That Bright, Dying Star, the WASP

The land of South Africa originally was occupied by and was in the possession of the Bushmen ( a brown skinned people) long before the Bantu people (blacks) arrived from the north. As a matter fact the whites arrive and settled on the cape a couple hundred years before the blacks were seen there. If ownership is to be determined by who was there first, the land belongs to the coloreds, a people who are for the most part a mixture of the Bushmen and early white immigrants.

The situation for the coloreds has not changed much since the end of white rule. They supported the ANC and now feel like they got screwed. This comes from a young colored man in South Africa by way of the internet.

The US was founded by White Anglo Saxon Protestants. The government they formed was based upon concepts which are derived from Christian principles.

The indigenous people, ie the American Indians were supplanted by white men. Indians warred with each other over territory long before the white man arrived.

Attempts by various Indians, the Spanish, the French, and even the British were made to either remove or rule over these WASP settlers.

Those who make the argument that Indians were defeated by those settlers and thus ought to have the land returned to them can do so if they are able.
Or they may choose to give it to the Spanish or the French based on similar arguments.

Lastly they may choose to give it up to the Jewish Supremacists who have bird worked their way into the US Government and control of the US society via the media.

In any case all those whites who fell sufficiently guilty may opt to allow themselves to be talked out of sacrificing their heritage and giving up their possessions on the alter of political correctness by Jews or anyone else they believe is entitled to them.

However they may encounter some resistance from whites who do not feel obligated to give up any of those things based upon those arguments or for any other reason.

They may be of the mind that to the victor goes the spoils. Thus is the thinking of the Machiavellian Jews in the US, just as their brethren in Israel demonstrate with respect to Palestine.

Conquest is conquest whether it is achieved through military might as gentiles are inclined to do, or whether it is achieved through financial , political ,and social wrangling as Jews are inclined to do. Jews prefer to use others to do any shedding of blood which may be required at the end of the day.
US Jews led the way for sanctions and other pressures to be brought upon South Africans to open themselves up to black incursions.

The results of this Jewish program has not gone well for white South Africans. Of course none of that is newsworthy in the US.

Mandela, Apartheid And The Jews | The Jewish Week
Nelson Mandela’s death evoked a worldwide outpouring of respect and love. Jewish leaders, from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu (to South African Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein to President Obama, praised his greatness. Netanyahu called him “a freedom fighter who rejected any violence” and “a moral leader of the highest order.”

Nelson Mandela’s death evoked a worldwide outpouring of respect and love. Jewish leaders, from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu (to South African Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein to President Obama, praised his greatness. Netanyahu called him “a freedom fighter who rejected any violence” and “a moral leader of the highest order.”

In 2000, in a show trial, Iran falsely convicted 13 Iranian Jews of espionage for Israel. When Mandela defended the trial as “free and fair,” the American Jewish Committee cancelled its planned dinner honoring him for humanitarianism and statesmanship.

Notice how Jews dispense their "respect and love".

When Mandela upheld the conviction of Jewish spies, the Jews suddenly did an about face.

In the US, Jews declare that Jonathon Pollard was only convicted of espionage "because he was a Jew."

We must remember that when South Africa became independent, the whites created an oppressive, racist system and tightened it until it became the morally despicable system of apartheid, which denied blacks civil rights, including the right to vote.

"The whites" here refers to non-Jewish whites, not the sickly pale Ashekenazim variety that dictates American policy.

Jews also do not consider Israel to be Apartheid or the confinement, and displacement of Palestinians to be an "oppressive racist system".

The evidence is quite to the contrary.

Nelson Mandela and his friends courageously stood up for Africans’ full human dignity and rights. He started as a person committed to non-violence. However, in the face of tightening repression and especially after the Sharpeville incident in which 57 Africans peacefully demonstrating for their rights were shot to death by the police, Mandela and his circle concluded that only armed resistance could bring down the government and turned to violence. This gave the government the excuse to arrest and try him. He was imprisoned for 27 years.

