That Bright, Dying Star, the WASP

Yes. I'm glad they are dying out. That was the first thing I said.

All Whites are not WASPs. I dont know what Jews think but feel free to fill in the blanks and dont let me interrupt your fantasy. :lol:

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) is an informal term, sometimes derogatory or disparaging,[1] for a closed group of high-status Americans of English Protestant ancestry. The term applies to a group believed to control disproportionate social and financial power.[2] The term WASP does not describe every Protestant of English background, but rather a small restricted group whose family wealth and elite connections allow them a degree of privilege held by few others

Yes I heard you the first time. I would only like to ensure that as many others as possible also did.

White Anglo Saxon Protestant would cover quite a range of folks in the US. Although in a few years as the Jews step up their campaign to rewrite American History even more so, it wouldn't surprise me to pick up one of their new texts and read about how the original colonies were comprised mainly of Jews who intended the United States to become a Noahide Nation.

As more whites turn to the Secular Humanism and New Age philosophies of Jewish atheist like Carl Sagan and self professed Satanists like Anton Levay, the numbers of ostensible protestants or "Christian" is indeed dwindling.

That's what the topic of this discussion is about isn't it?
And isn't that the fact you are celebrating?

One good thing about the demise of Christianity as the predominately accepted religion, (hypocrites and charlatans notwithstanding) is that the Pagan whites among us will finally have the opportunity to show what a society of whites which is unencumbered with such antiquated notions as "Return good for evil" and "Turn the other cheek" is capable of becoming.

Indeed, many of them often complain that Christianity itself is nothing but a ploy contrived by Jews in order to render gentiles vulnerable to attack.
We may yet live to see the day your theory of the violent nature of whites tested once all the moral, legal, and ethical restraints have been lifted from among them.

My point was to demonstrate the role in which the Jewish Socio-Political Union has played in helping to bring this about.
This is not to cast blame the Jews for the suicidal tendencies of whites, for what they allow to be done to them is partly what they bring upon themselves.
My mission here is to alert those among the young and gullible as to how they are being attacked and who it is that is doing the attacking.

I'm not so worried about what the blacks are doing because they are generally overt in their approach to enemies and those they dislike. Jews however are prone to be sneaking about such things since they are far more lacking in the kind of physical courage which such confrontations take.

Besides, the sneak attack is more likely to succeed since the victim isn't prepared for it. They have used the back door strategy time and again with great success so there is no reason for them to abandon it.
They realize the benefits of waging silent economic and psychological warfare on the gentiles because it is much more profitable. For the Jews to kill the host off which they feed immediately would defeat their original purpose which is just that; to exploit them for all they are worth in the hopes of rendering them as serviceable and docile as so many cattle.
Blacks on the other hand don't have that much sense.

That's why they are prone to do stupid things like attack people in broad daylight with little or no provocation and over some of the stupidest things even when doing so might cost them years in the penitentiary. They are impulsive to the point that they do not pause long enough to weigh the cost benefit ratio. All that occupies their minds at the moment is whether they have been "dissed".

I wonder whether this cost benefit question ever crosses their minds even after years of imprisonment. Jews just aren't that dense even if they are more cowardly.

New Black Panthers call for killing all white people | Fellowship of the Minds

It’s a Black racist group that is calling for the killing of all White people.

The group is the New Black Panther Party — with whom Barack Obama had marched and before whom he spoke, during a campaign stop in Selma, Alabama in March 2007
Central to the ideology of the Nation of Islam — and evidently to that of the New Black Panthers as well — is the notion of whites as “blue-eyed devils” who have kept blacks, the “original man,” enslaved and oppressed for thousands of years. But in the End Times when a huge “mother ship” will appear in the sky, whites will be destroyed, which will usher in a millennial utopia where blacks — who were the original creators of civilization and science — will reign.

I've got news for them. The Jews have plans of their own, and they don't call for any blacks ruling the earth.

You see my point though don't you?

Blacks and Jews alike are EQUALLY capable of some of the ZANIEST ideas.
What is so funny about this is that neither of these groups see themselves as being the least bit "Racist". :lol:
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The dark age that will occur when whites are finally wiped of this planet will make the last one look like a joke

By that time, most of the blacks and Jews will have been melted down in the big communist pot themselves right along with us. Then I suppose we will all be called something like "grays". I don't know what they will do for diversity then.
Maybe the Chinese will come along and mop up the residue.

