The awesome powers of a U.S. President


Internment was publicized as a national security measure responding to a military threat. Contemporary observers, however, wondered if internment was actually directed against an economic threat that some Americans saw in fellow Americans of Japanese descent. One half of employed Japanese-Americans on the West Coast were in agriculture. They were the largest force in California's fruit and vegetable markets; agricultural experts expected thirty-five percent of California's 1942 truck crops to come from Japanese-Americans.1 Japanese-American farms in 1940 were worth $72 million plus $6 million in equipment. Per acre their farms were worth $279.96, in contrast to the average value of $37.94 for all California farms. "I find no popular demand for the efforts to drive the so-called alien enemies from California," said one indignant attorney. "The clamor seems to come from chambers of commerce, Associated Farmers, and the newspapers notorious as spokesmen for reactionary interests. In view of this fact, effort should be made to determine whether there is any connection between the clamor for the dispossession of the Japanese farmers and the desire of these clamoring interests to get possession of the Japanese farms and the elimination of the Japanese competition."2 The attorney's analysis was shared by others. "The great cry of 'Kick the Japanese out of the Yakima Valley' is not due to fear of sabotage, it is due to economic reasons. As one person naively explained to me, 'The white farmer would have more land and more water if he could get rid of the Japanese, and he could demand a higher price for his farm produce.'"3 An editorial in Christian Century warned against "action whose real end is the destruction of Japanese competitors of American firms.

Confiscations from Japanese-Americans During World War II
Something to consider.

We were attacked and war declared on us by the Axis who wanted to to destroy us and rule the world. It was at a different time from the present. The decisions were made according to the situations It doesn't mean squat about hindsight.
Something to consider, Japanese were loyal American citizens whose Rights were trampled based on racism financial enrichment of whites and nothing more...
Japanese Americans earned more medals for bravery during the war than any other group of people...

The 442nd Regimental Combat Team is an infantry regiment of the United States Army, part of the Army Reserve. The regiment was a fighting unit composed almost entirely of American soldiers of Japanese ancestry who fought in World War II. Most of the families of mainland Japanese Americans were confined to internment camps in the United States interior. Beginning in 1944, the regiment fought primarily in Europe during World War II,[2] in particular Italy, southern France, and Germany.,

The 442nd Regiment was the most decorated unit for its size and length of service in the history of American warfare.[3] The 4,000 men who initially made up the unit in April 1943 had to be replaced nearly 2.5 times. In total, about 14,000 men served, earning 9,486 Purple Hearts. The unit was awarded eight Presidential Unit Citations (five earned in one month).[4]:201 Twenty-one of its members were awarded Medals of Honor.[2] Its motto was "Go for Broke"
As I stated, it was a different time and you don't realize the hatred and thirst for revenge Americans had for Germany and Japan. You would have had to live at that time in order to understand. I did and I remember things that were said and done. It wasn't pretty..



Despite efforts by government officials to limit the impact, many Japanese Americans disposed of their assets for a fraction of true value before their forced relocation. (National Archives, image no. ARC 299687)

America entered the War as a still largely racist country. The South was still strictly segregated with black Americans denied civil rights and prevented from voting. America fought the War with a segregated military. The anti-Japanese prejudice of the time was often intense and was reflected in the disgraceful internment of Pacific-coast Japanese-Americans simply on grounds of their ethnicity. One interesting aspect is that with all this anti-Japanese feeling, it virtually disapperated after the War. And all kinds of restrictions on Asians as to citizenship, employment, uuniversity admission also disappeared]

I know you like defending white racism, just stop trying to convince everyone else that it wasn't what it really was...
That is the attitude of many white conservatives towards the Constitutional Rights of anyone else not white...thanks for your candor.
Very few know all the facts about the relocation of the west coast japanese...much too complex for most to deal with...they had rather run with the over simplified views of the liberal narrative....even Regan was misled by that

Now for some real truth.........Were the relocation centers an "internment"?

