The Age of Corruption has infected the Dept. of Justice

The mission of the prosecutors is over after the defendant is convicted. How could they quit at this stage? Rapists with no prior convictions get about two years in prison but the Banana Republic left wants to sentence a first offender to 7 years for the crime of lying to investigators and obstructing congress? You gotta be kidding.
Hilarious that someone who had his head shoved up Oboingo's and Hildabeest's asses should now be all up in arms about corruption.

Nobody's buying it....Get a life.
That is too funny. Your justification for Trump’s corruption is well Obama did it! Well besides being untrue, this is a playground argument.
What corruption?....The sentencing guidelines for the Stone case were exceeded by factor of no less than 4X...If anyone is corrupt, it's the prosecution.....DOJ was correct to step in.

And you still don't give one single fuck when the corruption is on your team....That makes you a two-faced, sanctimonious POS... So piss off and grow up.

The DoJ has never stepped in before. Often, prosecution will go for the heavy side of penalties. However it's up to the judge who may not agree. This isn't the only occurrence like this.

So why did the DoJ step in THIS time?

Political corruption? Trump's buddy?

It's kind of obvious.
They stepped in now, and rightly so.

Stone is a nobody whose only "crime" is being a buddy of Trump.

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So how come the DoJ never stepped in before to correct "injustice"...hmm?
How do you know that?....Because the apparatchik media told you so?
Full on Dem meltdown.

That is too funny. Your justification for Trump’s corruption is well Obama did it! Well besides being untrue, this is a playground argument.
What corruption?....The sentencing guidelines for the Stone case were exceeded by factor of no less than 4X...If anyone is corrupt, it's the prosecution.....DOJ was correct to step in.

And you still don't give one single fuck when the corruption is on your team....That makes you a two-faced, sanctimonious POS... So piss off and grow up.

The DoJ has never stepped in before. Often, prosecution will go for the heavy side of penalties. However it's up to the judge who may not agree. This isn't the only occurrence like this.

So why did the DoJ step in THIS time?

Political corruption? Trump's buddy?

It's kind of obvious.
They stepped in now, and rightly so.

Stone is a nobody whose only "crime" is being a buddy of Trump.

View attachment 306159

So how come the DoJ never stepped in before to correct "injustice"...hmm?
How do you know that?....Because the apparatchik media told you so?

Well...good point. I don't listen to PJMedia and Breitbart so I can't possibly be getting accurate information.
What corruption?....The sentencing guidelines for the Stone case were exceeded by factor of no less than 4X...If anyone is corrupt, it's the prosecution.....DOJ was correct to step in.

And you still don't give one single fuck when the corruption is on your team....That makes you a two-faced, sanctimonious POS... So piss off and grow up.

The DoJ has never stepped in before. Often, prosecution will go for the heavy side of penalties. However it's up to the judge who may not agree. This isn't the only occurrence like this.

So why did the DoJ step in THIS time?

Political corruption? Trump's buddy?

It's kind of obvious.
They stepped in now, and rightly so.

Stone is a nobody whose only "crime" is being a buddy of Trump.

View attachment 306159

So how come the DoJ never stepped in before to correct "injustice"...hmm?
How do you know that?....Because the apparatchik media told you so?

Well...good point. I don't listen to PJMedia and Breitbart so I can't possibly be getting accurate information.
And how about when Holder stepped in and broomed the case of the New Black Panthers intimidating voters?....Or how he broomed numerous other federal cases, because the defendants were black?

Or Comey stepping in (exceeding his authority) and brooming the Hillary pay-for-play case?

The selective outrage of you liberoidal team players has become seriously tedious.

Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.
Corruption has never been so clear.
The mission of the prosecutors is over after the defendant is convicted. How could they quit at this stage? Rapists with no prior convictions get about two years in prison but the Banana Republic left wants to sentence a first offender to 7 years for the crime of lying to investigators and obstructing congress? You gotta be kidding.
Federal sentencing guidelines for the crimes he was convicted of call for 7 to 9 years in prison.
The DoJ has never stepped in before. Often, prosecution will go for the heavy side of penalties. However it's up to the judge who may not agree. This isn't the only occurrence like this.

So why did the DoJ step in THIS time?

Political corruption? Trump's buddy?

