That Bright, Dying Star, the WASP

Though Jews brag of their power and control, they forbid others from pointing it out, calling them "anti-Semite" Jewish demagogues openly brag about hegemonic Jewish power, then call everyone else anti-Semitic for noticing it's true

White non-Jews are not the only ones to notice these things.

Asians as the New Jews,Jews as the New WASPs

They also notice the racism of Jews as well as their inordinate wealth and power.

Why Do So Many Jews Hate Black People? - The Bilzerian Report
Not only are Jews racist against blacks.

Israel?s Anti-Black Pogrom by Justin Raimondo --

They are racist against white non-Jews as well.

Harvard Professor: ?Abolish the White Race? |

Black racism against whites makes the consensus of the MAJORITY decidedly AGAINST "whitey".

Harvard Professor: ?Abolish the White Race? |

All this anti-white racism continues amidst the decline of white (non-Jewish) power and population.

Minorities In America: Whites Losing Majority In Under-5 Age Group
Jews perpetually profligate materials designed to inflame racial animosity between white non-Jews and other races, blacks in particular.

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds | Fox News

This is made evident by the praises they heap upon blacks who incite violence and commit acts of terror against white non-Jews.

Mandela, Apartheid And The Jews | The Jewish Week

While Jews continue to enforce policies and maintain Israel as a Jewish State, discriminating against blacks and non-Jews themselves, they actively promote unrestricted immigration of different racial groups into areas largely populated by white non-Jews such as South Africa, Europe, and the United States.

Jewish Immigration Act of 1965

This is with the express purpose of altering the demographics of predominantly white countries into those which resemble the third world countries of non-whites.

1965 Immigration Law Changed Face of America : NPR
Jews are traditionally Marxist.

Jews and Communism In South Africa

While they promote enforced "separation of church and state", they actively promote Judaism in government.

Exposed Roots: The Importance of Faith-Rooted Spiritual Activism | Social Justice Rav | Jewish Journal

Jews encourage violence against whites by "minorities" and even commit acts of violence against other ethnic groups such as the Palestinians while pretending to be non-violent themselves.

Occasionally the cat gets out of the bag but this is never emphasized in the media as neither are acts of violence committed against white non-Jews by blacks. Only acts of white violence against blacks receive national attention, thus further demonstrating the control of liberal Jews over the media.

Donald Sterling Is Right Black Jews Are Treated Like Dogs In Israel

[ame=]Kill the Whites - YouTube[/ame]
The Hasbara and Jewish Supremacist Sayinim do all they can to discredit and suppress these truths from emerging into the mainstream.

They will never answer questions about or address the incriminating evidence itself because
they cannot logically deny it without exposing themselves to observers as the lying fools which they are. So they ridicule, spam, divert, and attempt to bury it instead.

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Jonathon Blakeley: A guide to Hasbara*trolls
Hasbara Tactics
By controlling information one can control people and the social networks. Hasbara volunteers help to police social networks for Israel. The big media are dealt with through BICOM and AIPAC, whilst the social media are policed unofficially by the Hasbara troll brigade. Priority is to stop influencers being compromised by anti-Israel sentiment.
Hasbara Troll brigade
Hasbara Trolls are generally quite polite at first. They pop up when someone is critical of Israel and it's policies or interests. They target, write, engage, educate and insult. From my research it seems that there is some kind of hierarchy of trolls, they have leaders who tell them targets and guide them with their spin. Most work voluntarily but some are paid for by wealthy sponsors. They track topical keywords and persons using public websites such as Problems arise if one rejects the explanations being offered by the trolls, then their troll nature becomes apparent very quickly as they resort to smears and abuse.
Hasbara Troll attributes

Supreme point of view
The Hasbara troll knows best
Condescending & Patronising
Socialist (Smart and 'caring')
Do not have to be Jewish but Pro-Israel

Internet experts

Like to ask the questions, not answer questions
Control freaks
Inflamed by anyone being critical of Israel

'Moral' Guardians
Classic insults: Anti-semite, Neo- Nazi, White Supremacist, Holocaust denier
Adept with social networks well trained on IT

Troll techniques

Turn up randomly asking question about Israel, trying to engage/educate.
Guilt by association, they point to some source your are linked to as being anti-semitic or neo-nazi.
Opportunity to redeem - the offer chance to recant from your naive ways.
Smears and insults - if the top 3 fail then it's just character assassination.
Name bombing - using seo in blackhat ways to denounce and smear people. ie website with 37 mentions of someones name will prob get a Page one on Google.
Hasbara trolls generally follow the rules of social networks, because they want to continue to influence people and subvert open and free debate.
Just mentioning Gilad Atzmon on twitter is sufficient to attract the Hasbara vermin within a very short time. They all know each other as well and they enjoy bullying dissenters with their chums. Really it is just like being back at school being bullied by the school gang. Usually the lead bully goes into to attack whilst others stand by making encouraging noises. We are 'told' that we live in a free society, but we don't! Free speech and debate are being squashed by the likes of BICOM, AIPAC and a small army of annoying Hasbara trolls.
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Israel is a racist state.
Holstein is a racist douche.

