That's just liberals being liberal

Desiring that one person has one vote isn't such a bad thing

You are inferring that one person, one vote only counts when their candidate wins.

One person, one vote does count IN THE INDIVIDUAL STATES where the ACTUAL CHOOSING OF THE PRESIDENT takes place.

Why can't you get it through your thick freaking head that without the EC, only the East and Left coast would elect our President. That would would disenfranchise the vast majority of the country by absolutely destroying the concept of one person, one vote.

Yes, there's one person one vote in the states, but not in the country, and it's the country that's choosing the president, isn't it? I mean, if the electoral college vote worked along fair lines, rather than Wyoming having three electoral college votes when it should have one, it could be FAIR. Don't you think?

That would mean that WY could only have 1 Senator or 1 Representative, not both, in the Federal government. That would be fair, wouldn't it? Or don't you want them to have representation in both houses of Congress?

WY has 2 Senators, just like the other 49 states and 1 Representative = 3 EC votes.

Tell me, which of the following states should only have 1 vote.

Number of Electoral Votes
Alabama 9
Alaska 3
Arizona 11
Arkansas 6
California 55
Colorado 9
Connecticut 7
Delaware 3
District of Columbia 3
Florida 29
Georgia 16
Hawaii 4
Idaho 4
Illinois 20
Indiana 11
Iowa 6
Kansas 6
Kentucky 8
Louisiana 8
Maine 4
Maryland 10
Massachusetts 11
Michigan 16
Minnesota 10
Mississippi 6
Missouri 10
Montana 3
Nebraska 5
Nevada 6
New Hampshire 4
New Jersey 14
New Mexico 5
New York 29
North Carolina 15
North Dakota 3
Ohio 18
Oklahoma 7
Oregon 7
Pennsylvania 20
Rhode Island 4
South Carolina 9
South Dakota 3
Tennessee 11
Texas 38
Utah 6
Vermont 3
Virginia 13
Washington 12
West Virginia 5
Wisconsin 10
Wyoming 3

Yeah, Congress isn't fair either. However the House is made up more or less on proportional lines, though each state decides how it will split up those lines.

Proportional Representation would mean that every individual (don't the right just love individuals when it suits them) would get a say in the election.

Look at the German system. You have two votes. One is for the constituency and one is for PR.

German federal election, 2013 - Wikipedia

With PR, the CDU/CSU gained 18 million votes. With FPTP (like the US has) they gained nearly 20 million votes. Yep, nearly 2 million people decided they wanted to vote for the CDU or CSU in a First Past the Post winner takes all system, but rather wouldn't for who they want to be in government.

Same with the SPD, 1.6 million people voted for them in FPTP but not in PR.

The smaller parties gained in PR and lost in first past the post.

So what they do is give each party their constituency seats and then give out list seats to make it proportional. So, the SPD 29.4% of the FPTP votes, they got 25.7% of the PR votes and they got 30.5% of the seats. This was in 2013 when the FPD and AfD both gained just under the threshold of 5% to get in, so a lot of votes ended up going to parties who didn't get a single seat.

The previous election the SPD got FPTP 27.9% and PR 23% and 23.5% of the seats, making it a lot fairer.

Basically, 23% of the people said they wanted the SPD to be in government and the SPD had 23.5% of the power in government.

In the US 49.1% of the people voted Republican and they got 51% of the seats and 48% voted Democrat and they got 45% of the seats. But then you have a senate which then skews things up to make it difficult to even point to anything.

But the biggest problem is that in Germany you have many parties that people can choose from and the US you have two, basically, because everyone's too scared of the other party.
And who decided they haven't come to terms with it? Oh, you. Not them, you. How convenient. How you managed to get over Jorg "I loved the SS" Haider's death yet?

They keep saying that Hillary won, it's okay I am aware that someone with such little joined up thinking in the membrane like you has difficulty keeping up with the programme.

Your other comment to me and your comment to The Dude both illustrate you either need to get over your obsession or if not grab the nearest Nazi and let them shaft you up your buttocks and maybe that will give you the thrill you obviously need.

Well she won the popular vote. Desiring that one person has one vote isn't such a bad thing to desire, is it? I mean, you have it.
You sound like a little toddler that didn't get his way. Lol, keep it up and we win more seats in the midterms.

And you sound like just another fucking partisan hack with nothing better to do that come on a political forum and talk crap.

Pot - Kettle?

You can decide to be either one, but it would be great if you'd write more words.

