The 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

And yet they all cling to the US for military protection and foreign aid.

Go figure.

And rich Europeans come up here from Argentina when they get cancer.

Argentina is in South America, not Europe.

Yes, but allot of rich Europe like there. People from Europe move to and live in Argentina. Don’t matter though because they all come here when they can afford it because they can get treated for life threatening Iillness because they have to wait for simple diagnostic procedures. And things like chemo therapy.

Yep, but that's a tiny minority. Its irrelevant to whether which country is doing healthcare better overall for its entire population.

Your issue is that healthcare is not as strong for the "poor". Agreed? You think it is perfectly fine for the middle class and the wealthy. Correct?
The Americans who tend to be obese and malnourished live either in poverty or the lower class. Universal Healthcare would go a long way to mending that problem.

Pray tell just how in God's green earth will Universal Helathcare stopp fat people from eating McDonalds??

I will love this one... :popcorn:

Education through discussion with doctors and other healthcare workers along with the provision of alternatives for healthy food through hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Most of the poor health in this country happens among the poor and lower class who have poor access to both low cost quality food and healthcare in the low-income areas in which they live.

What text are you quoting? I mean I know for all the crap you parrot from google you are getting a bunch of complaints of folks having to wait on very simple, but extremely important procedures. MRI’s for excample. A very simple but very expensive procedure. As it is now, I can be sent for an MRI here on demand. If I go to an ER like illegal aloe and do I can for whatever reason have one done on demand. In your communist health care wet dream I could wait up to a month for a very simple non invasive proceadure that is pivotal in saving lives. And your whole agreement about “low incom” people is all flat out lies, even worse, you know it’s a lie yet here you are spreading it with glee. Poor in this country have and have always had free medical care. You can’t make the case that communist health care if you have to lie.

The poor and lower class often have to choose between medication or food in the United States. They often going into enormous debt due to the cost of healthcare in the United States. Those burdens are not suffered by Europeans. Europeans live longer, pay less for healthcare, and everyone receives healthcare. There are no communist countries in Europe. NONE. Communism as a system in Europe has been dead since December 25, 1991. Europeans simply have a better approach to healthcare. This is proven by the fact that they live longer than Americans, pay less per person for healthcare, everyone is provided healthcare. When it comes to healthcare, Europeans win with overall quality as measured by life expectancy, coverage, and cost.

You're living in a fantasy. The poor and lower class most often have to choose between cigarettes or lottery tickets. And they choose McDonalds because they simply continue their habits of poor decisions that made them poor in the first place.
The vast, vast, vast - V A S T - majority of poor in America are self-inflicted. The result of a lifetime of poor decision making and directionless stagnation.
And those who are poor due to outside circumstances... are poor because they are stuck in generational poverty created by liberal policies that segregated them into areas with no industry and lured them into housing projects with the promise of continual free shit.

Typical poor kid in America.

The fact is that the top 50 developed countries typically provide all their citizens healthcare, do it at rate that is 2/3s the cost of the United States, and they live longer. The topic is Universal Healthcare where everyone is taken care of regardless of the system used. The overwhelming majority of Europeans, even the rich, stay in Europe for their healthcare.

Population is not the issues since the United States spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any country in the world. These European countries are only spending an average of 10% of their GDP on healthcare and providing for all their citizens with BETTER results.

The average European country spends less on healthcare per person, covers everyone, and achieves better results on average than seen in the United States.

How many illegals do they have? How many have to spend $400k to garner a medical degree? How come 80% of new drug research and innovation comes from the US? How come we have the highest 5-year cancer survivor rates in the world? How many of those countries spend on their military like we do so that we can protect the smaller ones? How many of those countries allow people simply born there to be automatic citizens? What is the tax rate in those countries —- your % of GDP pt? Your argument is weak and you are either trolling or ignorant.

The so called illegals in the United States benefit the country more than they take from it. Illegals in the United States commit less crime on average than American citizens and tend to work harder and are more productive. They are also willing to work in jobs many American citizens are not willing to do. The country needs far more people to come up from latin America and work here if it wants to achieve and maintain real GDP growth of 3% a year. There are 7.3 million unfilled jobs in the United States currently. There are labor shortages everywhere. Attacking illegal's and deporting them will only HURT economic growth which will hurt the entire country especially the budget issues the country is struggling with.

