The 2nd Amendment for dumbocrats

When my Dad got cancer in 1980, his boss didn't dare fire him. He had a union and a government that was going to go to bat for him. They worked it out. He died, anyway (because a douchebag told him that asbestos he was working with was totally safe) but they still looked out for him.

The same government and union that went to bat for him that didn't protect him from asbestos and made him work in it.
When my Dad got cancer in 1980, his boss didn't dare fire him. He had a union and a government that was going to go to bat for him. They worked it out. He died, anyway (because a douchebag told him that asbestos he was working with was totally safe) but they still looked out for him.

The same government and union that went to bat for him that didn't protect him from asbestos and made him work in it.

The government and unions didn't know it was dangerous. The corporations that made it did.

I should point out that if you work in the trades, you are still going to encounter asbestos. The manufacturers hid the links to cancer for years, and fought tooth and nail every lawsuit.
I'm a little leery of posting on pissing contest thread, but here goes... I have a 12ga pump, a 9mm Sig. Since I gave up hunting, after Nam, those 2 weapons are more than enough to protect my family. I don't see how an assault rifle can be a better close range weapon. A short barrel pump, loaded with buckshot, is a much better choice. The Sig, loaded with hollow points, is a good coup de grace finisher.
Assault rifles are used for what they are named for... Assault on a field of battle. Before you 2nd amendment purists go crazy on me... Let me finish by saying that I carried an M16 for a year, and I carried an AK47 for a year. There is no good reason for civilians to have either one of these weapons, but... If you want to waste a lot of money... Go for it, but please see the common sense of limited round clips. Need more than one shot to down someone, or something?... do yourself a favor... put the rifle away for keeps.

Set the pipe crack down and walk away slowly.

The 2nd amendment is not about what we as citizens need, it's about the right we have as citizens to arm ourselves. It's not about hunting or personal protection either.

I have the right to own any weapon I choose up to and including a full auto Thompson (Navy model 1928) sub machine gun with a 50 round drum magazine. And no one is going to take that right way from me. Not you, not the government, no one!
I don't see how an assault rifle can be a better close range weapon. A short barrel pump, loaded with buckshot, is a much better choice.

Nope. Police agencies around the nation have replaced the shotgun with the patrol carbine (most often AR-15 type).

AR-15 is the weapon of choice for US SWAT / entry teams...which is nothing but CQB.

I'm glad you addressed that part of his argument. I tell the same thing to my customers at the gun shop. I also encourage them to buy the same ammo that LEO use.
Well, simply put, the Framers wrote a constitution designed to protect individual liberties (including the right to keep and bear arms) and curtail the power of the federal government two years before the Bill of Rights was even drafted and four years before it went into effect. James Wilson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and others all explained at length why a bill of rights was unnecessary, and how the Constitution protected our rights even in the absence of such a bill:

For why declare that things shall not be done [as in a bill of rights] which there is no power to do? Why for instance, should it be said, that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed? (Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 84, emphasis added.)

In other words, the Constitution contains no provisions ceding to the federal government a person’s right to keep and bear arms; thus the federal government has no authority to infringe in this area. Additionally, again from Hamilton in Federalist No. 84,

There remains but one other view of this matter to conclude the point. The truth is, after all the declamation we have heard, that the constitution is itself in every rational sense, and to every useful purpose, A BILL OF RIGHTS [capital letters in original].

The Roots of the Second Amendment The Future of Freedom Foundation

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Parents of children killed in the Newtown school shooting called for better enforcement of gun laws and tougher penalties for violators Monday at a hearing that revealed the divide in the gun-control debate, with advocates for gun rights shouting at the father of one 6-year-old victim.

Neil Heslin, whose son Jesse was killed in last month's massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary, asked people in the room to put themselves in his position as he questioned the need for any civilian to own semiautomatic, military-style weapons.

"It's not a good feeling. Not a good feeling to look at your child laying in a casket or looking at your child with a bullet wound to the forehead. It's a real sad thing," said Heslin, who held up a large framed photograph of himself and his son.

A handful of people at the packed legislative hearing then shouted about their Second Amendment rights when Heslin asked if anyone could provide a reason for a civilian to own an assault-style weapon.


Newtown parents urge enforcement of gun laws - Yahoo! News
Fact is, most of the world treats medical care as a public service, not something that you have to earn because someone finds you valuable, only to discard you when your medical expenses exceed the profit they can make on you.

Sorry, but you're just wrong here. For some reason, you believe simply being born entitles you to a job, healthcare, etc.

Nobody made you that promise when you came into the world. Not the doctors. Not the government. And certainly not God. You have to earn it all.