Despite Mandela's expressed hatred of whites and the terrorist actions he committed, the Jews accuse the South Africans of fabricating "an excuse" to put him in jail where he could do no further harm.

Unfortunately the Jews of the US nor Israel consider the deaths of Palestinians nor the dropping of phosphorus bombs on them as even requiring "an excuse".

The author goes on and on to lavish praises upon the terrorist Mandela, pausing only to condemn him for any criticism he made of Israel or support he showed for Arabs.

You can read the rest yourself if it doesn't nauseate you.

Irving Greenberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Irving (Yitzchak) Greenberg (born 1933), also known as Yitz Greenberg, is a Modern Orthodox rabbi, Jewish-American scholar and author. He is known as a strong supporter of Israel[1] and a promoter of greater understanding between Judaism and Christianity

"greater understanding between Judaism and Christianity" can roughly be translated into the hoodooing of JUDEO Zio xtian for whatever political and financial support which can be milked from them.
He earned a PhD. from Harvard University and served as the Jewish chaplain of Brandeis University, the rabbi of the Riverdale Jewish Center, an associate professor of history at Yeshiva University, and as a founder, chairman, and professor in the department of Jewish studies of the City College of the City University of New York.[3] He has also served as the President of the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership. He is married to the Orthodox Jewish feminist writer Blu Greenberg.

Harvard was once one of the Ivy League schools which was targeted by Jews as being discriminatory against Jews. As you have seen, the Jews who have since taken over Harvard now impose the same enrollment caps on Asians.


Rabbi Greenberg

Pale whited sepulcher

Unlucky victim of South African violence
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People of all colors and religions can make something of themselves or not. I don't blame Protestants for stepping up to the plate and creating a better life for themselves nor do I blame white folks for the same. Reverse discrimination likely isn't the best way to succeed but "the world" can certainly give it a try. Enterprising folks will always overcome adversity and reverse-hatred. So ... hating a white Christian isn't really going to do much to elevate non-white, non-Christians. It will only reveal your hatred.

You should learn to distinguish between "hatred" and "anger".

There are times when anger may arise naturally as the result of offenses. Blacks are by no means the only ones entitled to it.

And let the man who is without "hate" cast the first stone!

Anger leads to hatred and it's time to get over your anger. You've never had it so good and with so many opportunities.
South Africa is going to be fine. The Black people there are taking back their land.

The land of South Africa originally was occupied by and was in the possession of the Bushmen ( a brown skinned people) long before the Bantu people (blacks) arrived from the north. As a matter fact the whites arrive and settled on the cape a couple hundred years before the blacks were seen there. If ownership is to be determined by who was there first, the land belongs to the coloreds, a people who are for the most part a mixture of the Bushmen and early white immigrants.

The situation for the coloreds has not changed much since the end of white rule. They supported the ANC and now feel like they got screwed. This comes from a young colored man in South Africa by way of the internet.

That doesnt even make sense. There were no white people in south africa so how is it going to belong to people of mixed descent?

The Dutch, Europeans ( a white people ) arrived in South Africa in the early sixteen hundred long before the black people from tropical Africa. The Dutch mixed with the local bushmen people and their present day descendants are the people called coloreds in South Africa.

I didn’t say they owned the country. I said they owned it if you consider ownerships based on who was there first.
The land of South Africa originally was occupied by and was in the possession of the Bushmen ( a brown skinned people) long before the Bantu people (blacks) arrived from the north. As a matter fact the whites arrive and settled on the cape a couple hundred years before the blacks were seen there. If ownership is to be determined by who was there first, the land belongs to the coloreds, a people who are for the most part a mixture of the Bushmen and early white immigrants.

The situation for the coloreds has not changed much since the end of white rule. They supported the ANC and now feel like they got screwed. This comes from a young colored man in South Africa by way of the internet.

That doesnt even make sense. There were no white people in south africa so how is it going to belong to people of mixed descent?