The cost of becoming a healthcare worker should also be reformed and brought in line with where it is in Europe. Again, the whole healthcare for profit whether it be the education for such work or the work itself, needs to stop. Its bankrupting the country and providing so little benefit while doing so.

I doubt 80% of drug research and innovation comes from the United States. Even if it did, there is way to much waste and profit when it comes to drugs. There is also the damage that the drug industry does to the population as well. The focus must be on the health of the population, not profits for the industry. Those profits have not led to higher life expectancy rates for Americans. Again, America is #34th in the world in life expectancy. All these wonderful drugs have not done jack shit when it comes to the bottom line of health for the country as a whole.

Right now in Europe today, there are far more active ground combat brigades stationed there that not U.S. forces by European forces. Europe has far more combat aircraft, main battle tanks, artillery, and other weapons stationed on the ground across Europe than the United States does. So in terms of who the Russians will be facing immediately after an invasion, most of them will be European weapons and forces. The United States currently only has 3 ground combat brigades stationed in Europe. 1 in Germany, 1 in Poland, and 1 in Italy. Germany's total number of ground combat brigades, 6, is more than double the total number of U.S. ground combat brigades stationed in Europe. That's just Germany. There are 28 other European countries we have yet to look at.

Its true that European countries have higher tax rates as a percentage of GDP than the United States does. They tax their rich and upper middleclass far more than we do. Its good policy. They have far less poverty and healthcare for all. The United States, which has one of the lowest tax rates in the world, can't provide healthcare for all its citizens and has far higher percentages of its citizens living in poverty. You could fix these problems in the United States by raising taxes on the rich and upper middle class. The result being a huge reduction in poverty and healthcare for everyone.

bullshit, illegals take jobs from americans and put americans on welfare and food stamps. Illegals get free medical and education for their illegal kids. They cost us a lot more than they contribute in tax revenue. Most of them don't pay taxes because they are paid cash off the books.

That's not true because the unemployment rate is the lowest in half a century and there are 7.3 million unfilled jobs in the country. The United States needs more people from latin America to come to this country in order to improve and sustain good economic growth.

Lol, how old are you?

Irrelevant. What I said is based on accurate economic statistics. There is a labor shortage that will eventually slow and hurt U.S. economic growth. Rising GDP must have a growing labor force to support it. Birthrate decline in the United States and the retirement of the babyboom generation means these extra workers will have to come from immigrants.
How many illegals do they have? How many have to spend $400k to garner a medical degree? How come 80% of new drug research and innovation comes from the US? How come we have the highest 5-year cancer survivor rates in the world? How many of those countries spend on their military like we do so that we can protect the smaller ones? How many of those countries allow people simply born there to be automatic citizens? What is the tax rate in those countries —- your % of GDP pt? Your argument is weak and you are either trolling or ignorant.

The so called illegals in the United States benefit the country more than they take from it. Illegals in the United States commit less crime on average than American citizens and tend to work harder and are more productive. They are also willing to work in jobs many American citizens are not willing to do. The country needs far more people to come up from latin America and work here if it wants to achieve and maintain real GDP growth of 3% a year. There are 7.3 million unfilled jobs in the United States currently. There are labor shortages everywhere. Attacking illegal's and deporting them will only HURT economic growth which will hurt the entire country especially the budget issues the country is struggling with.

The cost of becoming a healthcare worker should also be reformed and brought in line with where it is in Europe. Again, the whole healthcare for profit whether it be the education for such work or the work itself, needs to stop. Its bankrupting the country and providing so little benefit while doing so.

I doubt 80% of drug research and innovation comes from the United States. Even if it did, there is way to much waste and profit when it comes to drugs. There is also the damage that the drug industry does to the population as well. The focus must be on the health of the population, not profits for the industry. Those profits have not led to higher life expectancy rates for Americans. Again, America is #34th in the world in life expectancy. All these wonderful drugs have not done jack shit when it comes to the bottom line of health for the country as a whole.

Right now in Europe today, there are far more active ground combat brigades stationed there that not U.S. forces by European forces. Europe has far more combat aircraft, main battle tanks, artillery, and other weapons stationed on the ground across Europe than the United States does. So in terms of who the Russians will be facing immediately after an invasion, most of them will be European weapons and forces. The United States currently only has 3 ground combat brigades stationed in Europe. 1 in Germany, 1 in Poland, and 1 in Italy. Germany's total number of ground combat brigades, 6, is more than double the total number of U.S. ground combat brigades stationed in Europe. That's just Germany. There are 28 other European countries we have yet to look at.

