The Ad That Ran During The Dem Debate That Has Ocasio-Cortez Outraged

Doesn’t answer the question

Once again conservatives struggle with equivalencies

Something posted by some moron on the internet is not the equivalent of what a candidate for political office puts in an ad

AOC advocating healthcare and for the environment is NOT the equivalent of Pol Pot slaughtering millions

WTF aims the matter with you people?

But it does because what she wants to do will perforce cause the deaths of millions.

That's the problem that you clowns all have. Your cures are always worse than the illness.
Capt Hyperbole strikes again

Getting healthcare for all will somehow kill millions

Tell us about this magical unicorn fart, and how it will be able pay for everyone's healthcare.
Americans and their employers already pay a fortune for healthcare coverage

Universal coverage will cost less and provide better coverage

It does in every other country
You mean like Obamacare promised?

Where is that health plan Trump promised that is cheaper and better than Obamacare?
But it does because what she wants to do will perforce cause the deaths of millions.

That's the problem that you clowns all have. Your cures are always worse than the illness.
Capt Hyperbole strikes again

Getting healthcare for all will somehow kill millions

Tell us about this magical unicorn fart, and how it will be able pay for everyone's healthcare.
Americans and their employers already pay a fortune for healthcare coverage

Universal coverage will cost less and provide better coverage

It does in every other country

Universal anything never costs less. You people have a pretty sorry record on healthcare costs anyway. You all thought obummercare would be great but it was terrible for 90 million people. Great for a few hundred thousand, but terrible for 90 million.

Typical record for you people though.
Costs less in every other country

Are you saying other countries can do it but the great US can’t?

Because it is worse. And America subsidizes it. We pay more for drugs so that they can pay less.

That's bullcrap.
Capt Hyperbole strikes again

Getting healthcare for all will somehow kill millions

Tell us about this magical unicorn fart, and how it will be able pay for everyone's healthcare.
Americans and their employers already pay a fortune for healthcare coverage

Universal coverage will cost less and provide better coverage

It does in every other country

The problem you have is you ignore that all those countries people pay much higher taxes to pay for it, and just because they have health insurance doesn't mean they actually have healthcare. The Canadiens flocking to the US for medical care is CLEAR evidence of that.

Does it matter what pocket the money comes out of?

If you take the money citizens and their employers now spend on healthcare and add it to a special fund for Medicare, it will cost less

Provably it doesn't, and, more to the point the quality goes down, and so does availability.

Government run healthcare is like government run anything. Bad.

Just imagine the DMV running your healthcare.

I am perfectly fine with NJ DMV

Medicare runs just fine, ask anyone over 65 if they want to end it and go back to private coverage

Ask anyone in England or Canada if they want to abandon their universal plans and go to profit based plans like the US uses
But it does because what she wants to do will perforce cause the deaths of millions.

That's the problem that you clowns all have. Your cures are always worse than the illness.
Capt Hyperbole strikes again

Getting healthcare for all will somehow kill millions

Tell us about this magical unicorn fart, and how it will be able pay for everyone's healthcare.
Americans and their employers already pay a fortune for healthcare coverage

Universal coverage will cost less and provide better coverage

It does in every other country

The problem you have is you ignore that all those countries people pay much higher taxes to pay for it, and just because they have health insurance doesn't mean they actually have healthcare. The Canadiens flocking to the US for medical care is CLEAR evidence of that.

Does it matter what pocket the money comes out of?

If you take the money citizens and their employers now spend on healthcare and add it to a special fund for Medicare, it will cost less
You can always tell who has never been treated in the VA healthcare system.

I'll explain it to you: VA healthcare is the DMV of the medical system. Inefficient, long wait times, endless bureaucracy and red tape, poor outcomes.

That's what you want for everybody? No, thanks.
Tell us about this magical unicorn fart, and how it will be able pay for everyone's healthcare.
Americans and their employers already pay a fortune for healthcare coverage

Universal coverage will cost less and provide better coverage

It does in every other country

The problem you have is you ignore that all those countries people pay much higher taxes to pay for it, and just because they have health insurance doesn't mean they actually have healthcare. The Canadiens flocking to the US for medical care is CLEAR evidence of that.

Does it matter what pocket the money comes out of?

If you take the money citizens and their employers now spend on healthcare and add it to a special fund for Medicare, it will cost less

Provably it doesn't, and, more to the point the quality goes down, and so does availability.

Government run healthcare is like government run anything. Bad.

Just imagine the DMV running your healthcare.

I am perfectly fine with NJ DMV

Medicare runs just fine, ask anyone over 65 if they want to end it and go back to private coverage

Ask anyone in England or Canada if they want to abandon their universal plans and go to profit based plans like the US uses

Several years ago Newt Gingrich wanted just that, to allow people to have a choice between Medicare and private insurance. Guess what? The Democrats shut him down.

