That's the Kind of Man Mitt Romney is

And frankly, Al Capone ran soup kitchens during the Great Depression. It hardly erases all the bad stuff he did.

Yeah, but for all we know it was faked like Paul Ryan's soup kitchen moment. :lol:

Al was kind of a fixture here in Chicago. There was the time he and Herbert Hoover appeared at a White Sox game, and the crowd cheered Capone and booed Hoover.

Yeah, and I don't know what was up with Ryan and that soup kitchen, exactly.
He hasn't failed. That's the part that you don't get.

Actually, you're right. He's has made this nation far worse than it was when he started. And since that was his goal he succeeded spectacularly to the detriment of all of us.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

This is your chance to come in from the dark side....
....we've got cookies!

Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
Why yes, PC. Change is inevitable, and you people will get a chance to change the government 2016. At that time, you might try not to come off as so completely off the wall.
Why yes, PC. Change is inevitable, and you people will get a chance to change the government 2016. At that time, you might try not to come off as so completely off the wall.

1. " people will get a chance to change the government 2016."
By 2016, "Barack Hussein Obama" will merely be the answer to a trivia question.

2. " might try not to come off as so completely off the wall."
As diaphanous as you are, this means that you don't like hearing opposing opinions.

But, in truth....are you really suggesting that you'd like to have only one viewpoint on the USMB?

Wouldn't that be totally boring?
Wasn't that the same time Billy Bob Clinton was touring the Soviet Union and blowing his scholarship from Oxford? Or was it the same time Algore was serving for a whole 2 months at the rear lines with body guards before getting out to go to Divinity school and flunking out? And the haughty John Kerry, wasn't that the time he was getting a Purple Heart for having a kernel of rice stuck in his ass after he scored a hit on an unguarded pile of it... what a joke you are.
That's different. Somehow. It just is!

Gore and Kerry actually served, so yeah, it's different.

Bill Clinton- not a rich guy- opposed the war and stated his intent to file as a contientious objector if drafted.

Romney was all for the war... as long as poor people were fighting it.
Can you prove the last bit is based on reality and not on your irrational hatred?

I didn't think so.
Why yes, PC. Change is inevitable, and you people will get a chance to change the government 2016. At that time, you might try not to come off as so completely off the wall.

1. " people will get a chance to change the government 2016."
By 2016, "Barack Hussein Obama" will merely be the answer to a trivia question.

2. " might try not to come off as so completely off the wall."
As diaphanous as you are, this means that you don't like hearing opposing opinions.

But, in truth....are you really suggesting that you'd like to have only one viewpoint on the USMB?

Wouldn't that be totally boring?

...but comforting to those who are afraid of conflicting ideas.

Right, Roxy?
Romney was all for the war... as long as poor people were fighting it.
Can you prove the last bit is based on reality and not on your irrational hatred?

I didn't think so.

Um, actually, I can, not that you'd ever be man enough to admit it.

Mitt Romney, 19, demonstrated in favour of Vietnam War draft | Mail Online

They say every picture tells a story.

A newly-unearthed photograph showing Mitt Romney demonstrating in favour of the Vietnam War draft might leave the presidential candidate feeling somewhat embarrassed.

The veteran Republican, then 19, can be seen picketing an anti-war sit-in at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, in 1966.
Kerry's motive was to get in and get out as fast as he could so he could become an antiwar activist.

...and then meet in Paris with representatives of Hanoi and rubber-stamp their terms for a US surrender.

Normal people call that "treason". What leftists call treason is "disagreeing with Obama".

Personally, I found most of Kerry's actions to be reprehensible...

But there were no real clean hands in that time period on either side.

We got into a war that we knew was unwinnable from the start, but we kept it going because no one wanted to be the first president to lose a war.
Romney was all for the war... as long as poor people were fighting it.
Can you prove the last bit is based on reality and not on your irrational hatred?

I didn't think so.

Um, actually, I can, not that you'd ever be man enough to admit it.

Mitt Romney, 19, demonstrated in favour of Vietnam War draft | Mail Online

They say every picture tells a story.

A newly-unearthed photograph showing Mitt Romney demonstrating in favour of the Vietnam War draft might leave the presidential candidate feeling somewhat embarrassed.