Its true that European countries have higher tax rates as a percentage of GDP than the United States does. They tax their rich and upper middleclass far more than we do. Its good policy. They have far less poverty and healthcare for all. The United States, which has one of the lowest tax rates in the world, can't provide healthcare for all its citizens and has far higher percentages of its citizens living in poverty. You could fix these problems in the United States by raising taxes on the rich and upper middle class. The result being a huge reduction in poverty and healthcare for everyone.

bullshit, illegals take jobs from americans and put americans on welfare and food stamps. Illegals get free medical and education for their illegal kids. They cost us a lot more than they contribute in tax revenue. Most of them don't pay taxes because they are paid cash off the books.

That's not true because the unemployment rate is the lowest in half a century and there are 7.3 million unfilled jobs in the country. The United States needs more people from latin America to come to this country in order to improve and sustain good economic growth.

Lol, how old are you?

Irrelevant. What I said is based on accurate economic statistics. There is a labor shortage that will eventually slow and hurt U.S. economic growth. Rising GDP must have a growing labor force to support it. Birthrate decline in the United States and the retirement of the babyboom generation means these extra workers will have to come from immigrants.

WRONG...because automation will fill many of those jobs. You're 20, right?
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

And yet they all cling to the US for military protection and foreign aid.

Go figure.

And rich Europeans come up here from Argentina when they get cancer.

Argentina is in South America, not Europe.

Yes, but allot of rich Europe like there. People from Europe move to and live in Argentina. Don’t matter though because they all come here when they can afford it because they can get treated for life threatening Iillness because they have to wait for simple diagnostic procedures. And things like chemo therapy.

Yep, but that's a tiny minority. Its irrelevant to whether which country is doing healthcare better overall for its entire population.

Again you deflect. The point is, they all have to wait for who are extremely simple diagnostic procedures needed to treat sickness. This is why you avoid that topic like the plague. I wonder, does the band members of U2 use the healthcare in their county or do they utelize privet health care?
And yet they all cling to the US for military protection and foreign aid.

Go figure.

And rich Europeans come up here from Argentina when they get cancer.

Argentina is in South America, not Europe.

Yes, but allot of rich Europe like there. People from Europe move to and live in Argentina. Don’t matter though because they all come here when they can afford it because they can get treated for life threatening Iillness because they have to wait for simple diagnostic procedures. And things like chemo therapy.

Yep, but that's a tiny minority. Its irrelevant to whether which country is doing healthcare better overall for its entire population.

Your issue is that healthcare is not as strong for the "poor". Agreed? You think it is perfectly fine for the middle class and the wealthy. Correct?

No, its not fine for the middle class and wealthy in the United States although those groups fair better in terms of the overall experience than the poor. The United States is being bankrupted by the way it does healthcare, the for profit healthcare industry. Were spending nearly 5 times on healthcare what we spend on national defense. Healthcare is too expensive, wasteful and provides only marginal benefits in the United States.
Edge needs to get a college degree. He is very reactive vs. being proactive.

Reactive: I am fat and have diabetes...give me meds.
Proactive: I eat healthy and workout regularly. I don't have diabetes. I don't need meds.

Which program is better for young kids, who become adults?
The so called illegals in the United States benefit the country more than they take from it. Illegals in the United States commit less crime on average than American citizens and tend to work harder and are more productive. They are also willing to work in jobs many American citizens are not willing to do. The country needs far more people to come up from latin America and work here if it wants to achieve and maintain real GDP growth of 3% a year. There are 7.3 million unfilled jobs in the United States currently. There are labor shortages everywhere. Attacking illegal's and deporting them will only HURT economic growth which will hurt the entire country especially the budget issues the country is struggling with.

The cost of becoming a healthcare worker should also be reformed and brought in line with where it is in Europe. Again, the whole healthcare for profit whether it be the education for such work or the work itself, needs to stop. Its bankrupting the country and providing so little benefit while doing so.

I doubt 80% of drug research and innovation comes from the United States. Even if it did, there is way to much waste and profit when it comes to drugs. There is also the damage that the drug industry does to the population as well. The focus must be on the health of the population, not profits for the industry. Those profits have not led to higher life expectancy rates for Americans. Again, America is #34th in the world in life expectancy. All these wonderful drugs have not done jack shit when it comes to the bottom line of health for the country as a whole.

