The ACLU Is Anything But American

And you're a liar.

But what else is new.

Still not my link. Pretty sure it was Bodie's.

So that makes you the liar you fucking twatsicle. :thup:

Are saying now that Thomas Jefferson's letter on separation of church and state has no bearing on you beliefs on the subject?

Quite the backtrack, don't you think?

I didn't say that either.

You're clearly still reeling from the beatdown you brought upon yourself here. You might consider taking a step back and reflecting on what a fucking idiot you've presented yourself to be in the hopes that you don't repeat yourself.

Or not. :lol:
Still not my link. Pretty sure it was Bodie's.

So that makes you the liar you fucking twatsicle. :thup:

Are saying now that Thomas Jefferson's letter on separation of church and state has no bearing on you beliefs on the subject?

Quite the backtrack, don't you think?

I didn't say that either.

You're clearly still reeling from the beatdown you brought upon yourself here. You might consider taking a step back and reflecting on what a fucking idiot you've presented yourself to be in the hopes that you don't repeat yourself.

Or not. :lol:
What beat down?
So you didn't say anything. All you've done is act an ass and now you're even backtracking on you liberal views on the establishment clause.

You asked me for a link that supported my claims and I provided one so now you want to run from the focus of the argument entirely.

I asked you to show me a quote that proved your point and you couldn't come up with one. It's pretty clear now you don't want to touch it anymore because I proved your assumptions were flawed at best if not entirely false.
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Are saying now that Thomas Jefferson's letter on separation of church and state has no bearing on you beliefs on the subject?

Quite the backtrack, don't you think?

I didn't say that either.

You're clearly still reeling from the beatdown you brought upon yourself here. You might consider taking a step back and reflecting on what a fucking idiot you've presented yourself to be in the hopes that you don't repeat yourself.

Or not. :lol:
What beat down?
So you didn't say anything. All you've done is act an ass and now you're even backtracking on you liberal views on the establishment clause.

You asked me for a link that supported my claims and I provided one so now you want to run from the focus of the argument entirely.

I asked you to show me a quote that proved your point and you couldn't come up with one. It's pretty clear now you don't want to touch it anymore because I proved your assumptions were flawed at best if not entirely false.

My point is that you're a fucking idiot and the quote proving it is in my sig-line twatsicle. :thup:
I didn't say that either.

You're clearly still reeling from the beatdown you brought upon yourself here. You might consider taking a step back and reflecting on what a fucking idiot you've presented yourself to be in the hopes that you don't repeat yourself.

Or not. :lol:
What beat down?
So you didn't say anything. All you've done is act an ass and now you're even backtracking on you liberal views on the establishment clause.

You asked me for a link that supported my claims and I provided one so now you want to run from the focus of the argument entirely.

I asked you to show me a quote that proved your point and you couldn't come up with one. It's pretty clear now you don't want to touch it anymore because I proved your assumptions were flawed at best if not entirely false.

My point is that you're a fucking idiot and the quote proving it is in my sig-line twatsicle. :thup:

Your point has been deep-sixed so all you're left with is flinging shit from your cage or disappearing for several hours cuz the tables have been turned on you all of the sudden
Since has it been illegal to display religious symbols?

It isn't. Who said it was?

Seems to be the whole purpose of this issue.

It is a religious symbol on PUBLIC property issue.
I was wondering why the big deal over a cross out in the desert.

Your own property or someone else's PRIVATE property....totally acceptable. Knock your self out.

If it's not illegal bring me up to speed on this.

Are you having trouble with the concept of Private vs Public? Government vs. Private?
It isn't. Who said it was?

Seems to be the whole purpose of this issue.

It is a religious symbol on PUBLIC property issue.
I was wondering why the big deal over a cross out in the desert.

Your own property or someone else's PRIVATE property....totally acceptable. Knock your self out.

If it's not illegal bring me up to speed on this.

Are you having trouble with the concept of Private vs Public? Government vs. Private?

No, but if it's not illegal what's the problem?

The argument seems to be based on lib rhetoric rather then actual legality.

Who says it is wrong to display religious symbols on public property? Not Thomas Jefferson.
Then try to be more tolerant and it won't appear so.

your perception of my tolerance is your problem, ace, not mine.

I can only go by what you write. I can't read your mind.

If you feel that seeing a cross or the Ten Commandments in a public place is "Forcing religion down our throats" what else am I supposed to think?

I am not so easily offended as you are it seems.

If Del had ever said that, you'd have a point. That's nowhere in this thread, though, so I've no idea where you read any such thing.
What beat down?
So you didn't say anything. All you've done is act an ass and now you're even backtracking on you liberal views on the establishment clause.

You asked me for a link that supported my claims and I provided one so now you want to run from the focus of the argument entirely.

I asked you to show me a quote that proved your point and you couldn't come up with one. It's pretty clear now you don't want to touch it anymore because I proved your assumptions were flawed at best if not entirely false.

My point is that you're a fucking idiot and the quote proving it is in my sig-line twatsicle. :thup:

Your point has been deep-sixed so all you're left with is flinging shit from your cage or disappearing for several hours cuz the tables have been turned on you all of the sudden


Tell me again how the 1st Amendment applies to beauty pageants. That was a hoot. :thup:
your perception of my tolerance is your problem, ace, not mine.

I can only go by what you write. I can't read your mind.

If you feel that seeing a cross or the Ten Commandments in a public place is "Forcing religion down our throats" what else am I supposed to think?

I am not so easily offended as you are it seems.

If Del had ever said that, you'd have a point. That's nowhere in this thread, though, so I've no idea where you read any such thing.

Actually del did then backed away from it.
I can only go by what you write. I can't read your mind.

If you feel that seeing a cross or the Ten Commandments in a public place is "Forcing religion down our throats" what else am I supposed to think?

I am not so easily offended as you are it seems.

If Del had ever said that, you'd have a point. That's nowhere in this thread, though, so I've no idea where you read any such thing.

Actually del did then backed away from it.

Methinks this is another case of you having no idea what you're on about. Indeed, that seems to be the theme of this thread.
My point is that you're a fucking idiot and the quote proving it is in my sig-line twatsicle. :thup:

Your point has been deep-sixed so all you're left with is flinging shit from your cage or disappearing for several hours cuz the tables have been turned on you all of the sudden


Tell me again how the 1st Amendment applies to beauty pageants. That was a hoot. :thup:
An intentional oversimplification.

Tell me first about what Thomas Jefferson meant when he said separation of church and state.

You're not so good at this when you don't have anyone else around to back you up.

Your forte is insults, not proving your point it seems.
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Tell me first about what Thomas Jefferson meant when he said separation of church and state.

He didn't actually use that phrase verbatim. But he did say that the US Constitution establishes a wall of separation. So when you say that only dipshits think separation is in the US Constitution, you are indirectly calling Thomas Jefferson a dipshit.

I've already explained this to you several times. However you seem to lack the mental ability to grasp what should be a very simple, logical concept. Furthermore, when you made that comment initially, you did not qualify in any way what you meant by 'separation', therefore your attempts to now interject that into the argument qualifies as a cowardly backpedal fail.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
If Del had ever said that, you'd have a point. That's nowhere in this thread, though, so I've no idea where you read any such thing.

Actually del did then backed away from it.

Methinks this is another case of you having no idea what you're on about. Indeed, that seems to be the theme of this thread.

Shows how little you know.

My suggestion is to go back and re-read our exchange.

If you can draw another conclusion from what was said you have you head up your ass.

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