The 1 Lone Biden Supporter At Trump Rally Arrested & Removed

And not to jumble things up in your mind but if you look at post #68 you'll see I made my comment
this morning at 9:33 approximately, you fucking moron!

So regardless of when you made your worthless comment, my comment was made today!

How amazing is that? Isn't time weird?

Do you know what a meme is? You should go look it up. It is a thematic series of comments or
images all based around a central why did it take you 61 one days to respond to my

Well it didn't take me 61 days to respond. I responded immediately the first thing this morning when I first
saw your remarkably stupid comment. And the content was still fresh enough to support a current reply.
Imagine that, Socrates.

How does it feel to be so egocentric and fucking stupid that you think my post was somehow dependent
on when you first made your post?

How fucking stupid and presumptive is that? I mean it's mind boggling! Truly!
If you had taken two seconds to see when I first posted my comment you would have noticed, hopefully,
that my comment was made fresh this morning...which in no way means I waited 61 whole days to
spring my crushing reply on you.

It merely meant today was the very first time I saw your pitiful post.

I just this morning saw it for the first time, asshole! Is the concept of time too difficult for you to
Great replies to something you have no answer for. Smooth.

One lone Biden-supporting moron, obviously representing the millions of voters who voted for Biden last election, showed up in a Biden shirt and began causing trouble...

At which point local police arrested his ass and drug him off to jail.


Perhaps it's because everything Biden has touched has failed and hurt Americans and this country that the police had no patience with this disruptive Biden-supporting lemming.

So much for free speech, eh?

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