That Bright, Dying Star, the WASP


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2012
That Bright, Dying Star, the American WASP -

By Robert Frank

In the long downward spiral of what used to be known as America's Protestant Establishment, there have been several momentous milestones: Harvard's opening up its admissions policies after World War II. Corporate America's rush in the 1980s to bring more diversity to the corner office. Barack Obama's inauguration as the first African-American president.

History may reveal another milestone—Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court. If she is confirmed, the nation's nine most powerful judges will all be Catholic or Jewish, leaving the court without a Protestant member for the first time.


A Kagan appointment would end the Protestants' high-court run. Associated Press

Whether the court's religious makeup even matters in today's legal world has become a subject of hot debate. Yet by ushering in a Protestant-free court, Ms. Kagan is helping to sweep away some of the last vestiges of a group that ruled American politics, wealth and culture for much of the nation's history.
In old-money enclaves like Palm Beach, Fla., Nantucket, Mass., and Greenwich, Conn., WASPs are being priced out of their waterfront estates and displaced on their nonprofit boards by Jewish, Catholic and other non-Protestant entrepreneurs.

A survey by Pew Research found only 21% of mainline U.S. Protestants had income of $100,000 or more, compared with 46% of Jews and 42% of Hindus.

In "The Protestant Establishment," Mr. Baltzell pointed to the prejudice and insularity of the elite as the eventual causes of its decline. "A crisis has developed in modern America largely because of the White-Anglo-Saxon Protestant establishment's unwillingness, or inability, to share and improve its upper-class traditions by continuously absorbing talented and distinguished members of minority groups into its privileged ranks."
That Bright, Dying Star, the American WASP -

By Robert Frank

In the long downward spiral of what used to be known as America's Protestant Establishment, there have been several momentous milestones: Harvard's opening up its admissions policies after World War II. Corporate America's rush in the 1980s to bring more diversity to the corner office. Barack Obama's inauguration as the first African-American president.

History may reveal another milestone—Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court. If she is confirmed, the nation's nine most powerful judges will all be Catholic or Jewish, leaving the court without a Protestant member for the first time.


A Kagan appointment would end the Protestants' high-court run. Associated Press

A survey by Pew Research found only 21% of mainline U.S. Protestants had income of $100,000 or more, compared with 46% of Jews and 42% of Hindus.

In "The Protestant Establishment," Mr. Baltzell pointed to the prejudice and insularity of the elite as the eventual causes of its decline. "A crisis has developed in modern America largely because of the White-Anglo-Saxon Protestant establishment's unwillingness, or inability, to share and improve its upper-class traditions by continuously absorbing talented and distinguished members of minority groups into its privileged ranks."
You trying to make me sick or something, posting that pic? Barf city.
If I was Empress I would crucify racists of every race and then have them burned. Their screams would be like music to my ears. That or I would turn them into human sacrifices during religious ceremonies.
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If I was Empress I would crucify racists of every race and then have them burned. Their screams would be like music to my ears. That or I would turn them into human sacrifices during religious ceremonies.

You'd have to burn 80% of blacks! Blacks committ over twice as many interracial murders against whites. Vs the other way around....
Sounds like good times are a comin. :lol:
Keep dreaming, racist. Your's is in decline.

Keep wishing. Our genes are stronger and overwrite yours weaksauce. We were here first and we will be the last ones standing. :lol:

Yea you Africans have shown the world so much knowledge and enlightment. You were the first to sell you fellow africans into slavery and still are today slavers.

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There are still plenty of White Anglo-Saxons in America, but I'm hoping that they're beginning to realise how co-opted the Protestant faith has become. Back in the old days of the American Frontier, Protestants were at the helm of wealth, industry and innovation, but after decades of Marxist brainwashing that took full effect after the Civil Rights era, they've been reduced to a flock of terrified multiculturalst enablers who, along with Lutherans, are the chief importers of Third World trash. Ever wonder why so many Somalis began arriving in the American Mid-West, a territory so far removed from their own? It was the bleeding heart Protestants and Lutherans who were campaigning to 'save' them from the famines and civil wars. In turn, they imported the same disregard for human life into the schools their children went to.
Keep dreaming, racist. Your's is in decline.

Keep wishing. Our genes are stronger and overwrite yours weaksauce. We were here first and we will be the last ones standing. :lol:

Yea you Africans have shown the world so much knowledge and enlightment. You were the first to sell you fellow africans into slavery and still are today slavers.


Sorry bud. White people invented slavery. Where do you think the word came from? The Slavs were the original slaves.

The article was written by a Jew.

Elena Kagan is a Jew. A lot of people don't know this. There are a lot of things people don't know.

Here's more:

Israeli press brags on number of Jewish billionaires

Forbes Israel boasts of power of Jewish billionaires

That’s 165 out of a total of 1426 billionaires in the world, or 11%. One of us (Phil) likes to write about the new position of Jews sociologically: and out of the 50 richest people in the world, about a quarter are Jewish. Most of those Jewish billionaires appear to be American, though this is an Israeli publication.

