The Best NRA Ad Of All Time!

No, this ad is not a good idea.
Why not? It's politics, a little more heated than before but both sides are ramping up the rhetoric. It won't surprise me if we (generally speaking) have to deal with serious spasmodic acts of violence from both sides but sometimes that's what it takes to restore some semblance of rationality and reason as innocents suffer the righteous wrath of those who are not righteous by any stretch of the imagination. Sometimes extreme acts of violence shock us back to sanity.
I'm not saying this is what I want to have happen, simply pointing out human patterns and human behavior mechanisms.
Charleston? New Town? Blacksburg? Aurora? Littleton?

None of these moved the needle.
What are you talking about and what does that have to do with what is happening now? :dunno:
There have been senseless examples of violence carried out against the innocent. Even when the violence has a political, if not insane, motivation (e.g. the Comgressional baseball shootings), there is initial outrage, but even the President of the United States soon forgets his own call for greater bipartisan cooperation.

It seems we have a higher tolerance for violence than is for our own good.
I'm looking at the current political fracturing and very heightened partisanship and associating it historically, socially and psychologically based on known past human patterns/responses. What matters today is the widening political gulf and what most likely will happen before some degree of sanity is restored.
The current political discord is amplified by the tool we are using right now. The internet has fostered news without sources, political opinion without insight, argument without resolution and monologue without consequence.

People seem to flock to information for validation not knowledge. Whatever views they agree with are granted credibility and whatever views they disagree with are marked as heresy. All this amounts to is deeper and deeper divisions.

I blame the insular nature of today's communication. If we ever are to truly unite, we first have to become more critical thinkers, more cosmopolitan in our outlook and more willing to listen rather than bloviate.

Look to 1968 through 1970 for a paradigm of political crisis. Cops were rioring I never Chicago cracking skulls and tear gassing. National Guardsmen were shooting live ammunition ATM college kids in Ohio. The nation was unraveling.

And yet, after the meat grinder of Vietnam and the criminality of Watergate, we managed somehow to survive.

You really have to be fucked in the head if you believe that is the message. What sort of lunatics think like that? Oh yeah, Democrats do. Democrats are the ones trying to murder people because of their political beliefs. First Dallas and now Virginia.

Both done by lawful gun owners standing up to a government that is persecuting them.

They did exactly what the NRA says you should do .

I was crystal clear .

I love the gun nuts who talk about "lawful gun owners " and then the kill people as y'all wipe your hands clean. They are lawful owners , until they ain't ! How convenient!

Ya done fell down the well again, toad.

You really have to be fucked in the head if you believe that is the message. What sort of lunatics think like that? Oh yeah, Democrats do. Democrats are the ones trying to murder people because of their political beliefs. First Dallas and now Virginia.

Both done by lawful gun owners standing up to a government that is persecuting them.

They did exactly what the NRA says you should do .

LOL the NRA arent even as militant as yall make em out to be.....if you think there bad, Im a three percenter,you would crap yourself if you knew about us.

Yes or no . One of the pro gun talking points is that you need a gun to keep the govt in check.

You really have to be fucked in the head if you believe that is the message. What sort of lunatics think like that? Oh yeah, Democrats do. Democrats are the ones trying to murder people because of their political beliefs. First Dallas and now Virginia.

Both done by lawful gun owners standing up to a government that is persecuting them.

They did exactly what the NRA says you should do .

LOL the NRA arent even as militant as yall make em out to be.....if you think there bad, Im a three percenter,you would crap yourself if you knew about us.

Yes or no . One of the pro gun talking points is that you need a gun to keep the govt in check.
no, its not a talking point...the authors of the second amendment actually SAID that was one of the reasons

You really have to be fucked in the head if you believe that is the message. What sort of lunatics think like that? Oh yeah, Democrats do. Democrats are the ones trying to murder people because of their political beliefs. First Dallas and now Virginia.

Both done by lawful gun owners standing up to a government that is persecuting them.

They did exactly what the NRA says you should do .

LOL the NRA arent even as militant as yall make em out to be.....if you think there bad, Im a three percenter,you would crap yourself if you knew about us.

Yes or no . One of the pro gun talking points is that you need a gun to keep the govt in check.
no, its not a talking point...the authors of the second amendment actually SAID that was one of the reasons
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
any gun grabbers wanna talk about the original reason for gun control?

You really have to be fucked in the head if you believe that is the message. What sort of lunatics think like that? Oh yeah, Democrats do. Democrats are the ones trying to murder people because of their political beliefs. First Dallas and now Virginia.

Both done by lawful gun owners standing up to a government that is persecuting them.

They did exactly what the NRA says you should do .

LOL the NRA arent even as militant as yall make em out to be.....if you think there bad, Im a three percenter,you would crap yourself if you knew about us.

Yes or no . One of the pro gun talking points is that you need a gun to keep the govt in check.
no, its not a talking point...the authors of the second amendment actually SAID that was one of the reasons

Great, I will wait for you to provide some quotes about that because it doesn't make sense considering the Article III section 3 of the US Constitution.
You really have to be fucked in the head if you believe that is the message. What sort of lunatics think like that? Oh yeah, Democrats do. Democrats are the ones trying to murder people because of their political beliefs. First Dallas and now Virginia.

