That's the Kind of Man Mitt Romney is

...and then meet in Paris with representatives of Hanoi and rubber-stamp their terms for a US surrender.

Normal people call that "treason". What leftists call treason is "disagreeing with Obama".

Personally, I found most of Kerry's actions to be reprehensible...

But there were no real clean hands in that time period on either side.

We got into a war that we knew was unwinnable from the start, but we kept it going because no one wanted to be the first president to lose a war.
I knew you couldn't call it treason.

I define treason as something that harms the country.

When you calculate the loss of life, treasure and reputation that the US suffered as a result of our foolish war in Vietnam, when it was a forgone conclusion most of them really were just fine with Communism, you have to wonder who the real traitors were.
Oh, is that what you call serving, so they are equal to those that were on the front lines getting shot at everyday rather than cruising around on a ski boat filming his exploits blowing up piles of rice.... or hanging around Saigon getting drunk with his bodyguards for 2 months before getting a deferment to go to divinity school.......Algore wouldn't be able to tell you what part of the rifle a bullet comes out of. Osama was spending too much time in bathhouses in Chicago to know what a rifle is....... he does love the shape of a bullet though, it's like viagra for him.

Kerry won three purple hearts, a Bronze Star and a Silver star for what he did in Vietnam. Now, yeah, a lot of that was the military culture of the officers pinning medals on each other. But he was there, he saw action. Sorry. What he did AFTER the war was sort of reprehensible, but so were the actions of our government.

Al Gore... um.. yeah, I guess he wasn't gung ho. But Republicans picked Dubya over John McCain, who was a real hero, so I'm not seeing your point.

But to the point. Mittens got deferrments from the draft, while he thought it was just fine that the kids of the poor got drafted to go that meat grinder. Says everything you need to know about his character, if all the other unsavory shit about his life doesn't say it.
Oh, is that what you call serving, so they are equal to those that were on the front lines getting shot at everyday rather than cruising around on a ski boat filming his exploits blowing up piles of rice.... or hanging around Saigon getting drunk with his bodyguards for 2 months before getting a deferment to go to divinity school.......Algore wouldn't be able to tell you what part of the rifle a bullet comes out of. Osama was spending too much time in bathhouses in Chicago to know what a rifle is....... he does love the shape of a bullet though, it's like viagra for him.

Kerry won three purple hearts, a Bronze Star and a Silver star for what he did in Vietnam. Now, yeah, a lot of that was the military culture of the officers pinning medals on each other. But he was there, he saw action. Sorry. What he did AFTER the war was sort of reprehensible, but so were the actions of our government.

Al Gore... um.. yeah, I guess he wasn't gung ho. But Republicans picked Dubya over John McCain, who was a real hero, so I'm not seeing your point.

But to the point. Mittens got deferrments from the draft, while he thought it was just fine that the kids of the poor got drafted to go that meat grinder. Says everything you need to know about his character, if all the other unsavory shit about his life doesn't say it.

I'm not surprised that you don't understand my point.....I don't care.
Oh, is that what you call serving, so they are equal to those that were on the front lines getting shot at everyday rather than cruising around on a ski boat filming his exploits blowing up piles of rice.... or hanging around Saigon getting drunk with his bodyguards for 2 months before getting a deferment to go to divinity school.......Algore wouldn't be able to tell you what part of the rifle a bullet comes out of. Osama was spending too much time in bathhouses in Chicago to know what a rifle is....... he does love the shape of a bullet though, it's like viagra for him.

Kerry won three purple hearts, a Bronze Star and a Silver star for what he did in Vietnam. Now, yeah, a lot of that was the military culture of the officers pinning medals on each other. But he was there, he saw action. Sorry. What he did AFTER the war was sort of reprehensible, but so were the actions of our government.

Al Gore... um.. yeah, I guess he wasn't gung ho. But Republicans picked Dubya over John McCain, who was a real hero, so I'm not seeing your point.

But to the point. Mittens got deferrments from the draft, while he thought it was just fine that the kids of the poor got drafted to go that meat grinder. Says everything you need to know about his character, if all the other unsavory shit about his life doesn't say it.