There is no question but that the evacuees were forced by law to leave their homes on the West Coast and to either stay in the centers or relocate elsewhere in the United States by receiving leaves for the purpose. Their exclusion from the West Coast was not voluntary, and after the short-lived initial phase their relocation had to be done through the centers, which granted leave, temporary or indefinite, for the purpose. But, except for those arrested as 'dangerous aliens' right after Pearl Harbor and those who were later segregated at Tule Lake, were the Japanese-Americans "interned" in the centers? And were the centers, as is often charged, "concentration camps"?

It is important to realize that these questions are largely issues of characterization. Those who want to place the evacuation in the worst light stress the "humiliation" and "affront to our loyalty" inherent in being made to relocate. They especially like to speak of the centers as "concentration camps," thereby evoking images of the horrors of Nazi concentration camps. (One of the many books on the subject speaks of "the parallel experience of the German Jews.")34 Even Senator Hayakawa, who felt no alienation toward the United States, later spoke of the evacuation as an affront that said in effect that "we doubt your loyalty."35 (I have difficulty accepting even Hayakawa's notion about this, since the evacuation was premised not on a doubt about the loyalty of all Japanese-Americans but on an inability quickly to sort out who was loyal to the United States and who to Japan. The officials of the Roosevelt administration always acknowledged that a great many of the Japanese-Americans were loyal.)
Very few know all the facts about the relocation of the west coast japanese...much too complex for most to deal with...they had rather run with the over simplified views of the liberal narrative....even Regan was misled by that

Now for some real truth.........Were the relocation centers an "internment"?

There is no question but that the evacuees were forced by law to leave their homes on the West Coast and to either stay in the centers or relocate elsewhere in the United States by receiving leaves for the purpose. Their exclusion from the West Coast was not voluntary, and after the short-lived initial phase their relocation had to be done through the centers, which granted leave, temporary or indefinite, for the purpose. But, except for those arrested as 'dangerous aliens' right after Pearl Harbor and those who were later segregated at Tule Lake, were the Japanese-Americans "interned" in the centers? And were the centers, as is often charged, "concentration camps"?

It is important to realize that these questions are largely issues of characterization. Those who want to place the evacuation in the worst light stress the "humiliation" and "affront to our loyalty" inherent in being made to relocate. They especially like to speak of the centers as "concentration camps," thereby evoking images of the horrors of Nazi concentration camps. (One of the many books on the subject speaks of "the parallel experience of the German Jews.")34 Even Senator Hayakawa, who felt no alienation toward the United States, later spoke of the evacuation as an affront that said in effect that "we doubt your loyalty."35 (I have difficulty accepting even Hayakawa's notion about this, since the evacuation was premised not on a doubt about the loyalty of all Japanese-Americans but on an inability quickly to sort out who was loyal to the United States and who to Japan. The officials of the Roosevelt administration always acknowledged that a great many of the Japanese-Americans were loyal.)
So you offer this as an excuse for racism and the violation of the civil and Constitutional Rights of American
Thanks for proving my point.
Japanese Internment: Why It Was a Good Idea--And the Lessons It Offers Today

by Daniel Pipes

Mr. Pipes is the director of the Middle East Forum. His website address is

For years, it has been my position that the threat of radical Islam implies an imperative to focus security measures on Muslims. If searching for rapists, one looks only at the male population. Similarly, if searching for Islamists (adherents of radical Islam), one looks at the Muslim population.

And so, I was encouraged by a just-released Cornell University opinion survey that finds nearly half the U.S. population agreeing with this proposition. Specifically, 44 percent of Americans believe that government authorities should direct special attention toward Muslims living in America, either by registering their whereabouts, profiling them, monitoring their mosques, or infiltrating their organizations.

Also encouraging, the survey finds the more people follow TV news, the more likely they are to support these common-sense steps. Those who are best informed about current issues, in other words, are also the most sensible about adopting self-evident defensive measures.

That's the good news; the bad news is the near-universal disapproval of this realism. Leftist and Islamist organizations have so successfully intimidated public opinion that polite society shies away from endorsing a focus on Muslims.

