The Best Thing Trump did


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
And he did tons of great things, like The SALT tax deduction being removed........genius and way over due........but the best thing he did was prove us right about the RINOs in the party and drove them out of power and even out of the party

Jen Rubin, who never really advocated the republican position, was always called a republican/conservative for the WaPo.........we knew she wasn't and thanks to Trump she left the party and her crazy bullshit as well...........

Donald J Trump, we thank you for exposing all these bullshit grifters and covert democrats trying to come across as republicans.........I can not thank you enough for that.

Plus lets face it Jen Rubin looks like a democrat.........she is medusa level ugly.
The BEST things he did for me..........

Repositioned tax incentives for single people. I got HUGE tax refunds every year under Trumps administration!

LOWERED food prices.

LOWERED gas prices SO LOW.........that we haven't seen those prices since the late 80's/early 90's!!!

Cut off A LOT of OUR tax money going to countries that DO NOT deserve help of any kind!
Bad things from T
1) massive spending $$
2) horrible repeal of many endangered animals
3) bad environmental laws
4) too big business
Trump gets a B

Should have demanded the wall sooner
Should have used every power to stop sanctuary cities
Killing off Isis
Getting a quick vaccine
almost finished the wall
Best economy in history
Best pro business policies
Lowering drug rates
Middle East peace deals
Better HC for vets
How would you know if HC for vets was better or worse or different from the same programs before Trump.
What examples do you have of his racism ??
You mean his administration saved tens of millions by getting the right folks together to get a vaccine
And he did tons of great things, like The SALT tax deduction being removed........genius and way over due........but the best thing he did was prove us right about the RINOs in the party and drove them out of power and even out of the party

Jen Rubin, who never really advocated the republican position, was always called a republican/conservative for the WaPo.........we knew she wasn't and thanks to Trump she left the party and her crazy bullshit as well...........

Donald J Trump, we thank you for exposing all these bullshit grifters and covert democrats trying to come across as republicans.........I can not thank you enough for that.

Plus lets face it Jen Rubin looks like a democrat.........she is medusa level ugly.

He saved us from the Clinton Virus:


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