The veteran Republican, then 19, can be seen picketing an anti-war sit-in at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, in 1966.
Ahem: " long as poor people were fighting it".

That's the part I was talking about. You know, the part that comes from your envy-driven irrational hatred of both Mormons and the wealthy.
Kerry's motive was to get in and get out as fast as he could so he could become an antiwar activist.

...and then meet in Paris with representatives of Hanoi and rubber-stamp their terms for a US surrender.

Normal people call that "treason". What leftists call treason is "disagreeing with Obama".

Personally, I found most of Kerry's actions to be reprehensible...

But there were no real clean hands in that time period on either side.

We got into a war that we knew was unwinnable from the start, but we kept it going because no one wanted to be the first president to lose a war.
I knew you couldn't call it treason.

I know what kind of man Romney is, but people need to understand what kind of a man Obama is.

Read all about it...Obama spins and lies!!!!

Time line of lies!

Obama's Benghazi Lies - Home

Destroys Obama's case. It wasn't about a fucking terrorist attack, BUT the protest over our freedom of speech.

On the 13th he was talking about the protest when he said terrorized.

Susan Rice said on the 16th that this wasn't a pre-planned attack. LIES

On the 18th Obama went on the letterman show and blamed our first amendment for the attack. LIES!!!

If the terrorized was supposed to mean a terrorist attack. Well, Obama sure inserted his foot in his ass.

Clinton on the 21st was the first to say it was a Terrorist attack. SPIN!

Obama on the view on the 25th said it was about the fucking video! Spin some more!!!

[ame=]Carney maintains Libya attack was not preplanned - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Who is responsible for the attack in Benghazi? - YouTube[/ame]

O'shit did Obama fuck up on security?

Biden blatantly lied about Chris Stevens wanting more Security
The Fact Checker

“We weren’t told they wanted more security there. We did not know they wanted more security.”

— Biden, speaking of the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya

Biden’s bold statement was directly contradicted by State Department officials just this week, in testimony before a congressional panel and in unclassified cables released by a congressional committee.

“All of us at post were in sync that we wanted these resources,” said Eric Nordstrom, the top regional security officer in Libya earlier this year. A Utah national guardsman who led a security team, Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, said: “We felt great frustration that those requests were ignored or just never met.”

[ame=]September 12, 2012 - President Obama Speaks on Libya Attacks that killed US Ambassador Chris Stevens - YouTube[/ame]

@ 5:00-6:20 you can hear the context in which he mentioned terrorism, Romney was correct in his assertation as, in context, Obama was referring to terrorism in general and not specifically the attack

Candy wasn't even right here as Obama said "terror" in the context of the protest.

Crowley to Axelrod: Obama Never Said Benghazi Attack Was 'Act of Terror
Breitbart ^ | 17 Oct 2012, 3:44 AM PDT | Tony Lee
Crowley to Axelrod: Obama Never Said Benghazi Attack Was 'Act of Terror'
On CNN's "State of the Union" on September 30, Candy Crowley insisted David Axelrod, President Barack Obama's chief strategist, was wrong when Axelrod tried to claim President Barack Obama called the Benghazi attack "an act of terror" on the day after.
"First, they said it was not planned, it was part of this tape," Crowley said when Axelrod tried to spin her.
This was Crowley the journalist, unlike the pro-Obama advocate who moderated Tuesday's debate between Obama and Mitt Romney and interjected herself into an argument between Obama and Romney on the exact same issue -- and took Obama's side.
During the debate, Crowley affirmed Obama's assertion that he referred to the Benghazi attacks as acts of terror on the day after.
After Romney correctly said it took Obama 14 days before Obama said the the Benghazi attacks were acts of terror, Crowley took Obama's side -- to an ovation from the town hall audience -- and she proclaimed Obama had indeed claimed the Benghazi attacks were acts of terror the day after the attacks in the White House Rose Garden.
On September 12, the day after the attacks, Obama did say the words "acts of terror" but he was not referring to the attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens.
Crowley knew that on September 30 and she conceded it again hours after the debate when she went on CNN and said while Romney "was right in the main, but he just chose the wrong word." But the damage had already been done.
With Obama's reelection on the line, Crowley seemed to have conveniently forgotten the facts she knew two weeks before when she grilled Axelrod in a way she should have Obama.
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Philip Kline said:
Romney, Mr. Nice Guy |

