That Bright, Dying Star, the WASP

If I was Empress I would crucify racists of every race and then have them burned. Their screams would be like music to my ears. That or I would turn them into human sacrifices during religious ceremonies.

You'd have to burn 80% of blacks! Blacks committ over twice as many interracial murders against whites. Vs the other way around....

In a million years, blacks could not come close to killing the number of people whites have killed over the years.
All I get from that long response holsten is that you think MOST WASProtestants are weak minded people who's faith doesn't serve them well and are particularly susceptible to media and Hollywood. And you need an excuse for all that. And second, that you have conspiratorial views of most historical events BECAUSE you need to put a convienient wrapper on all your issues and problems.. Do I have that all correct??

While that's true in some cases, I think it's mostly true that too many don't have any faith at all and of those who do, it is often a kind which has been built more on the doctrines of man and is prone to the kind of gullibility which allows the Zionist media and social engineers to work their magic.

I don't see so many Jews suffering from that plight. Their Talmudic Machiavellianism makes them far too shrewd for that. "Beware the leaven of the Pharisees."

Don't get me wrong. I'm not crediting all the problems of WASPs in the US to Jewish elitists. They're really not that great.
I'm merely trying to reveal some areas in which they might be contributing to or encouraging the disentiegration of the"WASP establishment. Jews like receiving credit. I only wish to give them that which they deserve.

You can see by articles like the one on page one in this thread that the nouveau Jewish Establishment has noticed the trend with great delight.
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In a million years, blacks could not come close to killing the number of people whites have killed over the years.

They should stop doing that, shouldn't they?

That fratricide that happened during the "Civil War" and WWII were two good examples. Whatever on earth possessed them to be killing each other then is anybody's guess.

But you are probably right. Blacks are not nearly as efficient about such things even if they do have a greater tendency towards seeking those types of solutions to their problems.

I take it you don't give a shit.
All I get from that long response holsten is that you think MOST WASProtestants are weak minded people who's faith doesn't serve them well and are particularly susceptible to media and Hollywood. And you need an excuse for all that. And second, that you have conspiratorial views of most historical events BECAUSE you need to put a convienient wrapper on all your issues and problems.. Do I have that all correct??

While that's true in some cases, I think it's mostly true that too many don't have any faith at all and of those who do, it is often a kind which has been built more on the doctrines of man and is prone to the kind of gullibility which allows the Zionist media and social engineers to work their magic.

I don't see so many Jews suffering from that plight. Their Talmudic Machiavellianism makes them far too shrewd for that. "Beware the leaven of the Pharisees."

Don't get me wrong. I'm not crediting all the problems of WASPs in the US to Jewish elitists. They're really not that great.
I'm merely trying to reveal some areas in which they might be contributing to or encouraging the disentiegration of the"WASP establishment. Jews like receiving credit. I only wish to give them that which they deserve.

You can see by articles like the one on page one in this thread that the nouveau Jewish Establishment has noticed the trend with great delight.

"Talmudic Machiavellianism " got ya worried Bunky ?? That's hysterical. And you don't even know why it's funny.. I can ASSURE you that only 5% of Jews in America could even begin to quote ANYTHING in the Talmud. The greatest job is to get them familiar with the basics of the Bible, heritage, and traditions. Funny shit that bigots fuss over. Really man.. Take a vacation in the real world.. Go barefoot in a pasture, play king of the mountain with goat -- go nuts..

So if that 5% Talmud quoting devils of the 11% (that's 0.55% for non-Jews) of Americans that have any ties to Judaism are chilling your karma -- you must be a very weak and susceptible person..
In a million years, blacks could not come close to killing the number of people whites have killed over the years.

They should stop doing that, shouldn't they?

That fratricide that happened during the "Civil War" and WWII were two good examples. Whatever on earth possessed them to be killing each other then is anybody's guess.

But you are probably right. Blacks are not nearly as efficient about such things even if they do have a greater tendency towards seeking those types of solutions to their problems.

I take it you don't give a shit.

