That wheeler dealer president of yours.

You will now see your standard of living go down the shitter, while scum bags tariff war makes you dollar worth less and less every day. You clowns deserve it, I don't.
You definitely deserve it. Anybody that depends on a politician to dictate their standard of living deserves it. Time to put on your big boy undies and quit blaming others for your boneheaded life choices.
do you know what asinine means . What a pile of shit. If that's it you can go play someplace else
Lol you worthless leftist traitors crack me up!
If you don't contribute your gone. Why would anyone care what a low life thinks of them.
If you don't be nicer, I'm gonna have to ban you from your own thread.
US And Canada Reach Deal To Lift Tariffs On Each Other - politics - Windstream

US And Canada Reach Deal To Lift Tariffs On Each Other - so Canada got the tariffs that the us was charging Canada reversed on Steel and Aluminum and Canada dropped the tariffs they threw on because of Ding bats tariff war on Canada/ So can anyone of you people on the right understand what President Nutso gained . Well nothing he lost in fact for the country . Just to get back to the quid pro quo With tariffs that Canada dumped on scum bag. WE had to give up our tariffs that protected our steel and aluminum industry. What a fricken insane loser, this creep is. He's being forced to do the same with Mexico because he is stupid to have started this tariff crap in the first place. You own this clown, he is your leader.

  • Trump imposes harsh tariffs on Canada. Canada tries to fight back.
  • After a year Canada yields to the pressure resulting in a new, better trade deal for both countries than before allowing both to cooperate better with no further need in tariffs.
  • The author of your video 45 seconds into it agrees that the Trump gambit paid off and now both countries will profit from the new deal and that this was a GOOD THING.
  • Trump wins hugely for the USA.
  • This sets up a now better new deal with Mexico as well.
And out of that you somehow take this as a loss? President nutso? Insane loser? Creep? Clown? Just what kind of idiot bonebrain are you?

Please list all the new “deals” that we received from Canada for dropping our additional tariffs.

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You will now see your standard of living go down the shitter, while scum bags tariff war makes you dollar worth less and less every day. You clowns deserve it, I don't.
You definitely deserve it. Anybody that depends on a politician to dictate their standard of living deserves it. Time to put on your big boy undies and quit blaming others for your boneheaded life choices.
Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Just look at his spreadsheet from 1984 to 1995, where he lost more $$$ than any other taxpayer in America.
as a business man he is this countries number one loser of his dady's money. He is the biggest loser in the history of this country, I mean wow, this guy is the rights God and leader. That why for the last century the right has given us presidents that have been such a disaster for our economy compared to the democrats . The democrats hammering them on all investment aspects over those years. If your concerned about your investments or for the economy of this country you would be verifiable stupid to vote any righty into the president seat.

He's a pretty rich guy for a loser...say how much are you worth? Lol

Is wealth the sole determinant of someone’s value? George Soros is worth more than Trump yet most on the right do not think highly of him.

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You will now see your standard of living go down the shitter, while scum bags tariff war makes you dollar worth less and less every day. You clowns deserve it, I don't.
You definitely deserve it. Anybody that depends on a politician to dictate their standard of living deserves it. Time to put on your big boy undies and quit blaming others for your boneheaded life choices.
People work hard to make a living. Why sghuld a fat assed POS like Trump be permitted to lower their standard of living.

So fuck you & how dare to you blame the farmers because Trump ruined their market. Or the manufactures who lost their export business.
US And Canada Reach Deal To Lift Tariffs On Each Other - politics - Windstream

US And Canada Reach Deal To Lift Tariffs On Each Other - so Canada got the tariffs that the us was charging Canada reversed on Steel and Aluminum and Canada dropped the tariffs they threw on because of Ding bats tariff war on Canada/ So can anyone of you people on the right understand what President Nutso gained . Well nothing he lost in fact for the country . Just to get back to the quid pro quo With tariffs that Canada dumped on scum bag. WE had to give up our tariffs that protected our steel and aluminum industry. What a fricken insane loser, this creep is. He's being forced to do the same with Mexico because he is stupid to have started this tariff crap in the first place. You own this clown, he is your leader.

