The battle for the soul of America.

Asking a black man to pass by a statue honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery as he goes to the courthouse to pay his taxes is wrong.

Just because "historically" we did it does not make it right.

It's fascinating that you think you are qualified to sit in judgement of such matters.

That's not the argument? I just made this all up?

We might say that about any woman passing by a statue of any man who lived before the 1980's. Women have been traditionally oppressed by males.

Then I will argue we need to consider their positions.

The Irish

The Chinese


All have had to go through a period of oppression and assimilation.

What about men who cheated on their wives ? There goes MLK.

Make your argument.

None of your quotes make any sense.

Why don't you try to be a little more clear.

The point is that we can honor lots of people who were not perfect.

If you want only saints, we should just declare no statues.

I was very clear. You simply can't address my point.

No, you were not clear.

And I put out a clear point of my own.

If we only want saints, we should say so (and pretty much get rid of all statues).

Then we should outlaw dust and dirt.

I said that if you have a problem with a statue make it. I made the complaints of others and you have not addressed it outside of "too bad".

I don't have a problem with a statue.

I simply said that if we apply your standard to all statues we would not have any.
Who knows what Africa might be like today if all the other countries hadn't raped it of so much of it's wealth.
So your hate for whites extends to all the european countries that colonized africa?

lets limit the discussion to America if we can

without slavery being legal in the America’s 400 years ago very few black people would be United States citizens today

And that would be bad luck for them
Asking a black man to pass by a statue honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery as he goes to the courthouse to pay his taxes is wrong.

Just because "historically" we did it does not make it right.

It's fascinating that you think you are qualified to sit in judgement of such matters.

That's not the argument? I just made this all up?

We might say that about any woman passing by a statue of any man who lived before the 1980's. Women have been traditionally oppressed by males.

Then I will argue we need to consider their positions.

The Irish

The Chinese


All have had to go through a period of oppression and assimilation.

What about men who cheated on their wives ? There goes MLK.

Make your argument.

None of your quotes make any sense.

Why don't you try to be a little more clear.

The point is that we can honor lots of people who were not perfect.

If you want only saints, we should just declare no statues.

I was very clear. You simply can't address my point.

No, you were not clear.

And I put out a clear point of my own.

If we only want saints, we should say so (and pretty much get rid of all statues).

Then we should outlaw dust and dirt.

I said that if you have a problem with a statue make it. I made the complaints of others and you have not addressed it outside of "too bad".

I don't have a problem with a statue.

I simply said that if we apply your standard to all statues we would not have any.

Argue that. I understand the complaints of others. They are quite valid.
Who knows what Africa might be like today if all the other countries hadn't raped it of so much of it's wealth.
So your hate for whites extends to all the european countries that colonized africa?

I've covered this already. If you want to address what I said, great. If you wish to create arguments for me, I'm not interested.

lets limit the discussion to America if we can

I'm not the one that brought Africa up. If you ask me a question don't get mad when I answer it.

without slavery being legal in the America’s 400 years ago very few black people would be United States citizens today

And that would be bad luck for them

A vast generalization based upon your bigotry IMO.
A vast generalization based upon your bigotry IMO.
Its not a generalization

without slavery very few black people would live in America

Maybe, maybe not. Believe it or not blacks know how to get on a ship just like Italians or Germans or anyone else does.

You keep right on arguing the benefits of slavery though.
Maybe, maybe not. Believe it or not blacks know how to get on a ship just like Italians or Germans or anyone else does.
They didnt get on ships like germans and italians

after slavery was abolished in 1865 black african immigration to America was non existent for over 100 years
In today's culture wars, the future of the republic itself is at stake.

Historically, US presidential elections were dominated by competing views on economic and social issues. No longer. This approaching election has increasingly been consumed by a cultural conflict, at the heart of which is a war over American history. But this is no mere disagreement over the precise details of what happened three or four centuries ago. It is a battle for the very soul of the United States.

When Biden wins we know conservatives won’t go away. Don’t worry you have the Supreme Court for a generation.

Next time don’t run a racist ignorant buffoon. Trump could have chose to unite us but that’s not his style. He thrives on confrontation.

