPo. Paywall
It was just a link from last year saying how trump was going to destroy the healthcare system.
Then i get a letter telling me how my prices are going bigly down LOL

I'm calling BULLSHIT.
Take a bath liar.
My health insurance deductible just went up -1500 bucks!
My co-insurance went up -20%!
What am i going to do now!?!?
Trump is going to destroy your healthcare. Then eat your babies
Can't read WaPo. Paywall
It was just a link from last year saying how trump was going to destroy the healthcare system.
Then i get a letter telling me how my prices are going bigly down LOL

I'm calling BULLSHIT.
Take a bath liar.

You mad Mikey?
My insurance went up before Trump was elected, I don't expect it to go down, it never does.
Mine did, maybe yours will too!

exactly what did Trump change to make it go down - specifically/with link showing changes

Liberals: "Tell us what exactly makes you think that the sun rises and sets? Include scientific studies, double-blind tested, from reputable sources. Including links."

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