Why? Because the entire goal of the Democrat party is to have as many people depending on them as possible. I don't care if you're talking about Medicare, VA, Medicaid, Social Security, they want total control over the people.
Tell us about this magical unicorn fart, and how it will be able pay for everyone's healthcare.
Americans and their employers already pay a fortune for healthcare coverage

Universal coverage will cost less and provide better coverage

It does in every other country

The problem you have is you ignore that all those countries people pay much higher taxes to pay for it, and just because they have health insurance doesn't mean they actually have healthcare. The Canadiens flocking to the US for medical care is CLEAR evidence of that.

Does it matter what pocket the money comes out of?

If you take the money citizens and their employers now spend on healthcare and add it to a special fund for Medicare, it will cost less

Provably it doesn't, and, more to the point the quality goes down, and so does availability.

Government run healthcare is like government run anything. Bad.

Just imagine the DMV running your healthcare.

I am perfectly fine with NJ DMV

Medicare runs just fine, ask anyone over 65 if they want to end it and go back to private coverage

Ask anyone in England or Canada if they want to abandon their universal plans and go to profit based plans like the US uses

Sure you are. No DMV is fine. They make a process that takes 15 minutes at AAA, take 4 to 5 times as long.
But it does because what she wants to do will perforce cause the deaths of millions.

That's the problem that you clowns all have. Your cures are always worse than the illness.
Capt Hyperbole strikes again

Getting healthcare for all will somehow kill millions

Tell us about this magical unicorn fart, and how it will be able pay for everyone's healthcare.
Americans and their employers already pay a fortune for healthcare coverage

Universal coverage will cost less and provide better coverage

It does in every other country
You mean like Obamacare promised?

Where is that health plan Trump promised that is cheaper and better than Obamacare?

I don't know. Where is that affordable insurance DumBama promised us?
Capt Hyperbole strikes again

Getting healthcare for all will somehow kill millions

Tell us about this magical unicorn fart, and how it will be able pay for everyone's healthcare.
Americans and their employers already pay a fortune for healthcare coverage

Universal coverage will cost less and provide better coverage

It does in every other country

Universal anything never costs less. You people have a pretty sorry record on healthcare costs anyway. You all thought obummercare would be great but it was terrible for 90 million people. Great for a few hundred thousand, but terrible for 90 million.

Typical record for you people though.
Costs less in every other country

Are you saying other countries can do it but the great US can’t?

Because it is worse. And America subsidizes it. We pay more for drugs so that they can pay less.

That's bullcrap.
Republican bullcrap. Totally bought off by big business, super duper.
Capt Hyperbole strikes again

Getting healthcare for all will somehow kill millions

Tell us about this magical unicorn fart, and how it will be able pay for everyone's healthcare.
Americans and their employers already pay a fortune for healthcare coverage

Universal coverage will cost less and provide better coverage

It does in every other country
You mean like Obamacare promised?

Where is that health plan Trump promised that is cheaper and better than Obamacare?

I don't know. Where is that affordable insurance DumBama promised us?
75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month, brainwashed functional moron. And 14 million pay nothing for Medicaid except in real scumbag red States. Like Ohio. Answer- stop sabotaging it....
Tell us about this magical unicorn fart, and how it will be able pay for everyone's healthcare.
Americans and their employers already pay a fortune for healthcare coverage

Universal coverage will cost less and provide better coverage

It does in every other country

Universal anything never costs less. You people have a pretty sorry record on healthcare costs anyway. You all thought obummercare would be great but it was terrible for 90 million people. Great for a few hundred thousand, but terrible for 90 million.

Typical record for you people though.
Costs less in every other country

Are you saying other countries can do it but the great US can’t?

Because it is worse. And America subsidizes it. We pay more for drugs so that they can pay less.

That's bullcrap.
Republican bullcrap. Totally bought off by big business, super duper.

What was that you were spewing little hater dupe?
Capt Hyperbole strikes again

Getting healthcare for all will somehow kill millions

Tell us about this magical unicorn fart, and how it will be able pay for everyone's healthcare.
Americans and their employers already pay a fortune for healthcare coverage

Universal coverage will cost less and provide better coverage

It does in every other country

The problem you have is you ignore that all those countries people pay much higher taxes to pay for it, and just because they have health insurance doesn't mean they actually have healthcare. The Canadiens flocking to the US for medical care is CLEAR evidence of that.

Does it matter what pocket the money comes out of?

If you take the money citizens and their employers now spend on healthcare and add it to a special fund for Medicare, it will cost less
You can always tell who has never been treated in the VA healthcare system.

I'll explain it to you: VA healthcare is the DMV of the medical system. Inefficient, long wait times, endless bureaucracy and red tape, poor outcomes.

That's what you want for everybody? No, thanks.
How many Vets want to give up their VA coverage?
Americans and their employers already pay a fortune for healthcare coverage

Universal coverage will cost less and provide better coverage

It does in every other country

The problem you have is you ignore that all those countries people pay much higher taxes to pay for it, and just because they have health insurance doesn't mean they actually have healthcare. The Canadiens flocking to the US for medical care is CLEAR evidence of that.

Does it matter what pocket the money comes out of?