Anyway, the elitists probably intend to wipe out most of humanity before we can breed ourselves out of existence.
They will no doubt save the seeds of a few "stupid blonds" for sex toys and what not. They would no more want that to vanish than they would a healthy variety of tomato plants.

It's just that whatever remains of us probably won't like the living conditions they have arranged for us or the chores they assign us to do.

Thank God I'll be dead by then.

Until that time I wouldn't worry too much about whitey.
Once he gets his tail stomped on a few times and then gets backed into a corner he'll come out swinging' just like any other wild animal would.

Success and luxury will no doubt soften the Negros just like it has the whites and the Jews. It's just too bad that all that financial success that the Jews enjoy has done nothing to glut their appetite for more. They're as bad about that as Negros are for poontang. :eusa_shhh:
Yes. I'm glad they are dying out. That was the first thing I said.

All Whites are not WASPs. I dont know what Jews think but feel free to fill in the blanks and dont let me interrupt your fantasy. :lol:

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) is an informal term, sometimes derogatory or disparaging,[1] for a closed group of high-status Americans of English Protestant ancestry. The term applies to a group believed to control disproportionate social and financial power.[2] The term WASP does not describe every Protestant of English background, but rather a small restricted group whose family wealth and elite connections allow them a degree of privilege held by few others

Yes I heard you the first time. I would only like to ensure that as many others as possible also did.

White Anglo Saxon Protestant would cover quite a range of folks in the US. Although in a few years as the Jews step up their campaign to rewrite American History even more so, it wouldn't surprise me to pick up one of their new texts and read about how the original colonies were comprised mainly of Jews who intended the United States to become a Noahide Nation.

As more whites turn to the Secular Humanism and New Age philosophies of Jewish atheist like Carl Sagan and self professed Satanists like Anton Levay, the numbers of ostensible protestants or "Christian" is indeed dwindling.

That's what the topic of this discussion is about isn't it?
And isn't that the fact you are celebrating?

One good thing about the demise of Christianity as the predominately accepted religion, (hypocrites and charlatans notwithstanding) is that the Pagan whites among us will finally have the opportunity to show what a society of whites which is unencumbered with such antiquated notions as "Return good for evil" and "Turn the other cheek" is capable of becoming.

Indeed, many of them often complain that Christianity itself is nothing but a ploy contrived by Jews in order to render gentiles vulnerable to attack.
We may yet live to see the day your theory of the violent nature of whites tested once all the moral, legal, and ethical restraints have been lifted from among them.

My point was to demonstrate the role in which the Jewish Socio-Political Union has played in helping to bring this about.
This is not to cast blame the Jews for the suicidal tendencies of whites, for what they allow to be done to them is partly what they bring upon themselves.
My mission here is to alert those among the young and gullible as to how they are being attacked and who it is that is doing the attacking.

I'm not so worried about what the blacks are doing because they are generally overt in their approach to enemies and those they dislike. Jews however are prone to be sneaking about such things since they are far more lacking in the kind of physical courage which such confrontations take.

Besides, the sneak attack is more likely to succeed since the victim isn't prepared for it. They have used the back door strategy time and again with great success so there is no reason for them to abandon it.
They realize the benefits of waging silent economic and psychological warfare on the gentiles because it is much more profitable. For the Jews to kill the host off which they feed immediately would defeat their original purpose which is just that; to exploit them for all they are worth in the hopes of rendering them as serviceable and docile as so many cattle.
Blacks on the other hand don't have that much sense.

That's why they are prone to do stupid things like attack people in broad daylight with little or no provocation and over some of the stupidest things even when doing so might cost them years in the penitentiary. They are impulsive to the point that they do not pause long enough to weigh the cost benefit ratio. All that occupies their minds at the moment is whether they have been "dissed".

I wonder whether this cost benefit question ever crosses their minds even after years of imprisonment. Jews just aren't that dense even if they are more cowardly.

New Black Panthers call for killing all white people | Fellowship of the Minds

It’s a Black racist group that is calling for the killing of all White people.

The group is the New Black Panther Party — with whom Barack Obama had marched and before whom he spoke, during a campaign stop in Selma, Alabama in March 2007
Central to the ideology of the Nation of Islam — and evidently to that of the New Black Panthers as well — is the notion of whites as “blue-eyed devils” who have kept blacks, the “original man,” enslaved and oppressed for thousands of years. But in the End Times when a huge “mother ship” will appear in the sky, whites will be destroyed, which will usher in a millennial utopia where blacks — who were the original creators of civilization and science — will reign.

