The average American is too stupid to weigh policy

Personal freedoms will evaporate if any of the current Democrat party are elected. They're all cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. How are these people not in Russia?

Do they seriously think these Communist ideas they have are American?! WTF'ing F?!

Hey Shit-stain,

Trump spent yesterday kissing the ass of a guy who said Liberal Democracy is dead... Trump then made it clear he didn't give a fuck if he fucks over the US elections again...

In a presidency that never fails to go low, this was possibly the lowest.... It was cringworthy and embarrassing... Look at the British PM who on the way out of the door rip Putin a new one...
If you think the "average American" is incapable of judging policy, you haven't been listening to your CONGRESS lately... There's NO superhuman effort they can't tackle... But they DO NOTHING.. Because a very large majority of THEM are the biggest most ARROGANT and incompetent mental midgets in this here YOUNITED States....

:aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :auiqs.jpg:
You’re misunderstanding Congress. All of them of are smart (but the average democrat is still smarter than the average republican). They just choose corporate interests thus meaning their own and CHOOSE to be useless.

I hope that was sarcasm... It's hard to tell if you have a Congressional superhero fantasy that laps up that debate shit I had to watch last 2 nights...
See you’re just making shit up. Nothing I said should make you suggest I have a congressional superhero fantasy.

Your entire OP suggest that... That Americans ignore public policy debates because THEY (particularly pick-up truck owners) are stupid... No they IGNORE public policy suggestions because too often they are made by certified morons....

You can't weasel out of expecting too much from public law/policy idiots that are PROPOSING assinine things. Like at the debates where we just witnessed the entire Dem party gulping for air.... American people are not that stupid...
You have got to be shitting me. You are actually suggesting the average American is smarter than anyone running for office. That is such bullshit. Many of those people are lawyers. Many of them are highly educated. What actually matters about their leadership are their intentions. The question is about whose interests do they have in mind.
what is the approval rating of those wonderful smart people?......anyone?...
The OP just has too hope and respect for a government that is rapidly going outside it's ability to design and field policy... There needs to be some HUMILITY about what issues our Federal Govt is chartered and CAPABLE of handling... They sure can't handle much.. And they screw up more than they fix...
I think Congress is a joke on both sides of the aisle. I think republicans are much worse though. Democrats are lost and confused about a clear message but the GOP message is quite clear: they ONLY care about corporate interests. Democrats are guilty of this as well, but they still push policies that make sense and benefit the middle class and poor. History reflects this. They just aren’t unified and in agreement

Whew... That's a LOT better than your last response.. But you're deluded if you think Dems are tough on corporate/govt collusion... NEITHER party will ever address that.. Because they both make exceptions and play favorites with corporations. They just LIKE different ones...

For instance, VERY LARGE reason that GE, Amazon pay no taxes is the GINORMOUS "energy efficient" or wind/solar tax credits... That's HUGE... YOU want to get rid of them??? You're paying GE BILLIONS to make dishwashers/laundry/trains/windmills that they WOULD MAKE ANYWAYS.....

So don't give me this "it's a Repub thing" when it comes to govt/corporate collusion.. The Congress morons extend the power into markets they should NOT be playing --- and the campaign donations just fly right into their wallets...

Only the Libertarian Party has the resolve and PRIORITY to END this handout/contribution cycle....
Don’t fucking pretend that the tax code that benefits those mega corporations were designed by democrats because they weren’t. Sure they did nothing to reverse those policies, but the alternative they actually went with was creating policies that benefited the poor and middle class. Republicans don’t even TRY to do that.
now you see why they have such stellar approval ratings....
Americans don’t need much convincing. All that matters generally is their own quality of life. When it comes to a candidate, they just need the following questions answered:

1) Will my taxes go up?

2) Will more jobs be created?

3) How much personal freedom will I still have? Can I still light fireworks in the bed of my cousin Bert’s pickup truck?

Now these questions are good questions. Don’t get me wrong. It is of course important to look at one’s own quality of life when making a decision on voting. The problem is that Americans put these questions at the top of the list. They ignore the bigger picture or have no compassion for anyone else. Not very many people care that so many migrants are dying illegally crossing the border or, legally, SEEKING ASYUM. They don’t care that child poverty is so high. They don’t care that our infrastructure system is crumbling. They don’t care that the Earth is rotting. They should care about all of these things because it will affect everyone. Those are issues that will affect the quality of life of EVERYONE. They don’t care because those issues are the big picture and are years down the road and therefore take a backseat.