  • Trump imposes harsh tariffs on Canada. Canada tries to fight back.
  • After a year Canada yields to the pressure resulting in a new, better trade deal for both countries than before allowing both to cooperate better with no further need in tariffs.
  • The author of your video 45 seconds into it agrees that the Trump gambit paid off and now both countries will profit from the new deal and that this was a GOOD THING.
  • Trump wins hugely for the USA.
  • This sets up a now better new deal with Mexico as well.
And out of that you somehow take this as a loss? President nutso? Insane loser? Creep? Clown? Just what kind of idiot bonebrain are you?
After all the pain, Trump ended up with a small tweak on the old NAFTA. That's it. Wow dairy farmers can now sell a little more powdered milk. Cars now need a few higher percentage points of NA manufactured parts. Wow.

Trump ranted for years how NAFTA was this horrible deal because only he can do deals & all those before him were all fucking idiots.

The results, was a slightly tweaked NAFTA.

It would be funny if it ewasn't so pathetic.
You will now see your standard of living go down the shitter, while scum bags tariff war makes you dollar worth less and less every day. You clowns deserve it, I don't.
You definitely deserve it. Anybody that depends on a politician to dictate their standard of living deserves it. Time to put on your big boy undies and quit blaming others for your boneheaded life choices.
Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Just look at his spreadsheet from 1984 to 1995, where he lost more $$$ than any other taxpayer in America.
as a business man he is this countries number one loser of his dady's money. He is the biggest loser in the history of this country, I mean wow, this guy is the rights God and leader. That why for the last century the right has given us presidents that have been such a disaster for our economy compared to the democrats . The democrats hammering them on all investment aspects over those years. If your concerned about your investments or for the economy of this country you would be verifiable stupid to vote any righty into the president seat.

He's a pretty rich guy for a loser...say how much are you worth? Lol

Is wealth the sole determinant of someone’s value? George Soros is worth more than Trump yet most on the right do not think highly of him.

Sent from my iPhone using

or jeff bezos.............
Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Just look at his spreadsheet from 1984 to 1995, where he lost more $$$ than any other taxpayer in America.
You will now see your standard of living go down the shitter, while scum bags tariff war makes you dollar worth less and less every day. You clowns deserve it, I don't.
You definitely deserve it. Anybody that depends on a politician to dictate their standard of living deserves it. Time to put on your big boy undies and quit blaming others for your boneheaded life choices.
Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Just look at his spreadsheet from 1984 to 1995, where he lost more $$$ than any other taxpayer in America.
as a business man he is this countries number one loser of his dady's money. He is the biggest loser in the history of this country, I mean wow, this guy is the rights God and leader. That why for the last century the right has given us presidents that have been such a disaster for our economy compared to the democrats . The democrats hammering them on all investment aspects over those years. If your concerned about your investments or for the economy of this country you would be verifiable stupid to vote any righty into the president seat.

He's a pretty rich guy for a loser...say how much are you worth? Lol

i know if i had a daddy with bottomless pockets & he gave me a 'million' dollars (& it turned out to be wayyyyyyyy more than that ) to start out in life with, i might be living in a an apt on 5th ave too - but it sure would be better decorated than the monstrosity that trump does. AND i sure as shit wouldn't have casinos...where normally it's designed for the house to win.... to go belly up & have wall street put me on an allowence ( now enters russian & saudi money)
Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Just look at his spreadsheet from 1984 to 1995, where he lost more $$$ than any other taxpayer in America.
View attachment 261695

lol... while OBAMA was attending & ultimately graduated from harvard law school, your dotard 'president' was so deep in debt & sinking even faster -that in order for wall street to loan him any more cash, they made donny go on an allowance like a spoiled child with no self control... & he hasn't grown up yet.

Banks Approve Loans for Trump, But Take Control of His Finances
Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Just look at his spreadsheet from 1984 to 1995, where he lost more $$$ than any other taxpayer in America.
View attachment 261695

lol... while OBAMA was attending & ultimately graduated from harvard law school, your dotard 'president' was so deep in debt & sinking even faster -that in order for wall street to loan him any more cash, they made donny go on an allowance like a spoiled child with no self control... & he hasn't grown up yet.