The same way gore lost because people were sick of it, were already sick of trump. We know youlike him but he’s seriously flawed beyond overlooking it. You Republicans should be ashamed
I'm not the one that brought Africa up. If you ask me a question don't get mad when I answer it.
The discussion was africa in relation to America, not England. France

I answered your question. You didn't like my factual answer and that made you all pissy. If you don't want me to answer your questions, don't ask them.
I answered your question. You didn't like my factual answer and that made you all pissy.
Not really

you fanaticized about how history would change if there had been no european colonization of africa

thats the kind of idle daydreaming that accomplishes nothing
Maybe, maybe not. Believe it or not blacks know how to get on a ship just like Italians or Germans or anyone else does.
They didnt get on ships like germans and italians

after slavery was abolished in 1865 black african immigration to America was non existent for over 100 years

It wasn't non existent but one could imagine why at that point they wouldn't want to come here.

During the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries, many thousands of Africans were forcibly brought to what is now the United States. Since the early twentieth century, it appears that more Africans have immigrated voluntarily than all those who had been brought earlier as slaves. Many have come as students to attend American schools. Others have been refugees fleeing repressive regimes, persecution, natural disasters, and harsh economic conditions in their home countries.
African immigration intensified after World War II, and an even more significant flow began during the 1970’s, after the American Civil Rights movement improved conditions in America for people of color.

African immigrants
I answered your question. You didn't like my factual answer and that made you all pissy.
Not really

you fanaticized about how history would change if there had been no european colonization of africa

thats the kind of idle daydreaming that accomplishes nothing

No, I said if other countries hadn't raped the country of much of it's wealth.

Report: Tens of Billions of Dollars Stolen Annually from Africa
Africa isn't a country, Genius.
I answered your question. You didn't like my factual answer and that made you all pissy.
Not really

you fanaticized about how history would change if there had been no european colonization of africa

thats the kind of idle daydreaming that accomplishes nothing

No, I said if other countries hadn't raped the country of much of it's wealth.

Report: Tens of Billions of Dollars Stolen Annually from Africa
Africa isn't a country, Genius.

OK but point still stands.
In today's culture wars, the future of the republic itself is at stake.

Historically, US presidential elections were dominated by competing views on economic and social issues. No longer. This approaching election has increasingly been consumed by a cultural conflict, at the heart of which is a war over American history. But this is no mere disagreement over the precise details of what happened three or four centuries ago. It is a battle for the very soul of the United States.

When Biden wins we know conservatives won’t go away. Don’t worry you have the Supreme Court for a generation.

Next time don’t run a racist ignorant buffoon. Trump could have chose to unite us but that’s not his style. He thrives on confrontation.

The same way gore lost because people were sick of it, were already sick of trump. We know youlike him but he’s seriously flawed beyond overlooking it. You Republicans should be ashamed

Get your facts straight, before you jump into the deep end, and can’t get out again.

I’m a Monarchist, and am not ashamed.
Maybe, maybe not. Believe it or not blacks know how to get on a ship just like Italians or Germans or anyone else does.
They didnt get on ships like germans and italians

after slavery was abolished in 1865 black african immigration to America was non existent for over 100 years

It wasn't non existent but one could imagine why at that point they wouldn't want to come here.

During the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries, many thousands of Africans were forcibly brought to what is now the United States. Since the early twentieth century, it appears that more Africans have immigrated voluntarily than all those who had been brought earlier as slaves. Many have come as students to attend American schools. Others have been refugees fleeing repressive regimes, persecution, natural disasters, and harsh economic conditions in their home countries.
African immigration intensified after World War II, and an even more significant flow began during the 1970’s, after the American Civil Rights movement improved conditions in America for people of color.

African immigrants
From your link:

Many early African immigrants came to the United States as students during the early 1920’s.

how many?

the number of african college students in 1920 cant be very high compared to the flood of immigrants from europe and japan/china

in fact your source jumps all the way up to the 1970’s before offering a number such as 70,000 over a couple of decades

Big deal

I grant you that barack obama might still be here since his african father was in America to sire him

but dont bet money on michelle who comes straight from the slave side of history

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