-- In 1995, a Mormon family, the Nixons, had recently moved to the Boston area and got devastating news when two of their sons were rendered quadriplegics by a terrible car accident -- a tragedy that was compounded by the financial strain. Having heard their story, Romney called the parents to see if they’d be around on Christmas Eve. Romney, even though he didn’t know the Nixons very well, showed up with Ann and his sons. They brought the injured sons a new stereo system and other gifts. According to the book, the Nixons “were floored” that Romney had not only taken an interest in them, but that he and Ann had taken time out of their busy schedule to deliver the gifts themselves and turn it into a family event to set an example. Romney also offered to pay for their sons’ college educations and participated in multiple fundraisers for them over the years. “It wasn’t a one time thing,” the father told the authors.

-- One time, Romney found out that a church member had broken his foot by falling off a ladder trying to remover a hornet’s nest. Romney showed up and devised a way of removing it from the inside of the house. “Everyone who has known Romney in the church community seems to have a story like this, about him and his family pitching in ways big and small,” Kranish and Helman write. “They took chicken and asparagus soup to sick parishioners. They invited unsettled Mormon transplants to their home for lasagna.” Another time, a fire broke out near where Romney lived and he “organized the gathered neighbors, and they began dashing into the house to rescue what they could: a desk, couches, books” until the fire fighters made them stop. He also helped build a playground to honor a neighbor’s child who had died of cystic fibrosis. “There he was, with a hammer in his belt, the Mitt nobody sees,” the neighbor, Joseph O’Donnell recounted. “Romney didn’t stop there,” the book reads. “About a year later, it became apparent that the park would need regular maintenance and repairs. ‘The next thing I know, my wife calls me up and says, “You’re not going to believe this, but Mitt Romney is down with a bunch of Boy Scouts and they’re working on the park.”’”

-- As I’ve written before, Kranish and Helman recount a perfect example of the contrast between Romney’s callous public image and his personal generosity from his 1994 Senate race in Massahcusetts against Ted Kennedy. Roughly a week before the election, Romney did a campaign stop at a Boston shelter for homeless veterans. The director of the center, Ken Smith, told Romney that their budget was being hammed by the cost of milk. In his political mode, Romney awkwardly joked that they should just teach veterans how to milk cows. Obviously, that did not go over well. Quietly, Romney later called Smith and asked how he could help. The authors write: “(N)ow, instead of paying for a thousand pints a day, the shelter was paying for just five hundred. And it wasn’t just some political stratagem. ‘It wasn’t a short-term “Let me stroke you a check,”’ he said. ‘It happened not once, not twice, but for a long period of time.’ In fact, Smith said he understood that Romney was still supporting the shelter when Smith left in 1996.”

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Philip Kline said:
Romney, Mr. Nice Guy |

-- In 1995, a Mormon family, the Nixons, had recently moved to the Boston area and got devastating news when two of their sons were rendered quadriplegics by a terrible car accident -- a tragedy that was compounded by the financial strain. Having heard their story, Romney called the parents to see if they’d be around on Christmas Eve. Romney, even though he didn’t know the Nixons very well, showed up with Ann and his sons. They brought the injured sons a new stereo system and other gifts. According to the book, the Nixons “were floored” that Romney had not only taken an interest in them, but that he and Ann had taken time out of their busy schedule to deliver the gifts themselves and turn it into a family event to set an example. Romney also offered to pay for their sons’ college educations and participated in multiple fundraisers for them over the years. “It wasn’t a one time thing,” the father told the authors.

