That Bright, Dying Star, the WASP

If I was Empress I would crucify racists of every race and then have them burned. Their screams would be like music to my ears. That or I would turn them into human sacrifices during religious ceremonies.
Don't do that. I don't want to see Asswipeas crucified and burned. He's my friend.
You talk a lot of shit for a pussy.

I always talk shit to pussies like you. What are you going to do about it?
Again, as you talk your shit from the safety of your computer. In the real world you would be kissing ass and you know it, bitch.

Again as you are safe behind your internet connection. All you would do is turn bright pink like the other KKK wanna be's did when I slapped the shit out of them. You would probably cry as well. :lol:
I always talk shit to pussies like you. What are you going to do about it?
Again, as you talk your shit from the safety of your computer. In the real world you would be kissing ass and you know it, bitch.

Again as you are safe behind your internet connection. All you would do is turn bright pink like the other KKK wanna be's did when I slapped the shit out of them. You would probably cry as well. :lol:
[ame=]WHITE GUY BEATS UP BLACK GUY! - YouTube[/ame]
Notice how his friends had to jump in and save his black ass?
I always talk shit to pussies like you. What are you going to do about it?
Again, as you talk your shit from the safety of your computer. In the real world you would be kissing ass and you know it, bitch.

Again as you are safe behind your internet connection. All you would do is turn bright pink like the other KKK wanna be's did when I slapped the shit out of them. You would probably cry as well. :lol:
Yeah, well we don't really know if you've ever slapped the shit out of anybody, do we? All we have is you talking shit, and you've had plenty of practice at that.
My comment was directly related to the Civil war and other wars. Europeans have a violent streak brought about by being isolated during the ice age and fighting for resources. I believe that to be genetic and has been the primary cause of all the wars and genocides that have occured at the hands of white people. Someone said earlier and I will echo the same sentiment. Wake me when Black people start wiping out entire societies. Then you can claim Black people are more violent than whites. Otherwise you just look silly making that claim.

A lot of folks, the Politically Correct crowd in particular of which you belong, maintain that the "Civil War" was fought on behalf of blacks. I don't think that, but they do.
In order to remain with the in-crowd you will have to go along with them on that point.

US entrance into WWII was "justified" because of the alleged massacre of Jews that was going on.

So there you have two major instances in which mass destruction was based upon white people defending blacks and Jews.

Would you rather they hadn't?

I am not convinced that you are black to begin with because I suspect you are a Hasbarat attempting to direct this thread away from the original subject, which was centered on Jewish boasting of the demise of "WASP" society.

Naturally this is something the Jews would only permit their own people to gloat about having been instrumental in bringing it about.
They cannot have a white non-Jew pointing out the role they played in encouraging WASP suicide because that would make the Jews appear less benevolent and benign than they actually are. Nevertheless, liking to brag, as they have admitted, they find it harder and harder to resist the temptation to display their "Chutzbah" in the same manner in which blacks like to get "in yo face".

Jews have always tried to incite hostility between blacks and whites. Once they manage to stir up enough trouble they sit back and enjoy the fray, like your popcorn munching comrade there.

But since the purpose of this thread is more about exposing Jewish hegemony than it is highlighting the aggressive nature of blacks I won't waste time arguing a point that it is already obvious to practically everyone.

Even the dumbest white person knows when he's being hoodooed or jerked around by a black. They don't need to have that explained to them.

"Jews" (Ashkenazim/Khazars and their hybrids) on the other hand, often go unrecognized because of their white skin. So whites fail to see the pattern of discrimination which Jews practice.

Furthermore, Jews mostly deal under the table with one another, and behind the backs of their gentile rivals. So an unsuspecting gentile target can get suffer a financial or social "hit" that has been orchestrated by Jews without ever knowing it. The case of Jewish bias being played out in Ivy league university enrollment is a case of this. One might only become aware of this discrimination by conducting a study such as the one which was done.
Even after the statistics have been gathered which reveal the bias, the news of it will never see the light of day unless a non-Jew makes a point of bringing it to public attention.