I've got news for them. The Jews have plans of their own, and they don't call for any blacks ruling the earth.

You see my point though don't you?

Blacks and Jews alike are EQUALLY capable of some of the ZANIEST ideas.
What is so funny about this is that neither of these groups see themselves as being the least bit "Racist". :lol:

Strike 2. I am not in the NOI and do not believe white people to be devils even though there are many that act like it. Jews. whites, whatever. Blacks were the orginal people of the earth and we will be the ones still standing when its all over. Its simply genetics son. Whats your next guess? That I'm half Jew and half NOI. :lol:
The dark age that will occur when whites are finally wiped of this planet will make the last one look like a joke

Blacks brought you out of the last dark age so I understand why you would feel terrible about how illiterate Europeans were then. I hear tell they thought water was contaminated with evil spirits so they seldom bathed.
The dark age that will occur when whites are finally wiped of this planet will make the last one look like a joke

Blacks brought you out of the last dark age so I understand why you would feel terrible about how illiterate Europeans were then. I hear tell they thought water was contaminated with evil spirits so they seldom bathed.

Oh, here we go. More fake history from Asslips. :lol:
The dark age that will occur when whites are finally wiped of this planet will make the last one look like a joke

Blacks brought you out of the last dark age so I understand why you would feel terrible about how illiterate Europeans were then. I hear tell they thought water was contaminated with evil spirits so they seldom bathed.

Oh, here we go. More fake history from Asslips. :lol:
Oh yeah??? Well, what about all those car manufacturing plants in Uganda??? Haven't you heard about them? Yeah, me neither.
The dark age that will occur when whites are finally wiped of this planet will make the last one look like a joke

Blacks brought you out of the last dark age so I understand why you would feel terrible about how illiterate Europeans were then. I hear tell they thought water was contaminated with evil spirits so they seldom bathed.

Oh, here we go. More fake history from Asslips. :lol:

Asslips is not black. He is a Hasbarat doing what Hasbarats do, trying to change the subject.

Right now he's trying to provoke whites into a black bashing fest so that blacks reading this will become inflamed with whites in return. The idea is to keep enlarging the wedge between blacks and whites as much as possible. This way the Jews can go to the blacks and say "Those nasty whites" while they are simultaneously whispering in the ears of whites, "Those nasty whites".

Playing both ends against the middle is a game that Jews are good at and it is one of the techniques which they use in order to acquire more leverage for themselves.

They would prefer that blacks waste their time and energy attacking one another rather than focusing on the ruling Jewish Oligarchy and trying to restore the US to the Constitutional Republic it was intended to be.

Asclepias - definition of Asclepias in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Asclepias widespread genus of the plant family Asclepiadaceae which contains many poisonous plants, most of them with copious white sap.

Asclepias is also a genus of Butterfly Bushes. Judging by the way he huffs and puffs his color is most likely some shade of yellow since it is more often the cowardly types who feel the strongest urge to create a macho online image being unable to do so in real life.
Blacks brought you out of the last dark age so I understand why you would feel terrible about how illiterate Europeans were then. I hear tell they thought water was contaminated with evil spirits so they seldom bathed.

Oh, here we go. More fake history from Asslips. :lol:

Asslips is not black. He is a Hasbarat doing what Hasbarats do, trying to change the subject.

Right now he's trying to provoke whites into a black bashing fest so that blacks reading this will become inflamed with whites in return. The idea is to keep enlarging the wedge between blacks and whites as much as possible. This way the Jews can go to the blacks and say "Those nasty whites" while they are simultaneously whispering in the ears of whites, "Those nasty whites".

Playing both ends against the middle is a game that Jews are good at and it is one of the techniques which they use in order to acquire more leverage for themselves.

They would prefer that blacks waste their time and energy attacking one another rather than focusing on the ruling Jewish Oligarchy and trying to restore the US to the Constitutional Republic it was intended to be.

Asclepias - definition of Asclepias in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Asclepias widespread genus of the plant family Asclepiadaceae which contains many poisonous plants, most of them with copious white sap.

Asclepias is also a genus of Butterfly Bushes. Judging by the way he huffs and puffs his color is most likely some shade of yellow since it is more often the cowardly types who feel the strongest urge to create a macho online image being unable to do so in real life.