And, oh, yeah, I know you're trying to call that to me, but no, I've never voted either of the two main parties, I've been calling for a change in the system to allow for more parties, more of a voice, and an end to the partisan bullshit. But hey, don't let facts get in the way of trying to have a dig at me.
They forced another out of the inauguration. I'd like to know how the left has reached this point of deterioration? They are what they protest to hate and they project that on the right. They're emotionally unstrung and irrational. Quite frankly they've been dumbed-down, and their decline continues.

Jennifer Holliday Pulls Out of Trump Inauguration, Apologizes to LGBT Community

Crybaby. It's your free market at work lol.

No, it's coercion. Liberals are using threats to force someone to make a political statement.

And the right don't do this? Dixie Chicks anyone?
Leftists will never come to terms with Hillary losing, some of them probably think Hillary is going to be Inaugurated next Friday.

And who decided they haven't come to terms with it? Oh, you. Not them, you. How convenient. How you managed to get over Jorg "I loved the SS" Haider's death yet?

They keep saying that Hillary won, it's okay I am aware that someone with such little joined up thinking in the membrane like you has difficulty keeping up with the programme.

Your other comment to me and your comment to The Dude both illustrate you either need to get over your obsession or if not grab the nearest Nazi and let them shaft you up your buttocks and maybe that will give you the thrill you obviously need.

Well she won the popular vote. Desiring that one person has one vote isn't such a bad thing to desire, is it? I mean, you have it.
You sound like a little toddler that didn't get his way. Lol, keep it up and we win more seats in the midterms.

And you sound like just another fucking partisan hack with nothing better to do that come on a political forum and talk crap.
She won the popular vote, whaaas, whaaa. Lol, get over it. Trump is your president.
They forced another out of the inauguration. I'd like to know how the left has reached this point of deterioration? They are what they protest to hate and they project that on the right. They're emotionally unstrung and irrational. Quite frankly they've been dumbed-down, and their decline continues.

Jennifer Holliday Pulls Out of Trump Inauguration, Apologizes to LGBT Community

Crybaby. It's your free market at work lol.

No, it's coercion. Liberals are using threats to force someone to make a political statement.

And the right don't do this? Dixie Chicks anyone?
A boycott is different than trying to shut down an inauguration. Just because you didn't get your way. Keep it up and liberalism will die off.
They forced another out of the inauguration. I'd like to know how the left has reached this point of deterioration? They are what they protest to hate and they project that on the right. They're emotionally unstrung and irrational. Quite frankly they've been dumbed-down, and their decline continues.

Jennifer Holliday Pulls Out of Trump Inauguration, Apologizes to LGBT Community

Crybaby. It's your free market at work lol.

No, it's coercion. Liberals are using threats to force someone to make a political statement.

And the right don't do this? Dixie Chicks anyone?
A boycott is different than trying to shut down an inauguration. Just because you didn't get your way. Keep it up and liberalism will die off.

"Shut down an inaugurination?"

You think this is supposed to be an entertainment show?
They forced another out of the inauguration. I'd like to know how the left has reached this point of deterioration? They are what they protest to hate and they project that on the right. They're emotionally unstrung and irrational. Quite frankly they've been dumbed-down, and their decline continues.

Jennifer Holliday Pulls Out of Trump Inauguration, Apologizes to LGBT Community

Crybaby. It's your free market at work lol.

No, it's coercion. Liberals are using threats to force someone to make a political statement.

And the right don't do this? Dixie Chicks anyone?
A boycott is different than trying to shut down an inauguration. Just because you didn't get your way. Keep it up and liberalism will die off.

"Shut down an inaugurination?"

You think this is supposed to be an entertainment show?
It will be if you people that can't decide what sex you are tries to start shit. Target practice! Only with the strongest of minds, and you will lose. Just the way you did in November. Lol
Crybaby. It's your free market at work lol.

No, it's coercion. Liberals are using threats to force someone to make a political statement.

And the right don't do this? Dixie Chicks anyone?
A boycott is different than trying to shut down an inauguration. Just because you didn't get your way. Keep it up and liberalism will die off.

"Shut down an inaugurination?"

You think this is supposed to be an entertainment show?
It will be if you people that can't decide what sex you are tries to start shit. Target practice! Only with the strongest of minds, and you will lose. Just the way you did in November. Lol

Typical Leftist freaks, round them up and put them into Gitmo.

Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

"On the day of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration protesters are planning an anti-capitalist march, road blockades and disruptions to inauguration balls. The protests will likely include property destruction, a source with intimate knowledge of the protest plans told The Daily Caller Friday.

