‘That White House is a real dump’: Trump openly trashes WH while visiting his golf course

‘That White House is a real dump’: Trump openly trashes official residence while visiting his golf course

"Donald Trump explains away his frequent visits to his own golf courses by belittling the residence of every U.S. president since 1800, telling attendees at his Bedminster Golf Club that the “White House is a real dump.”
Golf.com reports that during a recent visit to his New Jersey golf club (which Trump has visited four times since his inauguration), the president told fellow members the reason why he frequents his own properties.
“That White House is a real dump,” he said."

‘That White House is a real dump’: Trump openly trashes official residence while visiting his golf course

Wow. Such respect for the sublime history of that important American Institution.

Imagine for one earthly second if Obama had ever said anything like that.

Just sickening the way this man trashes nearly every one and everything he comes in contact with.
Who's to say that camp David and the White House Are not dumps?
The only reason Trump is calling the WH a "dump" is because he can't make any money staying there.

He does make money when he stays at his own properties however.

Yep, the American people have bee conned and duped.

You nailed it with this.

He has made millions to FB the US tax payer, just by traveling, via Air Force One, at the tax payer's expense,mane then makes millions more by traveling from one Trump promptly tongue next.

Money is the only reason he ran and he's raking it in.

How long before his fans get fed up with losing money while paying out of their pocket to make him richer?

Just how stupid are the Trump dupes?

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You sound like a pussy whipped bitch?… Elections have consequences get over it
I find the levels Trump supporters will go to defending whatever he says to be simply amazing.

Trump probably actually COULD shoot someone on 5th Ave, and his supporters would scream that it was self defense, even if the person that he shot was unarmed.
I find the levels Trump supporters will go to defending whatever he says to be simply amazing.

Trump probably actually COULD shoot someone on 5th Ave, and his supporters would scream that it was self defense, even if the person that he shot was unarmed.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Elections have consequences - live with It bed wetter.
The original article from Sports Illustrated, which ALL OTHER REPORTS CAME FROM...states at the beginning of the article that the President comfortably jokes around and peppers his language with hyperbole. For the liberals here...that word means that it is light hearted commentary not meant to be taken literal.
BUT OF COURSE - the rest of fake news sites all over leave that part of the article out, and make the claim that he was literally telling people that it is a dump.
Unless he was being sarcastic, he was calling it a dump. And don't make me use that meme on you again--Peach is still crabbing about it. The Pres called it a dump and if you want to make a point that he didn't mean it, put up the article.

Please specifically point to where I said he did not say it. :popcorn:
He may very well have said it, but it was obviously not a serious comment. If he said it at all, since SL does not say who it was who said he said it.
But of course none of this matters. His haters only need the idea of him saying it, and they will gladly fill in the blanks of both context and intent.
If he said it at all, and in what context and the conversation he said it in, we will never know. But again, that doesn't matter. All the haters and media need is the idea of it being true.
What makes you think he didn't mean it? And you're going to say someone at the golf course just made it up, huh? His "people?" The MSM doesn't just create stuff like some alt-right sites. They corroborate their sources, though they make them private.
He's not weaseling out of this one. He thinks it's beneath him. I knew he would. I figured that was part of the reason he was at MaraLago so much and why Melania and Barron were so slow to skulk on down there. Probably was a lot of massive overhaul going on to satisfy the demands of Master Barron, who has an entire floor of his own at Trump Tower.
I already said it's not a big deal in the scheme of things but it is insulting to call the WH a dump. You can lie for him all you like.

Oh whatever Old Lady, again specifically point out where I am lying for him. :rolleyes:
If there is one thing we have learned about Donald Trump is the man almost constantly talks out of his ass. A man that is difficult to know when he is serious and when he is just saying something to be saying it.
Not only that, but can you imagine all of the horror stories that could be written about all of us, if every thing we say is repeated and examined.
This is just ANOTHER vaporous faux outrage against the man.
I find it insulting. Don't call me faux.