In America, this intimidation results in large part from a revisionist interpretation of the evacuation, relocation, and internment of ethnic Japanese during World War II. Although more than 60 years past, these events matter yet deeply today, permitting the victimization lobby, in compensation for the supposed horrors of internment, to condemn in advance any use of ethnicity, nationality, race, or religion in formulating domestic security policy.

Denying that the treatment of ethnic Japanese resulted from legitimate national security concerns, this lobby has established that it resulted solely from a combination of"wartime hysteria" and"racial prejudice." As radical groups like the American Civil Liberties Union wield this interpretation, in the words of Michelle Malkin,"like a bludgeon over the War on Terror debate," they pre-empt efforts to build an effective defense against today's Islamist enemy.

Fortunately, the intrepid Ms. Malkin, a columnist and specialist on immigration issues, has re-opened the internment file. Her recently published book, bearing the provocative title In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror (Regnery), starts with the unarguable premise that in time of war,"the survival of the nation comes first." From there, she draws the corollary that"Civil liberties are not sacrosanct."

She then reviews the historical record of the early 1940s and finds that:

  • Within hours of the attacks on Pearl Harbor, two American citizens of Japanese ancestry, with no prior history of anti-Americanism, shockingly collaborated with a Japanese soldier against their fellow Hawaiians.

  • The Japanese government established"an extensive espionage network within the United States" believed to include hundreds of agents.

  • In contrast to loose talk about"American concentration camps," the relocation camps for Japanese were"spartan facilities that were for the most part administered humanely." As proof, she notes that over 200 individuals voluntarily chose to move into the camps.

  • The relocation process itself won praise from Carey McWilliams, a contemporary leftist critic (and future editor of the Nation), for taking place"without a hitch."

  • A federal panel that reviewed these issues in 1981-83, the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, was, Ms. Malkin explains,"Stacked with left-leaning lawyers, politicians, and civil rights activists – but not a single military officer or intelligence expert."

  • The apology for internment by Ronald Reagan in 1988, in addition to the nearly $1.65 billion in reparations paid to former internees was premised on faulty scholarship. In particular, it largely ignored the top-secret decoding of Japanese diplomatic traffic, codenamed the MAGIC messages, which revealed Tokyo's plans to exploit Japanese-Americans.
Ms. Malkin has done the singular service of breaking the academic single-note scholarship on a critical subject, cutting through a shabby, stultifying consensus to reveal how,"given what was known and not known at the time," President Roosevelt and his staff did the right thing.

She correctly concludes that, especially in time of war, governments should take into account nationality, ethnicity, and religious affiliation in their homeland security policies and engage in what she calls"threat profiling." These steps may entail bothersome or offensive measures but, she argues, they are preferable to"being incinerated at your office desk by a flaming hijacked plane."

- See more at: Japanese Internment: Why It Was a Good Idea--And the Lessons It Offers Today
Japanese Internment: Why It Was a Good Idea--And the Lessons It Offers Today

by Daniel Pipes

Mr. Pipes is the director of the Middle East Forum. His website address is

For years, it has been my position that the threat of radical Islam implies an imperative to focus security measures on Muslims. If searching for rapists, one looks only at the male population. Similarly, if searching for Islamists (adherents of radical Islam), one looks at the Muslim population.

And so, I was encouraged by a just-released Cornell University opinion survey that finds nearly half the U.S. population agreeing with this proposition. Specifically, 44 percent of Americans believe that government authorities should direct special attention toward Muslims living in America, either by registering their whereabouts, profiling them, monitoring their mosques, or infiltrating their organizations.

Also encouraging, the survey finds the more people follow TV news, the more likely they are to support these common-sense steps. Those who are best informed about current issues, in other words, are also the most sensible about adopting self-evident defensive measures.

That's the good news; the bad news is the near-universal disapproval of this realism. Leftist and Islamist organizations have so successfully intimidated public opinion that polite society shies away from endorsing a focus on Muslims.