Simple. Europeans are violent and have been since they lost their melanin. The environment whites developed in fostered competition and violence. There were not enough resources for the people isolated in western Europe. Its well documented. It doesnt mean they cant change but it had to be passed on via genetics.
Holston is having a full-blown meltdown.

Teh Jooz! Teh Jooz! Run for the hills! It's Teh Jooz! :cuckoo:


We are all the American Jewish establishment

Since the May 23 looting and attacks on African foreigners in Tel Aviv, many Jewish organizations have spoken out, and others continue to.

The problem is, Beinart seems to be confining his criticism to the amorphous concept of the “Jewish Establishment.” I’m increasingly coming to think that the term is a catch-all for everything a liberal Jew doesn’t like when it comes to Jewish organizational attitudes, particularly around Israel.

I have a new formulation for my fellow North American Jews, and anyone else who associates with us in our shuls, schools, community centers, organizations, and Federations: We are all the American Jewish Establishment. (Well, almost all of us.) And I’ll tell you why it matters.

Would we agree that the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations is part of the American Jewish Establishment? Well, Americans for Peace Now has a seat on that esteemed body. So does Ameinu, an organization billing itself as promoting “liberal values” and a “progressive Israel,” and on whose board of directors I currently sit.

The JCCA, The Jewish Federations of North America, The Rabbinical Assembly, the Rabbinical Council of America, Union for Reform Judaism and Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America are all represented there too.
“ angry mob of Israelis, incited by right-wing demagogic politicians who called the Africans a ‘cancer’ on Israel, went on a rampage and attacked African-owned businesses and property. The attack was nothing short of a pogrom, albeit one perpetrated by Jews against a weaker minority group.
If you aren’t sure whether you are part of the “Jewish Establishment,” I submit to you: Do you belong to a synagogue? Do you send your kids to Jewish camp? Jewish school? Do you work out at the JCC? Do you donate to the Jewish Federation? Jewish demagogues openly brag about hegemonic Jewish power, then call everyone else anti-Semitic for noticing it's true

Jewish demagogues openly brag about hegemonic Jewish power, then call everyone else anti-Semitic for noticing it's true

Who most conspicuously asserts that Jews control Hollywood and the US government? Answer: for the moment, veteran Hollywood insider and movie producer Oliver Stone. When asked by Britain's Sunday Times why so much emphasis has been placed on the Holocaust, Stone replied, “The Jewish domination of the media. There’s a major lobby in the United States. They are hard workers. They stay on top of every comment, the most powerful lobby in Washington. Israel has f****d up United States foreign policy for years.”

Here we see ADL making tens of millions of Americans anti-Semitic for simply accepting what Jews tell us about themselves. Many Jewish film historians and reference sources now document how Jews founded the Hollywood movie and Big Three TV industries. Neal Gabler in his classic An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood exhaustively chronicles such control. So does the prestigious Encyclopedia Judaica: “Thus, all the large Hollywood companies, with the exception of United Artists, were founded and controlled by Jews.” ("Motion Pictures," p. 449) The Judaica has separate articles detailing how David Sarnoff, William S. Paley, and Leonard Goldenson founded and controlled NBC, CBS, and ABC.

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Holston is having a full-blown meltdown.

Teh Jooz! Teh Jooz! Run for the hills! It's Teh Jooz! :cuckoo:


You wish.

Why Do So Many Jews Hate Black People? - The Bilzerian Report
Dov Lior, a popular chief rabbi in Israel, recently called Obama a Kushi, which is Israel’s equivalent to nig*er. Most Americans are completely unaware of the general contempt that many Jewish people have towards blacks, as Max Blumenthal found out when he interviewed dozens of young people in Israel who reiterated the Rabbi’s sentiments about Obama.
In Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History, prominent Jewish Historian Marc Raphael wrote “Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French, British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated. This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the triangular slave trade that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses….”