The White house has to be trashed after that ghetto family living there for the last eight years.
It just means someone forgot to fumigate the Obamas' stench from it. You liberalfilth LOVE throwing your baby tantrums over the most trivial SHIT! You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You spoiled-punk ingrates never grew up and learned how to act like REAL adult men & women (or any of the other 3141592636 genders you invented). You are literally vessels of utterly failed humanity.

Come on, liberalfilth, let's hear more of your baby-tantrums over Trump's well-done steak. Or 2 scoops of ice cream. Or your convulsions that Melania's shoes "were too fancy" when she was reading storybooks to little kids with cancer, you evil, cancer-deserving insects who scuttled out of a Freudian nightmare somewhere. You pigs. You liberal biological detritus.
Wow...................Trump calls the WH a dump and you Trump supporters are in lockstep agreement with him. Whats even worse, is you use unfounded insults against Obama as a way to justify Trump's remarks.
The original article from Sports Illustrated, which ALL OTHER REPORTS CAME FROM...states at the beginning of the article that the President comfortably jokes around and peppers his language with hyperbole. For the liberals here...that word means that it is light hearted commentary not meant to be taken literal.
BUT OF COURSE - the rest of fake news sites all over leave that part of the article out, and make the claim that he was literally telling people that it is a dump.
Unless he was being sarcastic, he was calling it a dump. And don't make me use that meme on you again--Peach is still crabbing about it. The Pres called it a dump and if you want to make a point that he didn't mean it, put up the article.

Please specifically point to where I said he did not say it. :popcorn:
He may very well have said it, but it was obviously not a serious comment. If he said it at all, since SL does not say who it was who said he said it.
But of course none of this matters. His haters only need the idea of him saying it, and they will gladly fill in the blanks of both context and intent.
If he said it at all, and in what context and the conversation he said it in, we will never know. But again, that doesn't matter. All the haters and media need is the idea of it being true.
What makes you think he didn't mean it? And you're going to say someone at the golf course just made it up, huh? His "people?" The MSM doesn't just create stuff like some alt-right sites. They corroborate their sources, though they make them private.
He's not weaseling out of this one. He thinks it's beneath him. I knew he would. I figured that was part of the reason he was at MaraLago so much and why Melania and Barron were so slow to skulk on down there. Probably was a lot of massive overhaul going on to satisfy the demands of Master Barron, who has an entire floor of his own at Trump Tower.
I already said it's not a big deal in the scheme of things but it is insulting to call the WH a dump. You can lie for him all you like.

Oh whatever Old Lady, again specifically point out where I am lying for him. :rolleyes:
If there is one thing we have learned about Donald Trump is the man almost constantly talks out of his ass. A man that is difficult to know when he is serious and when he is just saying something to be saying it.
Not only that, but can you imagine all of the horror stories that could be written about all of us, if every thing we say is repeated and examined.
This is just ANOTHER vaporous faux outrage against the man.
I find it insulting. Don't call me faux.

View attachment 141719

By all means sending a funny meme ends the debate... :rolleyes:

And BTW, if you paid any attention to what I have said, which you have not, you might pick up I am no fan of Trump. He is an egomaniac that loves to hear himself talk. He might even be a narcissist. We could have done a whole lot better than this.
You can evict the sharecroppers from the mansion but it takes years to get rid off the stink.
Actually that is not true. They did take abpprox. $200,000 worth of items
You mean to say they stole $200,000 worth of items but got caught...right? Whats worse calling the White House a dump or turning it into a crime scene?
The original article from Sports Illustrated, which ALL OTHER REPORTS CAME FROM...states at the beginning of the article that the President comfortably jokes around and peppers his language with hyperbole. For the liberals here...that word means that it is light hearted commentary not meant to be taken literal.
BUT OF COURSE - the rest of fake news sites all over leave that part of the article out, and make the claim that he was literally telling people that it is a dump.
Unless he was being sarcastic, he was calling it a dump. And don't make me use that meme on you again--Peach is still crabbing about it. The Pres called it a dump and if you want to make a point that he didn't mean it, put up the article.