-- One time, Romney found out that a church member had broken his foot by falling off a ladder trying to remover a hornet’s nest. Romney showed up and devised a way of removing it from the inside of the house. “Everyone who has known Romney in the church community seems to have a story like this, about him and his family pitching in ways big and small,” Kranish and Helman write. “They took chicken and asparagus soup to sick parishioners. They invited unsettled Mormon transplants to their home for lasagna.” Another time, a fire broke out near where Romney lived and he “organized the gathered neighbors, and they began dashing into the house to rescue what they could: a desk, couches, books” until the fire fighters made them stop. He also helped build a playground to honor a neighbor’s child who had died of cystic fibrosis. “There he was, with a hammer in his belt, the Mitt nobody sees,” the neighbor, Joseph O’Donnell recounted. “Romney didn’t stop there,” the book reads. “About a year later, it became apparent that the park would need regular maintenance and repairs. ‘The next thing I know, my wife calls me up and says, “You’re not going to believe this, but Mitt Romney is down with a bunch of Boy Scouts and they’re working on the park.”’”

-- As I’ve written before, Kranish and Helman recount a perfect example of the contrast between Romney’s callous public image and his personal generosity from his 1994 Senate race in Massahcusetts against Ted Kennedy. Roughly a week before the election, Romney did a campaign stop at a Boston shelter for homeless veterans. The director of the center, Ken Smith, told Romney that their budget was being hammed by the cost of milk. In his political mode, Romney awkwardly joked that they should just teach veterans how to milk cows. Obviously, that did not go over well. Quietly, Romney later called Smith and asked how he could help. The authors write: “(N)ow, instead of paying for a thousand pints a day, the shelter was paying for just five hundred. And it wasn’t just some political stratagem. ‘It wasn’t a short-term “Let me stroke you a check,”’ he said. ‘It happened not once, not twice, but for a long period of time.’ In fact, Smith said he understood that Romney was still supporting the shelter when Smith left in 1996.”

Pfffft. That's nothing. Obama takes money from people who earned it and gives it to people who donated to the Democratic Party.

Now THAT'S generosity!

Right, Obama bootlickers?
Wasn't that the same time Billy Bob Clinton was touring the Soviet Union and blowing his scholarship from Oxford? Or was it the same time Algore was serving for a whole 2 months at the rear lines with body guards before getting out to go to Divinity school and flunking out? And the haughty John Kerry, wasn't that the time he was getting a Purple Heart for having a kernel of rice stuck in his ass after he scored a hit on an unguarded pile of it... what a joke you are.
That's different. Somehow. It just is!

Gore and Kerry actually served, so yeah, it's different.

Bill Clinton- not a rich guy- opposed the war and stated his intent to file as a contientious objector if drafted.

Romney was all for the war... as long as poor people were fighting it.

Oh, is that what you call serving, so they are equal to those that were on the front lines getting shot at everyday rather than cruising around on a ski boat filming his exploits blowing up piles of rice.... or hanging around Saigon getting drunk with his bodyguards for 2 months before getting a deferment to go to divinity school.......Algore wouldn't be able to tell you what part of the rifle a bullet comes out of. Osama was spending too much time in bathhouses in Chicago to know what a rifle is....... he does love the shape of a bullet though, it's like viagra for him.
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I am amazed how liberals excuse everything obama has done and all the lies hes told but cant give credit to romney for not takin a salary. How can you see clearly when your blinded by hate? :cool::cool:
Can you prove the last bit is based on reality and not on your irrational hatred?

I didn't think so.

Um, actually, I can, not that you'd ever be man enough to admit it.

Mitt Romney, 19, demonstrated in favour of Vietnam War draft | Mail Online

They say every picture tells a story.

A newly-unearthed photograph showing Mitt Romney demonstrating in favour of the Vietnam War draft might leave the presidential candidate feeling somewhat embarrassed.

The veteran Republican, then 19, can be seen picketing an anti-war sit-in at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, in 1966.
Ahem: " long as poor people were fighting it".

That's the part I was talking about. You know, the part that comes from your envy-driven irrational hatred of both Mormons and the wealthy.

Well, it wasn't like HE was going down and signing up to fight it. He demonstrated for the draft and then applied for a missionary exemption from it.

Those poor people... screw them. But this is probably just fine in your universe.

Frankly, I think when we have a war, we should have a mandetory draft of all the children of the wealthy. Put them in an "elite" unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone. We can call them the "Vanguard" or something cool like that, because they are soooo special.

Betcha we fight a lot less pointless wars then.
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