In America, this intimidation results in large part from a revisionist interpretation of the evacuation, relocation, and internment of ethnic Japanese during World War II. Although more than 60 years past, these events matter yet deeply today, permitting the victimization lobby, in compensation for the supposed horrors of internment, to condemn in advance any use of ethnicity, nationality, race, or religion in formulating domestic security policy.

Denying that the treatment of ethnic Japanese resulted from legitimate national security concerns, this lobby has established that it resulted solely from a combination of"wartime hysteria" and"racial prejudice." As radical groups like the American Civil Liberties Union wield this interpretation, in the words of Michelle Malkin,"like a bludgeon over the War on Terror debate," they pre-empt efforts to build an effective defense against today's Islamist enemy.

Fortunately, the intrepid Ms. Malkin, a columnist and specialist on immigration issues, has re-opened the internment file. Her recently published book, bearing the provocative title In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror (Regnery), starts with the unarguable premise that in time of war,"the survival of the nation comes first." From there, she draws the corollary that"Civil liberties are not sacrosanct."

She then reviews the historical record of the early 1940s and finds that:

  • Within hours of the attacks on Pearl Harbor, two American citizens of Japanese ancestry, with no prior history of anti-Americanism, shockingly collaborated with a Japanese soldier against their fellow Hawaiians.

  • The Japanese government established"an extensive espionage network within the United States" believed to include hundreds of agents.

  • In contrast to loose talk about"American concentration camps," the relocation camps for Japanese were"spartan facilities that were for the most part administered humanely." As proof, she notes that over 200 individuals voluntarily chose to move into the camps.

  • The relocation process itself won praise from Carey McWilliams, a contemporary leftist critic (and future editor of the Nation), for taking place"without a hitch."

  • A federal panel that reviewed these issues in 1981-83, the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, was, Ms. Malkin explains,"Stacked with left-leaning lawyers, politicians, and civil rights activists – but not a single military officer or intelligence expert."

  • The apology for internment by Ronald Reagan in 1988, in addition to the nearly $1.65 billion in reparations paid to former internees was premised on faulty scholarship. In particular, it largely ignored the top-secret decoding of Japanese diplomatic traffic, codenamed the MAGIC messages, which revealed Tokyo's plans to exploit Japanese-Americans.
Ms. Malkin has done the singular service of breaking the academic single-note scholarship on a critical subject, cutting through a shabby, stultifying consensus to reveal how,"given what was known and not known at the time," President Roosevelt and his staff did the right thing.

She correctly concludes that, especially in time of war, governments should take into account nationality, ethnicity, and religious affiliation in their homeland security policies and engage in what she calls"threat profiling." These steps may entail bothersome or offensive measures but, she argues, they are preferable to"being incinerated at your office desk by a flaming hijacked plane."

- See more at: Japanese Internment: Why It Was a Good Idea--And the Lessons It Offers Today
Anymore "opinion" pieces you want to post in order to deflect from white conservative racism???
What really happend regarding the relocation of the West Coast Japanese.

What Really Happened? - American Renaissance

What Really Happened? - American Renaissance
American Renaissance

Founded by Jared Taylor in 1990, the New Century Foundation is a self-styled think tank that promotes pseudo-scientific studies and research that purport to show the inferiority of blacks to whites. It is best known for its American Renaissance magazine and website.

Thanks for being so candor with your conservative racism...
What really happend regarding the relocation of the West Coast Japanese.

What Really Happened? - American Renaissance

What Really Happened? - American Renaissance
American Renaissance

Founded by Jared Taylor in 1990, the New Century Foundation is a self-styled think tank that promotes pseudo-scientific studies and research that purport to show the inferiority of blacks to whites. It is best known for its American Renaissance magazine and website.

Thanks for being so candor with your conservative racism...

The Untold Story:

The magic intercepts and the west coast japanese.

Internment Archives
What really happend regarding the relocation of the West Coast Japanese.

What Really Happened? - American Renaissance

What Really Happened? - American Renaissance
American Renaissance

Founded by Jared Taylor in 1990, the New Century Foundation is a self-styled think tank that promotes pseudo-scientific studies and research that purport to show the inferiority of blacks to whites. It is best known for its American Renaissance magazine and website.