Jewish historical records show that Jewish involvement in the North American slave trade was so dominant that slave posts were frequently closed on Jewish holidays. Arnold Wiznitzer, a Jewish historian, wrote, “the buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews, and because of their lack of competitors they could buy slaves at low prices. If it happened that the date of such an auction fell on a Jewish holiday the auction had to be postponed” In The United States Jewry 1776-1985 Jacob Marcus wrote, “all through the eighteenth century, into the early nineteenth century, Jews in the North were to own black servants. In 1820 over 75% of all Jewish families in Charleston, Richmond, and Savannah owned slaves. Almost 40% of all Jewish householders in the United States owned one slave or more.” In the South, which had a much higher ratio of slave ownership than the North, only 5% of white people owned slaves.

The American media, which is predominately controlled by Jewish Americans (see this article for the names, pictures and titles, to prove this fact), spends a ridiculous amount of airtime focusing on racial strife in America in order to cause a divide between blacks and whites. The truth of the matter is that there is very little inequality between whites and blacks when Jewish people are subtracted from the white column. Although Jewish people represent only 2% of the American population, they comprise 33% of the Supreme Court, 12-35% of the Ivy League student population and nearly 80% of the top administrative positions, 64% of the Federal Reserve including the top two spots, 13% of the Senate, 6.5% of the House of Representatives, and the top positions of the IRS and SEC. In addition, 10.25% of America’s millionaires, 36% of America’s billionaires, and 45% of Forbes’ 40 richest Americans are Jewish. Given these figures, it is statistically impossible for white gentiles to be over-represented in many of these positions. What is really taking place is that Jewish tribalism and nepotism keeps black people from positions of power and influence, but uses their media to blame the inequality on white racism.
Asians as the New Jews,Jews as the New WASPs
In its more than 30 pages of text, 15 separate charts and graphs, five pages of densely packed endnotes, and eight separate online appendices Unz's article presents a powerful, data-driven indictment of the fraudulence and dishonesty of Ivy League institutions, particularly in regard to their admissions of Asians, Jews, and non-Jewish whites. Even longtime readers of Minding the Campus, who are familiar with some of the more dubious practices Unz explores, will find the situation Unz documents considerably worse than what they previously thought. Two of the most salient conclusions of his study might be summed up under the headings "Asians as the New Jews," "Jews as the New Establishment WASPs."

A Dramatic Reversal in Academia

Even more controversial than what Unz has to say about discrimination against Asians is what he says about the dramatic reversal of the role of the Jews in academia. While the Jews early in the 20th century displayed the same kind of stellar academic performance as today's Asians, and like the Asians they were subjected to discriminatory ceiling quotas by those running the Ivy League institutions, today, Unz charges, it is the Jews who occupy many of the top administrative levels of the Ivies and who not only consent to Asian ceiling quotas but artificially prop up the number of Jewish students admitted to their institutions despite dramatic declines in Jewish academic performance at the high end. The Jewish administrators, Unz says in effect, have taken on the role of the older WASP establishment in favoring their own kind.

Some will no doubt find Unz's charges here outrageous and perhaps dismiss him as "a self-hating Jew," but Unz backs up his claims with serious data. What to this writer is most new in Unz's study is the supporting material he presents on the dramatic collapse of Jewish academic achievement over the past ten years, especially among Jews whose families have been in the United States for several generations (more recent Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union seem to be doing much better).
Despite the decline of Jews at the high end, Unz shows that the Ivy League institutions continue to keep their Jewish student population close to the high level it was in the last decades of the 20th century (with Jewish proportions in the 15-25 percent range) when Jewish achievement clearly warranted such high numbers. At Harvard, Yale and Columbia, Jews still constitute a quarter or more of the student body despite the decline in Jewish achievement relative to other groups. Unz finds this to be an unfair product of a Jewish admissions bias.
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Simple. Europeans are violent and have been since they lost their melanin. The environment whites developed in fostered competition and violence. There were not enough resources for the people isolated in western Europe. Its well documented. It doesnt mean they cant change but it had to be passed on via genetics.

For someone who presents himself as black, you sure carry on like a Hasbarat.

I noticed you had no comment about "the Civil War" or WWII.