It's kind of obvious.
They stepped in now, and rightly so.

Stone is a nobody whose only "crime" is being a buddy of Trump.

View attachment 306159

So how come the DoJ never stepped in before to correct "injustice"...hmm?
How do you know that?....Because the apparatchik media told you so?

Well...good point. I don't listen to PJMedia and Breitbart so I can't possibly be getting accurate information.
And how about when Holder stepped in and broomed the case of the New Black Panthers intimidating voters?....Or how he broomed numerous other federal cases, because the defendants were black?

Or Comey stepping in (exceeding his authority) and brooming the Hillary pay-for-play case?

The selective outrage of you liberoidal team players has become seriously tedious.

You are too funny. Do you mean when Comey stepped in, exceeding his authority, and announced that the investigation was being opened again on Clinton, shortly before elections? I remember that. Do you?

Selective outrage (or maybe it's fauxrage) is rampant in Team Trump.
The mission of the prosecutors is over after the defendant is convicted. How could they quit at this stage? Rapists with no prior convictions get about two years in prison but the Banana Republic left wants to sentence a first offender to 7 years for the crime of lying to investigators and obstructing congress? You gotta be kidding.
Federal sentencing guidelines for the crimes he was convicted of call for 7 to 9 years in prison.

Well...I guess that puts a lie to their claim...somehow it doesn't surprise me.

Will they double down now?

Buncha crooks.
Trumpists manage to excuse matter how criminal, of Trump or anyone even peripherally associated with him. And you think it's not a cult?

That's Bullshit. obummers DOJ operatives have been breaking the law since before Trump was elected to try and get him and his allies. You need to wake up Coyote. Almost ALL of the criminal activity has been from the obummer admin.

West, Stone was convicted of ALL counts by a jury - that's not political.

Yes, but we have no idea what sort of perjury traps the FBI set for him either. We do know that they wanted to incarcerate him at 4 times the rate that any other person would have been sentenced to. That is not justice. We also KNOW that multiple obummer admin DOJ people have broken the law multiple times and no one has been indicted for their crimes. If you want corruption that is it.

Either the law is applied equally to everyone, or this country is over and the bloodshed is about to begin as the left wing loonies decide to engage in violence to maintain their power base.
Your losing a argument and you go into a fucking civil war rant. Grow the hell up. Your bullshit about Obama is just that. The Republicans controlled the House for six years and did not find a damn thing against Obama. All these Obama ‘crimes” are in your head.

I'm not losing anything, dumbass. And it isn't the conservatives who will start the bloodshed. It's going to be your antifa brown shirt thugs starting that.

Like I said, the law is supposed to be applied equally. That is what makes this country legit. We have ample evidence of progressive politicians breaking the law and nothing happens to them.

The conservatives see that and vote them out of office, that's when your antifart thugs go into action.

Just watch as history repeats itself yet again.
They stepped in now, and rightly so.

Stone is a nobody whose only "crime" is being a buddy of Trump.

View attachment 306159

So how come the DoJ never stepped in before to correct "injustice"...hmm?
How do you know that?....Because the apparatchik media told you so?

Well...good point. I don't listen to PJMedia and Breitbart so I can't possibly be getting accurate information.
And how about when Holder stepped in and broomed the case of the New Black Panthers intimidating voters?....Or how he broomed numerous other federal cases, because the defendants were black?

Or Comey stepping in (exceeding his authority) and brooming the Hillary pay-for-play case?

The selective outrage of you liberoidal team players has become seriously tedious.

You are too funny. Do you mean when Comey stepped in, exceeding his authority, and announced that the investigation was being opened again on Clinton, shortly before elections? I remember that. Do you?

Selective outrage (or maybe it's fauxrage) is rampant in Team Trump.
The timing was irrelevant and is an evasion of the point.....You really couldn't care less about the corruption on your team.