Thanks for being so candor with your conservative racism...

The Untold Story:

The magic intercepts and the west coast japanese.

Internment Archives
Is this ANOTHER white supremacist website????
Have the intelligence to know when you have lost the argument...
What really happend regarding the relocation of the West Coast Japanese.

What Really Happened? - American Renaissance

What Really Happened? - American Renaissance
American Renaissance

Founded by Jared Taylor in 1990, the New Century Foundation is a self-styled think tank that promotes pseudo-scientific studies and research that purport to show the inferiority of blacks to whites. It is best known for its American Renaissance magazine and website.

Thanks for being so candor with your conservative racism...

The Untold Story:

The magic intercepts and the west coast japanese.

Internment Archives
Is this ANOTHER white supremacist website????
Have the intelligence to know when you have lost the argument...

There is no argument are name calling and I am presenting the facts.
What really happend regarding the relocation of the West Coast Japanese.

What Really Happened? - American Renaissance

What Really Happened? - American Renaissance
American Renaissance

Founded by Jared Taylor in 1990, the New Century Foundation is a self-styled think tank that promotes pseudo-scientific studies and research that purport to show the inferiority of blacks to whites. It is best known for its American Renaissance magazine and website.

Thanks for being so candor with your conservative racism...

You are entitle to your opinion but that is all you have.

Here are the sources for the article I prsented:

1 Myriam Marquez, “Avalanche is Burying Our Civil Liberties,” Wichita Eagle, Sept. 8, 2002.

2 Dillon S. Myer, Uprooted Americans, (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1971) p. 293.

3 These are the Hirabayashi case and Korematsu v. United States, 323 U.S. 214 (1944), and Ex Parte Endo, 323 U.S. 283 (1944).

4 Report of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, Personal Justice Denied (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1982), pp. 9, 69, 99.

5 Testimony of Karl R. Bendetsen before the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, July 8, 1981, p. 140. Typescript available from national archives.

6 1981 Hearings, Testimony of Karl R. Bendetsen, p. 140.

7 1981 Hearings, Bendetsen, pp. 10, 74.

8 1981 Hearings, Bendetsen, pp. 10, 74.

9 Commission Report, Personal Justice Denied, p. 149.

10 Myer, Uprooted Americans, pp. 48, 56-7.

11 Roger Daniels et. al., editors, Japanese Americans: From Relocation to Redress (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1986), p. 61.

12 Commission Report, Personal Justice Denied, p. 145.

13 S. I. Hayakawa, Through the Communication Barrier (New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1979), p. 133.

14 David D. Lowman, MAGIC: The Untold Story of U.S. Intelligence and the Evacuation of the Japanese Residents from the West Coast During WWII (No city given: Athena Press, Inc., 2000), p. 20.

15 Hayakawa, Communication Barrier, p. 132.

16 Commission Report, Personal Justice Denied, p. 205.

17 Commission Report, Personal Justice Denied, p. 203.

18 Commission Report, Personal Justice Denied, p. 181.

19 Daniels, Japanese Americans, p. 43.

20 1984 Hearings, testimony of John J. McCloy, p. 125.

21 1984 Hearings, Bendetsen testimony, p. 682; Lillian Baker, American and Japanese Relocation in World War II: Fact, Fiction & Fallacy (Medford, Oregon: Webb Research Group, 1990), p. 52.

22 Daniels, Japanese Americans, p. 188.

23 1984 Hearings, Bendetsen testimony, p. 698.

24 1981 Hearings, Bendetsen testimony, p. 71.

25 1984 Hearings, Bendetsen testimony, p. 683.

26 Wichita Eagle, Feb. 23, 1992 (article noting the 50th anniversary of the refinery shelling); Myer, Uprooted Americans, p. 24.

27 Hearings of the Select Committee Investigating National Defense Migration, House of Representatives [“Tolan Committee Hearings”], Feb.-Mar. 1942, pp. 10996, 10997, 11107, 10973.