The Dutch, Europeans ( a white people ) arrived in South Africa in the early sixteen hundred long before the black people from tropical Africa. The Dutch mixed with the local bushmen people and their present day descendants are the people called coloreds in South Africa.

I didn’t say they owned the country. I said they owned it if you consider ownerships based on who was there first.

Who told you that fable and why did you believe it? Black people occupied the entire continent of Africa. Thats pretty well documented by archaeologists.

One of the essential themes of both the Early and Later Iron Age is that of the interaction between the immigrant Iron Age farmers and the Late Stone Age hunter-gatherers and herders of southern Africa whom they encountered. South Africa was not an 'empty land' even when the first Iron Age cultivators and cattle-keepers arrived, any more than it was when the first European settlers stepped ashore at Table Bay. For millennia, Stone Age hunter-gatherers in southern Africa had followed their time-honoured way of life, closely attuned to the rhythms of nature and climate of their environment, capable of exploiting every nuance of its micro-ecology, able to sustain life in situations which modern man with his much vaunted technology still finds inhospitable and hazardous.
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I thought most Jewish people were white? At least thats what I see on TV.

Most modern Jews are light skinned. According to the Jew and historian, Arthur Koestler, in his book, The Thirteenth Tribe, the majority of today's Jews are related to the Khazars which are an olive complected people. They're related to the Huns and Mongols. I don't know how accurate his information is but he's a Jew speaking of his own people so I have no reason to doubt him.

However, there are also black Jews. Sammy Davis Jr. was a Jew.
I thought most Jewish people were white? At least thats what I see on TV.

Most modern Jews are light skinned. According to the Jew and historian, Arthur Koestler, in his book, The Thirteenth Tribe, the majority of today's Jews are related to the Khazars which are an olive complected people. They're related to the Huns and Mongols. I don't know how accurate his information is but he's a Jew speaking of his own people so I have no reason to doubt him.

However, there are also black Jews. Sammy Davis Jr. was a Jew.

:lol: I was being sarcastic. The earliest Jews were most likely Ethiopians.

Jews and Communism In South Africa

A History of Communism in South Africa by Dr Henry R Pike (published by Christian Mission International of South Africa, Germiston, South Africa (1985, 1988).

A large number of Jews have worked to promote Communism in South Africa, as Pike’s book indicates. Many of these Jews were involved in the organization of trade unions, particularly black trade unions. Some of the names mentioned by Pike are A Z Berman ‘a noted Marxist’ who headed the Industrial Socialist League in Cape Town; the communist writer David Shub, Solly Sachs, secretary of the Garment Workers Union and expelled from and then readmitted to the South African Communist Party, Bennie Weinbren who directed the Non-European Trade Union Federation, Issy Diamond, Abraham Levy, Hymie Levin, Issie Wolfson, Julius Lewin, Louis Joffe, Dr Max Joffe, Molly (Zelikowitz) Wolton, Lazar Bach, Rebecca (Notlowitz) Bunting, Fanny Klenerman, Michael Harmel, Sam Kahn, Katy Kagan, Eli Weinberg, Yetta Barenblatt, Hymie Barsel, Leon and Norman Levy, Lionel Forman, Jacqueline and Rowley Arenstein, Errol and Dorothy Shanley, Monty Berman, Bertram Hirson and Neville Rubin.

In other words, Jews were almost thirty times more likely to become members of the Communist Party than were white Gentiles. If Jews with non-Jewish names were also counted, the ratio would be likely to have been considerably higher.
In theory this could be explained away as simple Jewish concern for the welfare of the underdog, the lowest classes, and in the South African context, evidence of Jewish sympathies across racial barriers, or non-racism. In testing such a hypothesis to see whether this is indeed the case, we can look at another instance. Such concerns have been notoriously, and very conspicuously, almost totally absent in the protracted conflict in the Middle East. There, international Jewish support has been overwhelmingly and steadfastly in favor of the Jewish Israelis, and not of the Palestinians who have lost their country, and in thousands of cases their lives, to the violent settlers from Eastern Europe and America.

