The Benghazi "scandal" versus the 9-11 "scandal"

The Benghazi thing is not comparable to 9/11. It is, however, comparable to all the attacks on our other diplomatic missions while Bush was President.

12 attacks on our diplomatic missions in the 8 years of Bush. That's more than one a year.

60 people killed.

Remember how Fox News and Breitbart and WND and Rush and Hannity went batshit crazy over each one?

Me neither.
You do realize that Clinton was advised of the hijackers, their involvement in Al Qaeda and their intent to strike within the U.S.?

Which knowledge....according to morons......the Clinton kept secret??

GWB had been president for 8 full months and then there's that neglected memo that we all know about.
Can you show us the video of the "757" hitting the Pentagon?

I tried, and all I could find was a cruise missile hitting the Pentagon on 911, not a plane...
You must be so much smarter than all those military people in the Pentagon. The extraterrestrial Jews managed to slip a cruise missile right up their asses without a single one of them noticing it was a cruise missile! They all thought it was a plane!

Boy, doze milterry people shur r dum!!

And, of course, all those people on Flight 77 which disappeared, they were hustled off to Disneyland and told to keep quiet.

"Shhhh! Or no cotton candy!"
And wasn't Bin Laden involved n t he first WTC attack, you know, under Clinton?

there is no evidence that BINNY was involved in that one-----
that one was done by one SHAYKH ABDEL RAHMAN----
and his gang of shit. He is in prison now------luxury style---
a medical facility costing the USA a fortune to keep it the pile of scum alive

You are correct.
And wasn't Bin Laden involved n t he first WTC attack, you know, under Clinton?

Tell me if you OBL's name on these facts and timeline....and tell me what Bill Clinton and FBI and DOJ did wrong.

February 28, 1993 - The FBI confirms that a bomb caused the explosion. In the wreckage, federal agents find shattered van parts with a vehicle identification number.

March 4, 1993 - Mohammad Salameh is arrested after he claims a refund on a rented van authorities believe carried the explosives.

March 5, 1993 - Authorities seize bomb-making chemicals at a shed Salameh had rented.

March 10, 1993 - Nidal Ayyad is arrested at home in New Jersey.

March 18, 1993 - Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman denies involvement in the bombing. Rahman is an Egyptian cleric who emigrated to the United States. Some of the 1993 bombing suspects frequented the New Jersey mosque where he preached.

March 24, 1993 - Mahmud Abouhalima is arrested in Egypt and extradited to the U.S.

May 6, 1993 - Ahmad Ajaj becomes the sixth person charged in the bombing.

August 25, 1993 - Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman is indicted for involvement in a large terrorist plot that includes the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

October 4, 1993 - Trial opens for four of the defendants: Mohammed Salameh, Nidal Ayyad, Mahmud Abouhalima, and Ahmad Ajaj.

March 4, 1994 - Four defendants, Mohammed Salameh, Nidal Ayyad, Mahmud Abouhalima, and Ahmad Ajaj,are convicted. They are sentenced to prison terms of 240 years each. In 1998, the sentences are vacated. In 1999, the men are re-sentenced to terms of more than 100 years.

February 7, 1995 - Suspected WTC bombing mastermind Ramzi Ahmed Yousef is captured abroad by the FBI and State Department.

October 1995 - Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman is convicted of seditious conspiracy and sentenced to life in prison.

January 8, 1998 - After being convicted, Ramzi Yousef is sentenced to 240 years in prison for his role in organizing the bombing. "I am a terrorist and proud of it," he tells the court.

April 3, 1998 - Eyad Ismoil is sentenced to 240 years. Ismoil drove the van loaded with a homemade bomb into the World Trade Center.

August 4, 1998 - A federal appeals court upholds the 1994 convictions of four men convicted in the bombing but orders them to be re-sentenced because they did not have lawyers when they were originally sentenced.

August 6, 2001 - A federal appeals panel upholds the sentences of the four men who had been convicted.

April 4, 2005 - The U.S. State Department announces that it is offering a reward of up to $5 million for information leading to the arrest and conviction of Abdul Rahman Yasin, who is still at large.
And wasn't Bin Laden involved n t he first WTC attack, you know, under Clinton?

there is no evidence that BINNY was involved in that one-----
that one was done by one SHAYKH ABDEL RAHMAN----
and his gang of shit. He is in prison now------luxury style---
a medical facility costing the USA a fortune to keep it the pile of scum alive

You are correct.

thanks soggy. I do not like that "person"----the pig is severely diabetic--------and something like approaching 80-----he has the diabetes type one version and somehow that which kills other people at a young age has not yet done it to him-----the pig lives on at great cost------he gets constant professional care. It ain't easy and it ain't "cheap" He is actually a MASS MURDERER----have been involved in other acts of terrorism and the LEADER of a whole band of thugs
Can you show us the video of the "757" hitting the Pentagon?

I tried, and all I could find was a cruise missile hitting the Pentagon on 911, not a plane...
Several times a day, people on this forum say some really stupid shit. And sometimes, a person will say something so stupid it actually sticks out prominently from all the other stupid shit.

And then...and then there are people who say something so unbelievably stupid it actually induces random spontaneous laughing fits in me for hours on end. I'll be eating dinner a few hours later, and then I will find myself busting out laughing as the idiocy refuses to stay down.

22,000 people in the Pentagon that day, and not one of them recognized a cruise missile strike.

Oh, man, This one might have me laughing all through the Fourth of July weekend. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Right wingers are well-known for both their selective and/or very limited memory span....