- Snip -

A group called #DisruptJ20 is the most active in the planned protests for the inauguration.

Organizers for #DisruptJ20 are planning to kick off the inauguration protests on Jan. 18 with a gay dance party outside of Vice President-elect Mike Pence’s Chevy Chase, MD home.

- Snip -

Fox News reported Friday on audio of a protester saying #Disrupt20 plans to “crash” the pro-Trump “Deploraball” on Jan. 19, which The Daily Caller’s source confirmed. The source said that several of the balls on inauguration night will be disrupted as well.

- Snip -

Interim Metropolitan Police Chief Peter Newsham said at a recent press conference that the D.C. police were made aware of protest plans by anarchists and that they will be “able to handle it."

Here's the rest of the article.

Read more: Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

Also pro-Illegal Invaders groups are planning on the Anarchist Agitator thing, threatening violence, undocumented immigrants ie. Illegal Invaders. Round the Anarchist Agitators up and put them into Gitmo.

Immigrant Groups Rally Around Country as Message to Trump

"From California to Washington, D.C., Arizona to Wisconsin, immigration activists are holding protests aimed at soon-to-be-sworn-in-as-president Donald Trump.

Immigration groups and various other supporters have planned some 70 events for Saturday "to send a clear pro-immigration message to the incoming administration and rally for immigration rights," the groups say.

"We need to protect our communities
and let Trump and everyone against us know that we are ready to fight back," said Julio Calderon, who works in higher education for undocumented immigrants at the Florida Immigrant Coalition. The coalition of 62 organizations plans a protest with about 10 other groups."

Here is the rest of the article.

Immigrant Groups hold rallies around country as message to Trump
No, it's coercion. Liberals are using threats to force someone to make a political statement.

And the right don't do this? Dixie Chicks anyone?
A boycott is different than trying to shut down an inauguration. Just because you didn't get your way. Keep it up and liberalism will die off.

"Shut down an inaugurination?"

You think this is supposed to be an entertainment show?
It will be if you people that can't decide what sex you are tries to start shit. Target practice! Only with the strongest of minds, and you will lose. Just the way you did in November. Lol

Typical Leftist freaks, round them up and put them into Gitmo.

Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

"On the day of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration protesters are planning an anti-capitalist march, road blockades and disruptions to inauguration balls. The protests will likely include property destruction, a source with intimate knowledge of the protest plans told The Daily Caller Friday.

- Snip -

A group called #DisruptJ20 is the most active in the planned protests for the inauguration.

Organizers for #DisruptJ20 are planning to kick off the inauguration protests on Jan. 18 with a gay dance party outside of Vice President-elect Mike Pence’s Chevy Chase, MD home.

- Snip -

Fox News reported Friday on audio of a protester saying #Disrupt20 plans to “crash” the pro-Trump “Deploraball” on Jan. 19, which The Daily Caller’s source confirmed. The source said that several of the balls on inauguration night will be disrupted as well.

- Snip -

Interim Metropolitan Police Chief Peter Newsham said at a recent press conference that the D.C. police were made aware of protest plans by anarchists and that they will be “able to handle it."

Here's the full article.

Read more: Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

Also pro-Illegal Invaders groups are planning on the Anarchist Agitator thing, threatening violence, undocumented immigrants ie. Illegal Invaders. Round the Anarchist Agitators up and put them into Gitmo.

Immigrant Groups Rally Around Country as Message to Trump

"From California to Washington, D.C., Arizona to Wisconsin, immigration activists are holding protests aimed at soon-to-be-sworn-in-as-president Donald Trump.

Immigration groups and various other supporters have planned some 70 events for Saturday "to send a clear pro-immigration message to the incoming administration and rally for immigration rights," the groups say.

"We need to protect our communities and let Trump
and everyone against us know that we are ready to fight back," said Julio Calderon, who works in higher education for undocumented immigrants at the Florida Immigrant Coalition. The coalition of 62 organizations plans a protest with about 10 other groups."

Here is the rest of the article.

Immigrant Groups hold rallies around country as message to Trump
Exactly, if they are illegals protesting, load them up and fly them back to their country. Cheaper than supporting then their whole life.
And who decided they haven't come to terms with it? Oh, you. Not them, you. How convenient. How you managed to get over Jorg "I loved the SS" Haider's death yet?

They keep saying that Hillary won, it's okay I am aware that someone with such little joined up thinking in the membrane like you has difficulty keeping up with the programme.