So you had some bad luck and racked up serious medical bills? You think you're the only one? You think other people don't have misfortune? Stop living your life so bitter. Be thankful your alive and you live in America. That's 10,000x's better than 99.9% of the world has it.

I'm sure a lot of people have misfortune.

That isn't my point.

My point is, my misfortune should not be an excuse for someone else to take advantage.

And frankly, if we have to wreck the whole fucking capitalist/corporate system to keep that from happening, I'm totally down with that.

The Capitalist is a parasite that has convinced you he's a vital organ.

Leaving aside the notion of whether people are enitled to jobs or not (incidently, this was exactly something that FDR proposed in his "Second Bill of Rights") the rest of the industrialized world has single payer or universal coverage of some sort.

They live longer.
They have lower infant mortality rates.
They spend a lot less per person.
No one goes bankrupt or loses his job because of a medical crisis.

If this is "SOOOOOCAILISM", sign me up, baby. I've had my taste of the alternative.

So again, you're finally STARTING to be honest - you are a communist. You want to force people to share everything. So the question becomes - why can't you just start out your conversations with "I want communism"? This is the problem with the left. You're so disingenuous. You think you can lie your way to "credibility". You think if you deny being a communist while calling for communism, people will follow you. It's not going to happen.

The sad part is - although you've experienced capitalism, you have not experienced the communism/socialism/marxism you think would be sooooo wonderful.

Again - you need to get over ONE or two freaking guys and understand anything they did to you pales in comparison to what people like Joseph Stalin and Fidel Castro have done to people.
I'm not going to "go crazy on you" - but I do disagree. Your assumptions are all based on a single intruder home invasion. But what happens when you have a Watts riot situation? A Rodney King L.A. riots situation? A Hurricane Katrina riot situation (where law enforcement abandoned their posts)? An Occupy Wall Street riot situation? Suddenly 30 rounds isn't nearly enough - and you can't swap those magazines out fast enough.

If there's one thing the degenerate liberals have taught us, it's that they are happy to become extremely violent in large groups...

So let me get this straight. YOu want a gun because the racism and income inequality you think is perfectly acceptable might result in a riot and you might have to shoot people to protect your widescreen?

No - I might have to shoot people to protect my LIFE and the LIFE of my FAMILY. See, all you communists can ever focus on is material goods. I could give a shit about the fully insured house and everything in it. I do, however, give a shit about ending up like Reginald Deny, having bricks busted over my head - or worse.

And by the way - there is NO "income inequality". There is only EFFORT inequality. You and your leftist pals who want to kill and riot aren't willing to give an effort, but expect to have "income equality" :cuckoo:
Well, simply put, the Framers wrote a constitution designed to protect individual liberties (including the right to keep and bear arms) and curtail the power of the federal government two years before the Bill of Rights was even drafted and four years before it went into effect. James Wilson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and others all explained at length why a bill of rights was unnecessary, and how the Constitution protected our rights even in the absence of such a bill:

For why declare that things shall not be done [as in a bill of rights] which there is no power to do? Why for instance, should it be said, that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed? (Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 84, emphasis added.)

In other words, the Constitution contains no provisions ceding to the federal government a person’s right to keep and bear arms; thus the federal government has no authority to infringe in this area. Additionally, again from Hamilton in Federalist No. 84,

There remains but one other view of this matter to conclude the point. The truth is, after all the declamation we have heard, that the constitution is itself in every rational sense, and to every useful purpose, A BILL OF RIGHTS [capital letters in original].

The Roots of the Second Amendment The Future of Freedom Foundation

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Parents of children killed in the Newtown school shooting called for better enforcement of gun laws and tougher penalties for violators Monday at a hearing that revealed the divide in the gun-control debate, with advocates for gun rights shouting at the father of one 6-year-old victim.

Neil Heslin, whose son Jesse was killed in last month's massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary, asked people in the room to put themselves in his position as he questioned the need for any civilian to own semiautomatic, military-style weapons.
"It's not a good feeling. Not a good feeling to look at your child laying in a casket or looking at your child with a bullet wound to the forehead. It's a real sad thing," said Heslin, who held up a large framed photograph of himself and his son.

A handful of people at the packed legislative hearing then shouted about their Second Amendment rights when Heslin asked if anyone could provide a reason for a civilian to own an assault-style weapon.


Newtown parents urge enforcement of gun laws - Yahoo! News

I find that odd since no such weapon was used at Sandy Hook.
I'm not going to "go crazy on you" - but I do disagree. Your assumptions are all based on a single intruder home invasion. But what happens when you have a Watts riot situation? A Rodney King L.A. riots situation? A Hurricane Katrina riot situation (where law enforcement abandoned their posts)? An Occupy Wall Street riot situation? Suddenly 30 rounds isn't nearly enough - and you can't swap those magazines out fast enough.