The article telling about Jews in Israel rampaging against blacks and looting their property is another instance where Jewish Supremacism is revealed which never makes the news. Instead, the Jewish press will scour the country looking for some instance where a black was not serviced quickly enough in order to continue banging the drum of "White prejudice". Then this is used as further justification to enforce more penalties and restrictions upon the hated WASPs.

If you wish to engage in a black vs white conflict, take yo prejudice azz somewhere else to do it.
My comment was directly related to the Civil war and other wars. Europeans have a violent streak brought about by being isolated during the ice age and fighting for resources. I believe that to be genetic and has been the primary cause of all the wars and genocides that have occured at the hands of white people. Someone said earlier and I will echo the same sentiment. Wake me when Black people start wiping out entire societies. Then you can claim Black people are more violent than whites. Otherwise you just look silly making that claim.

A lot of folks, the Politically Correct crowd in particular of which you belong, maintain that the "Civil War" was fought on behalf of blacks. I don't think that, but they do.
In order to remain with the in-crowd you will have to go along with them on that point.

US entrance into WWII was "justified" because of the alleged massacre of Jews that was going on.

So there you have two major instances in which mass destruction was based upon white people defending blacks and Jews.

Would you rather they hadn't?

I am not convinced that you are black to begin with because I suspect you are a Hasbarat attempting to direct this thread away from the original subject, which was centered on Jewish boasting of the demise of "WASP" society.

Naturally this is something the Jews would only permit their own people to gloat about having been instrumental in bringing it about.
They cannot have a white non-Jew pointing out the role they played in encouraging WASP suicide because that would make the Jews appear less benevolent and benign than they actually are. Nevertheless, liking to brag, as they have admitted, they find it harder and harder to resist the temptation to display their "Chutzbah" in the same manner in which blacks like to get "in yo face".

Jews have always tried to incite hostility between blacks and whites. Once they manage to stir up enough trouble they sit back and enjoy the fray, like your popcorn munching comrade there.

But since the purpose of this thread is more about exposing Jewish hegemony than it is highlighting the aggressive nature of blacks I won't waste time arguing a point that it is already obvious to practically everyone.

Even the dumbest white person knows when he's being hoodooed or jerked around by a black. They don't need to have that explained to them.

"Jews" (Ashkenazim/Khazars and their hybrids) on the other hand, often go unrecognized because of their white skin. So whites fail to see the pattern of discrimination which Jews practice.

Furthermore, Jews mostly deal under the table with one another, and behind the backs of their gentile rivals. So an unsuspecting gentile target can get suffer a financial or social "hit" that has been orchestrated by Jews without ever knowing it. The case of Jewish bias being played out in Ivy league university enrollment is a case of this. One might only become aware of this discrimination by conducting a study such as the one which was done.
Even after the statistics have been gathered which reveal the bias, the news of it will never see the light of day unless a non-Jew makes a point of bringing it to public attention.

The article telling about Jews in Israel rampaging against blacks and looting their property is another instance where Jewish Supremacism is revealed which never makes the news. Instead, the Jewish press will scour the country looking for some instance where a black was not serviced quickly enough in order to continue banging the drum of "White prejudice". Then this is used as further justification to enforce more penalties and restrictions upon the hated WASPs.

If you wish to engage in a black vs white conflict, take yo prejudice azz somewhere else to do it.

Your first mistake was in assuming I am under the illusion that the civil war was fought to free my ancestors. Your second mistake was assuming I felt the need to convince you of anything regarding my racial identity. I could give a fug what you believe it to be. Your op discussed the WASP which is the bane of civilization. I'm happy you/they are dying off. if you don't like that don't start any threads on that subject. Does that make sense son?
Your first mistake was in assuming I am under the illusion that the civil war was fought to free my ancestors. Your second mistake was assuming I felt the need to convince you of anything regarding my racial identity. I could give a fug what you believe it to be. Your op discussed the WASP which is the bane of civilization. I'm happy you/they are dying off. if you don't like that don't start any threads on that subject. Does that make sense son?

So you agree that the South fought against the Northern invasion in defense of States rights and not as all the blacks and Jews insist, that it was over slavery.
This puts you at odds with the politically correct majority.