Banks Approve Loans for Trump, But Take Control of His Finances
Yes he was taking advantage of affirmative action and foreign student loans. You have no clue how he did in school.
Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Just look at his spreadsheet from 1984 to 1995, where he lost more $$$ than any other taxpayer in America.
View attachment 261695
Actually, Trump losses were after Doinnie used daddies money to save his ass from numerous business decisions.
Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Just look at his spreadsheet from 1984 to 1995, where he lost more $$$ than any other taxpayer in America.
View attachment 261695

lol... while OBAMA was attending & ultimately graduated from harvard law school, your dotard 'president' was so deep in debt & sinking even faster -that in order for wall street to loan him any more cash, they made donny go on an allowance like a spoiled child with no self control... & he hasn't grown up yet.

Banks Approve Loans for Trump, But Take Control of His Finances
Yes he was taking advantage of affirmative action and foreign student loans. You have no clue how he did in school.
You racist fuck. Because wed all know the only reason blacks get into college is affirmative action. How about you shove your racism up your ignorant, uneducated ass.
Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Just look at his spreadsheet from 1984 to 1995, where he lost more $$$ than any other taxpayer in America.
View attachment 261695
Actually, Trump losses were after Doinnie used daddies money to save his ass from numerous business decisions.
Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Just look at his spreadsheet from 1984 to 1995, where he lost more $$$ than any other taxpayer in America.
View attachment 261695

lol... while OBAMA was attending & ultimately graduated from harvard law school, your dotard 'president' was so deep in debt & sinking even faster -that in order for wall street to loan him any more cash, they made donny go on an allowance like a spoiled child with no self control... & he hasn't grown up yet.

Banks Approve Loans for Trump, But Take Control of His Finances
Yes he was taking advantage of affirmative action and foreign student loans. You have no clue how he did in school.
You racist fuck. Because wed all know the only reason blacks get into college is affirmative action. How about you shove your racism up your ignorant, uneducated ass.
No, there were blacks that deserved it, but not a coke head like Obama himself admitted he was. He is a dumbass.
US And Canada Reach Deal To Lift Tariffs On Each Other - politics - Windstream

US And Canada Reach Deal To Lift Tariffs On Each Other - so Canada got the tariffs that the us was charging Canada reversed on Steel and Aluminum and Canada dropped the tariffs they threw on because of Ding bats tariff war on Canada/ So can anyone of you people on the right understand what President Nutso gained . Well nothing he lost in fact for the country . Just to get back to the quid pro quo With tariffs that Canada dumped on scum bag. WE had to give up our tariffs that protected our steel and aluminum industry. What a fricken insane loser, this creep is. He's being forced to do the same with Mexico because he is stupid to have started this tariff crap in the first place. You own this clown, he is your leader.
He's fair, he brought to the table a lovely, intelligent wife and kids anybody would be proud of. America has great respect for Canada, and we respect President Trump. He's been embroiled by retards in the leadership of the Democrats who promise people something for nothing, which taxes working people to death. He is America's protector, and tells the truth when the liberals can only lie their asses off, because they do not know how to handle the truth. Maybe there is imbalance somewhere that needs a little encouragement. If you're trusting the lunatic lying American Press, you do not know the people in this country who actually cheer when something good happens for Canada. They're always trying to pull a fast one on conservatives. That's why people are leaving One-way media far behind us. If you're believing in the leftist Press, you're missing the masses of Americans who respect our President. It's the best kept secret the luny leftist lockstep wants you to not know. Don't let lies influence you, please.
I'll trade 200 scum bags for one Justin Trudeau and I still will get the best deal. Americans don't respect scum bag- when it crosses 50% it is then a fact. Some Americans do, they are the same ones who elected a hate candidate making their party the hate party. Fake Christians , bigots, homophobic , people who think the Mexicans that cross the border are just rapist and gang members, people who hate and find this countries solutions within that hatred. Islamophobic, chauvinist old white fat men, . You are this countries enemy and it's biggest threat and everyday that your criminal leader sits in the seat that you haters put him in is another chop off of the ignorance that supports this piece of shit. Here is a simple fact that says it all, this is the first time in history where a party , that's you and your designated leader was supported by the KKK, the white supremacist and the Nazi party , that's the trifecta of hate. You should be proud of yourself.
Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Just look at his spreadsheet from 1984 to 1995, where he lost more $$$ than any other taxpayer in America.
View attachment 261695
Actually, Trump losses were after Doinnie used daddies money to save his ass from numerous business decisions.
Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Just look at his spreadsheet from 1984 to 1995, where he lost more $$$ than any other taxpayer in America.
View attachment 261695

lol... while OBAMA was attending & ultimately graduated from harvard law school, your dotard 'president' was so deep in debt & sinking even faster -that in order for wall street to loan him any more cash, they made donny go on an allowance like a spoiled child with no self control... & he hasn't grown up yet.