Don't forget about the possibility of a "Walking Dead" or "World War Z" situation.

And what about an "Independence Day" or "War of the Worlds" scenario?
I'm not going to "go crazy on you" - but I do disagree. Your assumptions are all based on a single intruder home invasion. But what happens when you have a Watts riot situation? A Rodney King L.A. riots situation? A Hurricane Katrina riot situation (where law enforcement abandoned their posts)? An Occupy Wall Street riot situation? Suddenly 30 rounds isn't nearly enough - and you can't swap those magazines out fast enough.

Don't forget about the possibility of a "Walking Dead" or "World War Z" situation.

And what about an "Independence Day" or "War of the Worlds" scenario?

I just gave half a dozen incidents that ACTUALLY occurred. Since you can't dispute one thing I just said - and you have an irrational fear of guns - you have to become a sarcastic prick and mention zombies.

Watts riots. L.A. riots. Katrina riots. OWS riots. All REAL world incidents.....

You just HATE the fact that I'm right and leave you with nothing to dispute... :lol:
So again, you're finally STARTING to be honest - you are a communist. You want to force people to share everything. So the question becomes - why can't you just start out your conversations with "I want communism"? This is the problem with the left. You're so disingenuous. You think you can lie your way to "credibility". You think if you deny being a communist while calling for communism, people will follow you. It's not going to happen.

The sad part is - although you've experienced capitalism, you have not experienced the communism/socialism/marxism you think would be sooooo wonderful.

Again - you need to get over ONE or two freaking guys and understand anything they did to you pales in comparison to what people like Joseph Stalin and Fidel Castro have done to people.

Guy, when you squeal "communism", you lose credibility. MOST of the world is not "Communist", but they do all the things I say. And they are a lot better off than we are.

And frankly, before you go with you usual whine of "why don't you move there", the fact is, your point of view doesn't win elections anymore. You're done. Gun control is coming, Socialized Medicine is coming, real regulation of business is coming.

Deal with it.
No - I might have to shoot people to protect my LIFE and the LIFE of my FAMILY. See, all you communists can ever focus on is material goods. I could give a shit about the fully insured house and everything in it. I do, however, give a shit about ending up like Reginald Deny, having bricks busted over my head - or worse.

And by the way - there is NO "income inequality". There is only EFFORT inequality. You and your leftist pals who want to kill and riot aren't willing to give an effort, but expect to have "income equality" :cuckoo:

Guy, your family is only in "Danger" because the big businesses you love have made too many people poor and made it to easy to get guns. While one could feel sorry for Reginald Denny, that stew had been cooking for a long time. All it needed was a match.

And the notion that there is 'effort' inequality is about the most retarded thing you have ever said.

So you are really claiming that Paris Hilton is putting out more of an "effort" than a working guy who works two jobs and is struggling to make ends meet? Really?
No - I might have to shoot people to protect my LIFE and the LIFE of my FAMILY. See, all you communists can ever focus on is material goods. I could give a shit about the fully insured house and everything in it. I do, however, give a shit about ending up like Reginald Deny, having bricks busted over my head - or worse.

And by the way - there is NO "income inequality". There is only EFFORT inequality. You and your leftist pals who want to kill and riot aren't willing to give an effort, but expect to have "income equality" :cuckoo:

Guy, your family is only in "Danger" because the big businesses you love have made too many people poor and made it to easy to get guns. While one could feel sorry for Reginald Denny, that stew had been cooking for a long time. All it needed was a match.

And the notion that there is 'effort' inequality is about the most retarded thing you have ever said.

So you are really claiming that Paris Hilton is putting out more of an "effort" than a working guy who works two jobs and is struggling to make ends meet? Really?

No stupid - I'm saying Pari Hilton is putting in more effort than the welfare parasites like you, who just want to stay home and have others provide for them. She's been a spokeswoman for products (that's work), had a reality tv show (that's work), has been in movies (that's work), and has been the voice of characters (that's work).

But, being the envious little parasite that you are, you don't like the fact that she has a job you like better and makes more money than you (what did you expect parasite, you're not going to get rich staying at home and mooching off the rest of us).
No stupid - I'm saying Pari Hilton is putting in more effort than the welfare parasites like you, who just want to stay home and have others provide for them. She's been a spokeswoman for products (that's work), had a reality tv show (that's work), has been in movies (that's work), and has been the voice of characters (that's work).

But, being the envious little parasite that you are, you don't like the fact that she has a job you like better and makes more money than you (what did you expect parasite, you're not going to get rich staying at home and mooching off the rest of us).

Guy, I work two jobs and have a side business. So seriously, get bent.

Hilton is wealthy because her greedy ass family exploited working stiffs cleaning up hotel rooms...