I never really "assume" anything when it comes to Hasbarats, Jewish Supremacists, or militant racist blacks with chips on their shoulders who blame whites for all that ails them.

I just happen to know that Hasbarats often assume the identities of white non-Jews or blacks in an effort to give false impressions to readers that members of those groups have notions which conform to those which the Jews would like to project to other readers.

For example, they might assume the identity of a white non-Jewish female in order to help foster the notion that certain ideas are popular or unpopular as the case may be, which ever direction it would suit the pro-Israeli Jewish Supremacists.

Or they may assume the identity of blacks acting like ******* in order to provoke whites into saying things they probably shouldn't. The intent is to get them to engage in mud slinging contests in order to divert attention away from the real issues.
Those issues may be like the one which I previously pointed out about how Jews in Israel are reacting violently in opposition to blacks entering their country.
You can see one of those Jews in the video saying to the effect that these blacks are running around everywhere just as if it was the United States. The meaning being of course that it is natural for the US to be overrun with undesirable and illegal immigrants.

The Jews in Israel should know, because it is their brethren in the US who are responsible for destroying immigration restrictions. The same man also makes the argument that Europe is being destroyed by the same process.

Of course none of this matters to the Jews in Israel just so long as the same thing doesn't happen to them.

What this shows is that Jews in Israel are what you call RACIST. One can easily extrapolate this RACISM to Israeli actions in Palestine. This should tell you how the Palestinians are really getting treated despite the US Jewish media and Israel's attempts to white wash the matter and attribute all the trouble to "terrorists".

The upshot of all this should be obvious. Jews in Israel are as prejudiced as people are anywhere else. This same rule applies to Jews in the US, and blacks as well for that matter.

The problem is that the rules of political correctness and prohibitions against criticizing Jews bars this truth from entering the discussion. The unspoken rule is that only white non-Jewish men are "bigots". Everyone else is supposed to be their victims.

As long as they can maintain this rule in political and social discourse, it will always be "whitey" is forced to make concessions, pay reparations, and give up more and more of whatever ground he has remaining, just like the Israelis are demanding of Palestinians.
All of this is done in the name of "social justice". Any white man who protests is accused of "anti-semitism", racial hatred of blacks, and disrupting the peace.

The message is clear enough. The black man featured in the previous video which you have conveniently ignored, said it plain enough , which is, "Get Whitey".

Obviously that is what you are about as well, whether you are a Jewish Supremacist trying to further fan the flames of animosity of white against blacks, or whether you are one of those dumb ******* who eagerly swallows all the anti-white propaganda that the Jews constantly shovel down their throats.

In one case you may be a trouble making imposter, and in the other a retard. It has to be one or the other. I've been trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. Because from my perspective the trouble making imposter, or sneaking snake in the grass Jew, is worse than being the dumbest ******.
The first is a lying low life and knows it whereas the latter is really too narrow minded to know any better. Jewish Supremacists know when they are lying. It's just that being a sneak and a liar doesn't bother them.

The militant black is really a cut above because his anger stems from a sincere belief in having been wronged. He doesn't realize that he is on a par with the "Red Neck" whom he is characterizes "not knowing his butt from a hole in the ground". The Jewish saboteur may be a liar, a thief, and back stabber, but he KNOWS what he is doing has no more justifiable cause other than to promote himself.

He just does so because being a hypocrite or self contradictory poses no problem to his personal constitution. He chooses that route because it seems expedient and he has no basis in faith for believing that justice is anything more than a man made concept. To the Jewish Supremacist, the ends always justify the means. It's only when his rivals adopt the same Machiavellian methods that he cries about injustice and makes appeals to other people's sense of fairness and humanity.

I'm not saying that there aren't blacks or whites who are equally as depraved. But I know of no culture whose predominate religion codifies those sorts of principles or who embrace them with religious zeal. As long as Christian ethics dominate the social landscape, the general population will be forced to accept them as standards of acceptable conduct whether it's only in pretense or not.

I believe the Muslims make some provisions for authorizing acts like rape, theft, murder, and lying as long as it is done in the name of Jihad. But they may be so sincerely ignorant in their fanaticism than to otherwise think they are acceptable.