I'm not surprised that you don't understand my point.....I don't care.

Your point being that you are uninformed and have some kind of weird homosexual man-crush on the president that you fantasize him in a gay way?

I'd be more worried if I DID understand your point.
Um, actually, I can, not that you'd ever be man enough to admit it.

Mitt Romney, 19, demonstrated in favour of Vietnam War draft | Mail Online
Ahem: " long as poor people were fighting it".

That's the part I was talking about. You know, the part that comes from your envy-driven irrational hatred of both Mormons and the wealthy.

Well, it wasn't like HE was going down and signing up to fight it. He demonstrated for the draft and then applied for a missionary exemption from it.

Those poor people... screw them. But this is probably just fine in your universe.
Looks like I was right, then. All you have is envy-driven irrational hatred of both Mormons and the wealthy.

But we already knew that.
Frankly, I think when we have a war, we should have a mandetory draft of all the children of the wealthy. Put them in an "elite" unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone. We can call them the "Vanguard" or something cool like that, because they are soooo special.

Betcha we fight a lot less pointless wars then.
Remember what I said about your envy-driven irrational hatred of the wealthy?

Thanks for confirming.
Ahem: " long as poor people were fighting it".

That's the part I was talking about. You know, the part that comes from your envy-driven irrational hatred of both Mormons and the wealthy.

Well, it wasn't like HE was going down and signing up to fight it. He demonstrated for the draft and then applied for a missionary exemption from it.

Those poor people... screw them. But this is probably just fine in your universe.
Looks like I was right, then. All you have is envy-driven irrational hatred of both Mormons and the wealthy.

But we already knew that.
Frankly, I think when we have a war, we should have a mandetory draft of all the children of the wealthy. Put them in an "elite" unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone. We can call them the "Vanguard" or something cool like that, because they are soooo special.

Betcha we fight a lot less pointless wars then.
Remember what I said about your envy-driven irrational hatred of the wealthy?

Thanks for confirming.

It has nothing do with Envy. I don't want to be like them. I don't want to get my rocks off firing people like Romney apparently does. I certainly don't want to be a brain-washed Mormon Cultist, either. I mean, Jesus, ever have a talk with a Mormon about how there's no evidence of a Nephite Civilization in the Americas. It's hilarious. It's like arguing with a retard who still believes in Santa Claus.

But my point stands.

What if the Rich were sent to war? What if their children were the first ones to go.

Yeah, we'd still fight necessary wars like WWII, but idiotic crap like Vietnam and Iraq wouldn't happen. If they were burying their kids instead of counting their profits from the war, they'd think twice about it.
Personally, I found most of Kerry's actions to be reprehensible...

But there were no real clean hands in that time period on either side.

We got into a war that we knew was unwinnable from the start, but we kept it going because no one wanted to be the first president to lose a war.
I knew you couldn't call it treason.

I define treason as something that harms the country.

When you calculate the loss of life, treasure and reputation that the US suffered as a result of our foolish war in Vietnam, when it was a forgone conclusion most of them really were just fine with Communism, you have to wonder who the real traitors were.
It's not treason to oppose Communism...unless you're a Communist.
Well, it wasn't like HE was going down and signing up to fight it. He demonstrated for the draft and then applied for a missionary exemption from it.

Those poor people... screw them. But this is probably just fine in your universe.
Looks like I was right, then. All you have is envy-driven irrational hatred of both Mormons and the wealthy.

But we already knew that.
Frankly, I think when we have a war, we should have a mandetory draft of all the children of the wealthy. Put them in an "elite" unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone. We can call them the "Vanguard" or something cool like that, because they are soooo special.

Betcha we fight a lot less pointless wars then.
Remember what I said about your envy-driven irrational hatred of the wealthy?

Thanks for confirming.