Assuming you are black, (and I'm not) here's a little treat especially for you.

Well then, sorry I interrupted your not-a-meltdown. Please, continue. :eusa_whistle:


Thank you, I will.

There's no need to apologize for making false statements about me since everyone else around here is doing the same thing. You don't see them apologizing do you?

I already receive ample insults. But there is a severe shortage of intelligent replies. So I'd much prefer that you just confine your comments to the articles in question.

Jews DO control the media | Manny Friedman | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel
Simple. Europeans are violent and have been since they lost their melanin. The environment whites developed in fostered competition and violence. There were not enough resources for the people isolated in western Europe. Its well documented. It doesnt mean they cant change but it had to be passed on via genetics.

For someone who presents himself as black, you sure carry on like a Hasbarat.

I noticed you had no comment about "the Civil War" or WWII.

Assuming you are black, (and I'm not) here's a little treat especially for you.

My comment was directly related to the Civil war and other wars. Europeans have a violent streak brought about by being isolated during the ice age and fighting for resources. I believe that to be genetic and has been the primary cause of all the wars and genocides that have occured at the hands of white people. Someone said earlier and I will echo the same sentiment. Wake me when Black people start wiping out entire societies. Then you can claim Black people are more violent than whites. Otherwise you just look silly making that claim.
Simple. Europeans are violent and have been since they lost their melanin. The environment whites developed in fostered competition and violence. There were not enough resources for the people isolated in western Europe. Its well documented. It doesnt mean they cant change but it had to be passed on via genetics.

For someone who presents himself as black, you sure carry on like a Hasbarat.

I noticed you had no comment about "the Civil War" or WWII.

Assuming you are black, (and I'm not) here's a little treat especially for you.

My comment was directly related to the Civil war and other wars. Europeans have a violent streak brought about by being isolated during the ice age and fighting for resources. I believe that to be genetic and has been the primary cause of all the wars and genocides that have occured at the hands of white people. Someone said earlier and I will echo the same sentiment. Wake me when Black people start wiping out entire societies. Then you can claim Black people are more violent than whites. Otherwise you just look silly making that claim.
Your fear of white people is unwarranted. If you've gotten your ass kicked lately by a white man, it's probably because you axed for it.
For someone who presents himself as black, you sure carry on like a Hasbarat.

I noticed you had no comment about "the Civil War" or WWII.

Assuming you are black, (and I'm not) here's a little treat especially for you.

My comment was directly related to the Civil war and other wars. Europeans have a violent streak brought about by being isolated during the ice age and fighting for resources. I believe that to be genetic and has been the primary cause of all the wars and genocides that have occured at the hands of white people. Someone said earlier and I will echo the same sentiment. Wake me when Black people start wiping out entire societies. Then you can claim Black people are more violent than whites. Otherwise you just look silly making that claim.
Your fear of white people is unwarranted. If you've gotten your ass kicked lately by a white man, it's probably because you axed for it.

You must have missed where I said "wake me". There is not a white boy alive that frightens me. :lol:
My comment was directly related to the Civil war and other wars. Europeans have a violent streak brought about by being isolated during the ice age and fighting for resources. I believe that to be genetic and has been the primary cause of all the wars and genocides that have occured at the hands of white people. Someone said earlier and I will echo the same sentiment. Wake me when Black people start wiping out entire societies. Then you can claim Black people are more violent than whites. Otherwise you just look silly making that claim.
Your fear of white people is unwarranted. If you've gotten your ass kicked lately by a white man, it's probably because you axed for it.

You must have missed where I said "wake me". There is not a white boy alive that frightens me. :lol:
As he puffs out his caved in chest from the safety of his keyboard. :lol:
Your fear of white people is unwarranted. If you've gotten your ass kicked lately by a white man, it's probably because you axed for it.

You must have missed where I said "wake me". There is not a white boy alive that frightens me. :lol:
As he puffs out his caved in chest from the safety of his keyboard. :lol:

As you reply to my post from the safety of your internet connection. :lol:

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