28 1984 Hearings, Lowman testimony, pp. 431, 434.

29 Lowman, MAGIC, p. 243.

30 1984 Hearings, Lowman testimony, pp. 437, 438.

31 1984 Hearings, McCloy testimony, p. 148.

32 Commission Report, Personal Justice Denied, p. 3.

33 1984 Hearings, McCloy testimony, p. 120.

34 1984 Hearings, Lowman testimony, p. 474.

35 Baker, American and Japanese Relocation in World War II, p. 35.

36 Myer, Uprooted Americans, p. 63.

37 Myer, Uprooted Americans, p. 61.

38 1984 Hearings, testimony of John J. McCloy, p. 125.

39 Hirabayashi v. U.S., 320 U.S. 81 (1943) at pp. 96, 97.

40 Hayakawa, Communication Barrier, p. 135.

41 Hirabayashi, p. 99.

42 Hirabayashi, p. 100.

43 Arnold Krammer, Undue Process: The Untold Story of America’s German Alien Internees (New York: Rowan and Littlefield, 1997).

44 See Sen. Hayakawa’s observation about this at Hayakawa, Communication Barrier, p. 583; and the comments by Madera, California, officials on the same point, Tolan Committee Hearings, Earl Warren testimony, 10995.

45 Krammer, Undue Process.

46 Hearings [1984 Hearings] before the Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations of the Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. House of Representatives, June 20, 21 27 and Sept. 12, 1984, page 583, testimony of Dr. Ken Masugi.

47 1984 Hearings, Masugi testimony, p. 579.

48 Daniels, Japanese Americans, pp. 188, 5.

49 1984 Hearings, McCloy testimony, p. 125.

50 Lowman, MAGIC, p. 111.

51 Wall Street Journal, September 10, 1991, letter from William J. Hopwood.

52 Wall Street Journal, Hopwood letter.

53 Lowman, MAGIC, p. 119, footnote 23.

54 Lowman, MAGIC, p. 119.

55 Lowman, MAGIC, pp. 2, 82, 83.
What really happend regarding the relocation of the West Coast Japanese.

What Really Happened? - American Renaissance

What Really Happened? - American Renaissance
American Renaissance

Founded by Jared Taylor in 1990, the New Century Foundation is a self-styled think tank that promotes pseudo-scientific studies and research that purport to show the inferiority of blacks to whites. It is best known for its American Renaissance magazine and website.

Thanks for being so candor with your conservative racism...

The Untold Story:

The magic intercepts and the west coast japanese.

Internment Archives
Is this ANOTHER white supremacist website????
Have the intelligence to know when you have lost the argument...

There is no argument are name calling and I am presenting the facts.
No, I presented historical facts AND photographs.
You posted a link to a white supremacist site in order to give some credence to your racism...
Many do do not understand the powers that a President has if he chooses to exercise them....look at how Lincoln abolished habeous corpus or how FDR vacated the west coast of Japanese ...just two examples of what a President can do...most especially in war time conditions in which we have been since 9/11.

Presidential Powers < The Executive Branch: Powers of the Presidency < Government 1991 < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

Law Professor: Trump’s Immigration Ban Constitutional, Admin ‘Absolutely’ Had Right to Fire AG
Actually the president doesn't have power, its the people that have the real power. Trump is to sign things into law, not just go off on his own and do shit. I mean why leave England in the first place, if we wanted just one voice of gov. to rule a country??? We have checks and balances in place to prevent people like Trump from becoming a dictator....sadly with the GOP in charge of everything, might as well go back to 1775 and have at it!!
What really happend regarding the relocation of the West Coast Japanese.

What Really Happened? - American Renaissance

What Really Happened? - American Renaissance
American Renaissance

Founded by Jared Taylor in 1990, the New Century Foundation is a self-styled think tank that promotes pseudo-scientific studies and research that purport to show the inferiority of blacks to whites. It is best known for its American Renaissance magazine and website.

Thanks for being so candor with your conservative racism...

The Untold Story:

The magic intercepts and the west coast japanese.