It has nothing do with Envy. I don't want to be like them. I don't want to get my rocks off firing people like Romney apparently does. I certainly don't want to be a brain-washed Mormon Cultist, either. I mean, Jesus, ever have a talk with a Mormon about how there's no evidence of a Nephite Civilization in the Americas. It's hilarious. It's like arguing with a retard who still believes in Santa Claus.

But my point stands.

What if the Rich were sent to war? What if their children were the first ones to go.

Yeah, we'd still fight necessary wars like WWII, but idiotic crap like Vietnam and Iraq wouldn't happen. If they were burying their kids instead of counting their profits from the war, they'd think twice about it.
Yes, it's envy. The rich have money -- you don't. You want it, and you want the government to take it away from them and give it to you.

Simple, huh?
I knew you couldn't call it treason.

I define treason as something that harms the country.

When you calculate the loss of life, treasure and reputation that the US suffered as a result of our foolish war in Vietnam, when it was a forgone conclusion most of them really were just fine with Communism, you have to wonder who the real traitors were.
It's not treason to oppose Communism...unless you're a Communist.

What if the Vietnamese REALLY WANTED Communism?

Here was the problem. We saw Vietnam as this great idealogical stuggle.

The Vietnamese saw it as a choice betwen Ho Chi Mihn (National Hero who fought the French and the Japanese oppressors) vs. which ever asshole won the latest coup in Saigon. Almost all of those guys were Quisling who had fought for or collaborated with the French when they were looting the country.

Then you had General Ky, who expressed Admiration for Hitler. Yup, that was the guy we were supporting in that war. But at least he wasn't a communist, dammit!

Seriously, man, you need to back away from the Talk Radio once in a while.
Yes, it's envy. The rich have money -- you don't. You want it, and you want the government to take it away from them and give it to you.

Simple, huh?

I don't ask the government for money I'm entitled to now..

So, no, wrong again.

I want the government to take away from the rich because I want good schools and good roads and clean water and all the other things governments should be doing.

I also realize we are going to have to cut a lot of things as well.

Has nothing to do with my point that if the Rich were sending their kids off to war, they wouldn't be so gung-ho about them.
Yes, it's envy. The rich have money -- you don't. You want it, and you want the government to take it away from them and give it to you.

Simple, huh?

I don't ask the government for money I'm entitled to now..

So, no, wrong again.

I want the government to take away from the rich because I want good schools and good roads and clean water and all the other things governments should be doing.

I also realize we are going to have to cut a lot of things as well.

Has nothing to do with my point that if the Rich were sending their kids off to war, they wouldn't be so gung-ho about them.

Silly, bullshit attempt at parroting Osama's campaign garbage, that idiot suggestion will happen....sure..... and Ron Paul might get elected President.....hold your breath.
Envy is one of the 7 Deadly Sins by the way.
Eh... You and everyone that thanked you for that post actually believe he got nothing of monitory value for his "service" to Massachusetts?
Looks like I was right, then. All you have is envy-driven irrational hatred of both Mormons and the wealthy.

But we already knew that.

Remember what I said about your envy-driven irrational hatred of the wealthy?

Thanks for confirming.

It has nothing do with Envy. I don't want to be like them. I don't want to get my rocks off firing people like Romney apparently does. I certainly don't want to be a brain-washed Mormon Cultist, either. I mean, Jesus, ever have a talk with a Mormon about how there's no evidence of a Nephite Civilization in the Americas. It's hilarious. It's like arguing with a retard who still believes in Santa Claus.

But my point stands.

What if the Rich were sent to war? What if their children were the first ones to go.

Yeah, we'd still fight necessary wars like WWII, but idiotic crap like Vietnam and Iraq wouldn't happen. If they were burying their kids instead of counting their profits from the war, they'd think twice about it.
Yes, it's envy. The rich have money -- you don't. You want it, and you want the government to take it away from them and give it to you.

Simple, huh?

No, it's not that simple. A nation produces a finite amount of wealth in any given year. It is wrong if too much of that wealth ends up in the hands of too few. It is wrong for government to encourage that. Conservatives want the government to encourage that. That is a fundamental error in the philosophy of conservatism. Read my sigline.

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