The Age of Corruption has infected the Dept. of Justice

The corruption started with Clintons.....remember the glory days of celebrating how well Billy Boy lied
The corruption started with Clintons.....remember the glory days of celebrating how well Billy Boy lied

No, I don't. But I remember the lies Republicans told about Bill Clinton, and that they continue to tell about Bill and Hillary. I remember that Robert Mercer paid for two hack job hate books on the Clintons, that Republicans then investigated, and found nothing.

I remember a 6 1/2 pursuit by Ken Starr, who found nothing. I remember that Ken Starr threw witnesses in jail because they wouldn't implicate the Clintons. And a now 35 year pursuit of the Clintons alleging all sorts of crimes, on absolutely no evidence.

And then you have the balls to claim that if Trump is impeached for real crimes, it would endanger future Presidents.
The putrid stench that is the Trump Administration has now infected the DOJ at all levels. The DOJ is not an independent agency now, it is a Trump vehicle for retribution and to further his personal agenda of shielding his co-conspirators. John Gotti or Al Capone could never dream of reaching such heights of corruption.

Trump just defecates on the office of the presidency. He will not stop defecating on the presidency until he leaves the Oval Office. An Oval Office that Trump has turned into a virtual out house.

You on the left have been shitting on the Presidency ever since Trump shocked you by defeating Hillary Clinton! Spare me the histrionics about how the DOJ isn't "pure" like it was during Barry's two terms because that my friend is LAUGHABLE!
The putrid stench that is the Trump Administration has now infected the DOJ at all levels. The DOJ is not an independent agency now, it is a Trump vehicle for retribution and to further his personal agenda of shielding his co-conspirators. John Gotti or Al Capone could never dream of reaching such heights of corruption.

Trump just defecates on the office of the presidency. He will not stop defecating on the presidency until he leaves the Oval Office. An Oval Office that Trump has turned into a virtual out house.

It never was supposed to be a separate agency. All powers and responsibilities flow from and back to the only elected responsible member of the executive branch, the President.
The DOJ is not Trump’s private law firm no matter what you Trumpers think.

it is a part of the executive branch and Trump is the executive. What is it with you people wanting unaccountable bureaucrats to have unwarranted and unconstitutional power?
The putrid stench that is the Trump Administration has now infected the DOJ at all levels. The DOJ is not an independent agency now, it is a Trump vehicle for retribution and to further his personal agenda of shielding his co-conspirators. John Gotti or Al Capone could never dream of reaching such heights of corruption.

Trump just defecates on the office of the presidency. He will not stop defecating on the presidency until he leaves the Oval Office. An Oval Office that Trump has turned into a virtual out house.

It never was supposed to be a separate agency. All powers and responsibilities flow from and back to the only elected responsible member of the executive branch, the President.
The DOJ is not Trump’s private law firm no matter what you Trumpers think.

It seems that it was obummers, however. How do you rationalize that?
Show me where Obama pulled strings to get a political ally off a criminal charge and the federal attorneys resigned?

they didn't have to resign back then, because no one asked any questions, because the press and soi bois like you were OK with whatever went on.
Trumpists manage to excuse matter how criminal, of Trump or anyone even peripherally associated with him. And you think it's not a cult?

That's Bullshit. obummers DOJ operatives have been breaking the law since before Trump was elected to try and get him and his allies. You need to wake up Coyote. Almost ALL of the criminal activity has been from the obummer admin.

West, Stone was convicted of ALL counts by a jury - that's not political.
Exactly. A jury of TWELVE found Stone guilty. The evidence against Stone was overwhelming.

so juries are infallible now?
They stepped in now, and rightly so.

Stone is a nobody whose only "crime" is being a buddy of Trump.

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So how come the DoJ never stepped in before to correct "injustice"...hmm?
How do you know that?....Because the apparatchik media told you so?

Well...good point. I don't listen to PJMedia and Breitbart so I can't possibly be getting accurate information.
And how about when Holder stepped in and broomed the case of the New Black Panthers intimidating voters?....Or how he broomed numerous other federal cases, because the defendants were black?

Or Comey stepping in (exceeding his authority) and brooming the Hillary pay-for-play case?

The selective outrage of you liberoidal team players has become seriously tedious.

You are too funny. Do you mean when Comey stepped in, exceeding his authority, and announced that the investigation was being opened again on Clinton, shortly before elections? I remember that. Do you?