Banks Approve Loans for Trump, But Take Control of His Finances
Yes he was taking advantage of affirmative action and foreign student loans. You have no clue how he did in school.
You racist fuck. Because wed all know the only reason blacks get into college is affirmative action. How about you shove your racism up your ignorant, uneducated ass.
No, there were blacks that deserved it, but not a coke head like Obama himself admitted he was. He is a dumbass.
So somehow in a thread about scum bag, these weaklings, without a response to come back with, start talking about someone else , like it justify's what scum bag does by what someone else does , you know they have lost the debate when that's all they got.
You will now see your standard of living go down the shitter, while scum bags tariff war makes you dollar worth less and less every day. You clowns deserve it, I don't.
You definitely deserve it. Anybody that depends on a politician to dictate their standard of living deserves it. Time to put on your big boy undies and quit blaming others for your boneheaded life choices.
Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Just look at his spreadsheet from 1984 to 1995, where he lost more $$$ than any other taxpayer in America.
as a business man he is this countries number one loser of his dady's money. He is the biggest loser in the history of this country, I mean wow, this guy is the rights God and leader. That why for the last century the right has given us presidents that have been such a disaster for our economy compared to the democrats . The democrats hammering them on all investment aspects over those years. If your concerned about your investments or for the economy of this country you would be verifiable stupid to vote any righty into the president seat.

What's it's like waking up every morning with absolutely no idea of what to do with your day until your master rings your bell?
Fear not, ladies and gentleman, I happen to be one of JBander's psychiatrists here at the Maximum Security Institution. My colleagues and I let him out of his padded cell and straightjacket for one hour each day to troll on the Internet. Because we've found that as long as he's venting out his paranoia online, he won't become physically violent and that's what we're going for here at the hospital. As you can see, he has delusions of being a moderater here who can ban people at his own whims. We're working on that manic fantasy of his.

JBander is under doctors' care, under extreme security protocols and we are working around the clock to find the right dosages of Thorazine, Topamax, Lamyctyl and lithium to render him functional enough to re-enter society under regular supervision. Try to disregard his hallucinations and just hope that my colleagues and I can find a medicinal way to treat his psychiatric problems.

I assure everyone that JBander is under medical supervision 24/7 so there is no reason to be alarmed.
Are you sure you did not escape from Juanita Jeans Beauty Salon? Or did she kick you out?
Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Just look at his spreadsheet from 1984 to 1995, where he lost more $$$ than any other taxpayer in America.
View attachment 261695
Actually, Trump losses were after Doinnie used daddies money to save his ass from numerous business decisions.
Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Just look at his spreadsheet from 1984 to 1995, where he lost more $$$ than any other taxpayer in America.
View attachment 261695

lol... while OBAMA was attending & ultimately graduated from harvard law school, your dotard 'president' was so deep in debt & sinking even faster -that in order for wall street to loan him any more cash, they made donny go on an allowance like a spoiled child with no self control... & he hasn't grown up yet.

Banks Approve Loans for Trump, But Take Control of His Finances
Yes he was taking advantage of affirmative action and foreign student loans. You have no clue how he did in school.
You racist fuck. Because wed all know the only reason blacks get into college is affirmative action. How about you shove your racism up your ignorant, uneducated ass.
No, there were blacks that deserved it, but not a coke head like Obama himself admitted he was. He is a dumbass.
Nice try but when you assume black people needed affirmative action, it makes you a racist. Because you believe that being black means to had to get help because blacks just aren't smart enough. You are a racist. You keep proving it with your posts.

Trying coke in your youth does not make you a coke head. (Note that George W Bush was a ciokehead & drunk until the age of 35).

The fact is that you have no idea whether affirmative action was a factor. Obama came out of a well respected private high school & proved himself at Occidental before going to Columbia & then Harvard.

Like you could get in any of those schools.

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