The ‘battery fairy’ and other delusions in the demand to replace gasoline powered vehicles with electric cars and trucks


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Where will all the power to charge these EV's come form?

Add in the mining for rare-earth minerals which is very environmentally unfriendly.

Plus the massive problem of used-up batteries.

But Akio Toyoda, CEO of Toyota Motors, the world’s largest (or second largest, depending on the year). and grandson of the automaker’s founder, has spoken out and called out fallacy of thinking that this is possible or desirable. [I must here disclose that I was a consultant for a Toyota company for several years, but that all my comments on the company here are based on publicly available information.]
According to this account in CarBuzz:
As the grandson of Toyota founder, Kiichiro Toyoda, the scion was raised surrounded by all aspects of the auto industry and his business acumen is second to none. So when he had some harsh words for electric vehicles at the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association end-of-year press conference last week, people took notice.

The Wall Street Journal was in attendance and noted the CEO's disdain for EVs boils down to his belief they'll ruin businesses, require massive investments, and even emit more carbon dioxide than combustion-engined vehicles. "The current business model of the car industry is going to collapse," he said. "The more EVs we build, the worse carbon dioxide gets… When politicians are out there saying, 'Let's get rid of all cars using gasoline,' do they understand this?"​
Studies detailing the carbon emissions necessary to manufacture an electric vehicle reveal that on a net basis, there are more emissions for vehicle bought and used for its expected lifetime, than would be generated by buying and using a conventional gasoline-powered vehicle.

Chevy going all electric by 2035, Ford investing 22 billion in electric vehicles. They wouldn't make those big investment if they didn't think the problems weren't mostly solved. This is the kind of progress that can be made when the Democrats contol the House, the Senate, the White House, and Pillows.
Electric vehicles will become the standard over the next 50 years or so. Will they completely replace the internal combustion engines? no.
50 years is a long time.

I think battery technology MIGHT catch up to the wish list of greenies by then

But you will still need the electricity to power those batteries and its far from clear where that comes from if not nuclear or fossil fuel energy

The trouble is that the wacko left are setting target dates in the 10-15 year timeframe
Electric vehicles will become the standard over the next 50 years or so. Will they completely replace the internal combustion engines? no.
Why do you go and make the Democrat's cry with such a post ?? LOL.

You're not carrying that water for them now ???
Electric vehicles will become the standard over the next 50 years or so. Will they completely replace the internal combustion engines? no.
50 years is a long time.

I think battery technology MIGHT catch up to the wish list of greenies by then

But you will still need the electricity to power those batteries and its far from clear where that comes from if not nuclear or fossil fuel energy

The trouble is that the wacko left are setting target dates in the 10-15 year timeframe
Couldn't agree more.

The left is brain dead when it comes to nuke energy and setting arbitrary dates that it has zero idea as to the accuracy.

I understand why they do both.

Nuke accidents are messy. So is burning coal. However, the US Navy has proven (and proves every day) that if you have competent, no-nonsense professionals running the reactors who are funded can run these things almost hazard free. If we were to marry the nuke power to the US Navy standards, there is no reason we couldn't have a largely nuclear power grid producing almost no greenhouse gas emissions. Yes there will be earthquakes and yes there is danger involved. If an earthquake hit at the wrong or most vulnerable spot...we could have an environmental catastrophe anyway so the argument about "what if" is valid but doesn't ratchet up because of nuke energy outside of the fact that there would be more plants.

Science (who are dubbed leftists because they work from the shoulders up) makes predictions because we have a society that demands short, easy to understand answers instead of the truth of "I don't know" or "It's impossible to tell."
Electric vehicles will become the standard over the next 50 years or so. Will they completely replace the internal combustion engines? no.
Why do you go and make the Democrat's cry with such a post ?? LOL.

You're not carrying that water for them now ???
Not sure why that makes democrats cry. We're moving away from fossil fuels. It is inevitable. Exxon may be the General Electric of the future.
Electric vehicles will become the standard over the next 50 years or so. Will they completely replace the internal combustion engines? no.
Why do you go and make the Democrat's cry with such a post ?? LOL.

You're not carrying that water for them now ???
Not sure why that makes democrats cry. We're moving away from fossil fuels. It is inevitable. Exxon may be the General Electric of the future.
Your last post contradicts this post by you, now do better. LOL
Electric vehicles will become the standard over the next 50 years or so. Will they completely replace the internal combustion engines? no.
50 years is a long time.