Jews are more clever than that. They lack the sincere conviction of an Islamic fanatic who is so blinded by his own religious fanaticism, that he actually convinces himself what he does is in someway sanctioned by God. A true Machiavellian has no such delusions.

It doesn't matter which category you actually fall into as long as people see what you are trying to do.

You're contempt for the white race is clear in either case.

That is what I am trying to get other white non-Jews to see, whether they have been blinded by political correctness, are a victim of decades of Jewish Zionist propaganda, or are still naive to the ways of this world.

Many white people who have are young or lack experience in the the ways of this world may still suffer from the illusion that all they need to do in the world to "get along" with others is just "be nice" to them and they will "be nice" in return.

They lack experience in dealing with some of the real bad eggs. Unfortunately some of those people may have to suffer at the hands of such scoundrels before the message sinks in.

Israeli Mob Attacks Black Immigrants, Netanyahu Vows to Send Blacks ?Home? | Your Black World

Mobs in Tel-Aviv, Israel have taken to the streets to demand that African immigrants be sent home.

White Israelis protesting black migrants.

More than 1,000 angry Israeli citizens took to the streets of the poor and mostly black neighborhood of Hatikva to demand that the African immigrants be made to leave. White nationalist organizations also reportedly ransacked the neighborhood.

Oh the irony of it. Racist Jews being called "White Nationalists". :lol:

New York Jews Latest Victims of Black Youths' 'Knockout Game'
A series of attacks on Jews in New York could be part of a game being played by black youths called “Get the Jew,” or “the Knockout Game”

One recent example of these kind of attacks, Jewish community members said, occurred last week in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Crown Heights, when a Jewish man was pummeled by a gang of black youths. Nothing was taken from him.

Before that, a gang of 15 black youths beat up a 12 year old boy in Crown Heights. According to a witness, two of the gang nabbed the Jewish victim and “ran back to the group screaming, ‘We got him,” and received a roaring cheer,” the New York Daily News reported.
According to Thomas Sowell, “responsible authorities in New York seem to have been caught by surprise, even though this knockout game has been played for years by young black gangs in other cities and other states, against people besides Jews — the victims being either whites in general or people of Asian ancestry.” Writing in the New York Post, Sowell said that “attacks of this sort have been rampant in St. Louis. But they have also occurred in Massachusetts, Wisconsin and elsewhere. In Illinois, the game has often been called 'polar-bear hunting' by the young thugs, presumably because the targets are white.

“Because Jews have been singled out in these attacks,” Sowell added, police “are considering prosecuting these assaults as hate crimes.”

Notice, it only becomes "a hate crime" when it happens to Jews.
I call it poetic justice.

US Jews were very active in forcing integration in South Africa which has led to the massacre of so many white South Africans and the theft of their farms in the name of "justice".

Here's a role model for you:

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I'm sorry I disturb your mental processes so badly that you make me out to be some super duper intelligent whatever you called me. Really I just dont accept your long winded BS. I know whats up and you dont or if you do you cant accept the truth.
After that diversion, let's take another look at the OP:

That Bright, Dying Star, the American WASP -

Yes. I'm glad they are dying out. That was the first thing I said.

I appreciate your honesty. That's something that's rare among Jews.
I only hope that white non-Jews are paying attention to what you are saying and let the full extent of it sink in.
Many of them are slow learners, a fact that both Jews and blacks alike are familiar with and have taken full advantage of.

Israel?s Anti-Black Pogrom by Justin Raimondo --

A screaming mob of whites gathers in a public square, their placards proclaiming their hatred of blacks, their shouts of "N—-r!" reverberating and bouncing off the walls of nearby shops and homes like the ominous thunder of a coming storm. They loot shops that cater to blacks, and a prominent elected official is at the head of the mob, declaring that blacks are "a cancer" that must be eradicated.

Mississippi in the Sixties? A neo-Nazi rally? A Klan conclave?