Were mistakes made by the state dept. regarding Benghazi??? Without doubt (including the horrible choice made by Stevens to leave the relative safety of Tripoli and go to Benghazi with little protection.)

To think that Hillary Clinton (for whom I'm no big fan) PURPOSEFULLY neglected her duties is downright stupid and everyone should know that to give an order to send the military to protect the ambassador takes no more effort than to pick up the telephone.

Equally important is the tragedy on 9-11 and the poor and culpable neglect exercised by the GWB administration on that dreadful day of carnage.

If right wingers "think" that the Benghazi scandal is enough to get their clown into the WH, they're more delusional than their current typical and constant misjudgment.
or vietraq for that matter where repubs jumped at the chance to send other people's kids to their deaths to prove some kind of a point. :dunno:

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Right wingers are well-known for both their selective and/or very limited memory span....

Were mistakes made by the state dept. regarding Benghazi??? Without doubt (including the horrible choice made by Stevens to leave the relative safety of Tripoli and go to Benghazi with little protection.)

To think that Hillary Clinton (for whom I'm no big fan) PURPOSEFULLY neglected her duties is downright stupid and everyone should know that to give an order to send the military to protect the ambassador takes no more effort than to pick up the telephone.

Equally important is the tragedy on 9-11 and the poor and culpable neglect exercised by the GWB administration on that dreadful day of carnage.

If right wingers "think" that the Benghazi scandal is enough to get their clown into the WH, they're more delusional than their current typical and constant misjudgment.
or vietraq for that matter where repubs jumped at the chance to send other people's kids to their death to prove a point.
LBJ and the supermajority Democratic House and Senate are now retroactively Republican?

When was this announced? I missed the memo.
Right wingers are well-known for both their selective and/or very limited memory span....

Were mistakes made by the state dept. regarding Benghazi??? Without doubt (including the horrible choice made by Stevens to leave the relative safety of Tripoli and go to Benghazi with little protection.)

To think that Hillary Clinton (for whom I'm no big fan) PURPOSEFULLY neglected her duties is downright stupid and everyone should know that to give an order to send the military to protect the ambassador takes no more effort than to pick up the telephone.

Equally important is the tragedy on 9-11 and the poor and culpable neglect exercised by the GWB administration on that dreadful day of carnage.

If right wingers "think" that the Benghazi scandal is enough to get their clown into the WH, they're more delusional than their current typical and constant misjudgment.
or vietraq for that matter where repubs jumped at the chance to send other people's kids to their death to prove a point.
LBJ and the supermajority Democratic Congress are now retroactively Republican?

When was this announced? I missed the memo.
I said "vietraq". Reading is not your strong suit I see. Very well. As you were.
Right wingers are well-known for both their selective and/or very limited memory span....

Were mistakes made by the state dept. regarding Benghazi??? Without doubt (including the horrible choice made by Stevens to leave the relative safety of Tripoli and go to Benghazi with little protection.)

To think that Hillary Clinton (for whom I'm no big fan) PURPOSEFULLY neglected her duties is downright stupid and everyone should know that to give an order to send the military to protect the ambassador takes no more effort than to pick up the telephone.

Equally important is the tragedy on 9-11 and the poor and culpable neglect exercised by the GWB administration on that dreadful day of carnage.

If right wingers "think" that the Benghazi scandal is enough to get their clown into the WH, they're more delusional than their current typical and constant misjudgment.
or vietraq for that matter where repubs jumped at the chance to send other people's kids to their death to prove a point.
LBJ and the supermajority Democratic Congress are now retroactively Republican?

When was this announced? I missed the memo.
I said "vietraq". Reading is not your strong suit I see. Very well. As you were.
Yes, attempting to conflate Viet Nam with Iraq. I saw what you did there, and felt it necessary to point it out.
I had to put a semi-friend on ignore because of his rw hack obsession w/ Benghazi and not a peep from him about iraq or 9-11. Chutzpah, google it

To think that Hillary Clinton (for whom I'm no big fan) PURPOSEFULLY neglected her duties is downright stupid

No, you have it wrong. Her incompetency, corruption and dishonesty are all well documented.

It is stupid to ignore it like all you Moon Bats are doing. It is like you are impervious to her record.
o, you have it wrong. Her incompetency, corruption and dishonesty are all well documented.

It is stupid to ignore it like all you Moon Bats are doing. It is like you are impervious to her record.

See, you actually INSIST in showing your stupidity......You accuse Hillary of incompetency, corruption and dishonesty.........That may well be but LINK it to the Benghazi scandal:

1. Was she incompetent? ....Keep in mind that its little to no skin off her nose to order the entire fucking air force to bomb Benghazi.
2. Was she corrupt?..........I'd be real happy to learn from you if Hillary got paid to send those 4 to their deaths.
3. Was sh dishonest?.......Now your ilk will go to the administration first blaming the video......and, of course, you'd be wrong since from the BEGINNING of the Benghazi attack it DID seem that the deadly riot was due to the video.
That assertion was soon corrected... can go back and openly state.....but, But, BUT I STILL hate Hillary....and that would be OK...but for partisan reasons and NOT because of Benghazi.

And on the above account....I simply "love" when right wingers show their imbecility when they state that Saddam simply sent those WMDs to Syria.....As if the guy turned nice and didn't want to use them....

I've come up with an analogy on that score:

Picture someone breaking into your house with clear intent to kill you...What do you do?
Well, you run to your bedroom and grab your trusty gun, and..........
You throw the gun into your neighbor's yard....
Those THAT make sense???

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