The Benghazi "scandal" versus the 9-11 "scandal"

The main point of the Benghazi scandal is the administration tried to sell the American people a story that the attack was the result of an offensive video and not a terrorist attack. You can find reason to fault both the Bush and Obama administrations for things leading up to the respective attacks but the Bush administration never tried to claim 9-11 was anything other than a terrorist attack.
they were too busy planning the disastrous occupation of iraq to care. See how that works? - O'Neill: Bush planned Iraq invasion before 9/11 - Jan. 14, 2004
Yeah the Treasury Secretary would know all about war plans and of course someone who was asked to resign by the Whitehouse wouldn't have an axe to grind.
He was in the cabinet. Are you implying that he had zero knowledge of what the guy he was working for was planning? Stop playing dumb
Are you saying every cabinet memeber is in every meeting? Stop being the dumb partisan.
I don't even know why I bother reading your posts chickenhawk.
Funny I could say the same thing about yours Dotlooney.
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Much like how Hillary claimed that a bunch of protestors who happened to be carrying RPGs and mortars went a little crazy at the US compound in Libya on 9/11/12, liberals also believe that on 9/11/01 several terrorists woke up with the same idea to hijack planes and use them as weapons to attack the US...without any planning.

That's because Liberals are STUPID.

The FACT is that the planning for 9/11/01 occurred during Clinton's administration, while Slick Willy was becoming the 1st sitting President to be dragged into court - for sexual harassment, while he was busy playing 'Hide the Cigar', while he was denying he had sexual relations with 'that woman', and while he was busy being Impeached.

No wonder why he never saw 9/11/01 coming...or wondered why Muslims were learning how to FLY 747s but didn't want to know how to LAND them on his watch.

As far as 9/11/12, Willy's wife helped drag the US into a personal, un-sanctioned war to help her and Barry's new allies - Al Qaeida - overthrow a dictator and take over their own country....while declaring to the world Al Qaeida was on the run and the war on terror was over.

In the end, Hillary and Barry's new allies attacked a US compound, killed 4 Americans - to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years, and tried to kill the other Americans as well. It was Qaddafi's ex military - who Hillary and Barry called our enemy - who stepped in and rescued Americans from Hillary/Obama-backed Al Qaeida terrorists, preventing the slaughter of all Americans that were at the compound.
no link. Figures shit stain. You are an embarrassment to the board. Be proud.
Link? Try every link to the Report already posted. With all of them that have been posted you really need another one? Not that you would read it anyway - no matter what the link was you, as a liberal, would just declare it wasn't valid because you said so and then refuse to read it as always.

Embarassment? Dude, look in the mirror...then stop wadting everyone's time posting comments that add nothing to the discussion ... like this one.
Fact: E-mails were released. They were practically begging the Clinton State Department for more security in Benghazi for months.
Much like how Hillary claimed that a bunch of protestors who happened to be carrying RPGs and mortars went a little crazy at the US compound in Libya on 9/11/12, liberals also believe that on 9/11/01 several terrorists woke up with the same idea to hijack planes and use them as weapons to attack the US...without any planning.

That's because Liberals are STUPID.

The FACT is that the planning for 9/11/01 occurred during Clinton's administration, while Slick Willy was becoming the 1st sitting President to be dragged into court - for sexual harassment, while he was busy playing 'Hide the Cigar', while he was denying he had sexual relations with 'that woman', and while he was busy being Impeached.

No wonder why he never saw 9/11/01 coming...or wondered why Muslims were learning how to FLY 747s but didn't want to know how to LAND them on his watch.

As far as 9/11/12, Willy's wife helped drag the US into a personal, un-sanctioned war to help her and Barry's new allies - Al Qaeida - overthrow a dictator and take over their own country....while declaring to the world Al Qaeida was on the run and the war on terror was over.

In the end, Hillary and Barry's new allies attacked a US compound, killed 4 Americans - to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years, and tried to kill the other Americans as well. It was Qaddafi's ex military - who Hillary and Barry called our enemy - who stepped in and rescued Americans from Hillary/Obama-backed Al Qaeida terrorists, preventing the slaughter of all Americans that were at the compound.
no link. Figures shit stain. You are an embarrassment to the board. Be proud.
Link? Try every link to the Report already posted. With all of them that have been posted you really need another one? Not that you would read it anyway - no matter what the link was you, as a liberal, would just declare it wasn't valid because you said so and then refuse to read it as always.

Embarassment? Dude, look in the mirror...then stop wadting everyone's time posting comments that add nothing to the discussion ... like this one.

Your tongue wrangling your way out of scholastic laziness is nothing if not predictable kid.

gawd but you're a steaming pile
Your tongue wrangling your way out of scholastic laziness is nothing if not predictable kid.
Laziness? There's a dozen links in multiple threads on what you are asking for, and you don't want to move your fingers a few times to find them - you instead want someone to post them in front of your face...again. :p You're funny!
Of course, the above 3 posts have NOTHING to do with the intent of the O/P.....Oh well.....