Internment Archives
Is this ANOTHER white supremacist website????
Have the intelligence to know when you have lost the argument...

There is no argument are name calling and I am presenting the facts.
No, I presented historical facts AND photographs.
You posted a link to a white supremacist site in order to give some credence to your racism...
Earth to ration people, alternative facts is all these nuts appreciate, anything else in one ear out the otter!!
Many do do not understand the powers that a President has if he chooses to exercise them....look at how Lincoln abolished habeous corpus or how FDR vacated the west coast of Japanese ...just two examples of what a President can do...most especially in war time conditions in which we have been since 9/11.

Presidential Powers < The Executive Branch: Powers of the Presidency < Government 1991 < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

Law Professor: Trump’s Immigration Ban Constitutional, Admin ‘Absolutely’ Had Right to Fire AG
Actually the president doesn't have power, its the people that have the real power. Trump is to sign things into law, not just go off on his own and do shit. I mean why leave England in the first place, if we wanted just one voice of gov. to rule a country??? We have checks and balances in place to prevent people like Trump from becoming a dictator....sadly with the GOP in charge of everything, might as well go back to 1775 and have at it!!

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa Trump was legally elected of course you do not like it....tough shitsky. hehheh So many sore losers on here...quite pathetic.
What really happend regarding the relocation of the West Coast Japanese.

What Really Happened? - American Renaissance

What Really Happened? - American Renaissance
American Renaissance

Founded by Jared Taylor in 1990, the New Century Foundation is a self-styled think tank that promotes pseudo-scientific studies and research that purport to show the inferiority of blacks to whites. It is best known for its American Renaissance magazine and website.

Thanks for being so candor with your conservative racism...

The Untold Story:

The magic intercepts and the west coast japanese.

Internment Archives
Is this ANOTHER white supremacist website????
Have the intelligence to know when you have lost the argument...

There is no argument are name calling and I am presenting the facts.
No, I presented historical facts AND photographs.
You posted a link to a white supremacist site in order to give some credence to your racism...

Your pohotographs do provide evidence of the intense hatred of Japs after the attack on Pearl Harbor which supports the fact presented that the Japanese felt endangered and thus most went willingly to the camps for the protection there and those who did not want to go to the camps had the choice to live anywhere in America except the West Coast.

Regarding The American Rennaisance Magazine.................Who Are We? - American Renaissance
David D. Lowman, author of "MAGIC: The Untold Story of U.S. Intelligence and the Evacuation of Japanese Residents From the West Coast During WWII"

Argues that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was right all along to re-locate the West Coast Japanese during WWII.

Lowman's provocative study is based on a top-secret wartime intelligence project with the code name "MAGIC," a remarkable code-breaking operation that allowed U.S. intelligence analysts to intercept and decipher messages that passed between Japan and its diplomatic outposts around the world in the months leading up to the attack on Pearl Harbor and throughout the war. His review of the intercepted message traffic and other declassified intelligence documents, many of them reproduced in facsimile, prompts him to conclude that the internment order was justified by urgent security concerns.

"Recently declassified MAGIC intelligence . . . clearly supports President Roosevelt's controversial wartime decision to issue Executive Order No. 9066, which served as the authority to evacuate more than 112,00 residents of Japanese descent from the West Coast of the United States at the beginning of World War II," argues Lowman, a former official of the National Security Agency, in his posthumously published book. "In addition to MAGIC, the president had available to him alarming assessments from the U.S. intelligence community which reported large-scale disloyalty, espionage and potential sabotage by U.S. residents of Japanese ancestry."


One especially inflammatory message, for example, was sent by a Japanese intelligence operative in Los Angeles to Tokyo on May 9, 1941. "We have already established contacts with absolutely reliable Japanese in the San Pedro and San Diego area, who will keep a close watch on all shipments of airplanes and other war materials, and report the amounts and destinations of such shipments," reads the deciphered message. "We also have connections with our second generations working in airplane plants for intelligence purposes."

Still other deciphered messages suggest the recruitment of "communists, Negroes, labor union members and anti-Semites."