Power and money go together, of course. The sell-line above the logo reads: “Billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov plans to replace Putin as the most powerful person in Russia.” And the article features Sheldon Adelson at #3, the man who bankrolled Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney and skewed our political debate last year way right.
WASP society is disintegrating | Mondoweiss
Then I told my wife’s relation my own theory of the Jewish rise. Much of the 60s rebellion had a political character, but some of it was social, too, against the WASP elite. At Columbia during the 60s rebellion, the students had researched their professors to find out how much of their income came out of the defense contractors. And a lot of those rebellious students were Jewish, their parents ran candy stores or other small businesses, and as SDS leader Mark Rudd said a few years ago, (in this piece on Why there were so many Jews in the SDS) the administration offices at Columbia were “dripping with goyishness.” So there was a social component to that too, it wasn’t just about power.

I wonder when people will begin to describe the new elite. We shy away from doing so because it engages issues of anti-semitism, but if you think of that self-contained WASP society, the only thing to contend with it, in term of social cohesion, is affluent Jewish society, the Jewish mandarins of New York and Washington. No one has given us a name– the media industrial complext? Writers like David Brooks avoid the subject because it would involve talking about the Israel lobby.

But I can tell you from my own life’s arc, from Harvard and New York media/politics, that my Jewish world has the cohesion that my friend remembers about that self-contained WASP society. We have geography and manners (liberal voting, the Hamptons, Paul Krugman’s latest column, Tom Friedman, the Upper West Side, brunches and book clubs), we have a politics (abortion rights, gay rights, Elena Kagan writ large), we have culture (I could go on and on), and yes we have money (hedge funds). And a war under our belt too.
If I was Empress I would crucify racists of every race and then have them burned. Their screams would be like music to my ears. That or I would turn them into human sacrifices during religious ceremonies.

That's rather severe isn't it?

Racism in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Racism against Arabs in Israel has also been claimed in personal attitudes, the media, education, immigration rights, housing,[4] social life and legal policies.


I'm not racist, I'm a Jew! Donald Sterling cites his roots as proof that he is not racist in a new recording and vows to hold onto his team because 'you can't force someone to sell property in America!' | Mail Online
I'm not racist, I'm a Jew! Donald Sterling cites his roots as proof that he is not racist in a new recording and vows to hold onto his team because 'you can't force someone to sell property in America!'

'How can you be in this business and be a racist? Do you think I tell the coach to get white players? Or to get the best player he can get?'

Sterling: It's the world! You go to Israel, the blacks are just treated like dogs.

V. Stiviano: So do you have to treat them like that too?

DS: The white Jews, there's white Jews and black Jews, do you understand?

V: And are the black Jews less than the white Jews?

DS: A hundred percent, fifty, a hundred percent.


The NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver (pictured) : Jew too.
What a cheap excuse for a Thurs Jew-bashing thread.. Yep the WASP decline is because the NBA commish is a Jew and 11% of world billionaires are Jews. And you don't REALLY care to discuss the OP.

You were just constipated with more JewJewJewJew bashing material and needed to take a dump..

Got it..... Unsubscribe..
What a cheap excuse for a Thurs Jew-bashing thread.. Yep the WASP decline is because the NBA commish is a Jew and 11% of world billionaires are Jews. And you don't REALLY care to discuss the OP.

You were just constipated with more JewJewJewJew bashing material and needed to take a dump..

Got it..... Unsubscribe..

Whose bashing? All I am doing is pointing some things out that are in the public domain.

Is it my fault that there are Jewish racists and black racists? I just thought it was rather inhumane of the person who expressed her desire to hear them screaming in agony. How liberal can you get?!

I admit that there IS a LOT of this type of material and that it IS hard to get it out of your system when you are inundated with it everyday.

I mean, how can a person turn on the TV, the radio, open the newspaper or a magazine, or take a walk in the park without being reminded of it. The signs of Jewish hegemony are everywhere.
The multitudes of illegal Mexican immigrants are themselves a reminder of how US boarders have been opened by Jewish lobbies and how Jewish promoted multiculturalism is Balkanizing the country. Every time I buy groceries I'm reminded of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve. I need not tell you whose tribe is controlling those entities.

Indeed, I wish there were some form of ex-lax that a person could take to purge himself of their influence. I would be the first one to recommend it.
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What a cheap excuse for a Thurs Jew-bashing thread.. Yep the WASP decline is because the NBA commish is a Jew and 11% of world billionaires are Jews. And you don't REALLY care to discuss the OP.

You were just constipated with more JewJewJewJew bashing material and needed to take a dump..

Got it..... Unsubscribe..

Whose bashing? All I am doing is pointing some things out that are in the public domain.

Is it my fault that there are Jewish racists and black racists? I just thought it was rather inhumane of the person who expressed her desire to hear them screaming in agony. How liberal can you get?!

I admit that there IS a LOT of this type of material and that it IS hard to get it out of your system when you are inundated with it everyday.

I mean, how can a person turn on the TV, the radio, open the newspaper or a magazine, or take a walk in the park without being reminded of it. The signs of Jewish hegemony are everywhere.
The multitudes of illegal Mexican immigrants are themselves a reminder of how US boarders have been opened by Jewish lobbies and how Jewish promoted multiculturalism is Balkanizing the country. Every time I buy groceries I'm reminded of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve. I need not tell you whose tribe is controlling those entities.

Indeed, I wish there were some form of ex-lax that a person could take to purge himself of their influence. I would be the first one to recommend it.

The signs of conspiracy are always in the heads of the tin foil crowd.. It's part of the disease. And it causes you to HIDE your real OP until Page 2 when you hijack your own OP because no one would care to comment if you set this topic on Page 1..

Get treatment...

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