Right now in Europe today, there are far more active ground combat brigades stationed there that not U.S. forces by European forces. Europe has far more combat aircraft, main battle tanks, artillery, and other weapons stationed on the ground across Europe than the United States does. So in terms of who the Russians will be facing immediately after an invasion, most of them will be European weapons and forces. The United States currently only has 3 ground combat brigades stationed in Europe. 1 in Germany, 1 in Poland, and 1 in Italy. Germany's total number of ground combat brigades, 6, is more than double the total number of U.S. ground combat brigades stationed in Europe. That's just Germany. There are 28 other European countries we have yet to look at.

Its true that European countries have higher tax rates as a percentage of GDP than the United States does. They tax their rich and upper middleclass far more than we do. Its good policy. They have far less poverty and healthcare for all. The United States, which has one of the lowest tax rates in the world, can't provide healthcare for all its citizens and has far higher percentages of its citizens living in poverty. You could fix these problems in the United States by raising taxes on the rich and upper middle class. The result being a huge reduction in poverty and healthcare for everyone.

bullshit, illegals take jobs from americans and put americans on welfare and food stamps. Illegals get free medical and education for their illegal kids. They cost us a lot more than they contribute in tax revenue. Most of them don't pay taxes because they are paid cash off the books.

That's not true because the unemployment rate is the lowest in half a century and there are 7.3 million unfilled jobs in the country. The United States needs more people from latin America to come to this country in order to improve and sustain good economic growth.

Lol, how old are you?

Irrelevant. What I said is based on accurate economic statistics. There is a labor shortage that will eventually slow and hurt U.S. economic growth. Rising GDP must have a growing labor force to support it. Birthrate decline in the United States and the retirement of the babyboom generation means these extra workers will have to come from immigrants.

WRONG...because automation will fill many of those jobs. You're 20, right?

Yup. Even illegals will be out of work soon.

And yet they all cling to the US for military protection and foreign aid.

Go figure.

And rich Europeans come up here from Argentina when they get cancer.

Argentina is in South America, not Europe.

Yes, but allot of rich Europe like there. People from Europe move to and live in Argentina. Don’t matter though because they all come here when they can afford it because they can get treated for life threatening Iillness because they have to wait for simple diagnostic procedures. And things like chemo therapy.

Yep, but that's a tiny minority. Its irrelevant to whether which country is doing healthcare better overall for its entire population.

Again you deflect. The point is, they all have to wait for who are extremely simple diagnostic procedures needed to treat sickness. This is why you avoid that topic like the plague. I wonder, does the band members of U2 use the healthcare in their county or do they utelize privet health care?

Bono went to the hospital in Dublin a couple of years ago when he had his major health scare. Regardless of what the individual waiting times may be in this country or that country for a certain operation, the results show Europeans are living longer. That is the largest and most accurate measure in determining how good the healthcare system is, life expectancy.
And rich Europeans come up here from Argentina when they get cancer.

Argentina is in South America, not Europe.

Yes, but allot of rich Europe like there. People from Europe move to and live in Argentina. Don’t matter though because they all come here when they can afford it because they can get treated for life threatening Iillness because they have to wait for simple diagnostic procedures. And things like chemo therapy.

Yep, but that's a tiny minority. Its irrelevant to whether which country is doing healthcare better overall for its entire population.

Your issue is that healthcare is not as strong for the "poor". Agreed? You think it is perfectly fine for the middle class and the wealthy. Correct?

No, its not fine for the middle class and wealthy in the United States although those groups fair better in terms of the overall experience than the poor. The United States is being bankrupted by the way it does healthcare, the for profit healthcare industry. Were spending nearly 5 times on healthcare what we spend on national defense. Healthcare is too expensive, wasteful and provides only marginal benefits in the United States.

I agree the healthcare system is broken but giving the Gov't the reigns is not the answer. Look at laser eye surgery and plastic surgery. No insurance companies. Prices have dipped significantly because more doctors entered the space and created competition and innovation. The answer is less interference from insurance agencies and Gov't not more. Capitalism is always the best answer.
Edge needs to get a college degree. He is very reactive vs. being proactive.

Reactive: I am fat and have diabetes...give me meds.
Proactive: I eat healthy and workout regularly. I don't have diabetes. I don't need meds.

