The Age of Corruption has infected the Dept. of Justice


Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.
It's more likely they quit before they were fired and indicted.

Those four are now trying like hell to keep from being indicted. The DOJ has sent a letter to the judge outlining criminal misconduct. It isn't over for these prosecutors. The fun is just beginning.
Indicted for what? You guys truly live in your own bizarro universe. Nothing you wrote makes a sense. It is jibberish with no sense or meaning.

Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.
It's more likely they quit before they were fired and indicted.

Those four are now trying like hell to keep from being indicted. The DOJ has sent a letter to the judge outlining criminal misconduct. It isn't over for these prosecutors. The fun is just beginning.
Indicted for what?
Criminal prosecutorial misconduct.... This is going to be epic.. This means they most likely created false evidence... I want to be a fly on the wall when the case is thrown out..
The putrid stench that is the Trump Administration has now infected the DOJ at all levels. The DOJ is not an independent agency now, it is a Trump vehicle for retribution and to further his personal agenda of shielding his co-conspirators. John Gotti or Al Capone could never dream of reaching such heights of corruption.

Trump just defecates on the office of the presidency. He will not stop defecating on the presidency until he leaves the Oval Office. An Oval Office that Trump has turned into a virtual out house.
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Emoluments case was thrown out, Corky.

You lose again....Use some more cream.
LOL...It is people like you who are enablers of Trump’s corruption. Blind Trust is what you have. A perfect tool for Trump while he steals the office blind and abuses his office.
Hilarious that someone who had his head shoved up Oboingo's and Hildabeest's asses should now be all up in arms about corruption.

Nobody's buying it....Get a life.

Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.
Elections have consequences
The putrid stench that is the Trump Administration has now infected the DOJ at all levels. The DOJ is not an independent agency now, it is a Trump vehicle for retribution and to further his personal agenda of shielding his co-conspirators. John Gotti or Al Capone could never dream of reaching such heights of corruption.

Trump just defecates on the office of the presidency. He will not stop defecating on the presidency until he leaves the Oval Office. An Oval Office that Trump has turned into a virtual out house.

It never was supposed to be a separate agency. All powers and responsibilities flow from and back to the only elected responsible member of the executive branch, the President.

Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.
It's more likely they quit before they were fired and indicted.

Those four are now trying like hell to keep from being indicted. The DOJ has sent a letter to the judge outlining criminal misconduct. It isn't over for these prosecutors. The fun is just beginning.
Indicted for what?
Criminal prosecutorial misconduct.... This is going to be epic.. This means they most likely created false evidence... I want to be a fly on the wall when the case is thrown out..
That makes no sense whatsoever. Their boss in William Barr and they won the case because of overwhelming evidence. Prosecutorial misconduct?? lol

Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.

Oh? What about the obummer admin people breaking all sorts of laws?

Do their crimes not count?
The putrid stench that is the Trump Administration has now infected the DOJ at all levels. The DOJ is not an independent agency now, it is a Trump vehicle for retribution and to further his personal agenda of shielding his co-conspirators. John Gotti or Al Capone could never dream of reaching such heights of corruption.

Trump just defecates on the office of the presidency. He will not stop defecating on the presidency until he leaves the Oval Office. An Oval Office that Trump has turned into a virtual out house.

It never was supposed to be a separate agency. All powers and responsibilities flow from and back to the only elected responsible member of the executive branch, the President.
The DOJ is not Trump’s private law firm no matter what you Trumpers think.

Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.
It's more likely they quit before they were fired and indicted.

Those four are now trying like hell to keep from being indicted. The DOJ has sent a letter to the judge outlining criminal misconduct. It isn't over for these prosecutors. The fun is just beginning.
Indicted for what?
Criminal prosecutorial misconduct.... This is going to be epic.. This means they most likely created false evidence... I want to be a fly on the wall when the case is thrown out..
That makes no sense whatsoever. Their boss in William Barr and they won the case because of overwhelming evidence. Prosecutorial misconduct?? lol


Barr had to throw the breaks on these fools because they requested 9 years and the federal guidelines say maximum of 1.5 years.. Then when they began to look into it they found more problems... Whats coming is going to be epic...

Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.
It's more likely they quit before they were fired and indicted.

Those four are now trying like hell to keep from being indicted. The DOJ has sent a letter to the judge outlining criminal misconduct. It isn't over for these prosecutors. The fun is just beginning.

This judge is unlikely to be fooled. Stone already tried that and got his ass kicked.
The putrid stench that is the Trump Administration has now infected the DOJ at all levels. The DOJ is not an independent agency now, it is a Trump vehicle for retribution and to further his personal agenda of shielding his co-conspirators. John Gotti or Al Capone could never dream of reaching such heights of corruption.

Trump just defecates on the office of the presidency. He will not stop defecating on the presidency until he leaves the Oval Office. An Oval Office that Trump has turned into a virtual out house.
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View attachment 306151
Emoluments case was thrown out, Corky.

You lose again....Use some more cream.
LOL...It is people like you who are enablers of Trump’s corruption. Blind Trust is what you have. A perfect tool for Trump while he steals the office blind and abuses his office.
Hilarious that someone who had his head shoved up Oboingo's and Hildabeest's asses should now be all up in arms about corruption.