They also pose as people of other races or ethnic groups in order to make their positions appear popular in those groups.

They may masquerade as blacks, white non-Jewish women, white non-Jewish men, Mexicans, Arabs, or even Japanese.

This is done to make their own view point appear to be shared by others.

Or they may pose as white non-Jews and deliberately make "racist" or "neo-Nazi" remarks in order to discredit by association anyone who presents a legitimate criticism of either Israel, Judaism, or the Jewish traditions themselves.

Likewise they may pose as blacks in order to make insults against whites in the attempt to launch them into anti-black diatribes, thus stirring up even more racial animosity.

Since the "Jews" act as a dominate POLITICAL force and are SOCIAL activists, they must be exposed to the same kind of criticism and scrutiny as any other religion, social, or political organization which may have an impact on the country at large.

The Jewish faction is attempting to cover up the hypocrisy they reveal when they are at once both denouncing others as "racist" while they behave as "racists" and enforce racist policies themselves.

They pretend to do all these things on behalf of minorities or in the interest of humanity but their power grabs and the results of their actions belie their true intention which is to create and use animosities of one vying group over another as a means of attaining LEVERAGE for themselves.

As long as critics cower in fear of the "anti-Semite" epithet, the Jewish Union will continue to hamstring free speech and dominate the political landscape by providing themselves a shield from behind which they can exercise a full reign of power.

If this situation is not halted, the US will be lose it's sovereignty and be brought under the control of the UN and Global financial institutions which are mainly controlled by Jewish forces.
In this way, a small minority can indeed achieve global domination.
This is precisely what the end times of the Jewish religion call for.
there are no written African languages except arabic and HEBREW
why is that?

Cat got your tongue?

no; why?

If that's true then there's no reason why you can't address the topic or explain how your comment pertains to it. We already know that Asslips is a Hasbarat. So what's your excuse?
Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Jonathon Blakeley: A guide to Hasbara*trolls
Hasbara Tactics
By controlling information one can control people and the social networks
. Hasbara volunteers help to police social networks for Israel. The big media are dealt with through BICOM and AIPAC, whilst the social media are policed unofficially by the Hasbara troll brigade. Priority is to stop influencers being compromised by anti-Israel sentiment.
Hasbara Troll brigade
Hasbara Trolls are generally quite polite at first. They pop up when someone is critical of Israel and it's policies or interests. They target, write, engage, educate and insult. From my research it seems that there is some kind of hierarchy of trolls, they have leaders who tell them targets and guide them with their spin. Most work voluntarily but some are paid for by wealthy sponsors. They track topical keywords and persons using public websites such as Problems arise if one rejects the explanations being offered by the trolls, then their troll nature becomes apparent very quickly as they resort to smears and abuse.
Hasbara Troll attributes

Supreme point of view
The Hasbara troll knows best
Condescending & Patronising
Socialist (Smart and 'caring')
Do not have to be Jewish but Pro-Israel
Internet experts
Like to ask the questions, not answer questions
Control freaks
Inflamed by anyone being critical of Israel
'Moral' Guardians
Classic insults: Anti-semite, Neo- Nazi, White Supremacist, Holocaust denier
Adept with social networks well trained on IT

Troll techniques

Turn up randomly asking question about Israel, trying to engage/educate.
Guilt by association, they point to some source your are linked to as being anti-semitic or neo-nazi.
Opportunity to redeem - the offer chance to recant from your naive ways.
Smears and insults - if the top 3 fail then it's just character assassination.
Name bombing - using seo in blackhat ways to denounce and smear people. ie website with 37 mentions of someones name will prob get a Page one on Google.
Hasbara trolls generally follow the rules of social networks, because they want to continue to influence people and subvert open and free debate.
Just mentioning Gilad Atzmon on twitter is sufficient to attract the Hasbara vermin within a very short time. They all know each other as well and they enjoy bullying dissenters with their chums. Really it is just like being back at school being bullied by the school gang. Usually the lead bully goes into to attack whilst others stand by making encouraging noises. We are 'told' that we live in a free society, but we don't! Free speech and debate are being squashed by the likes of BICOM, AIPAC and a small army of annoying Hasbara trolls.

Though Jews brag of their power and control, they forbid others from pointing it out, calling them "anti-Semite" Jewish demagogues openly brag about hegemonic Jewish power, then call everyone else anti-Semitic for noticing it's true

White non-Jews are not the only ones to notice these things.

Asians as the New Jews,Jews as the New WASPs

They also notice the racism of Jews as well as their inordinate wealth and power.

Why Do So Many Jews Hate Black People? - The Bilzerian Report

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