‘In this extended five-year period between the emergence of violent opposition and its effective suppression, the prominent involvement of individual Jews was in the public eye more than ever before. This was even more so than in the dramatic circumstances of the ‘Rivonia arrests’. On 11 July 1963 the police raided the home of Arthur Goldreich in Rivonia near Johannesburg, where it captured, by surprise, the leadership cadre of the Umkonto we Sizwe underground. Seventeen people were arrested.. Five of those arrested were Whites, all of them Jews. They were: Arthur Goldreich, Lionel Bernstein, Hilliard Festenstein, Dennis Goldberg and Bob Hepple.. [There was an] overwhelming impression that Jews were in the forefront of the White radicals who were trying to overthrow the system of White supremacy in South Africa. When the secret African Resistance Movement (ARM) was crushed during 1964, it again became evident that many Jews were involved. One of its founders was identified as Monty Berman.. others were Adrian Leftwich and Bertram (Baruch) Hirson. Among those who were associated with ARM were Neville Rubin and Michael Schneider [and ] others implicated were Frederick and Rhoda Prager, Raymond Eisenstein and Hugh Lewin..’ (pp. 232-3).

Dr Shimoni records with obvious distaste the wording of an Afrikaans letter in a newspaper criticizing this fundamentally hypocritical proclivity of Jews: ‘They (the Jews) themselves are the most exclusive apartheid people, yet they exert themselves here for integration.’ While Jews themselves have shown no intention to integrate or merge with the African masses, they have been hyper-critical of mainstream whites who are reluctant to follow this route, criticizing churches with segregationist policies, while their synagogues have remained ethnically 100% Jewish.

Many with short or selective memories will no doubt need to be reminded of the articles and links posted previously on this thread which conclusively demonstrate the racial animosities of Israeli Jews towards blacks in Israel.

With the recent "racist" words of Donald Sterling being in the news, one might think that the slow to learn "White Anglo Saxon Protestants" would not need to be instructed that the fundamental qualities of human nature, including selfishness and "racism", (not mentioned once in the Bible). Sadly enough, they do.

Donald Sterling Is Right Black Jews Are Treated Like Dogs In Israel
Donald Sterling Is Right Black Jews Are Treated Like Dogs In Israel

These are the "human rights activists" and harbingers of social justice who not only instruct White Anglo Saxon "Christians" on how to be morally responsible in the US, but cross the seas to do likewise to whites in South Africa and whites in Europe.

So far, the only people that Jews have failed to lecture on proper moral etiquette are blacks, Asians (the Chinese in particular) Mexicans and people of "color".

Why is this so?

Could it be perhaps that the Jews know just what kind of response they should expect to get from those "minorities" if they did?

One might contrast this with the response they might expect from the JUDEO Zioinist xtian 'turn the other cheek' factions.

Who would you personally fear most to sass and display your impudence to?
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Anger leads to hatred and it's time to get over your anger. You've never had it so good and with so many opportunities.

Why aren't you preaching to the provocateur, Asslips?

I'll wager I could piss you off. So don't bother playing holier than thou with me.
The Hasbarats continue to try to cover up as much of the truth about the Jewish Supremacists as they can.
I will continue to expose it.

Jews always do their work in the name of "social justice".

Most of the time, non-Jews simply take their words at face value without ever seeing the need to question whether their motives are as pure as they are made to appear to be.

This may called "unassuming", gullible, naive; pick your word.
This habit may stem from cultural conditioning which enforces the idea that to misrepresent oneself by assuming a false identity or label is not only disingenuous, but dishonorable, and bordering on cowardice.
They do not understand the Machiavellian or Talmudic way of thought. This also may be a result of cultural conditioning.