I think battery technology MIGHT catch up to the wish list of greenies by then

But you will still need the electricity to power those batteries and its far from clear where that comes from if not nuclear or fossil fuel energy

The trouble is that the wacko left are setting target dates in the 10-15 year timeframe

Are you calling General Motors and the Ford Motor Company part of the wacko left?
Are you calling General Motors and the Ford Motor Company part of the wacko left?
Oh, absolutely, big time. That's downtown Detroit. Totally sold out to the labor unions, UAW etc. Health and workman's compensation insurance on the job, defined benefit pension plan, government mandated airbags, seatbelt asshattery, ambulance response to the front lines at the factory, etc. etc.
Are you calling General Motors and the Ford Motor Company part of the wacko left?
Oh, absolutely, big time. That's downtown Detroit. Totally sold out to the labor unions, UAW etc. Health and workman's compensation insurance on the job, defined benefit pension plan, government mandated airbags, seatbelt asshattery, ambulance response to the front lines at the factory, etc. etc.

You realize ExxonMobil, as well as many other long time big corporations have the same or similar benefits for their workers too, don't you? Is ExxonMobil wacko left too?
Electric vehicles will become the standard over the next 50 years or so. Will they completely replace the internal combustion engines? no.
Why do you go and make the Democrat's cry with such a post ?? LOL.

You're not carrying that water for them now ???
Not sure why that makes democrats cry. We're moving away from fossil fuels. It is inevitable. Exxon may be the General Electric of the future.
Your last post contradicts this post by you, now do better. LOL
It does? elaborate.
You realize ExxonMobil, as well as many other long time big corporations have the same or similar benefits for their workers too, don't you? Is ExxonMobil wacko left too?
Absolutely. Just read some of the literature they put out. It's a company town, with "workers" who feel well represented by labor unions which are nothing more than an extension of corporate H.R. departments, and they're all devout believers in the company line, to boot.

A company that big WANTS more and more environmental and worker safety and compliance regulations to put their competitors put of business.

Stringent gun control laws and extended background checks are part and parcel of it.
Electric vehicles will become the standard over the next 50 years or so. Will they completely replace the internal combustion engines? no.
50 years is a long time.

I think battery technology MIGHT catch up to the wish list of greenies by then

But you will still need the electricity to power those batteries and its far from clear where that comes from if not nuclear or fossil fuel energy

The trouble is that the wacko left are setting target dates in the 10-15 year timeframe
Gee, which society was it that had 5-year, 10-year, 20-year, and when-heel-freezes-year plans?

The name escapes me......hmmmmmmm....
Electric vehicles will become the standard over the next 50 years or so. Will they completely replace the internal combustion engines? no.
50 years is a long time.

I think battery technology MIGHT catch up to the wish list of greenies by then

But you will still need the electricity to power those batteries and its far from clear where that comes from if not nuclear or fossil fuel energy

The trouble is that the wacko left are setting target dates in the 10-15 year timeframe
Gee, which society was it that had 5-year, 10-year, 20-year, and when-heel-freezes-year plans?

The name escapes me......hmmmmmmm....
It was the forward thinking liberal progressives in the soviet union

the mentors of todays progressives here in America
Chevy going all electric by 2035, Ford investing 22 billion in electric vehicles. They wouldn't make those big investment if they didn't think the problems weren't mostly solved. This is the kind of progress that can be made when the Democrats contol the House, the Senate, the White House, and Pillows.
They have no choice. East Asia is eating their lunch. Union people got greedy along with upper management back in the heyday. Along with car dealerships who forgot who the customer was after a vehicle was purchased and shady repair shops caused all of this. East Asia puts out a better quality automobile. and if it was not for the truck platform part of the auto industry, they would be out of business or close to it. You can thank Deplorables for keeping them in business. Getting screwed over after purchasing vehicle after vehicle while trying to buy American ended up being fruitless and more then that, a sucker for those who talked one way but purchased vehicles designed from outside the United States.
Electric vehicles will become the standard over the next 50 years or so. Will they completely replace the internal combustion engines? no.
Why do you go and make the Democrat's cry with such a post ?? LOL.

You're not carrying that water for them now ???
Not sure why that makes democrats cry. We're moving away from fossil fuels. It is inevitable. Exxon may be the General Electric of the future.
Your last post contradicts this post by you, now do better. LOL
It does? elaborate.
You're not illiterate, so I don't need to elaborate.

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