Please specifically point to where I said he did not say it. :popcorn:
He may very well have said it, but it was obviously not a serious comment. If he said it at all, since SL does not say who it was who said he said it.
But of course none of this matters. His haters only need the idea of him saying it, and they will gladly fill in the blanks of both context and intent.
If he said it at all, and in what context and the conversation he said it in, we will never know. But again, that doesn't matter. All the haters and media need is the idea of it being true.
What makes you think he didn't mean it? And you're going to say someone at the golf course just made it up, huh? His "people?" The MSM doesn't just create stuff like some alt-right sites. They corroborate their sources, though they make them private.
He's not weaseling out of this one. He thinks it's beneath him. I knew he would. I figured that was part of the reason he was at MaraLago so much and why Melania and Barron were so slow to skulk on down there. Probably was a lot of massive overhaul going on to satisfy the demands of Master Barron, who has an entire floor of his own at Trump Tower.
I already said it's not a big deal in the scheme of things but it is insulting to call the WH a dump. You can lie for him all you like.

Oh whatever Old Lady, again specifically point out where I am lying for him. :rolleyes:
If there is one thing we have learned about Donald Trump is the man almost constantly talks out of his ass. A man that is difficult to know when he is serious and when he is just saying something to be saying it.
Not only that, but can you imagine all of the horror stories that could be written about all of us, if every thing we say is repeated and examined.
This is just ANOTHER vaporous faux outrage against the man.
I find it insulting. Don't call me faux.

View attachment 141719
but its ok for you to mention someone whom you dont know's mother in a post?
Unless he was being sarcastic, he was calling it a dump. And don't make me use that meme on you again--Peach is still crabbing about it. The Pres called it a dump and if you want to make a point that he didn't mean it, put up the article.

Please specifically point to where I said he did not say it. :popcorn:
He may very well have said it, but it was obviously not a serious comment. If he said it at all, since SL does not say who it was who said he said it.
But of course none of this matters. His haters only need the idea of him saying it, and they will gladly fill in the blanks of both context and intent.
If he said it at all, and in what context and the conversation he said it in, we will never know. But again, that doesn't matter. All the haters and media need is the idea of it being true.
What makes you think he didn't mean it? And you're going to say someone at the golf course just made it up, huh? His "people?" The MSM doesn't just create stuff like some alt-right sites. They corroborate their sources, though they make them private.
He's not weaseling out of this one. He thinks it's beneath him. I knew he would. I figured that was part of the reason he was at MaraLago so much and why Melania and Barron were so slow to skulk on down there. Probably was a lot of massive overhaul going on to satisfy the demands of Master Barron, who has an entire floor of his own at Trump Tower.
I already said it's not a big deal in the scheme of things but it is insulting to call the WH a dump. You can lie for him all you like.

Oh whatever Old Lady, again specifically point out where I am lying for him. :rolleyes:
If there is one thing we have learned about Donald Trump is the man almost constantly talks out of his ass. A man that is difficult to know when he is serious and when he is just saying something to be saying it.
Not only that, but can you imagine all of the horror stories that could be written about all of us, if every thing we say is repeated and examined.
This is just ANOTHER vaporous faux outrage against the man.
I find it insulting. Don't call me faux.

View attachment 141719

By all means sending a funny meme ends the debate... :rolleyes:

And BTW, if you paid any attention to what I have said, which you have not, you might pick up I am no fan of Trump. He is an egomaniac that loves to hear himself talk. He might even be a narcissist. We could have done a whole lot better than this.
Look, we could keep arguing this all night, but all I was saying was, it's not a phony reaction on my part. I find it insulting, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. It's not as important as a lot of the other shit he's up to.
And that's what pretends to be the "raw story" these days? Lefties need to get out more.
Look, we could keep arguing this all night, but all I was saying was, it's not a phony reaction on my part. I find it insulting, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. It's not as important as a lot of the other shit he's up to.

Or this....

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