Exposed Roots: The Importance of Faith-Rooted Spiritual Activism | Social Justice Rav | Jewish Journal

Exposed Roots: The Importance of Faith-Rooted Spiritual Activism

by Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz

June 12, 2012
To create change today, we must move from a faith-based activism to a faith-rooted activism. In faith-based activism, we as Jews merely act together based upon our collective cultural values, but in faith-rooted activism we bring our deep spiritual and emotional wisdom to the surface. Our faith informs not just why but how we engage with the world. We bring our roots to the surface to share, discuss, inspire and mobilize.

Most Jewish social justice activism remains comfortable on the faith-based level leaving spiritual depth below ground. Today, we must return to faith-rooted activism. We must not enter Capitol Hill as cultural Jews but as representatives of G-d, Torah and our tradition. It takes soul power to keep the flame of social change alive and thus we must not keep our deepest roots below the earth.

This is an interesting perspective coming from the same group of Jewish activists who are constantly arguing for the legal enforcement of "separation of 'church' and state".

It is also noticed that the Jews always argue against the existence of any Christian influence over the content of the Constitution or as a basis of our legal system.

At the very best, what they will allow is the set of values referred to as JUDEO-christian, with the emphasis being placed on the JUDEO prefix, NOT OPTIONAL.

In addition you can find these Jewish "social justice" activists" arguing that the US is not and never has been anything but a "SECULAR" nation.

As a matter of fact, they have made just such an argument against myself and others on other threads contained in forums on this web site.
Don't believe me?
Look it up!

Nothing says you have to take my word for anything. But you would either be a fool or operating on a double standard if you take theirs without question!

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Anger leads to hatred and it's time to get over your anger. You've never had it so good and with so many opportunities.

Why aren't you preaching to the provocateur, Asslips?

I'll wager I could piss you off. So don't bother playing holier than thou with me.

Nah. I don't get pissed off. I've been dealing with forum dopes for years. Dime a dozen but not worth as much.
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The Hasbarats continue to try to cover up as much of the truth about the Jewish Supremacists as they can.
I will continue to expose it.

Jews always do their work in the name of "social justice".

Most of the time, non-Jews simply take their words at face value without ever seeing the need to question whether their motives are as pure as they are made to appear to be.

This may called "unassuming", gullible, naive; pick your word.
This habit may stem from cultural conditioning which enforces the idea that to misrepresent oneself by assuming a false identity or label is not only disingenuous, but dishonorable, and bordering on cowardice.
They do not understand the Machiavellian or Talmudic way of thought. This also may be a result of cultural conditioning.

Exposed Roots: The Importance of Faith-Rooted Spiritual Activism | Social Justice Rav | Jewish Journal

Exposed Roots: The Importance of Faith-Rooted Spiritual Activism

by Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz

June 12, 2012
To create change today, we must move from a faith-based activism to a faith-rooted activism. In faith-based activism, we as Jews merely act together based upon our collective cultural values, but in faith-rooted activism we bring our deep spiritual and emotional wisdom to the surface. Our faith informs not just why but how we engage with the world. We bring our roots to the surface to share, discuss, inspire and mobilize.

Most Jewish social justice activism remains comfortable on the faith-based level leaving spiritual depth below ground. Today, we must return to faith-rooted activism. We must not enter Capitol Hill as cultural Jews but as representatives of G-d, Torah and our tradition. It takes soul power to keep the flame of social change alive and thus we must not keep our deepest roots below the earth.

This is an interesting perspective coming from the same group of Jewish activists who are constantly arguing for the legal enforcement of "separation of 'church' and state".

It is also noticed that the Jews always argue against the existence of any Christian influence over the content of the Constitution or as a basis of our legal system.

At the very best, what they will allow is the set of values referred to as JUDEO-christian, with the emphasis being placed on the JUDEO prefix, NOT OPTIONAL.

In addition you can find these Jewish "social justice" activists" arguing that the US is not and never has been anything but a "SECULAR" nation.

As a matter of fact, they have made just such an argument against myself and others on other threads contained in forums on this web site.
Don't believe me?
Look it up!