Nobody's buying it....Get a life.
That is too funny. Your justification for Trump’s corruption is well Obama did it! Well besides being untrue, this is a playground argument.

Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.
It's more likely they quit before they were fired and indicted.

Those four are now trying like hell to keep from being indicted. The DOJ has sent a letter to the judge outlining criminal misconduct. It isn't over for these prosecutors. The fun is just beginning.

This judge is unlikely to be fooled. Stone already tried that and got his ass kicked.
I doubt that the judge will question the evidence found by DOJ investigators... Even the slightest impropriety is grounds for, at a minimum, a mistrial.
Every American who still believes in our democracy should be curious at minimum as to why this happened. I'm sure we'll learn more in the coming days but as it is currently being reporting my first reaction is to be disturbed and concerned.
The putrid stench that is the Trump Administration has now infected the DOJ at all levels. The DOJ is not an independent agency now, it is a Trump vehicle for retribution and to further his personal agenda of shielding his co-conspirators. John Gotti or Al Capone could never dream of reaching such heights of corruption.

Trump just defecates on the office of the presidency. He will not stop defecating on the presidency until he leaves the Oval Office. An Oval Office that Trump has turned into a virtual out house.

It never was supposed to be a separate agency. All powers and responsibilities flow from and back to the only elected responsible member of the executive branch, the President.
The DOJ is not Trump’s private law firm no matter what you Trumpers think.

It seems that it was obummers, however. How do you rationalize that?
It's more likely they quit before they were fired and indicted.

Those four are now trying like hell to keep from being indicted. The DOJ has sent a letter to the judge outlining criminal misconduct. It isn't over for these prosecutors. The fun is just beginning.
Indicted for what?
Criminal prosecutorial misconduct.... This is going to be epic.. This means they most likely created false evidence... I want to be a fly on the wall when the case is thrown out..
That makes no sense whatsoever. Their boss in William Barr and they won the case because of overwhelming evidence. Prosecutorial misconduct?? lol


Barr had to throw the breaks on these fools because they requested 9 years and the federal guidelines say maximum of 1.5 years.. Then when they began to look into it they found more problems... Whats coming is going to be epic...

As for the prosecutors, never going to happen.

Stone lied to the FBI, lied to Congress, and threatened multiple witnesses.

The Witness Intimidation charge carries a sentence up to 20 years. Just by itself.
It's more likely they quit before they were fired and indicted.

Those four are now trying like hell to keep from being indicted. The DOJ has sent a letter to the judge outlining criminal misconduct. It isn't over for these prosecutors. The fun is just beginning.
Indicted for what?
Criminal prosecutorial misconduct.... This is going to be epic.. This means they most likely created false evidence... I want to be a fly on the wall when the case is thrown out..
That makes no sense whatsoever. Their boss in William Barr and they won the case because of overwhelming evidence. Prosecutorial misconduct?? lol


Barr had to throw the breaks on these fools because they requested 9 years and the federal guidelines say maximum of 1.5 years.. Then when they began to look into it they found more problems... Whats coming is going to be epic...
Self-delusion on a grand scale. Epic???? LOL ...There is nothing there. Only in your own mind has the prosecution done anything wrong. The wrongdoing is Trump abusing his power to give his co-conspirator a free ride.
Guess this is how Trump is going to drain the swamp. He will say and do things he shouldn't, which will piss off people who actually understand how things are supposed to work in government, and they will resign in protest, leaving nothing more than yes men and ass kissers.

Exactly. We need to revisit the fate of each and every one of these traitorous bastards once Prezzie (Im)Peach(Ed) is out of the picture.
Emoluments case was thrown out, Corky.

You lose again....Use some more cream.
LOL...It is people like you who are enablers of Trump’s corruption. Blind Trust is what you have. A perfect tool for Trump while he steals the office blind and abuses his office.
Hilarious that someone who had his head shoved up Oboingo's and Hildabeest's asses should now be all up in arms about corruption.

Nobody's buying it....Get a life.
That is too funny. Your justification for Trump’s corruption is well Obama did it! Well besides being untrue, this is a playground argument.
What corruption?....The sentencing guidelines for the Stone case were exceeded by factor of no less than 4X...If anyone is corrupt, it's the prosecution.....DOJ was correct to step in.

And you still don't give one single fuck when the corruption is on your team....That makes you a two-faced, sanctimonious POS... So piss off and grow up.
The putrid stench that is the Trump Administration has now infected the DOJ at all levels. The DOJ is not an independent agency now, it is a Trump vehicle for retribution and to further his personal agenda of shielding his co-conspirators. John Gotti or Al Capone could never dream of reaching such heights of corruption.

Trump just defecates on the office of the presidency. He will not stop defecating on the presidency until he leaves the Oval Office. An Oval Office that Trump has turned into a virtual out house.

It never was supposed to be a separate agency. All powers and responsibilities flow from and back to the only elected responsible member of the executive branch, the President.
The DOJ is not Trump’s private law firm no matter what you Trumpers think.

It seems that it was obummers, however. How do you rationalize that?
Show me where Obama pulled strings to get a political ally off a criminal charge and the federal attorneys resigned?

Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.
It's more likely they quit before they were fired and indicted.

For what?

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