In 1983 a congressional commission, ignoring available declassified intelligence and ignorant of MAGIC revelations, concluded the President's action was the result of racism, war hysteria and lack of political will.

Now for the first time David D. Lowman, using MAGIC messages and declassified Army, Navy and FBI reports, presents the real reasons for the evacuation. As a former high level officer in the National Security Agency and a witness before congressional committees dealing with the evacuation he was uniquely qualified to tell this story. Those who could never quite believe the base motives attributed to our wartime leaders and our country will find Lowman's story compelling.


Last edited:
One of Ronald Reagan's greatest blunders:

Reparations for internment were just a curtsy to political correctness

Michelle Malkin...published 2004

'Also eligible were 450 Aleut residents evacuated from their home islands by the United States when the Japanese attacked and invaded the Aleutian Islands at Kiska and Attu in June 1942. They received $12,000 each despite the commission's acknowledgment that "the evacuation of the Aleuts was a rational wartime measure taken to safeguard them."

Japanese permanent resident aliens who were interned at Justice Department camps received compensation as well. Their German and Italian counterparts, however, received nothing. According to Immigration and Naturalization Service statistics, nearly half of all enemy aliens held in Justice Department internment camps were of European ancestry.

In October 1992, the U.S. Supreme Court refused without comment to hear an appeal by retired U.S. Air Force major Arthur Jacobs, U.S.-born son of a German internee, who lived with his family at the Crystal City, Texas, internment camp alongside Japanese internees. Jacobs had argued pointedly that the reparations law unconstitutionally discriminated against non-Japanese internees in violation of the Equal Protection clause. A lower court had dismissed his argument, citing the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians' conclusion that ethnic Japanese evacuees and internees were singled out exclusively because of their race and without any military justification.

Perhaps the worst effect of the reparations law has been its effect on current homeland security policies. Civil liberties absolutists have invoked the "racist" World War II evacuation and relocation of ethnic Japanese to attack virtually every homeland security initiative, large and small, aimed at protecting the United States from murderous Islamic extremists. When every detention of a Middle Eastern illegal alien is tantamount to the "unjustified" internment of ethnic Japanese, there is no room for rationality. This absolutist resistance to wartime threat profiling, based on falsified fears of repeating the "mistakes" of World War II, reduces the security of our nation.'

Reparations for internment were just a curtsy to political correctness

Japanese, German, and Italian American & Enemy Alien Internment | - Texas Historical Commission | Military History | Texas in World War II | Texas World War II Internment Camps | Five WWII Internment Camps in Texas

Crystal City: Crystal City (Family) Internment Camp | - Texas Historical Commission

Frank DiCara is 90 years old, but he still remembers what it felt like to wake up an enemy in his hometown. It was 1941, and he was a 14-year-old kid in Highlandtown, an Italian-American neighborhood in Baltimore, when news broke that Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor, bringing the U.S. into war with the Axis Powers of Japan, Germany and Italy.

For people like Frank, whose parents had come from Sicily three decades before, the news was doubly horrifying. Along with the anger and amazement that America had been attacked came the unbelievable news that Italy—their homeland—was suddenly the enemy. Overnight, the land his parents remembered fondly from their youth—and where they still had family—couldn’t be talked about without risking treason.

Story of Italian-American internment in WWII revealed in exhibit, forum in San Jose – The Mercury News

The interment of the Germans and Italians in America during WWII proves that the liberal claim that the Japanese Interment was based on nothing more than racism is false.
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Many do do not understand the powers that a President has if he chooses to exercise them....look at how Lincoln abolished habeous corpus or how FDR vacated the west coast of Japanese ...just two examples of what a President can do...most especially in war time conditions in which we have been since 9/11.

Presidential Powers < The Executive Branch: Powers of the Presidency < Government 1991 < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

Law Professor: Trump’s Immigration Ban Constitutional, Admin ‘Absolutely’ Had Right to Fire AG
the courts have to be open for business as long as Government is functioning.


The republicans had to apologize for US, national socialism.

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