Nothing says you have to take my word for anything. But you would either be a fool or operating on a double standard if you take theirs without question!


Not a problem cuz there sure as hell aren't any christians here.

Just ignorant racists being ignorant racists.
Anger leads to hatred and it's time to get over your anger. You've never had it so good and with so many opportunities.

Why aren't you preaching to the provocateur, Asslips?

I'll wager I could piss you off. So don't bother playing holier than thou with me.

Nah. I don't get pissed off. I've been dealing with forum dopes for years. Dime a dozen but not worth as much.

I know exactly what you mean.
Not a problem cuz there sure as hell aren't any christians here.

Just ignorant racists being ignorant racists.

I certainly agree with you that there is a severe shortage of Christians in the world.

That's one thing that puzzles me about the Jewish obsession to wipe his name off the face of the earth.

It's also hard to understand how so many people can take the word of a bunch of Jews calling people ignorant racists and "anti-semites" when it's so obvious that they are as blatantly "racist" as any people could possibly be.

You don't have any answers to that do you?
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That doesnt even make sense. There were no white people in south africa so how is it going to belong to people of mixed descent?

The Dutch, Europeans ( a white people ) arrived in South Africa in the early sixteen hundred long before the black people from tropical Africa. The Dutch mixed with the local bushmen people and their present day descendants are the people called coloreds in South Africa.

I didn’t say they owned the country. I said they owned it if you consider ownerships based on who was there first.

Who told you that fable and why did you believe it? Black people occupied the entire continent of Africa. Thats pretty well documented by archaeologists.

South Africa - 'The Myth of the Empty Land' | History Today

One of the essential themes of both the Early and Later Iron Age is that of the interaction between the immigrant Iron Age farmers and the Late Stone Age hunter-gatherers and herders of southern Africa whom they encountered. South Africa was not an 'empty land' even when the first Iron Age cultivators and cattle-keepers arrived, any more than it was when the first European settlers stepped ashore at Table Bay. For millennia, Stone Age hunter-gatherers in southern Africa had followed their time-honoured way of life, closely attuned to the rhythms of nature and climate of their environment, capable of exploiting every nuance of its micro-ecology, able to sustain life in situations which modern man with his much vaunted technology still finds inhospitable and hazardous.

What are you saying? The Bushmen were not the originally inhabitants of Sothern Africa?

African Tribes - Bushmen/- San People

Who are they?
The 'Bushmen' are the oldest inhabitants of southern Africa, where they have lived for at least 20,000 years. Their home is in the vast expanse of the Kalahari desert. There are many different Bushman peoples - they have no collective name for themselves, and the terms 'Bushman', 'San', 'Basarwa' (in Botswana) and so on are used variously. Most of those which are widely understood are imposed by outsiders and have some pejorative sense; many now use and accept the term 'Bushmen'. They speak a variety of languages, all of which incorporate 'click' sounds represented in writing by symbols such as ! or /.

How do they live?
The Bushmen are hunter-gatherers, who for thousands of years supported themselves in the desert through these skills. They hunt - mainly various kinds of antelope - but their daily diet has always consisted more of the fruits, nuts and roots which they seek out in the desert. They make their own temporary homes from wood that they gather. Many Bushmen who have been forced off their lands now live in settlements in areas that are unsuitable for hunting and gathering - they support themselves by growing some food, or by working on ranches.

What problems do they face?
The Bushmen had their homelands invaded by cattle herding Bantu tribes from around 1,500 years ago, and by white colonists over the last few hundred years. From that time they faced discrimination, eviction from their ancestral lands, murder and oppression amounting to a massive though unspoken genocide, which reduced them in numbers from several million to 100,000. Today, although all suffer from a perception that their lifestyle is 'primitive' and that they need to be made to live like the majority cattle-herding tribes, specific problems vary according to where they live. In South Africa, for example, the !Khomani now have most of their land rights recognised, but many other Bushman tribes have no land rights at all.
The Dutch, Europeans ( a white people ) arrived in South Africa in the early sixteen hundred long before the black people from tropical Africa. The Dutch mixed with the local bushmen people and their present day descendants are the people called coloreds in South Africa.