I must seriously be in your head. :lol: :rofl:

BTW you dont know what the hell you are talking about. Asclepias is not a genus of Butterfly Bushes. Asclepias has nothing to do with Buddleja davidii. You need more education if you are going to try and figure me out!
Minorities In America: Whites Losing Majority In Under-5 Age Group

Minorities In America: Whites Losing Majority In Under-5 Age Group

By HOPE YEN 06/13/13
WASHINGTON — In a first, America's racial and ethnic minorities now make up about half of the under-5 age group, reflecting sweeping changes by race and class among young people. Due to an aging population, non-Hispanic whites last year recorded more deaths than births.

These two milestones, revealed in 2012 census estimates released Thursday, are the latest signs of a historic shift in which whites will become a minority within a generation, by 2043. They come after the Census Bureau reported last year that whites had fallen to a minority among newborns.

This is by design.
One can go back to a time when in high school, required reading included the Jew Paul Erlich's book entitled The Population Bomb, which was intended to discourage whites from reproducing. Other required reading in public schools was Demond Morris's The Naked Ape, you can easily imagine the atheistic, secular, and sardonic content of that, and Racheal Carson's Silent Spring, which marked the beginning of the "Green Movement" which has evolved into a political tool of Globalists to establish a global carbon tax.

The fact that it was primarily the Jewish Socio/Political Union of Marxist/Jewish Supremacists who spear headed these movements, the abolition of immigration restrictions can clearly be shown by looking at the history behind them.
I must seriously be in your head. :lol: :rofl:

BTW you dont know what the hell you are talking about. Asclepias is not a genus of Butterfly Bushes. Asclepias has nothing to do with Buddleja davidii. You need more education if you are going to try and figure me out!

You're not as much in my head as you are trying to get in my rectum. But you could try to explain the nature of your anal obsession if you really want to make yourself useful. I understand it was the Jew Freud who first called attention to it.

I already have you figured out. I'm only trying to clue others in.
They all are aware that there are black assholes out there so they don't need some fly speck of a Jew pretending to be one.

Jewish dickering with immigration laws is irrefutable. Of course that won't stop them from lying about it any more than proof of anything else does.

Bill Giving Orthodox Jews Sole Power on Citizenship Fails in Israel -

The principal bill would have deprived Reform and Conservative Jewish authorities of the right to determine who is Jewish and therefore who is eligible for Israeli citizenship. That bill was defeated by a vote of 60 to 53.

Over the last several years, Orthodox Jewish figures have failed in several attempts to alter Israel's basic immigration law, the Law of Return. Their aim is to exclude people who have converted to Judaism through the Reform or Conservative movements. Law of Return

The Law of Return states that anyone born of a Jewish mother and anyone who has converted to Judaism has the right to immigrate immediately to Israel and to receive citizenship.

There's no "discrimination" there.
Not at all.
Jews are clear enough that they want "multiculturalism" and "separation of church (Christianity) and state) for the USA but quite the opposite for Israel ie Israel to be a totally JEWISH state with JUDAISM over all.
The principal bill would have deprived Reform and Conservative Jewish authorities of the right to determine who is Jewish and therefore who is eligible for Israeli citizenship. That bill was defeated by a vote of 60 to 53.

Over the last several years, Orthodox Jewish figures have failed in several attempts to alter Israel's basic immigration law, the Law of Return. Their aim is to exclude people who have converted to Judaism through the Reform or Conservative movements. Law of Return

The Law of Return states that anyone born of a Jewish mother and anyone who has converted to Judaism has the right to immigrate immediately to Israel and to receive citizenship.

The article tries to give the impression that Jews somehow or another failed at some attempts. Further reading reveals that the entire exhibition was little more than a staged controversy between one faction of Jews and another.
At the end of the day, they are ALL Jews.
The second bill rejected today would have done essentially the same thing as the first bill by giving the Orthodox rabbinical authorities the power to approve or to disapprove immigration and conversion certificates. That bill was defeated by a vote of 60 to 51.

During the debate, Rabbi Abraham Verdiger, a member of Parliament from the Morasha Party, one of Israel's small religious parties, asserted that ''anyone who is not Jewish cannot become a Jew through fictionalized conversions.'' Rabbi Verdiger supports the change in immigration law. 'A Symbolic Victory'

Rabbi Richard G. Hirsch, director of the World Union of Progressive Judaism, which represents Reform Jews, said the vote was ''a symbolic victory for us and another defeat for them.''

