The Age of Corruption has infected the Dept. of Justice


Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.
This isn't good. Obviously this administration is going to push every boundary as far as it possibly can to please its base.

This, after losing the popular vote.

Ugly times.

Does a World Series winner cancel it's parade because it got less hits than the losing team?
There's always an excuse, there's always a reason, there is always spin. No matter what.

I don't know how folks find the energy. It's easier to just be honest.

I am being honest. Why you dug up the old popular vote thing escapes me.

Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.
This isn't good. Obviously this administration is going to push every boundary as far as it possibly can to please its base.

This, after losing the popular vote.

Ugly times.

Does a World Series winner cancel it's parade because it got less hits than the losing team?
There's always an excuse, there's always a reason, there is always spin. No matter what.

I don't know how folks find the energy. It's easier to just be honest.

I am being honest. Why you dug up the old popular vote thing escapes me.
I know.

Even the most ardent supporters of trump must begin to wonder how corrupt Trump and Barr have become (lol, that's a joke) and where it will lead to.

All 4 lawyers quit case after DOJ decision on Stone prison time

This on top of the McConnell's effort to create a fake trial, it is clear to all that Trumpism has created The Age of Corruption like not ever before in our long nation's long history.
This isn't good. Obviously this administration is going to push every boundary as far as it possibly can to please its base.

This, after losing the popular vote.

Ugly times.

Does a World Series winner cancel it's parade because it got less hits than the losing team?
There's always an excuse, there's always a reason, there is always spin. No matter what.

I don't know how folks find the energy. It's easier to just be honest.

I am being honest. Why you dug up the old popular vote thing escapes me.
I know.

and now you get all deflecty.
This isn't good. Obviously this administration is going to push every boundary as far as it possibly can to please its base.

This, after losing the popular vote.

Ugly times.

Does a World Series winner cancel it's parade because it got less hits than the losing team?
There's always an excuse, there's always a reason, there is always spin. No matter what.

I don't know how folks find the energy. It's easier to just be honest.

I am being honest. Why you dug up the old popular vote thing escapes me.
I know.

and now you get all deflecty.
I just don't feel like wasting effort on this. I'm aware of your position.
Under Obama & for years after the DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI, & 17 US Intel Agencies:
- Committed FISA Court Abuses / Violated both the Constitution and Law IOT illegally spy on reporters and US media outlets
- Committed FISA Court Abuses / Violated both the Constitution and Law IOT illegally spy on Americans
- Committed FISA Court Abuses / Violated both the Constitution and Law IOT illegally spy on United States Senators
- Committed FISA Court Abuses / Violated both the Constitution and Law IOT illegally spy on United States Supreme Court Justices
- Committed FISA Court Abuses / Violated both the Constitution and Law IOT illegally spy on an opposing political party Pres candidate / team
- Committed FISA Court Abuses / Violated both the Constitution and Law IOT control the outcome of the 2016 election
- Committed FISA Court Abuses / Violated both the Constitution and Law IOT prevent an opposing party's candidate from winning the election
- Committed FISA Court Abuses / Violated both the Constitution and Law IOT attempt to affect a political COUP (treason)
- Committed crimes that included but were not limited to felony Perjury, Espionage, Obstruction, Conspiracy, Sedition, & treason

These agencies were proven to have knowingly and willingly withheld exculpatory evidence, engaged in prosecutorial misconduct, altered evidence / testimony, manufactured false 'evidence'...

Overwhelming evidence in numerous reports has exposed the crimes committed by the Democrats, many of whom have been recommended for Indictment and / or are still being investigated by the current US AG and his Special Prosecutor.

After all of this proven to have taken place, the OP has the 'testicular fortitude' to falsely claim that only NOW has the DOJ 'been corrupted' 'is engaging in corrupt / criminal practices?!

:lmao: Bwuhahahahahahahahahahaha.....

And the ever-spinning, Dem Talking Points-parroting snowflake is regurgitating the fake news MSM opinions / articles claiming the current DOJ / US AG putting a hold on Sentencing of convicted individuals in cases where prosecutorial misconduct has been identified, conducted by the very same people who engaged in the other crimes mentioned above, that the US AG doing so is somehow 'criminal'.

IMO, these prosecutors quitting the case and leaving were hoping for 'wham-bam-thank you ma'am' sentencing without anyone taking another look at the details and conditions of the case against the convicted individual.

