The 1 Lone Biden Supporter At Trump Rally Arrested & Removed

Not a First Amendment issue, Dipshit.
The govt didn’t shut him down, Dumbass.

First, let's just move passed the poster Nostra's proclivity towards 'Dumbass' and 'Dipshit' epithets as his go-to tactic to articulate thoughtful views.

Rather, let us move on to the substance of the 1st Amendment right of expression.

I didn't go to the latest Trumppalooza Super-Spreader event that this thread references, so I didn't have my eyeballs on the incident; however, from the Breitbart pic that was part of the OP, it appeared that government personnel had the moke firmly in their grasp. And, I suppose, were preventing him from walking around the grounds with his T-shirt with 'Biden' printed on it.

And too, if those government officials were apprehending him for ONLY wearing that shirt......well, yeah, I can see it being a 1st Amendment controversy. Of a stifling of political beliefs or communication. Can't you?
You’re just now realizing it…there is hope for you yet :). Or, at least until the next Trumper get’s “silenced” On private property.
Wrong again, Dummy. I knew it wasn’t a First Amendment issue from the start.

Any other dumbass comments?
FB & Twitter censure and boot people from their platforms for posting facts and truths that expose the Disinformation Peddlers - like Biden and Psaki - for who they are while debunking their BS.

Tossing out a Lone Biden Supporter for disorderly conduct and other crimes is appropriate.
Does that mean you quit whining about FB and Twitter?
Wrong again, Dummy. I knew it wasn’t a First Amendment issue from the start.

Any other dumbass comments?
Nostra: it is only a first amendment issue when a conservative is silenced.

One lone Biden-supporting moron, obviously representing the millions of voters who voted for Biden last election, showed up in a Biden shirt and began causing trouble...

At which point local police arrested his ass and drug him off to jail.


Perhaps it's because everything Biden has touched has failed and hurt Americans and this country that the police had no patience with this disruptive Biden-supporting lemming.

If you are one of the very few Biden supporter in the US you definitely belong in an insane asylum.
What makes you think, and I use that term (think) loosely in the context of you,
that the 61 day comment is even remotely correct or clever?

Are you all liquored up right now? Or just merely as sharp as a bowl of jello?

you responded to a post that was 61 days old.

What was the point of a snarky reply 61 days later if not because you just thought of it?
Trump had a rally? You guys used to advertise these things for weeks. Seems like y'all don't care much anymore.
It’s actually one of the most active topics on this board.. it was a great rally

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