Stone being recommended a sentence that is beyond what many violent criminals (including rapists) get is beyond a travesty, and the only thing keeping you and your ilk from seeing that is your wearisome blind partisanship.
The mission of the prosecutors is over after the defendant is convicted. How could they quit at this stage? Rapists with no prior convictions get about two years in prison but the Banana Republic left wants to sentence a first offender to 7 years for the crime of lying to investigators and obstructing congress? You gotta be kidding.
Federal sentencing guidelines for the crimes he was convicted of call for 7 to 9 years in prison.
I get it. Federal guidelines probably call for a year max but the FBI and Congressional Banana Republic figures that the guy might have said no to the same question about nine times.
The mission of the prosecutors is over after the defendant is convicted. How could they quit at this stage? Rapists with no prior convictions get about two years in prison but the Banana Republic left wants to sentence a first offender to 7 years for the crime of lying to investigators and obstructing congress? You gotta be kidding.
Federal sentencing guidelines for the crimes he was convicted of call for 7 to 9 years in prison.

Well...I guess that puts a lie to their claim...somehow it doesn't surprise me.

Will they double down now?

Buncha crooks.
Of course they will.

The prosecutors become the bad guys, and Stone will be awarded the Medal of Freedom by the Orange idiot, along with a free get out of jail pardon.

Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.
Corruption has never been so clear.

I hear ya. I heard there was some lawyer in the FBI that actually altered an email to read the exact opposite of what was intended by the originator of the email. That is some fucking corrupt shit, isn't it?

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Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.

None of which would have happened, if you had not been making up false crap charges to begin with. This is exactly what I was worried about. You have destroyed your credibility so bad now, that Trump can do anything.

This is your fault. It really is. You lied and discredited yourself so badly, that now we can't trust anything you people do.
The mission of the prosecutors is over after the defendant is convicted. How could they quit at this stage? Rapists with no prior convictions get about two years in prison but the Banana Republic left wants to sentence a first offender to 7 years for the crime of lying to investigators and obstructing congress? You gotta be kidding.
Federal sentencing guidelines for the crimes he was convicted of call for 7 to 9 years in prison.
I get it. Federal guidelines probably call for a year max but the FBI and Congressional Banana Republic figures that the guy might have said no to the same question about nine times.

You obviously don't know much about the federal sentencing guidelines.

2018 Chapter 5

Federal Sentencing
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The mission of the prosecutors is over after the defendant is convicted. How could they quit at this stage? Rapists with no prior convictions get about two years in prison but the Banana Republic left wants to sentence a first offender to 7 years for the crime of lying to investigators and obstructing congress? You gotta be kidding.
Federal sentencing guidelines for the crimes he was convicted of call for 7 to 9 years in prison.
I get it. Federal guidelines probably call for a year max but the FBI and Congressional Banana Republic figures that the guy might have said no to the same question about nine times.
Let me guess, you attended trump university, right?
The mission of the prosecutors is over after the defendant is convicted. How could they quit at this stage? Rapists with no prior convictions get about two years in prison but the Banana Republic left wants to sentence a first offender to 7 years for the crime of lying to investigators and obstructing congress? You gotta be kidding.
Federal sentencing guidelines for the crimes he was convicted of call for 7 to 9 years in prison.
I get it. Federal guidelines probably call for a year max but the FBI and Congressional Banana Republic figures that the guy might have said no to the same question about nine times.

You obviously don't know much about the federal sentencing guidelines.
The only thing they need or want to know is what dear leader commands them to know.
So how come the DoJ never stepped in before to correct "injustice"...hmm?
How do you know that?....Because the apparatchik media told you so?

Well...good point. I don't listen to PJMedia and Breitbart so I can't possibly be getting accurate information.
And how about when Holder stepped in and broomed the case of the New Black Panthers intimidating voters?....Or how he broomed numerous other federal cases, because the defendants were black?

Or Comey stepping in (exceeding his authority) and brooming the Hillary pay-for-play case?

The selective outrage of you liberoidal team players has become seriously tedious.

You are too funny. Do you mean when Comey stepped in, exceeding his authority, and announced that the investigation was being opened again on Clinton, shortly before elections? I remember that. Do you?

Selective outrage (or maybe it's fauxrage) is rampant in Team Trump.
The timing was irrelevant and is an evasion of the point.....You really couldn't care less about the corruption on your team.

Stone being recommended a sentence that is beyond what many violent criminals (including rapists) get is beyond a travesty, and the only thing keeping you and your ilk from seeing that is your wearisome blind partisanship. are wrong.

The difference between you and I is that I don't base my opinions on allegations, conspiracy theories and unsubstantiated rumors.

Someone else pointed out that his sentence is within the normal range. Was that person wrong?

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