OH Billy if everyone were just perfect and compassionate like you....UTOPIA

Why has that never worked, I wonder?
to many people with billies mind set....
The OP just has too hope and respect for a government that is rapidly going outside it's ability to design and field policy... There needs to be some HUMILITY about what issues our Federal Govt is chartered and CAPABLE of handling... They sure can't handle much.. And they screw up more than they fix...
I think Congress is a joke on both sides of the aisle. I think republicans are much worse though. Democrats are lost and confused about a clear message but the GOP message is quite clear: they ONLY care about corporate interests. Democrats are guilty of this as well, but they still push policies that make sense and benefit the middle class and poor. History reflects this. They just aren’t unified and in agreement

Whew... That's a LOT better than your last response.. But you're deluded if you think Dems are tough on corporate/govt collusion... NEITHER party will ever address that.. Because they both make exceptions and play favorites with corporations. They just LIKE different ones...

For instance, VERY LARGE reason that GE, Amazon pay no taxes is the GINORMOUS "energy efficient" or wind/solar tax credits... That's HUGE... YOU want to get rid of them??? You're paying GE BILLIONS to make dishwashers/laundry/trains/windmills that they WOULD MAKE ANYWAYS.....

So don't give me this "it's a Repub thing" when it comes to govt/corporate collusion.. The Congress morons extend the power into markets they should NOT be playing --- and the campaign donations just fly right into their wallets...

Only the Libertarian Party has the resolve and PRIORITY to END this handout/contribution cycle....
Don’t fucking pretend that the tax code that benefits those mega corporations were designed by democrats because they weren’t. Sure they did nothing to reverse those policies, but the alternative they actually went with was creating policies that benefited the poor and middle class. Republicans don’t even TRY to do that.

Don’t fucking pretend that the tax code that benefits those mega corporations were designed by democrats because they weren’t.

Democrats controlled the House from 1952 to 1994.
They weren't designing any tax code during that time?
Americans don’t need much convincing. All that matters generally is their own quality of life. When it comes to a candidate, they just need the following questions answered:

1) Will my taxes go up?

2) Will more jobs be created?

3) How much personal freedom will I still have? Can I still light fireworks in the bed of my cousin Bert’s pickup truck?

Now these questions are good questions. Don’t get me wrong. It is of course important to look at one’s own quality of life when making a decision on voting. The problem is that Americans put these questions at the top of the list. They ignore the bigger picture or have no compassion for anyone else. Not very many people care that so many migrants are dying illegally crossing the border or, legally, SEEKING ASYUM. They don’t care that child poverty is so high. They don’t care that our infrastructure system is crumbling. They don’t care that the Earth is rotting. They should care about all of these things because it will affect everyone. Those are issues that will affect the quality of life of EVERYONE. They don’t care because those issues are the big picture and are years down the road and therefore take a backseat.

Alrighty then, so the answers to your questions if a democrat is elected.

1) Yes, your taxes will go up, way up.

2) More jobs will be created, but they'll be imaginary jobs with no income.

3) Less personal freedom than you currently have.
If you think the "average American" is incapable of judging policy, you haven't been listening to your CONGRESS lately... There's NO superhuman effort they can't tackle... But they DO NOTHING.. Because a very large majority of THEM are the biggest most ARROGANT and incompetent mental midgets in this here YOUNITED States....

:aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :auiqs.jpg:
You’re misunderstanding Congress. All of them of are smart (but the average democrat is still smarter than the average republican). They just choose corporate interests thus meaning their own and CHOOSE to be useless.

I hope that was sarcasm... It's hard to tell if you have a Congressional superhero fantasy that laps up that debate shit I had to watch last 2 nights...
See you’re just making shit up. Nothing I said should make you suggest I have a congressional superhero fantasy.

Your entire OP suggest that... That Americans ignore public policy debates because THEY (particularly pick-up truck owners) are stupid... No they IGNORE public policy suggestions because too often they are made by certified morons....

You can't weasel out of expecting too much from public law/policy idiots that are PROPOSING assinine things. Like at the debates where we just witnessed the entire Dem party gulping for air.... American people are not that stupid...
You have got to be shitting me. You are actually suggesting the average American is smarter than anyone running for office. That is such bullshit. Many of those people are lawyers. Many of them are highly educated. What actually matters about their leadership are their intentions. The question is about whose interests do they have in mind.
What about being a lawyer makes someone smart inherently? Lawyers just study the trashfire maze of politician scribbles, and even then, that maze is too deep to understand all of it, especially since it's not built on any principles, instead being completely arbitrary.

Even if we just let blind faith lead us to believe that they're all super duper smartypantses, not a single person on the planet is qualified to tell everyone what to do with their own property, especially to the degree that this Government has.