No, it’s a recent scene in southern Tel Aviv, Israel, where Likud member of the Knesset Miri Regev – a former IDF spokesperson and prominent political figure – led a well-organized march of ultra-nationalists demanding the expulsion of all blacks from Israel. Just look at the ugliness of these people – listen to them screaming "White Power"! And here are the Jewish Hitlers, proclaiming their desire to set up a "Jewish monarchy." A few extremists? No. Israel’s Interior Minister has pledged to ship all blacks back to Africa, and the issue of the African refugees has become the major issue in Israel’s election campaign.

Many whites are so slow to catch on, that after hearing of this they imagine that it's a rare thing and that such sentiments couldn't possibly apply to Jews here state side.

We know better don't we?
After that diversion, let's take another look at the OP:

That Bright, Dying Star, the American WASP -

Yes. I'm glad they are dying out. That was the first thing I said.

I appreciate your honesty. That's something that's rare among Jews.
I only hope that white non-Jews are paying attention to what you are saying and let the full extent of it sink in.
Many of them are slow learners, a fact that both Jews and blacks alike are familiar with and have taken full advantage of.

Israel?s Anti-Black Pogrom by Justin Raimondo --

A screaming mob of whites gathers in a public square, their placards proclaiming their hatred of blacks, their shouts of "N—-r!" reverberating and bouncing off the walls of nearby shops and homes like the ominous thunder of a coming storm. They loot shops that cater to blacks, and a prominent elected official is at the head of the mob, declaring that blacks are "a cancer" that must be eradicated.

Mississippi in the Sixties? A neo-Nazi rally? A Klan conclave?

No, it’s a recent scene in southern Tel Aviv, Israel, where Likud member of the Knesset Miri Regev – a former IDF spokesperson and prominent political figure – led a well-organized march of ultra-nationalists demanding the expulsion of all blacks from Israel. Just look at the ugliness of these people – listen to them screaming "White Power"! And here are the Jewish Hitlers, proclaiming their desire to set up a "Jewish monarchy." A few extremists? No. Israel’s Interior Minister has pledged to ship all blacks back to Africa, and the issue of the African refugees has become the major issue in Israel’s election campaign.

Many whites are so slow to catch on, that after hearing of this they imagine that it's a rare thing and that such sentiments couldn't possibly apply to Jews here state side.

We know better don't we?

All Whites are not WASPs. I dont know what Jews think but feel free to fill in the blanks and dont let me interrupt your fantasy. :lol:

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) is an informal term, sometimes derogatory or disparaging,[1] for a closed group of high-status Americans of English Protestant ancestry. The term applies to a group believed to control disproportionate social and financial power.[2] The term WASP does not describe every Protestant of English background, but rather a small restricted group whose family wealth and elite connections allow them a degree of privilege held by few others
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Harvard Professor: ?Abolish the White Race? |

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Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor who supports the genocide of European Mankind.

Is the multicultural campaign really about diversity? Or is it about stamping out Western civilization and the “white race” itself?

College students will tell you that a university education today is a guilt trip for whites. The purpose is to prevent whites from appreciating and absorbing their own culture and to make it difficult for whites to resist the unreasonable demands (quotas, reparations, etc.) from “people of color.”

To the questions, “who am I, what am I,” the white university graduate answers: “a racist, sexist, homophobic oppressor.”

Neither parents, trustees, alumni, nor the public are aware of the anti-white propaganda that masquerades as education. When someone who is aware tells them, they think the person is exaggerating in order to make a point.

Now comes Harvard educated Noel Ignatiev, an academic at Harvard’s W.E.B. DuBois Institute for African-American Research. Dr. Ignatiev is the founder of a journal, Race Traitor, which has as its motto, “treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.”

The journal’s purpose is “to abolish the white race.”

At the least, Dr. Ignatiev intends cultural and psychological genocide for whites. It is unclear whether physical extermination is part of the program.

One can only imagine what the world will be like with such Jews standing on the courts of the modern Sanhedrin in the coming "Mashianic Age" which all Jews are instructed to work for.

Thank God the likes of Idi Ameen don't have the saavy it takes to pull of a world conquest. Only the Jews possess the requisite cleverness and treachery to do so. 9/11 was only the opening salvo.

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