Which program is better for young kids, who become adults?

Edge needs to go out and live and work in the real world. It’s the only way they will get a clue.
And rich Europeans come up here from Argentina when they get cancer.

Argentina is in South America, not Europe.

Yes, but allot of rich Europe like there. People from Europe move to and live in Argentina. Don’t matter though because they all come here when they can afford it because they can get treated for life threatening Iillness because they have to wait for simple diagnostic procedures. And things like chemo therapy.

Yep, but that's a tiny minority. Its irrelevant to whether which country is doing healthcare better overall for its entire population.

Again you deflect. The point is, they all have to wait for who are extremely simple diagnostic procedures needed to treat sickness. This is why you avoid that topic like the plague. I wonder, does the band members of U2 use the healthcare in their county or do they utelize privet health care?

Bono went to the hospital in Dublin a couple of years ago when he had his major health scare. Regardless of what the individual waiting times may be in this country or that country for a certain operation, the results show Europeans are living longer. That is the largest and most accurate measure in determining how good the healthcare system is, life expectancy.

What Europeans? Europe is not a country. Again people in the US live to be 80. LOL. Stop your nonsense.
And rich Europeans come up here from Argentina when they get cancer.

Argentina is in South America, not Europe.

Yes, but allot of rich Europe like there. People from Europe move to and live in Argentina. Don’t matter though because they all come here when they can afford it because they can get treated for life threatening Iillness because they have to wait for simple diagnostic procedures. And things like chemo therapy.

Yep, but that's a tiny minority. Its irrelevant to whether which country is doing healthcare better overall for its entire population.

Your issue is that healthcare is not as strong for the "poor". Agreed? You think it is perfectly fine for the middle class and the wealthy. Correct?

No, its not fine for the middle class and wealthy in the United States although those groups fair better in terms of the overall experience than the poor. The United States is being bankrupted by the way it does healthcare, the for profit healthcare industry. Were spending nearly 5 times on healthcare what we spend on national defense. Healthcare is too expensive, wasteful and provides only marginal benefits in the United States.

Not really. Illegal alien are bankrupting healthcare. That and stupid schemes in Obamacare.
Let me ask you this:

Timely Medical | Timely Surgery at Affordable Prices

This is a company. It's a company operating out of Canada. The entire purpose of this company, is to setup patient, primarily in Canada, with doctors and hospitals in the US.

They charge money, obviously to provide this service.
This is an additional charge to the cost of getting whatever treatment or surgery they get in the US.

The company was started by a Canadian doctor, who was fed up watching patients die while waiting.

So my question to you is this.....

Canada has universal care, that is "free". Please explain to me how Timely medical can find enough consistent flow of customers, willing to pay thousands of dollars for surgery in the US, and to pay them to set them up for that surgery.... if those same customers can all get surgery for 'free'?

If government run health care is so great in Canada, how can this company started by a Canadian doctor, end up with thousands of customers every year willing to pay for health care? How can they find enough people willing to spend thousands of dollar for health care, to escape their Canadian system if it is so great?

Can you explain that to me?

Don't have to. These little individual examples, whether they are true or not, are irrelevant. What matters is the overall averages on life expectancy and the countries that provide Universal Healthcare. Look FRANCE, GERMANY, SWEDEN, NORWAY, ITALY etc. Most people in the top 50 most developed countries in the world stay in their own countries when it comes to healthcare. At least 34 of those countries citizens live longer than Americans on average. One's personal experience, or some off hand example will not change that reality.

France, where doctors went on strike for weeks, and people were left without care, not to mention people died of heat stroke in hospitals during a heat wave years back.

Germany, has a system of private insurance, the nearly all people are part of.

Moreover, nearly all those countries have double our tax rate.

Which is more expensive: Current insurance premiums, or a 50% tax rate on the middle class?

And yes, the fact is, if you want to support your argument, then you do have to explain why people come from all over the world from their 'free health care' systems, to pay for health care here.

If you can't, then whether you admit it, or believe it, you have undeniably lost the argument that free government care is better.

SOME PEOPLE come to the United States for healthcare. Some. Its a tiny percentage and not proof that the United States healthcare system is better.

Healthcare cost in Europe are about 1/2 to 2/3s of what they are in the United States. The Quality is better because the people there live longer. Everyone there is provided for. Its the three BIG WINS!