Even if, once again lead by blind faith, we were to assume that every single person knew everything about everything, and passed legislation based on this knowledge, every single person acts in their own self-interest, that is the interest of Government when they get there, so nobody is acting ethically from within Government.
Americans don’t need much convincing. All that matters generally is their own quality of life. When it comes to a candidate, they just need the following questions answered:

1) Will my taxes go up?

2) Will more jobs be created?

3) How much personal freedom will I still have? Can I still light fireworks in the bed of my cousin Bert’s pickup truck?

Now these questions are good questions. Don’t get me wrong. It is of course important to look at one’s own quality of life when making a decision on voting. The problem is that Americans put these questions at the top of the list. They ignore the bigger picture or have no compassion for anyone else. Not very many people care that so many migrants are dying illegally crossing the border or, legally, SEEKING ASYUM. They don’t care that child poverty is so high. They don’t care that our infrastructure system is crumbling. They don’t care that the Earth is rotting. They should care about all of these things because it will affect everyone. Those are issues that will affect the quality of life of EVERYONE. They don’t care because those issues are the big picture and are years down the road and therefore take a backseat.

If you think the "average American" is incapable of judging policy, you haven't been listening to your CONGRESS lately... There's NO superhuman effort they can't tackle... But they DO NOTHING.. Because a very large majority of THEM are the biggest most ARROGANT and incompetent mental midgets in this here YOUNITED States....

:aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :auiqs.jpg:
You’re misunderstanding Congress. All of them of are smart (but the average democrat is still smarter than the average republican). They just choose corporate interests thus meaning their own and CHOOSE to be useless.

All of them of are smart

Guam's gonna tip over

We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it

Those who died, their lives will never be the same again

God rest her soul--oh wait--you're mom's still alive

Homicide is the leading cause of murder in America

I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion

.....The above are all quotes by Congress Critters. Billy. Smart. Smart power
Are you suggesting smart people never say stupid things?

No billy.. But smart people are always saying SMART THINGS... Stupid people aren't EXPECTED to come up with solutions and good policy designs...

Saying smart things is just not happening on the Hill or inside beltway much anymore... And not even on cable News....
Americans don’t need much convincing. All that matters generally is their own quality of life. When it comes to a candidate, they just need the following questions answered:

1) Will my taxes go up?

2) Will more jobs be created?

3) How much personal freedom will I still have? Can I still light fireworks in the bed of my cousin Bert’s pickup truck?

Now these questions are good questions. Don’t get me wrong. It is of course important to look at one’s own quality of life when making a decision on voting. The problem is that Americans put these questions at the top of the list. They ignore the bigger picture or have no compassion for anyone else. Not very many people care that so many migrants are dying illegally crossing the border or, legally, SEEKING ASYUM. They don’t care that child poverty is so high. They don’t care that our infrastructure system is crumbling. They don’t care that the Earth is rotting. They should care about all of these things because it will affect everyone. Those are issues that will affect the quality of life of EVERYONE. They don’t care because those issues are the big picture and are years down the road and therefore take a backseat.

Personal freedoms will evaporate if any of the current Democrat party are elected. They're all cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. How are these people not in Russia?
What policies, specifically will make personal freedoms “evaporate”?

Taking away the right to bear arms and the government being in charge of peoples' healthcare. Next!

I can dive into it witcha, let's do this!

Oh! You want to let illegals stream in here willy-nilly over the border too, huh?
Are you suggesting you are in charge of your healthcare simply because it is privately funded?

God this 2nd amendment delusional shit you people whine about gets so old. Gun control doesn’t somehow translate to overturning the amendment. Even if one of the candidates was running on that, it would NEVER happen.
Americans don’t need much convincing. All that matters generally is their own quality of life. When it comes to a candidate, they just need the following questions answered:

1) Will my taxes go up?

2) Will more jobs be created?

3) How much personal freedom will I still have? Can I still light fireworks in the bed of my cousin Bert’s pickup truck?

Now these questions are good questions. Don’t get me wrong. It is of course important to look at one’s own quality of life when making a decision on voting. The problem is that Americans put these questions at the top of the list. They ignore the bigger picture or have no compassion for anyone else. Not very many people care that so many migrants are dying illegally crossing the border or, legally, SEEKING ASYUM. They don’t care that child poverty is so high. They don’t care that our infrastructure system is crumbling. They don’t care that the Earth is rotting. They should care about all of these things because it will affect everyone. Those are issues that will affect the quality of life of EVERYONE. They don’t care because those issues are the big picture and are years down the road and therefore take a backseat.
Yep, I vote based on whose policies are acceptable to my preferred thought on these matters. And certainly self-interest plays a role, just as I don't hand over a blank check to a contractor.
Until the democrat party sheds this disgusting elitism the Republicans will never have to worry about getting votes.

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