I didn’t say they owned the country. I said they owned it if you consider ownerships based on who was there first.

Who told you that fable and why did you believe it? Black people occupied the entire continent of Africa. Thats pretty well documented by archaeologists.

South Africa - 'The Myth of the Empty Land' | History Today

One of the essential themes of both the Early and Later Iron Age is that of the interaction between the immigrant Iron Age farmers and the Late Stone Age hunter-gatherers and herders of southern Africa whom they encountered. South Africa was not an 'empty land' even when the first Iron Age cultivators and cattle-keepers arrived, any more than it was when the first European settlers stepped ashore at Table Bay. For millennia, Stone Age hunter-gatherers in southern Africa had followed their time-honoured way of life, closely attuned to the rhythms of nature and climate of their environment, capable of exploiting every nuance of its micro-ecology, able to sustain life in situations which modern man with his much vaunted technology still finds inhospitable and hazardous.

What are you saying? The Bushmen were not the originally inhabitants of Sothern Africa?

African Tribes - Bushmen/- San People

Who are they?
The 'Bushmen' are the oldest inhabitants of southern Africa, where they have lived for at least 20,000 years. Their home is in the vast expanse of the Kalahari desert. There are many different Bushman peoples - they have no collective name for themselves, and the terms 'Bushman', 'San', 'Basarwa' (in Botswana) and so on are used variously. Most of those which are widely understood are imposed by outsiders and have some pejorative sense; many now use and accept the term 'Bushmen'. They speak a variety of languages, all of which incorporate 'click' sounds represented in writing by symbols such as ! or /.

How do they live?
The Bushmen are hunter-gatherers, who for thousands of years supported themselves in the desert through these skills. They hunt - mainly various kinds of antelope - but their daily diet has always consisted more of the fruits, nuts and roots which they seek out in the desert. They make their own temporary homes from wood that they gather. Many Bushmen who have been forced off their lands now live in settlements in areas that are unsuitable for hunting and gathering - they support themselves by growing some food, or by working on ranches.

What problems do they face?
The Bushmen had their homelands invaded by cattle herding Bantu tribes from around 1,500 years ago, and by white colonists over the last few hundred years. From that time they faced discrimination, eviction from their ancestral lands, murder and oppression amounting to a massive though unspoken genocide, which reduced them in numbers from several million to 100,000. Today, although all suffer from a perception that their lifestyle is 'primitive' and that they need to be made to live like the majority cattle-herding tribes, specific problems vary according to where they live. In South Africa, for example, the !Khomani now have most of their land rights recognised, but many other Bushman tribes have no land rights at all.

I'm saying there were Black people there even as you claimed there was not. How in the world does it belong to anyone other than the Khoisan people?
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Who told you that fable and why did you believe it? Black people occupied the entire continent of Africa. Thats pretty well documented by archaeologists.

South Africa - 'The Myth of the Empty Land' | History Today

What are you saying? The Bushmen were not the originally inhabitants of Sothern Africa?

African Tribes - Bushmen/- San People

Who are they?
The 'Bushmen' are the oldest inhabitants of southern Africa, where they have lived for at least 20,000 years. Their home is in the vast expanse of the Kalahari desert. There are many different Bushman peoples - they have no collective name for themselves, and the terms 'Bushman', 'San', 'Basarwa' (in Botswana) and so on are used variously. Most of those which are widely understood are imposed by outsiders and have some pejorative sense; many now use and accept the term 'Bushmen'. They speak a variety of languages, all of which incorporate 'click' sounds represented in writing by symbols such as ! or /.