Your other comment to me and your comment to The Dude both illustrate you either need to get over your obsession or if not grab the nearest Nazi and let them shaft you up your buttocks and maybe that will give you the thrill you obviously need.

Well she won the popular vote. Desiring that one person has one vote isn't such a bad thing to desire, is it? I mean, you have it.
You sound like a little toddler that didn't get his way. Lol, keep it up and we win more seats in the midterms.

And you sound like just another fucking partisan hack with nothing better to do that come on a political forum and talk crap.
She won the popular vote, whaaas, whaaa. Lol, get over it. Trump is your president.

And did the partisan ever get over Obama? No. So....
They forced another out of the inauguration. I'd like to know how the left has reached this point of deterioration? They are what they protest to hate and they project that on the right. They're emotionally unstrung and irrational. Quite frankly they've been dumbed-down, and their decline continues.

Jennifer Holliday Pulls Out of Trump Inauguration, Apologizes to LGBT Community

Crybaby. It's your free market at work lol.

No, it's coercion. Liberals are using threats to force someone to make a political statement.

And the right don't do this? Dixie Chicks anyone?
A boycott is different than trying to shut down an inauguration. Just because you didn't get your way. Keep it up and liberalism will die off.

And picking your nose is different to picking your teeth. So... what?
And the right don't do this? Dixie Chicks anyone?
A boycott is different than trying to shut down an inauguration. Just because you didn't get your way. Keep it up and liberalism will die off.

"Shut down an inaugurination?"

You think this is supposed to be an entertainment show?
It will be if you people that can't decide what sex you are tries to start shit. Target practice! Only with the strongest of minds, and you will lose. Just the way you did in November. Lol

Typical Leftist freaks, round them up and put them into Gitmo.

Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

"On the day of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration protesters are planning an anti-capitalist march, road blockades and disruptions to inauguration balls. The protests will likely include property destruction, a source with intimate knowledge of the protest plans told The Daily Caller Friday.

- Snip -

A group called #DisruptJ20 is the most active in the planned protests for the inauguration.

Organizers for #DisruptJ20 are planning to kick off the inauguration protests on Jan. 18 with a gay dance party outside of Vice President-elect Mike Pence’s Chevy Chase, MD home.

- Snip -

Fox News reported Friday on audio of a protester saying #Disrupt20 plans to “crash” the pro-Trump “Deploraball” on Jan. 19, which The Daily Caller’s source confirmed. The source said that several of the balls on inauguration night will be disrupted as well.

- Snip -

Interim Metropolitan Police Chief Peter Newsham said at a recent press conference that the D.C. police were made aware of protest plans by anarchists and that they will be “able to handle it."

Here's the full article.

Read more: Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

Also pro-Illegal Invaders groups are planning on the Anarchist Agitator thing, threatening violence, undocumented immigrants ie. Illegal Invaders. Round the Anarchist Agitators up and put them into Gitmo.

Immigrant Groups Rally Around Country as Message to Trump

"From California to Washington, D.C., Arizona to Wisconsin, immigration activists are holding protests aimed at soon-to-be-sworn-in-as-president Donald Trump.

Immigration groups and various other supporters have planned some 70 events for Saturday "to send a clear pro-immigration message to the incoming administration and rally for immigration rights," the groups say.

"We need to protect our communities and let Trump
and everyone against us know that we are ready to fight back," said Julio Calderon, who works in higher education for undocumented immigrants at the Florida Immigrant Coalition. The coalition of 62 organizations plans a protest with about 10 other groups."

Here is the rest of the article.

Immigrant Groups hold rallies around country as message to Trump
Exactly, if they are illegals protesting, load them up and fly them back to their country. Cheaper than supporting then their whole life.

They are threatening violence, why should that be tolerated because going full-spectrum Zero Tolerance on them will upset the bedwetting Snowflakes, the Human Rights Groups and the Commie UN?

If they commit violence as they seem intended to do, including they are saying they'll destroy property, a society cannot have this sort of behaviour and it shouldn't be tolerated on any level, the 2x4 should be brought out to restore order and discipline and the perpetrators rounded up and dealt with.
They keep saying that Hillary won, it's okay I am aware that someone with such little joined up thinking in the membrane like you has difficulty keeping up with the programme.

Your other comment to me and your comment to The Dude both illustrate you either need to get over your obsession or if not grab the nearest Nazi and let them shaft you up your buttocks and maybe that will give you the thrill you obviously need.