So seriously not thrilled with the notion of people being on welfare, but taxing the shit out of trust fund babies like Hilton is just fine with me.
Hilton is wealthy because her greedy ass family exploited working stiffs cleaning up hotel rooms...

Leopard thine spots are showing.

Stupid person, how easily you are manipulated into voting against your own interests is showing.

But as long as Yous gots your gun and you bible, bay Jay-zus, you'll keep voting to make yourself poorer...

LMAO fool, you are confusing the next 4 years with forever.

The fact is JoeAssbite, you don't have the courage to admit what you are and you think everyone is fooled by this blustery silly front you throw up.

Every time an idiot Liberal wins an election youpeople crow about the end of the Republican Party.....

This shit is cyclical....and you'll be tossed out again, it ALWAYS works that way.

Fact is you are just anor=ther punk looking for someone else to take care of your needs.

Not going to happen kid.
Deal with it.

So again, you're finally STARTING to be honest - you are a communist. You want to force people to share everything. So the question becomes - why can't you just start out your conversations with "I want communism"? This is the problem with the left. You're so disingenuous. You think you can lie your way to "credibility". You think if you deny being a communist while calling for communism, people will follow you. It's not going to happen.

The sad part is - although you've experienced capitalism, you have not experienced the communism/socialism/marxism you think would be sooooo wonderful.

Again - you need to get over ONE or two freaking guys and understand anything they did to you pales in comparison to what people like Joseph Stalin and Fidel Castro have done to people.

Guy, when you squeal "communism", you lose credibility. MOST of the world is not "Communist", but they do all the things I say. And they are a lot better off than we are.

And frankly, before you go with you usual whine of "why don't you move there", the fact is, your point of view doesn't win elections anymore. You're done. Gun control is coming, Socialized Medicine is coming, real regulation of business is coming.

Deal with it.
Dude, the Republicans are never going to win another Presidential election.

It is pretty much forever, we are looking at a game change. Actually, the change really happened in 1992, it was just you guys cheated in 2000 and in 2004, lied us into war.

Simple Demagraphics, man. America is at the point the Europeans came to decades ago, and they could either be an empire or a welfare state, and they voted for welfare state...

LMAO fool, you are confusing the next 4 years with forever.

The fact is JoeAssbite, you don't have the courage to admit what you are and you think everyone is fooled by this blustery silly front you throw up.

Every time an idiot Liberal wins an election youpeople crow about the end of the Republican Party.....

This shit is cyclical....and you'll be tossed out again, it ALWAYS works that way.

Fact is you are just anor=ther punk looking for someone else to take care of your needs.

Not going to happen kid.
Deal with it.


And frankly, before you go with you usual whine of "why don't you move there", the fact is, your point of view doesn't win elections anymore. You're done. Gun control is coming, Socialized Medicine is coming, real regulation of business is coming.

Deal with it.

You are a moron ass bite :)

As I said, you are an idiot, Joe, grow some balls and admit to the world you are just another punk looking for a handout.

You over estimate your influence, you people always do....

You think all hispanics want to take charity....son I am here to tell you that those folks actually work hard...unlike you they actually work hard.

It won't take them long to figure out people of your "persuasion" simply want their money :)

Between their Catholicism and their work ethic they will learn to tell you to fuck off.

Let me know when YOU are coming for my guns, ummmk?

Dude, the Republicans are never going to win another Presidential election.

It is pretty much forever, we are looking at a game change. Actually, the change really happened in 1992, it was just you guys cheated in 2000 and in 2004, lied us into war.

Simple Demagraphics, man. America is at the point the Europeans came to decades ago, and they could either be an empire or a welfare state, and they voted for welfare state...

LMAO fool, you are confusing the next 4 years with forever.

The fact is JoeAssbite, you don't have the courage to admit what you are and you think everyone is fooled by this blustery silly front you throw up.

Every time an idiot Liberal wins an election youpeople crow about the end of the Republican Party.....

This shit is cyclical....and you'll be tossed out again, it ALWAYS works that way.

Fact is you are just anor=ther punk looking for someone else to take care of your needs.

Not going to happen kid.
Deal with it.


And frankly, before you go with you usual whine of "why don't you move there", the fact is, your point of view doesn't win elections anymore. You're done. Gun control is coming, Socialized Medicine is coming, real regulation of business is coming.

Deal with it.
Dude, the Republicans are never going to win another Presidential election.

:lmao: This is shockingly stupid - even by liberal level.

Simple Demagraphics, man. America is at the point the Europeans came to decades ago, and they could either be an empire or a welfare state, and they voted for welfare state...

Wow! A moment of honesty here! So you're now admitting that the left has created a welfare state, when we could have continued to be the empire we had once built?

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