And the intent was??????????????

Show that Obama is as inept as Bush? That can't be it since Bush had little to nothing to do with 9/11.
I got to hand it to the democrats. They have once again muddied the waters. By first releasing their sanitized version they got out in front of the actual report. Which of course they will now ignore and just cite the sanitized report. Really, quite impressive how the democrats use propaganda.
And the intent was??????????????

Show that Obama is as inept as Bush? That can't be it since Bush had little to nothing to do with 9/11.

True, Bush was (and is) too dumb to have known what was going on within his own administration....Cheney, on the other hand..........
Your tongue wrangling your way out of scholastic laziness is nothing if not predictable kid.
Laziness? There's a dozen links in multiple threads on what you are asking for, and you don't want to move your fingers a few times to find them - you instead want someone to post them in front of your face...again. :p You're funny!
says the male version of LadyGunSlinger. You're trying too hard kid.
I got to hand it to the democrats. They have once again muddied the waters. By first releasing their sanitized version they got out in front of the actual report. Which of course they will now ignore and just site the sanitized report. Really, quite impressive how the democrats use propaganda.

Oh. sorry there moron.......Too bad that the report does not have indictable charges of expected.
And the intent was??????????????

Show that Obama is as inept as Bush? That can't be it since Bush had little to nothing to do with 9/11.

True, Bush was (and is) too dumb to have known what was going on within his own administration....Cheney, on the other hand..........

Gosh did the price of tin foil stock just go up?
I got to hand it to the democrats. They have once again muddied the waters. By first releasing their sanitized version they got out in front of the actual report. Which of course they will now ignore and just site the sanitized report. Really, quite impressive how the democrats use propaganda.

Oh. sorry there moron.......Too bad that the report does not have indictable charges of expected.

Who expected indictable charges? Name the persons. I certainly didn't.

So it comes down to the intent of the OP was to show you are a classic democrat apologist. Devoid of honesty. You post BS and expect that BS to become gospel.
So for you political correctness is more important than safety of our personnel. Got it.
Read the report.
it was found and many admitted that there was a concern that the Libyans would be insulted by a stronger presence of security.
They were more concerned with the optics than they were with the security of Americans.

So, let me get this straight...........

We should NOT be concerned with how Libyans might be insulted....even though we are sending a diplomatic corps WITHIN Libya.........and as a follow up, did Clinton ORDER Stevens to go to Benghazi....or did Stevens make his own choice to go where there were already reports of rioting within that city. (Since you read the report, tell me if such an ORDER was give.)

Finally, again since you read the report........IS THERE, within that report ANY direct indictable accusation made against Hillary Clinton????
since Bush had little to nothing to do with 9/11.

Ii was perhaps the most famous presidential briefing in history.

On Aug. 6, 2001, President George W. Bush received a classified reviewof the threats posed by Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network, Al Qaeda. That morning’s “presidential daily brief” — the top-secret document prepared by America’s intelligence agencies — featured the now-infamous heading: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” A few weeks later, on 9/11, Al Qaeda accomplished that goal.
So for you political correctness is more important than safety of our personnel. Got it.

So, moron.....We are "guests" in another country that clearly does NOT like us too much and because we can, we should just invade that country whenever we feel like it???

It is fucked up yours....that get us into wars and prompt hatred toward us.
Your tongue wrangling your way out of scholastic laziness is nothing if not predictable kid.
Laziness? There's a dozen links in multiple threads on what you are asking for, and you don't want to move your fingers a few times to find them - you instead want someone to post them in front of your face...again. :p You're funny!
says the male version of LadyGunSlinger. You're trying too hard kid.


Lazy people who add nothing to the conversation, such as yourself, are a waste of my time. Have a great day.
So, moron.....We are "guests" in another country that clearly does NOT like us too much and because we can, we should just invade that country whenever we feel like it???.

Wow, that seems so 'convincing'...until you apply it to other FACTS like how Obama flies his personal drone army across borders without approval to kill 'perpetrators of workplace violence' all the time or how he gave no thought of informing Pakistan we were sending in a team of Spec Ops guys to take down UBL without their approval.

It seems that concern for other people's / nation's approval is dependent on Obama's mood and what is important to him at the time. At the time, obviously, saving American lives in Benghazi wasn't that important.
Wow, that seems so 'convincing'...until you apply it to other FACTS like how Obama flies his personal drone army across borders without approval to kill 'perpetrators of workplace violence' all the time or how he gave no thought of informing Pakistan we were sending in a team of Spec Ops guys to take down UBL without their approval.

It seems that concern for other people's / nation's approval is dependent on Obama's mood and what is important to him at the time. At the time, obviously, saving American lives in Benghazi wasn't that important

You see, nitwit......You, with your biases, seem to "think" that my statement was a "defense" of Obama.....

Where in this thread has ANYONE from the left mentioned whether Obama has been right or wrong about the drone attacks....or our clandestine operation into Pakistan??

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