Selective outrage (or maybe it's fauxrage) is rampant in Team Trump.

And then, in spite of detailing multiple felonies that she had committed declared no prosecutor would indict her.

Had you done just one of the crimes she committed you would have been in prison for at least a year.
Trumpists manage to excuse matter how criminal, of Trump or anyone even peripherally associated with him. And you think it's not a cult?

That's Bullshit. obummers DOJ operatives have been breaking the law since before Trump was elected to try and get him and his allies. You need to wake up Coyote. Almost ALL of the criminal activity has been from the obummer admin.

West, Stone was convicted of ALL counts by a jury - that's not political.
Exactly. A jury of TWELVE found Stone guilty. The evidence against Stone was overwhelming.

so juries are infallible now?
Do you have any evidence that this jury in Stone's trial were fallible?
Trumpists manage to excuse matter how criminal, of Trump or anyone even peripherally associated with him. And you think it's not a cult?

That's Bullshit. obummers DOJ operatives have been breaking the law since before Trump was elected to try and get him and his allies. You need to wake up Coyote. Almost ALL of the criminal activity has been from the obummer admin.

West, Stone was convicted of ALL counts by a jury - that's not political.
Exactly. A jury of TWELVE found Stone guilty. The evidence against Stone was overwhelming.

so juries are infallible now?
Do you have any evidence that this jury in Stone's trial were fallible?

Sorry, but you are the one assuming the jury is automatically correct. Burden on you here.
That's Bullshit. obummers DOJ operatives have been breaking the law since before Trump was elected to try and get him and his allies. You need to wake up Coyote. Almost ALL of the criminal activity has been from the obummer admin.

West, Stone was convicted of ALL counts by a jury - that's not political.
Exactly. A jury of TWELVE found Stone guilty. The evidence against Stone was overwhelming.

so juries are infallible now?
Do you have any evidence that this jury in Stone's trial were fallible?

Sorry, but you are the one assuming the jury is automatically correct. Burden on you here.
Absolutely NOT!!!

The burden is on you, to show the jury in this case was fallible....
West, Stone was convicted of ALL counts by a jury - that's not political.
Exactly. A jury of TWELVE found Stone guilty. The evidence against Stone was overwhelming.

so juries are infallible now?
Do you have any evidence that this jury in Stone's trial were fallible?

Sorry, but you are the one assuming the jury is automatically correct. Burden on you here.
Absolutely NOT!!!

The burden is on you, to show the jury in this case was fallible....

No, you just ran to the authority of a jury, and claimed is as backing to your view on Stone's culpability.
Absolutely NOT!!!

The burden is on you, to show the jury in this case was fallible....

Quite. The jury verdict is supposed to be valid, unless there is evidence presented to demonstrate that the verdict was in error. It still takes another trial to challenge and overturn the prior verdict. The screeching of perennially irate Trumpletons - to everyone's surprise - doesn't quite suffice.

Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.
The Democratic Party's banana republic corruption includes the political prosecution of anyone related to Trump

Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.

Yawn, c'mon kid get over the fact that he is dancing rings around you and the rest of the Leftwing monkeys
Yeah.the only monkeys are Trumpers who thump their chests and jump around in pandemonium every time Trump relieves his bowels.

Sorry but I don't know anyone who does that. You guys figured out what the next scandal will be yet?
There is always one around the corner with Trump.

Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.
This isn't good. Obviously this administration is going to push every boundary as far as it possibly can to please its base.

This, after losing the popular vote.

Ugly times.
Absolutely NOT!!!

The burden is on you, to show the jury in this case was fallible....

Quite. The jury verdict is supposed to be valid, unless there is evidence presented to demonstrate that the verdict was in error. It still takes another trial to challenge and overturn the prior verdict. The screeching of perennially irate Trumpletons - to everyone's surprise - doesn't quite suffice.

Only using the jury verdict as proof you are right is appeal to authority.

Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.
This isn't good. Obviously this administration is going to push every boundary as far as it possibly can to please its base.

This, after losing the popular vote.

Ugly times.

Does a World Series winner cancel it's parade because it got less hits than the losing team?

Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.
This isn't good. Obviously this administration is going to push every boundary as far as it possibly can to please its base.

This, after losing the popular vote.

Ugly times.

Does a World Series winner cancel it's parade because it got less hits than the losing team?
There's always an excuse, there's always a reason, there is always spin. No matter what.

I don't know how folks find the energy. It's easier to just be honest.

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