''If it had passed it would have seriously affected relations between Israel and the Diaspora, and injected divisiveness into world Jewry at a time when Israel needs support,'' he said.
People of all colors and religions can make something of themselves or not. I don't blame Protestants for stepping up to the plate and creating a better life for themselves nor do I blame white folks for the same. Reverse discrimination likely isn't the best way to succeed but "the world" can certainly give it a try. Enterprising folks will always overcome adversity and reverse-hatred. So ... hating a white Christian isn't really going to do much to elevate non-white, non-Christians. It will only reveal your hatred.
The above article dealt with immigration into Israel and involved only the Israeli Parliament.

But what of the US?
We shall see.

Now let's hear from National Proletariat Radio:

1965 Immigration Law Changed Face of America : NPR

An Argument Based on Egalitarianism

"The law was just unbelievable in its clarity of racism," says Stephen Klineberg, a sociologist at Rice University. "It declared that Northern Europeans are a superior subspecies of the white race. The Nordics were superior to the Alpines, who in turn were superior to the Mediterraneans, and all of them were superior to the Jews and the Asians.

This statement by a Jew roughly sums up the Jewish viewpoint on US immigration before the Jewish Union dicked around with it, leading us to the situation we face today.

Notice the way that he framed the statement to make white Anglo Saxons appear to be "racist" and pitted against both Asians and Jews in the same breath.
How many other political and social programs have you seen promoted based on the same argument of "Egalitarianism". The idea of "equality" and the ambiguous and variable meaning associated with it has been one of the mainstay's of Jewish argumentation in the psychological war upon whites.
It has worked very well for the very reason that the US HAS BEEN a nation in which the predominant religion was Christianity, something which Jews deny.

Everyone is aware of the principle doctrine of Christ which implies that all men are created by God and that God demands that all men treat other men accordingly.
The Bible also states that "God is no respecter of persons". Most people are aware of these concepts whether they go to church, believe in, or practice Christianity at all.
This is precisely because Christianity DID dominate the social landscape of the US for a long time, despite the presence of sinners and charlatans.

People, being very simple minded, take the word "equal" concretely as to mean two things which are perfectly identical. They may fail to appreciate the spiritual nuances of a concept which draws on that word to describe a concept in which the spirit of man is conceived as being "equal" in the sense of having been created by God and "equal" in the sense of deserving the same respect under laws which are ordained by God.

The Jews have used the ambiguity inherent in this concept "That all men are created 'equal" as a means of equivocation in the minds of lesser intellects who tend to think more concretely than abstractly.

The effect of all this has ultimately been to pervert the concept of Christian charity, which urges one to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", to act as "the good Samaritan", to treat the sojourner with hospitality, and to give all respect to others as God would demand, to one of a means of forcing unwarranted concessions, and creating burdens upon the class of Anglo Saxon whites based upon the false premise that in order to meet God's standards, one must subject oneself to any and all demands which another might impose upon them.
Thus you have Jews and others accusing whites of not being "equal" by objecting to interracial marriages, or by insisting on their own rights to choose their own companions and determine their own futures.

The Jews would place the "WASP" as they have derogatorially referred to him, in a position where no amount of bending over backwards to accommodate the wishes of so called "minorities" is sufficient to placate his desire for even further concessions.

These intrusions based upon the perverted meaning of "equality" extends from the use of ones money all the way up to who one must bed down with.

So the demands for "egalitarianism" as posited by the Jewish Socio-Political engineers places the entire burden of adhering to some implied moral standard upon the much hated "WASP" without any regard to similar obligations on the part of those making the demands.

The sorry fact of the matter which the Jewish Socio-Politcal Union does not want "whitey" to wise up to, is that in JUDAISM there IS NO such CONCEPT of "EQUALITY" as far as the "Jews" themselves go for the simple reason that THEY BELIEVE they are a religious cut above all other peoples of the world.

This SUPREMACY of Jews lies at the heart of Jewish culture and tradition and is the central tenet of the Jewish religion.
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Whites should embrace diversity. It can only help your gene pool.

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds | Fox News

The doubly diluted genetic diversity has allowed "bad" mutations to build up in the European population, something that the more genetically varied African population has had more success in weeding out.

We get it. You are pretending to be a Black Supremacist.

White Americans are both genetically weaker and less diverse than their black compatriots, a Cornell University-led study finds.
And who do you suppose is behind this "study"?

said senior co-author Carlos Bustamante,

Jews frequently use gentile front men to say and do things they'd rather the gentile public not identify them with. It is also known that this kind of liberal tripe is heavily rewarded by Jewish faculty and the libtard Shabbos Goyim who work for them.