Both done by lawful gun owners standing up to a government that is persecuting them.

They did exactly what the NRA says you should do .

LOL the NRA arent even as militant as yall make em out to be.....if you think there bad, Im a three percenter,you would crap yourself if you knew about us.

Yes or no . One of the pro gun talking points is that you need a gun to keep the govt in check.
no, its not a talking point...the authors of the second amendment actually SAID that was one of the reasons
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Ah yes, Thomas Jefferson. He called that MANURE, and in the very same letter proclaimed the people IGNORANT. So you go ahead and run with that, IGNORANT MANURE.
Why not? It's politics, a little more heated than before but both sides are ramping up the rhetoric. It won't surprise me if we (generally speaking) have to deal with serious spasmodic acts of violence from both sides but sometimes that's what it takes to restore some semblance of rationality and reason as innocents suffer the righteous wrath of those who are not righteous by any stretch of the imagination. Sometimes extreme acts of violence shock us back to sanity.
I'm not saying this is what I want to have happen, simply pointing out human patterns and human behavior mechanisms.
Charleston? New Town? Blacksburg? Aurora? Littleton?

None of these moved the needle.
What are you talking about and what does that have to do with what is happening now? :dunno:
There have been senseless examples of violence carried out against the innocent. Even when the violence has a political, if not insane, motivation (e.g. the Comgressional baseball shootings), there is initial outrage, but even the President of the United States soon forgets his own call for greater bipartisan cooperation.

It seems we have a higher tolerance for violence than is for our own good.
I'm looking at the current political fracturing and very heightened partisanship and associating it historically, socially and psychologically based on known past human patterns/responses. What matters today is the widening political gulf and what most likely will happen before some degree of sanity is restored.
The current political discord is amplified by the tool we are using right now. The internet has fostered news without sources, political opinion without insight, argument without resolution and monologue without consequence.

People seem to flock to information for validation not knowledge. Whatever views they agree with are granted credibility and whatever views they disagree with are marked as heresy. All this amounts to is deeper and deeper divisions.

I blame the insular nature of today's communication. If we ever are to truly unite, we first have to become more critical thinkers, more cosmopolitan in our outlook and more willing to listen rather than bloviate.

Look to 1968 through 1970 for a paradigm of political crisis. Cops were rioring I never Chicago cracking skulls and tear gassing. National Guardsmen were shooting live ammunition ATM college kids in Ohio. The nation was unraveling.

And yet, after the meat grinder of Vietnam and the criminality of Watergate, we managed somehow to survive.
I didn't say we were headed for civil war, I simply said events may look to be getting out of hand until we reach a real crisis point like back in the 60s.
People have always typically searched for bias validation (Confirmation Bias) it's just easier in this age of the internet. That's proven daily on not only this site but also in the media, specifically the media where Availability Heuristics come into play.
I would go as far as to say we are already in a civil war, but its for the most part a cold civil war fought with memes, upvotes and videos rather than with RPG-7's, kalashnikovs and Katushya rockets
I would go as far as to say we are already in a civil war, but its for the most part a cold civil war fought with memes, upvotes and videos rather than with RPG-7's, kalashnikovs and Katushya rockets
Look at our political history, your so called cold war has always been the norm rather than the exception. The only difference now is it's more intensely spread out among the citizens to a much greater degree, not as virulent as some other eras like the lead up to the Civil War but still nasty like the sociopolitical revolution of the 60s.
I would go as far as to say we are already in a civil war, but its for the most part a cold civil war fought with memes, upvotes and videos rather than with RPG-7's, kalashnikovs and Katushya rockets
Look at our political history, your so called cold war has always been the norm rather than the exception. The only difference now is it's more intensely spread out among the citizens to a much greater degree, not as virulent as some other eras like the lead up to the Civil War but still nasty like the sociopolitical revolution of the 60s.
point taken
I dont remember the 80s being that acrimonoius, but then again we were more united because the soviet threat
I would go as far as to say we are already in a civil war, but its for the most part a cold civil war fought with memes, upvotes and videos rather than with RPG-7's, kalashnikovs and Katushya rockets
Look at our political history, your so called cold war has always been the norm rather than the exception. The only difference now is it's more intensely spread out among the citizens to a much greater degree, not as virulent as some other eras like the lead up to the Civil War but still nasty like the sociopolitical revolution of the 60s.
point taken
I dont remember the 80s being that acrimonoius, but then again we were more united because the soviet threat
Change brings push back, always. The left has been making strides since the 60s particularly within the last decade and developed a false belief that the vast majority of Americans were behind them. The election of Trump destroyed that cherished illusion and many just don't know how to handle it leading to much of the angst today as they blame others for the destruction of their illusion. Just like the minority of far right adherents who still blame everyone else for the destruction of their cherished illusions from the pre-60s and have now developed the illusion that Trump will restore those illusions.
as far as I'm concerned, anyone who votes for infringement, publicly supports infringement, contributes money to pro infringement organization, or enforces infringment on the ppulation, is a legitimate target for deadly force
It does not seem the best idea to waken poorly educated populists from their echo chambers and whip them up into a frenzy with gun adverts.

Just saying.

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