Why are they so terrified of a delay in sentencing until a 'CASE REVIEW' can be conducted to look at all the facts, the processes, steps taken, etc... to make sure there was no prosecutorial misconduct and laws broken?

Perhaps it is because when such a review / assessment of Weismann's/Mueller's cases against Carter Pages and against General Flynn prosecutorial misconduct WAS exposed! During these cases the Obama administration agencies and Weismann and Mueller were found to have COMMITTED FISA COURT ABUSES, VIOLATED DUE PROCESS RIGHTS, WITHHELD EXCULPATORY EVIDENCE, MANUFACTURED FAKE EVIDENCE, ETC....

Liberal lawyers will argue with all their might to get an 'illegal rapist' found 'innocent' due to some technicality; yet, when huge, glaring violations of the law and Constitution - which legally gets the cases thrown out - in their pursuit of taking down Trump and his team they demand such evidence of prosecutorial misconduct and crime be ignored.

I do not 'hate' anyone, but my feelings toward lawyers -any and all lawyers - is as close to 'hate' as it comes. I equally oppose lawyers using technicalities and 'loop holes' to get criminal clients off when almost all the evidence proves they committed the crime. At the same time I believe in the Rule of Law and Constitution - if a lawyer / prosecutor makes a mistake - or knowingly violates either law or Constitution to ensure the defendant is prosecuted, I fault the lawyers, not the criminal. If prosecutorial misconduct / crime happens the ones responsible must be held accountable, even if that means the discovery of their actions result in the individual going free....NO MATTER WHO IT MAY BE.

Also, I completely believe in the CONCEPT of 'EQUAL JUSTICE' and that it should be administered. I, unfortunately believe, as most Americans do, that there is no such thing as 'Equal Justice' anymore and has not existed since politicians elevated THEMSELVES to a political position / status in theis country where they believe and act like they are exempt from the rules / laws they impose on others.

The Founding Principal of 'Equal Justice' in the Rule of Law MUST be re-established / enforced for there to be any real sense of 'Justice' in this country. To do that is going to take action that the self-appointed rulers in this nation will raise hell over - holding THEM accountable for THEIR crimes.

The American people NEED to see Clapper, Rosenstein, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, and even D-Adam Schiff indicted, perp-walked, convicted, and set to prison for their proven crimes if any faith that a real Justice System that metes out Equal Justice exists in this country. Our politicians and the Deep State has turned this nation into a Judicial 3rd-World Country where politicians can openly, publicly engage in crimes and corruption yet never be held accountable.


What happened the last 4 years had nothing to do with Congressional Oversight of the Executive Branch, as evident by the fact that Democrats attempted to prevent Trump from winning in 2016, and when they failed they openly vowed to remove him from office - not 5 minutes after he had completed Oath of Office. No, this was open, blatant (and stupid) declared, planned Conspiracy ,Sedition, and treason.

Our govt must make sure this NEVER happens again, to any President.

Unfortunately we have seen the criminals and the Deep State move already to ensure the status quo is maintained. Once the FISA Court Abuse was exposed, for example, the FISA Court acted to save itself by ordering the FBI - who committed the FISA Court Abuses - to provide a plan for it to police itself to ensure they never lie to and deceive the FISA Court so this will never happen again. REALLY? Putting the criminals who violated the Constitution and who committed the FISA Court Abuses in charge of fixing the process / laws they violated?

The FISA Court SHOULD be shut down until the process can really be fixed.
FBI Director Wray, groomed from within - like Mueller and Comey - should be replaced with an outside, independent, bi-partisan director.
The Democrats / Obama-Hillary hold-overs are refusing to allow that to happen. Instead they are ensuring nothing changes.

...but the fact remains that despite all of the proven crimes committed by all of these agencies under Obama, to include the DOJ, the OP only NOW believes the DOJ has been 'politically corrupted'.


This, after losing the popular vote.

Haha...this shit is still floating around....WTF
I’ll show you what good, real Americans hear....

“This, after not garnering support from barely American wetbacks on stolen citizenships in Mexifornia and the faggots, chicks with dicks and lowlife degenerates in Loon York.”
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Putrid stench?? The only stench I've smelled if from the oh so disappointed Dems.

Dems 0 Trump Winning.

Hope the Dems continue to provide the stench.
The Trumpists are now attacking the very independence of our judiciary by inserting partisan politics into decisions. That is wrong and dangerous on so many levels.
I hope the IG opens an investigation into this.
The DoJ has been completely corrupt since 1998. W and O washed out most of the honest US attorneys.

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