If you take the money citizens and their employers now spend on healthcare and add it to a special fund for Medicare, it will cost less

Provably it doesn't, and, more to the point the quality goes down, and so does availability.

Government run healthcare is like government run anything. Bad.

Just imagine the DMV running your healthcare.

I am perfectly fine with NJ DMV

Medicare runs just fine, ask anyone over 65 if they want to end it and go back to private coverage

Ask anyone in England or Canada if they want to abandon their universal plans and go to profit based plans like the US uses

Sure you are. No DMV is fine. They make a process that takes 15 minutes at AAA, take 4 to 5 times as long.
Don’t know what shithole DMV you have in your state

In NJ, I do most of my DMV transactions online. When I do visit, I am usually in and out in 15 min
Pretty sick shit

But what can be expected from Republicans
What part of that "sick shit" was wrong?

Nothing. So you are saying that truth itself is sick shit?
What a surprise.
Americans and their employers already pay a fortune for healthcare coverage

Universal coverage will cost less and provide better coverage

It does in every other country

The problem you have is you ignore that all those countries people pay much higher taxes to pay for it, and just because they have health insurance doesn't mean they actually have healthcare. The Canadiens flocking to the US for medical care is CLEAR evidence of that.

Does it matter what pocket the money comes out of?

If you take the money citizens and their employers now spend on healthcare and add it to a special fund for Medicare, it will cost less

Provably it doesn't, and, more to the point the quality goes down, and so does availability.

Government run healthcare is like government run anything. Bad.

Just imagine the DMV running your healthcare.

I am perfectly fine with NJ DMV

Medicare runs just fine, ask anyone over 65 if they want to end it and go back to private coverage

Ask anyone in England or Canada if they want to abandon their universal plans and go to profit based plans like the US uses

Several years ago Newt Gingrich wanted just that, to allow people to have a choice between Medicare and private insurance. Guess what? The Democrats shut him down.

Why? Because the entire goal of the Democrat party is to have as many people depending on them as possible. I don't care if you're talking about Medicare, VA, Medicaid, Social Security, they want total control over the people.
More RW hysteria

Republicans oppose Medicare, Medicaid, SS and VA
Those who use it do not want it going private
The problem you have is you ignore that all those countries people pay much higher taxes to pay for it, and just because they have health insurance doesn't mean they actually have healthcare. The Canadiens flocking to the US for medical care is CLEAR evidence of that.

Does it matter what pocket the money comes out of?

If you take the money citizens and their employers now spend on healthcare and add it to a special fund for Medicare, it will cost less

Provably it doesn't, and, more to the point the quality goes down, and so does availability.

Government run healthcare is like government run anything. Bad.

Just imagine the DMV running your healthcare.

I am perfectly fine with NJ DMV

Medicare runs just fine, ask anyone over 65 if they want to end it and go back to private coverage

Ask anyone in England or Canada if they want to abandon their universal plans and go to profit based plans like the US uses

Sure you are. No DMV is fine. They make a process that takes 15 minutes at AAA, take 4 to 5 times as long.
Don’t know what shithole DMV you have in your state

In NJ, I do most of my DMV transactions online. When I do visit, I am usually in and out in 15 min

Usually . Why must you go more than once a year? In other words, you are lying as usual.
Does it matter what pocket the money comes out of?

If you take the money citizens and their employers now spend on healthcare and add it to a special fund for Medicare, it will cost less

Provably it doesn't, and, more to the point the quality goes down, and so does availability.

Government run healthcare is like government run anything. Bad.

Just imagine the DMV running your healthcare.

I am perfectly fine with NJ DMV

Medicare runs just fine, ask anyone over 65 if they want to end it and go back to private coverage

Ask anyone in England or Canada if they want to abandon their universal plans and go to profit based plans like the US uses

Sure you are. No DMV is fine. They make a process that takes 15 minutes at AAA, take 4 to 5 times as long.
Don’t know what shithole DMV you have in your state

In NJ, I do most of my DMV transactions online. When I do visit, I am usually in and out in 15 min

Usually . Why must you go more than once a year? In other words, you are lying as usual.
I have multiple vehicles and trailers to register , I buy and sell vehicles, I have to renew a drivers license

You are lying if you say you only go once
Pretty sick shit

But what can be expected from Republicans

Trump has encouraged the most extreme elements of society to come out of the closet. They are dooming the Republican Party and helping her get re-elected. Isn't it interesting how Republicans viciously go after women. Funny for a party that has a huge woman problem.

Yeah, well that sucks for you huh? Too bad we have freedom of speech, and we can go after whom ever we want. I guess you are SOL. By the way, I don't remember many Democrats complaining about "viciously going after women" when they were attacking Katherine Harris, or when you went after Sarah Palin.

But then again, if you people were not hypocrites, then you wouldn't be Democraps.

Anyway.. we intend to attack and destroy all socialist, male or female, and we really don't give a crap what you putrid trash things about anything.
So.... too bad. Sucks to be you. We won't be silenced by an entire party of hypocritical trash. You are just SOL. We don't care what you think about us anymore.

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