The average monthly mortgage payment has DOUBLED under Joe Biden

And I ask again… you tell the Welfare Queens to get a job after calling them freaking losers? Oh no…..totally dependent people are the Democrats’ best friends.

But people with regular middle-class jobs who HAD been able to buy groceries and gas before Biden took over? For them, you show disdain.
Problem with Conservatives is you need an EDUCATION to get a good job
Get a real degree……not TRUMP Studies

Then you wouldn’t have to start threads whining about not being able to feed their families or buy a house
Show me how current mortgage rates are a result of Trump spending and have nothing to do with Biden's economic policy.

Show me how current mortgage rates are a result of Biden's economic policy and have nothing to do with Trump's spending?
"Hey, let a dumbass Leftest corrupt asshole get away with stealing a Presidential election, what could possibly go wrong?"
No, Marvin asked you first.

Oh, I can explain it quite easily. All that "free" money that Congress handed out in 2020 WITH Trump's blessing created a false demand for goods and services. What happens with increased demand? You get increased prices. Couple that with the dilution of the dollar's value given trillions of extra dollars added to the money supply and have rapid inflation. The Federal Reserve then stepped in and started raising interest rates to combat the inflation, resulting in higher loan costs for mortgages.

Basic Econ 101.

That's not to say that Biden is off the hook. He continued those policies, so in that sense, yes, he has responsibility too, but it's grossly dishonest for any member of Cult 45 to place all the blame on Biden while letting their golden idol off the hook for starting it in the first place. But that's what MAGA does. They lie.
There's no way to overstate how bad this is.

Joe Biden and the DemoKKKrats have destroyed the American economy and the average American's livelihood with their wars, open border, and runaway inflation.

Personally, I would like to thank all the Biden voters (especially the younger ones) who can't afford homes. Mine is paid off, and the money I would otherwise be using to pay a mortgage is now going into high-interest savings accounts and other investment vehicles that take advantage of the high interest rates that are killing lower income people.

More inane, ill informed blatherskite! You are a bad joke without a punchline. The way that you try to blame Biden and the Democrats for everything is sad and pathetic . The only thing that you prove is that you have an abysmal understanding of economics and geopolitical realities

Biden did not start any wars and the aide that we are providing to Ukraine and Israel have nothing to do with mortgage payments, nor does anything having to do with the border issues. Immigrents, documented or not, have a net positive effect on the economy

Inflation is largely due to supply issues resulting from the Covid pandemic that your bot, Trump exacerbated by being slow to respond in 2020-

The American Rescue Plan helped fuel inflation but accounted for less than half of the inflation rate( PolitiFact | Biden’s American Rescue Plan fueled inflation. So did post-COVID shortages)

Meanwhile the ARP provided and important infusion into the economy to stave off a recession, save small businesses and create jobs( The American Rescue Plan (ARP): Top 15 Highlights from 2 Years of Recovery | The White House )as did the aide to Ukraine, 90% of which is going to military contractors in the US

Biden also passed the Inflation Reduction Act
The Inflation Reduction Actis a large legislative package passed by Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden aimed at fighting inflation, lowering the deficit, reducing the price of prescription drugs for seniors, and reducing the country's carbon emissions.

Adding to the cost of goods, services and housing is the fact that manufactures and retailers raised prices beyond what was justifiable to adjust for inflation, and continue o price gouge even now that inflation is coming down

The Federal Reserve has been jacking up interest rates ever since to quell that inflation, but that contributed to higher mortgage rates.

In addition, the housing supply is tight resulting in the rising property values . With high interest rates , people are not selling and trading up like they used to.

Now take a hike and go back to Mars -Marvin
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Same in NM. Thanks to CA idiots moving here and flipping houses. Pricing natives out of the housing market.
It's the locals too.....Industrious young men (mostly in the trades) are buying and flipping. They use their friends to fix the places up, pay them under the table, and either flip or rent them out.

Just the other day I had one (son of a hunting buddy who took over his dad's business) ask me if I was planning on selling my mom's house and extra lot.

I took his card because they buy as is, pay very well, and you don't have to mess with a realtor.....They even have an arrangement with a local title company.

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