The battle for the soul of America.

In today's culture wars, the future of the republic itself is at stake.

Historically, US presidential elections were dominated by competing views on economic and social issues. No longer. This approaching election has increasingly been consumed by a cultural conflict, at the heart of which is a war over American history. But this is no mere disagreement over the precise details of what happened three or four centuries ago. It is a battle for the very soul of the United States.

When Biden wins we know conservatives won’t go away. Don’t worry you have the Supreme Court for a generation.

Next time don’t run a racist ignorant buffoon. Trump could have chose to unite us but that’s not his style. He thrives on confrontation.

The same way gore lost because people were sick of it, were already sick of trump. We know youlike him but he’s seriously flawed beyond overlooking it. You Republicans should be ashamed

Get your facts straight, before you jump into the deep end, and can’t get out again.

I’m a Monarchist, and am not ashamed.
I’m an atheist. Not ashamed

You need to have a conscience in order to be ashamed.
Why do you lack empathy?
You would have had a far better argument to note how offended many are to have to fund abortion with their taxes. In that case I would agree with you.
Like death, taxes are nothing personal. Not a valid premise for any argument beyond masochism.
You would have had a far better argument to note how offended many are to have to fund abortion with their taxes. In that case I would agree with you.
Like death, taxes are nothing personal. Not a valid premise for any argument beyond masochism.

Paying taxes is inevitable. Many of the things they are spent on do not have to be.
the fate of white America is at stake. the fate of black America is at stake

the fate of at stake!

Biden's role model is FDR

Trump's role Machiavelli

choose wisely
the soul of the nation is indeed on the line, but so is our character, our decency, our substance, our style, our temperament, and our values

Biden would be better on all those fronts except temperament
soul is the center of the life of humans. martyrs and heroes possess it, so do serial killers and hookers.

it is what makes, whether a truck driver in Michigan, a Congressman in Washington, or a hooker in Las Vegas

the dominant feature of the soul of America is the belief in the proposition that we can create a sphere where we live freely and ensure an equality of opportunity, hence our spirit of charity and love of fairness and fair play
soul is the center of the life of humans. martyrs and heroes possess it, so do serial killers and hookers.

it is what makes, whether a truck driver in Michigan, a Congressman in Washington, or a hooker in Las Vegas

the dominant feature of the soul of America is the belief in the proposition that we can create a sphere where we live freely and ensure an equality of opportunity, hence our spirit of charity and love of fairness and fair play
A myth, but a good one, far as myths go.
In today's culture wars, the future of the republic itself is at stake.
The Republic will remain, but under an improved organizational system.

Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the event is in the hand of God.
George Washington.
'Let us raise a standard'
The anecdote attributed to George Washington upon commencement of the Philadelphia Convention to deliberate the Constitution leads the members by impressing confidence in them that their final product will be corrected at some time in the future by a better informed society. The members of the convention recognized that they were relatively limited in their ability to compose a reliable organization of government, because they knew they did not have all of the information necessary for the task. Yet, they were keen enough to be able to detect flaws in any charter; as was demonstrated by the publication of the Federalist Papers, which hid the flaws of the Constitution from the public by suggesting that only nefarious persons would exploit the inadequacies that they were able to detect in its theoretical state, much less, in practical exercise of its ambiguous directive systems.

President Washington’s foresight demands an unavoidable event, and it is now, imminent. However, American rhetoric carelessly forgives the imperfect United States Constitution, because the citizens preserve a dogmatic love for the legends of the Revolution and prolific heroes of the founding era that prevents their ability to read beyond the suggestion of a more reliable organization of government, because they cannot comprehend the system immediately, and concede to the jealous fear mongers’ claims that the nefarious people, that the subsisting system breeds, are smarter than them and are going to commandeer the process, including the referendum necessary for adopting a new government.
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Asking a black man to pass by a statue honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery as he goes to the courthouse to pay his taxes is wrong.

Just because "historically" we did it does not make it right.


Along those same lines. . .

You could almost imagine being an educated pro-life pregnant woman having to walk past or drive past an abortion clinic on her way to her doctors office to safeguard her own pregnancy.

If that ever happened but it hasn't maybe but then again, we are not speaking private places.

Do you teach other leftardz about how to dodge points as well as you do?

I directly addressed your totally made up irrelevant point.


You dodged it by CALLING it made up and irrelevant.

It was made up. Pregnant women aren't at risk by walking by an abortion clinic and like I said, this argument is about something in the public square. Not something that a private business does.

You want to put a statue of Robert E Lee in the front window of your business, go for it.

Annnnd. . . . .

Blacks are not "at risk" by walking past an old statue to pay their fucking taxes, either.


You would have had a far better argument to note how offended many are to have to fund abortion with their taxes. In that case I would agree with you.
Either pay a little for the abortion or a lot for welfare over 18 years
In today's culture wars, the future of the republic itself is at stake.
The Republic will remain, but under an improved organizational system.

Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the event is in the hand of God.
George Washington.
'Let us raise a standard'
The anecdote attributed to George Washington upon commencement of the Philadelphia Convention to deliberate the Constitution leads the members by impressing confidence in them that their final product will be corrected at some time in the future by a better informed society. The members of the convention recognized that they were relatively limited in their ability to compose a reliable organization of government, because they knew they did not have all of the information necessary for the task. Yet, they were keen enough to be able to detect flaws in any charter; as was demonstrated by the publication of the Federalist Papers, which hid the flaws of the Constitution from the public by suggesting that only nefarious persons would exploit the inadequacies that they were able to detect in its theoretical state, much less, in practical exercise of its ambiguous directive systems.

President Washington’s foresight demands an unavoidable event, and it is now, imminent. However, American rhetoric carelessly forgives the imperfect United States Constitution, because the citizens preserve a dogmatic love for the legends of the Revolution and prolific heroes of the founding era that prevents their ability to read beyond the suggestion of a more reliable organization of government, because they cannot comprehend the system immediately, and concede to the jealous fear mongers’ claims that the nefarious people, that the subsisting system breeds, are smarter than them and are going to commandeer the process, including the referendum necessary for adopting a new government.

this spoke to me>>>

Let Us Raise A Standard To Which The Wise And The Honest Can Repair; the event is in the hand of God.
- George Washington

which echo's>

"America is better than any other country" - Sinclair Lewis

let's keep it that way by restoring the soul of america, my friends!
Asking a black man to pass by a statue honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery as he goes to the courthouse to pay his taxes is wrong.

Just because "historically" we did it does not make it right.


Along those same lines. . .

You could almost imagine being an educated pro-life pregnant woman having to walk past or drive past an abortion clinic on her way to her doctors office to safeguard her own pregnancy.

If that ever happened but it hasn't maybe but then again, we are not speaking private places.

Do you teach other leftardz about how to dodge points as well as you do?

I directly addressed your totally made up irrelevant point.


You dodged it by CALLING it made up and irrelevant.

It was made up. Pregnant women aren't at risk by walking by an abortion clinic and like I said, this argument is about something in the public square. Not something that a private business does.

You want to put a statue of Robert E Lee in the front window of your business, go for it.

Annnnd. . . . .

Blacks are not "at risk" by walking past an old statue to pay their fucking taxes, either.


You would have had a far better argument to note how offended many are to have to fund abortion with their taxes. In that case I would agree with you.
Either pay a little for the abortion or a lot for welfare over 18 years

I have long supported public assistance programs.
Asking a black man to pass by a statue honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery as he goes to the courthouse to pay his taxes is wrong.

Just because "historically" we did it does not make it right.

The primary purpose of statues is to note history, not necessarily to promote history.

The problem is, people tend to judge historical events by today’s context.

I wonder how we will be viewed 200 years from now. Horrendous activities still going on in the present day.

Organised pedophilia in Great Britain, slavery ongoing in Africa, for starters.
The current times, domestically and globally, will be viewed by future historians ( assisted by AI), as continuation of the "US versus Them" pack mentality for power that has been around for two million years. There are the obvious, continual clashes among religious and political factions, but there are many other "packs" of various sizes in which we humans align and will fight tooth and nail (sometimes literally as we're seeing) to defend that pack. Although the surge in technology is advancing exponentially (last I checked the rate is comparative in time to going back 40 years from today to see how far we'll be in just 5 years) it appears that keeping up ethically is a struggle. Your question is something I think about will the people of the future view the current times? We are still using primitive warfare just like humans did to survive during the hunting/gathering days (2 million years ago). The concept of selective kindness worked best for these tribes, where it increased one's survival rate to bond with a certain number, work together against potential life threats as a whole. Imagine being a "nice" tribe coming upon a "mean" one...back in those days it was a matter of life and death and the largest sticks/larger tribes won. Now, imagine two tribes coming upon each other who were both violent-no winners there. Imagine next two tribes, honoring others (elderly, handicapped, all others even outside one's own tribe) and being nice to everyone in which they came into contact. Well, this didn't happen much during those days but for the sake of my story, they would have lived peacefully in harmony at least until an aggressive, outside tribe took over the whole area. ALERT: upcoming run-on on steroids-you've been warned;) Until mankind gives up its "big sticks" (at this point it's mostly about which country has the most and farthest reaching nuclear missiles/warheads, although technology will "achieve" new and improved weaponry) places human greed and the quest for power aside, evolves from tribal mentality of "US versus Them", things will "progress" as a snail's pace toward enlightened higher level thinking to actually solve problems and not care about "who gets credit", who got more out of the deal, or who didn't do their fair share. We humans are pretty screwed up just because of our basic programming that was needed at one time for survival. Btw- I cannot claim these are my own thoughts, as I am an avid reader of Check it out, I think you'll find it worth your time since you've posed such a big picture question:)
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