How do they live?
The Bushmen are hunter-gatherers, who for thousands of years supported themselves in the desert through these skills. They hunt - mainly various kinds of antelope - but their daily diet has always consisted more of the fruits, nuts and roots which they seek out in the desert. They make their own temporary homes from wood that they gather. Many Bushmen who have been forced off their lands now live in settlements in areas that are unsuitable for hunting and gathering - they support themselves by growing some food, or by working on ranches.

What problems do they face?
The Bushmen had their homelands invaded by cattle herding Bantu tribes from around 1,500 years ago, and by white colonists over the last few hundred years. From that time they faced discrimination, eviction from their ancestral lands, murder and oppression amounting to a massive though unspoken genocide, which reduced them in numbers from several million to 100,000. Today, although all suffer from a perception that their lifestyle is 'primitive' and that they need to be made to live like the majority cattle-herding tribes, specific problems vary according to where they live. In South Africa, for example, the !Khomani now have most of their land rights recognised, but many other Bushman tribes have no land rights at all.

I'm saying there were Black people there even as you claimed there was not. How in the world does it belong to anyone other than the Khoisan people?

The Dutch established an agriculture colony on the cape in the 1600s to supply their ships bound for the far east. I never said the land was uninhabited. I believe it was Sparsely inhabited by hunter gathers, primitive farmers and herders. If the land had been densely settled by farmers why would the Dutch go to expense raising their own food. It would have been more economical to just buy from local farmers. And If the area had been densely populated why would they have allowed foreigners to establish an out post on their land.

The Dutch were good at making money.

In the beginning the Dutch had no interest South Africa except for the food it provided.
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What are you saying? The Bushmen were not the originally inhabitants of Sothern Africa?

African Tribes - Bushmen/- San People

Who are they?
The 'Bushmen' are the oldest inhabitants of southern Africa, where they have lived for at least 20,000 years. Their home is in the vast expanse of the Kalahari desert. There are many different Bushman peoples - they have no collective name for themselves, and the terms 'Bushman', 'San', 'Basarwa' (in Botswana) and so on are used variously. Most of those which are widely understood are imposed by outsiders and have some pejorative sense; many now use and accept the term 'Bushmen'. They speak a variety of languages, all of which incorporate 'click' sounds represented in writing by symbols such as ! or /.

How do they live?
The Bushmen are hunter-gatherers, who for thousands of years supported themselves in the desert through these skills. They hunt - mainly various kinds of antelope - but their daily diet has always consisted more of the fruits, nuts and roots which they seek out in the desert. They make their own temporary homes from wood that they gather. Many Bushmen who have been forced off their lands now live in settlements in areas that are unsuitable for hunting and gathering - they support themselves by growing some food, or by working on ranches.

What problems do they face?
The Bushmen had their homelands invaded by cattle herding Bantu tribes from around 1,500 years ago, and by white colonists over the last few hundred years. From that time they faced discrimination, eviction from their ancestral lands, murder and oppression amounting to a massive though unspoken genocide, which reduced them in numbers from several million to 100,000. Today, although all suffer from a perception that their lifestyle is 'primitive' and that they need to be made to live like the majority cattle-herding tribes, specific problems vary according to where they live. In South Africa, for example, the !Khomani now have most of their land rights recognised, but many other Bushman tribes have no land rights at all.

I'm saying there were Black people there even as you claimed there was not. How in the world does it belong to anyone other than the Khoisan people?

The Dutch established an agriculture colony on the cape in the 1600s to supply their ships bound for the far east. I never said the land was uninhabited. I believe it was Sparsely inhabited by hunter gathers, primitive farmers and herders. If the land had been densely settled by farmers why would the Dutch go to expense raising their own food. It would have been more economical to just buy from local farmers. And If the area had been densely populated why would they have allowed foreigners to establish an out post on their land.

The Dutch were good at making money.

In the beginning the Dutch had no interest South Africa except for the food it provided.

This was the sentence that prompted my post.

As a matter fact the whites arrive and settled on the cape a couple hundred years before the blacks were seen there.

After reading that it appears you are saying that there was no one there. What did you mean?

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