The 6 Types of People Who Will Die First When SHTF

We called it a crunch store and yes I did.

I had a good amount of money and was stocked like a minimart. On top of that my first wife brought me dope in balloons hidden in her bra.

I was VERY popular and actually made money while in prison.
You would have been totally screwed if I was walking the block, I lived to bust store boxes and sniff-out mash. ;)

The term was coined around 1994, likely well before.

This anticipated event, whether it’s a nuclear war or The Rapture, is referred to as when SHTF in prepper lingo.

SHTF has been used in prepper culture since at least 1994, when it began popping up on prepper online message boards.

SHTF is an acronym that stands for “Shit Hits the Fan”, indicating a situation that is extremely disruptive to the current social paradigm.

A SHTF event describes a situation where you won’t be able to rely on emergency services, where government efforts to contain the situation either do no good or make things worse, and where you are no longer guaranteed to obtain survival necessities like food, water and shelter.

A SHTF event is extraordinarily disruptive to the day to day social order and is likely to see your fellow citizens panic or act irrationally.
That would easily be caused by a EMP burst frying all of the cell phone towers.
These knot-heads would freak out if they didn't have cell phone service.
It would be the same as setting off a nuke downtown.
That would easily be caused by a EMP burst frying all of the cell phone towers.
These knot-heads would freak out if they didn't have cell phone service.
It would be the same as setting off a nuke downtown.
At least we would no longer have to concern ourselves with banning Tic-Toc. ;)
A whole lot of people that think they are prepared for a major economic and social upheaval or catastrophic event are going to find out that they are just as likely to be a casualty as other people.

I don't even worry about it. I am well armed and have tons of ammo and I have a real nice emergency hurricane preparation kit that is good for a couple of months but I have no illusion that I could survive a prolonged SHTF.

If it hits for real it won't last long.

At some point the government will have to step in and take control. It might be bad for a few days even maybe weeks. Possibly a month but for things to in complete upheavel for prolonged periods of time is unlikely.

For things to really spiral out of control pretty much all the major countries will have gone tits up at the same time.

During that intial time if you have some guns and ammo and food and water you'll just stay home. Not go to work or anything to hold out, but order will return somewhat quickly.

I'll be grabbing grandma and grabbing a bunch of her clothes and she will be staying with me till it blows over. She might be an old lady but I can put her in a chair at the bottom of the steps and stick a shotgun in her hands and she will be fine.
I've learned a few harsh truths in my life so far................

1. When the shit hits the fan, the ONLY person you can depend on is you.

2. You can stock as much as you want. It will never be enough.

3. Unless you are versed in medical, dental, chemistry, physics, and aint surviving for long.

4. If you don't know how to grow food, find water, clean the water, and aint surviving for long.

5. You really think you can survive THIS??????

I've learned a few harsh truths in my life so far................

1. When the shit hits the fan, the ONLY person you can depend on is you.

2. You can stock as much as you want. It will never be enough.

3. Unless you are versed in medical, dental, chemistry, physics, and aint surviving for long.

4. If you don't know how to grow food, find water, clean the water, and aint surviving for long.

5. You really think you can survive THIS??????

Negative.....I'm 20 miles as the crow flies from Mt. Weather and 60 from DC. That and given the targeting might not be all that accurate with old-ass nukes I figure between over and under-shoots of either location I'm tee-totally fucked.....Meh, just as well I guess.
A great food source is small critters. Rabbits, squirrels, even robins and blue jays if it comes down to it.

I got a nice powerful pellet gun with a kick ass scope and 70% noise reduction.

A Remington Nitro Piston Vantage NP (1200 FPS).

I can hit an egg at 30-40 yards.

I got a crossbow for those silent moments....
The Ten Point Flatline 460 with the Oracle X scope.

Psychopaths would thrive. When there's not enough for everybody and no order it's the most cutthroat that survive.
I remember one of the best lines in The Walking Dead was about how none of the survivors could be considered the “good guys” because all the good people died early on in the apocalypse.
That would easily be caused by a EMP burst frying all of the cell phone towers.
These knot-heads would freak out if they didn't have cell phone service.
It would be the same as setting off a nuke downtown.
An EMP burst would a lot more damage than just putting cellular service out of operation. Like shutting down the US economy and rendering 75% or more of our technology interoperable.

It would almost be worth it to make these idiots have to do without their cell phones for awhile.

We had a family Mother's Day Brunch this morning. In the resturant I bet more than half the people were on their stupid phones most of the time rather than enjoying the time with their families.
An EMP burst would a lot more damage than just putting cellular service out of operation. Like shutting down the US economy and rendering 75% or more of our technology interoperable.

It would almost be worth it to make these idiots have to do without their cell phones for awhile.

We had a family Mother's Day Brunch this morning. In the resturant I bet more than half the people were on their stupid phones most of the time rather than enjoying the time with their families.
I was focusing on cellphones.
I know it would fry our electric grid and anything with a micro-chip in it.
An EMP burst would a lot more damage than just putting cellular service out of operation. Like shutting down the US economy and rendering 75% or more of our technology interoperable.

It would almost be worth it to make these idiots have to do without their cell phones for awhile.

We had a family Mother's Day Brunch this morning. In the resturant I bet more than half the people were on their stupid phones most of the time rather than enjoying the time with their families.
cars too.
It depends on how much shit and how big the fan is. If it's nuclear and if you have time, your best bet is to see your spiritual adviser and plan on kissing your ass goodbye. The best prevention for terminal SHTF is to have a strong leader instead of a doddering old fool with his trembling thumb on the nuclear button.
You need to actively condition your self to eating human flesh .

Am not sure how you train for that , but I suspect it will happen naturally if needs must.

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