Well she won the popular vote. Desiring that one person has one vote isn't such a bad thing to desire, is it? I mean, you have it.
You sound like a little toddler that didn't get his way. Lol, keep it up and we win more seats in the midterms.

And you sound like just another fucking partisan hack with nothing better to do that come on a political forum and talk crap.
She won the popular vote, whaaas, whaaa. Lol, get over it. Trump is your president.

And did the partisan ever get over Obama? No. So....
How many violent protest did conservatives do?
They forced another out of the inauguration. I'd like to know how the left has reached this point of deterioration? They are what they protest to hate and they project that on the right. They're emotionally unstrung and irrational. Quite frankly they've been dumbed-down, and their decline continues.

Jennifer Holliday Pulls Out of Trump Inauguration, Apologizes to LGBT Community

Crybaby. It's your free market at work lol.

No, it's coercion. Liberals are using threats to force someone to make a political statement.

And the right don't do this? Dixie Chicks anyone?
A boycott is different than trying to shut down an inauguration. Just because you didn't get your way. Keep it up and liberalism will die off.

And picking your nose is different to picking your teeth. So... what?
Your dumbasses will try to pull it off. Lol You forget who owns the guns though. Lol Sorry dumbasses.
No, it's coercion. Liberals are using threats to force someone to make a political statement.

And the right don't do this? Dixie Chicks anyone?
A boycott is different than trying to shut down an inauguration. Just because you didn't get your way. Keep it up and liberalism will die off.

"Shut down an inaugurination?"

You think this is supposed to be an entertainment show?
It will be if you people that can't decide what sex you are tries to start shit. Target practice! Only with the strongest of minds, and you will lose. Just the way you did in November. Lol

Typical Leftist freaks, round them up and put them into Gitmo.

Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

What? They're gonna disrupt his balls? :eek:

Not the verb we usually use but still, I hate when that happens. You women get all the breaks.
And the right don't do this? Dixie Chicks anyone?
A boycott is different than trying to shut down an inauguration. Just because you didn't get your way. Keep it up and liberalism will die off.

"Shut down an inaugurination?"

You think this is supposed to be an entertainment show?
It will be if you people that can't decide what sex you are tries to start shit. Target practice! Only with the strongest of minds, and you will lose. Just the way you did in November. Lol

Typical Leftist freaks, round them up and put them into Gitmo.

Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

What? They're gonna disrupt his balls? :eek:

Not the verb we usually use but still, I hate when that happens. You women get all the breaks.
Maybe they will get Obama's or Michelle's on the way out.
Maybe snowflakes should try holding their breath in protest. They've failed at every other plan.
A boycott is different than trying to shut down an inauguration. Just because you didn't get your way. Keep it up and liberalism will die off.

"Shut down an inaugurination?"

You think this is supposed to be an entertainment show?
It will be if you people that can't decide what sex you are tries to start shit. Target practice! Only with the strongest of minds, and you will lose. Just the way you did in November. Lol

Typical Leftist freaks, round them up and put them into Gitmo.

Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

What? They're gonna disrupt his balls? :eek:

Not the verb we usually use but still, I hate when that happens. You women get all the breaks.
Maybe they will get Obama's or Michelle's on the way out.

"Maybe they will get Obama's or Michelle's on the way out."

I think it might be Michelle's.


"Shut down an inaugurination?"

You think this is supposed to be an entertainment show?
It will be if you people that can't decide what sex you are tries to start shit. Target practice! Only with the strongest of minds, and you will lose. Just the way you did in November. Lol

Typical Leftist freaks, round them up and put them into Gitmo.

Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

What? They're gonna disrupt his balls? :eek:

Not the verb we usually use but still, I hate when that happens. You women get all the breaks.
Maybe they will get Obama's or Michelle's on the way out.

"Maybe they will get Obama's or Michelle's on the way out."

I think it might be Michelle's.


You forgot one.
"Shut down an inaugurination?"

You think this is supposed to be an entertainment show?
It will be if you people that can't decide what sex you are tries to start shit. Target practice! Only with the strongest of minds, and you will lose. Just the way you did in November. Lol

Typical Leftist freaks, round them up and put them into Gitmo.

Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

What? They're gonna disrupt his balls? :eek:

Not the verb we usually use but still, I hate when that happens. You women get all the breaks.
Maybe they will get Obama's or Michelle's on the way out.

"Maybe they will get Obama's or Michelle's on the way out."

I think it might be Michelle's.



Uuuummmmmm...................... where do youse guys think Sasha and Malia came from? Kenya?

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