The United States can get the taxes it needs for Universal Healthcare from the top 20% of income earners who have 80% of the wealth in the country. Capital Gains, Property, Estate and other things besides just income will need to see increased tax rates. The Middle Class will only be lightly effected if at all by the increased tax rates. The lower class and the poor won't have to pay anything.

This is yet another example of the mythology that I'm talking about.

If what you said was true, then why isn't Europe doing that? You claim we can get all the money we need from the top 20%, right? Why isn't Europe doing that? Why are people in Denmark, who earn $40,000 a year, paying 50% income tax?

Why are people in France that earn $30,000 a year, paying 30% income taxes?

All over Europe, it isn't the rich and wealth, or the top 20%, or 10%, or 1% paying for health care.... it's the middle and lower class paying for it.

Do you know why France is having riots right now? It's because the government was trying to jack up taxes on fuel. They are already paying almost double in income tax, and they want to screw the lower and middle class over with fuel taxes.

Why? To pay for, among other things, their expensive health care system.

You keep telling everyone how it's cheaper... and then when I compare their insane taxes, to my health insurance premium... there is nothing cheaper about it.

You keep blabbering about how the rich and wealthy will pay for it... and then point to all these countries with it, where the poor and middle class are paying for it.

There is not one single example in this world, where the rich and wealthy, pay for the health care of the poor.

And maybe you missed it, but France tried a wealth tax, and the all the wealthy packed up and left.

And clearly you didn't get the memo, because Amazon was about to create 25,000 jobs in New York, and the politicians tried to get them to pay for a bunch of stuff.... and Amazon left, just like the wealthy of France started leaving, just like the wealthy of Venezuela left.

Your system doesn't work. How many hundreds of examples do you need, before you stop believing the mythology the left-wing spews at you?

The irony is, even some of the socialists in this country admit that universal health care would cost at least a 12% on everyone. And that's BS, because that's way to low.

As a percentage of GDP, your average European country spends about 11% of their GDP on healthcare. The United States by contrast spends 17% of its GDP on healthcare. Also consider that US GDP and US GDP per capita is higher on average than these European countries.

The Europeans spend less as a percentage of GDP, cover everyone in the country, and live longer on average than Americans. Those are the facts, and it shows that the Europeans WIN in all three categories.

Israel spends only 7% of its GDP on healthcare and everyone is provided and they live longer than Americans.

"Never mind your facts. I want to believe this is true, so I'm going to keep insisting on it!"

Life expectancy has nothing to do with healthcare. You've had this explained to you ad nauseam. Ergo, arguments about "We need to copy these countries because they live longer" is the same as you saying, "I have no argument, I just want it!"

Also, if you want to blather about healthcare expenditures as a percentage of GDP, you need to explain exactly which spending you're referring to, and provide sources. There is entirely too much loose, sloppy conflation of different healthcare spending numbers for anyone to just take your vague word for it.
bullshit, illegals take jobs from americans and put americans on welfare and food stamps. Illegals get free medical and education for their illegal kids. They cost us a lot more than they contribute in tax revenue. Most of them don't pay taxes because they are paid cash off the books.

That's not true because the unemployment rate is the lowest in half a century and there are 7.3 million unfilled jobs in the country. The United States needs more people from latin America to come to this country in order to improve and sustain good economic growth.

Lol, how old are you?

Irrelevant. What I said is based on accurate economic statistics. There is a labor shortage that will eventually slow and hurt U.S. economic growth. Rising GDP must have a growing labor force to support it. Birthrate decline in the United States and the retirement of the babyboom generation means these extra workers will have to come from immigrants.

WRONG...because automation will fill many of those jobs. You're 20, right?

Yup. Even illegals will be out of work soon.

Well, if that were the case, we'd have rising levels of unemployment and no unfilled jobs. Reality is different. 4% unemployment and dropping, 7.3 million unfilled jobs. Robo-worker is failing miserably when it comes to making a dent in these figures.
Really sick of hearing that smug, superior line in connection with countries that only have "cheaper drugs" because the US is actually propping them up.

Pharmaceutical companies would be a whole lot less cooperative about the artificially low drug prices countries like Canada demand if they weren't able to recoup the losses by charging Americans more. And they wouldn't even consider spending the money on R&D to develop new drugs if it wasn't for the US.