But how about leaving those choices up to the white people themselves rather than forcing yourselves and others upon them?
I don't call that social justice. I call it rape.
Jewish Immigrants

Jewish immigrants coming to American soil was another one of the largest movements in immigration history of the United States. Though many relate Jewish immigrants with World War II, many had arrived in America long before.

New York City was the immigration center of the world in the late 1800s.

Jewish Immigration Act of 1965

Discussions of immigration go way back, but of particular interest was the heart-pulling suggestion that all of Europe's Jews be allowed to freely immigrate to the United States when Hitler took power.

At the forefront of this call of an emergency Jewish evacuation was Emanuel Celler.

So Emanuel Celler was not concerned for Poles, or Frenchmen, but only concerned for Jews to be allowed to immigrate to America. And why not, he's Jewish.

So in fact, it was the Jewish Lobby who wanted the open immigration.
But this Jewish man's part in American history does not stop with flooding America with Jews. He was the man who proposed the America-killing Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 which opened the floodgates to non-Christians from India, Pakistan, China, and everywhere in between.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 (Hart-Celler Act, INS, Act of 1965, Pub.L. 89-236) abolished the National Origins Formula that had been in place in the United States since the Immigration Act of 1924.

It was proposed by United States Representative Emanuel Celler of New York, co-sponsored by United States Senator Philip Hart of Michigan and heavily supported by United States Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts.

After Kennedy's assassination, President Lyndon Johnson signed the bill at the foot of the Statue of Liberty as a symbolic gesture

-- Wikipedia - Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

The immigration policies of the US prior to that time had been designed TO PRESERVE the demographics of the US as a predominately Anglo Saxon English speaking Christian religion oriented culture.

The Jews weren't going to have this!

They would have you believe that it is some sort of SIN for whites to prefer to live among others whose racial, religious, and cultural composition match their own. IT IS NOT!

What IS a sin, is for these JEWISH interlopers to be welcomed into this nation only to start revamping the entire cultural, legislative, religious, and governing structure from the inside out and making demand after demand that the HOST conform to the demands of the JEWISH MINORITY guest!

THEY DEMAND that the US be transformed into a modern day BABEL, so much the easier to take it down to make way for the Globalist "New World Order" which will ultimately give way to the "Mashianic Age".

This is the root of the PERVERSION of the concept of "equality" which has been introduced into the political discourse.

There is NOTHING CHRISTIAN about it!
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People of all colors and religions can make something of themselves or not. I don't blame Protestants for stepping up to the plate and creating a better life for themselves nor do I blame white folks for the same. Reverse discrimination likely isn't the best way to succeed but "the world" can certainly give it a try. Enterprising folks will always overcome adversity and reverse-hatred. So ... hating a white Christian isn't really going to do much to elevate non-white, non-Christians. It will only reveal your hatred.

You should learn to distinguish between "hatred" and "anger".

There are times when anger may arise naturally as the result of offenses. Blacks are by no means the only ones entitled to it.

And let the man who is without "hate" cast the first stone!
Keep dreaming, racist. Your's is in decline.

Our future looks like south Africa. Everyone loses, when we're gone!

South Africa is going to be fine. The Black people there are taking back their land.

The land of South Africa originally was occupied by and was in the possession of the Bushmen ( a brown skinned people) long before the Bantu people (blacks) arrived from the north. As a matter fact the whites arrived and settled on the cape a couple hundred years before the blacks were seen there. If ownership is to be determined by who was there first, the land belongs to the coloreds, a people who are for the most part a mixture of the Bushmen and early white immigrants.

The situation for the coloreds has not changed much since the end of white rule. They supported the ANC and now feel like they got screwed. This comes from a young colored man in South Africa by way of the internet.
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Our future looks like south Africa. Everyone loses, when we're gone!

South Africa is going to be fine. The Black people there are taking back their land.

The land of South Africa originally was occupied by and was in the possession of the Bushmen ( a brown skinned people) long before the Bantu people (blacks) arrived from the north. As a matter fact the whites arrive and settled on the cape a couple hundred years before the blacks were seen there. If ownership is to be determined by who was there first, the land belongs to the coloreds, a people who are for the most part a mixture of the Bushmen and early white immigrants.

The situation for the coloreds has not changed much since the end of white rule. They supported the ANC and now feel like they got screwed. This comes from a young colored man in South Africa by way of the internet.

That doesnt even make sense. There were no white people in south africa so how is it going to belong to people of mixed descent?

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