So really, Canada and nations like it are the reason why medications cost so much in the US.
Drug companies like to gouge Americans because they fall for it so easily.
Your children will pay the price when government decides to control drug prices.
If government controls prices we'll all pay less.
There won't be any new drugs, you fucking dumbass. Drug companies aren't going to invest billions of dollars if they can't recoup their costs.

I agree to a point, but drug patents are much too long, shorten the patent times and get generics into the market faster and everyone will benefit. the drug companies might end up making 40% profits instead of 60%
I agree the cost can be vastly reduced. Most of it is a result of regulations and the approval process. Of course, the left will fight that tooth and nail every step of the way.
And rich Europeans come up here from Argentina when they get cancer.

Argentina is in South America, not Europe.

Yes, but allot of rich Europe like there. People from Europe move to and live in Argentina. Don’t matter though because they all come here when they can afford it because they can get treated for life threatening Iillness because they have to wait for simple diagnostic procedures. And things like chemo therapy.

Yep, but that's a tiny minority. Its irrelevant to whether which country is doing healthcare better overall for its entire population.

Again you deflect. The point is, they all have to wait for who are extremely simple diagnostic procedures needed to treat sickness. This is why you avoid that topic like the plague. I wonder, does the band members of U2 use the healthcare in their county or do they utelize privet health care?

Bono went to the hospital in Dublin a couple of years ago when he had his major health scare. Regardless of what the individual waiting times may be in this country or that country for a certain operation, the results show Europeans are living longer. That is the largest and most accurate measure in determining how good the healthcare system is, life expectancy.

But Bono did not submit to the system and I doubt that he waited for guess what? And MRI. I’m also betting his personal doctor was there to. And you still deflect. We aren’t discussing anything major or invasive. We are talking about a simple MRI.
That's not true because the unemployment rate is the lowest in half a century and there are 7.3 million unfilled jobs in the country. The United States needs more people from latin America to come to this country in order to improve and sustain good economic growth.

Lol, how old are you?

Irrelevant. What I said is based on accurate economic statistics. There is a labor shortage that will eventually slow and hurt U.S. economic growth. Rising GDP must have a growing labor force to support it. Birthrate decline in the United States and the retirement of the babyboom generation means these extra workers will have to come from immigrants.

WRONG...because automation will fill many of those jobs. You're 20, right?

Yup. Even illegals will be out of work soon.

Well, if that were the case, we'd have rising levels of unemployment and no unfilled jobs. Reality is different. 4% unemployment and dropping, 7.3 million unfilled jobs. Robo-worker is failing miserably when it comes to making a dent in these figures.

Automation is just starting to become prevalent. Give it five years and then we can chat. Take a look at 1905 NY vs. 1912 NY. In 1905 you would see all horse and carriages by 1912 it was all cars. Tech moves even faster now. You really need an education, sir. Desperately.

How long, how long? How long does it take to sing this song?
Which makes as much sense as a "right to healthcare".
Freedom for lower healthcare cost.

It doesn't sound like you understand freedom. It doesn't mean "free stuff".
Freedom for free stuff! Sounds like a plan!
"Free stuff!" is the battle cry of the Stalinist.

"Free stuff" is the battle cry of the radical right. Nobody calls programs which provide support and assistance to the general population "free stuff": except stupid asshole radical right wingers who are fully in favour of tax cuts for billionaires, and solidly oppose a good education for poor children.

What the idiot right calls "free stuff", democratic socialists call eduation, health care, infrastructure, and resources. While the American dream slips away, the rest of the world has achieved a quality of life, health and security that most Americans will never achieve.

"I'm sure this is what you think!"

Literally all you just said. Remind me to get right on caring what you believe I think.
Drug companies like to gouge Americans because they fall for it so easily.
Your children will pay the price when government decides to control drug prices.
If government controls prices we'll all pay less.
There won't be any new drugs, you fucking dumbass. Drug companies aren't going to invest billions of dollars if they can't recoup their costs.

I agree to a point, but drug patents are much too long, shorten the patent times and get generics into the market faster and everyone will benefit. the drug companies might end up making 40% profits instead of 60%
I agree the cost can be vastly reduced. Most of it is a result of regulations and the approval process. Of course, the left will fight that tooth and nail every step of the way.

YES. Laser eye surgery cost like $5k per eye 10 years ago. Now it is $800 per. Why? More doctors, more competition, no insurance interference.

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