The Best Thing Trump did

No, he didn't he curbed legal immigrations.
The illegal immigrants crossing the border never slowed down.

President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign makes the misleading claim in a TV ad that he is “cutting illegal immigration in half.” In fact, apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2019 were more than double the total in fiscal year 2016 and almost triple the total in fiscal year 2017.

In fiscal year 2019, there were 851,508 total apprehensions, which is the highest since 858,638 in fiscal year 2007.

The fiscal 2019 total is 115% higher than the 396,579 apprehensions in fiscal year 2018, and 180% higher than the 303,916 apprehensions in fiscal year 2017, which included almost four months of Barack Obama’s presidency and over eight months of Trump’s.

Compared with the 408,870 apprehensions in fiscal year 2016, the last full fiscal year before Trump took office, apprehensions during the most recent fiscal year were up 108%.

By all of those measures, border officials are catching more people at the border under Trump — not fewer.

(Note: There are technically no statistics for those who cross the border illegally, but apprehensions by CBP are used to measure such trends.)
The border was under control now its wide open.
Paying for a wall can have a lot of meanings. Consider Trump put pressure on Mexico to protect their side of the border, which they made an effort to as a result. USA wasn't paying for it, hence, Mexico "paid for the wall".

The wall is both an object and symbolic.
Lots of meanings?
Pressure on Mexico, cost the US TAXPAYER $18.5 billion?

January 14 2020
The Pentagon — not Mexico — will again be paying for the construction of President Donald Trump’s wall on the US’s southern border, to the tune of $7.2 billion in 2020.

The White House will use last year’s national emergency declaration to pull $3.5 billion from military counter-drug enforcement, up significantly from the $2.5 billion taken from the same program in 2019. An additional $3.2 billion will be taken from Department of Defense construction projects for additional fencing projects. The number is more than five times the amount allocated to barrier construction by Congress for 2020.

The funds transfer would bring the total amount devoted to border wall construction under Trump to $18.4 billion.
So when’s the last time you actually watched Fox News?
A last week.
The Murdoch brothers, who are Democrats, took over the network.
Only one might be considered one, as they were both born in Britain.
But...................he quit.

July 31 2020
News Corp founder Rupert Murdoch’s son James is resigning from the family-controlled publisher’s board over content appearing in its newspapers, which include the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post.

"My resignation is due to disagreements over certain editorial content published by the Company’s news outlets and certain other strategic decisions," James Murdoch wrote Friday in a brief letter to News Corp's board that the company made public. The resignation was effective Friday.

James is known as the more liberal Murdoch brother. His more conservative sibling, Lachlan, is the heir apparent to New Corp Executive Chairman Rupert and is co-chairman of News Corp. Lachlan is also executive chairman and CEO of Fox Corp, home to conservative news network Fox News

Their regular news ( not opinion shows like Tucker etc) is pretty straight forward.

I'll agree with that.
A last week.

Only one might be considered one, as they were both born in Britain.
But...................he quit.

July 31 2020
News Corp founder Rupert Murdoch’s son James is resigning from the family-controlled publisher’s board over content appearing in its newspapers, which include the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post.

"My resignation is due to disagreements over certain editorial content published by the Company’s news outlets and certain other strategic decisions," James Murdoch wrote Friday in a brief letter to News Corp's board that the company made public. The resignation was effective Friday.

James is known as the more liberal Murdoch brother. His more conservative sibling, Lachlan, is the heir apparent to New Corp Executive Chairman Rupert and is co-chairman of News Corp. Lachlan is also executive chairman and CEO of Fox Corp, home to conservative news network Fox News

I'll agree with that.
Why would a billionaire want to work?
And he did tons of great things, like The SALT tax deduction being removed........genius and way over due........but the best thing he did was prove us right about the RINOs in the party and drove them out of power and even out of the party

Jen Rubin, who never really advocated the republican position, was always called a republican/conservative for the WaPo.........we knew she wasn't and thanks to Trump she left the party and her crazy bullshit as well...........

Donald J Trump, we thank you for exposing all these bullshit grifters and covert democrats trying to come across as republicans.........I can not thank you enough for that.

Plus lets face it Jen Rubin looks like a democrat.........she is medusa level ugly.
He absolutely empowered the wingnut extremists but I don’t see why any sane person would think that’s a good thing. Y’all are pushing a pathway to anarchy
Y’all are pushing a pathway to anarchy
Y'know, I don't think they even realize what they're pushing.

All they know is that they're terrified of the commies and of White Replacement. Anyone who caters to them is OK in their book.
Pushed for Energy independence. For the first time in 30 years we were a net export of oil. Until the plannedemic happened.
The BEST things he did for me..........

Repositioned tax incentives for single people. I got HUGE tax refunds every year under Trumps administration!

LOWERED food prices.

LOWERED gas prices SO LOW.........that we haven't seen those prices since the late 80's/early 90's!!!

Cut off A LOT of OUR tax money going to countries that DO NOT deserve help of any kind!

But most of all he had more Americans love america than had done so in a long time.

Look what happened, as soon as he left office the blame America first haters came crawling out of the wood work doing their best to shit allover America and destroy it.

He did a lot of good things but making it a good thing to love our country was one of, if not, his best contributions. We need that back desperately right now.
But most of all he had more Americans love america than had done so in a long time.

July 5 2018
Eight members of Congress, all Republicans, spent America's Independence Day in Russia.

Seven senators — John Kennedy (R-LA), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Hoeven (R-ND), John Thune (R-SD), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) — and one House member, Kay Granger (R-TX), are all in Moscow over the Fourth of July holiday this week for talks with Russian lawmakers and officials.

How 'patriotic'.
Look what happened, as soon as he left office the blame America first haters came crawling out of the wood work doing their best to shit allover America and destroy it.
July 10 2021
Republicans are rushing to change the rules to make it easier for their party to overturn the will of the voters in future elections.

While GOP-controlled legislatures rush to make it harder for Democratic constituencies to vote, they are also intensifying their control over how elections are run and how votes are counted, after Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election results. Twenty-four new laws have been passed in 14 states this year that will allow state legislatures to “politicize, criminalize, and interfere in election administration,”

When Texas Republicans scrambled to pass a massive voter suppression bill over Memorial Day weekend, they included a provision written behind closed doors with no public scrutiny that would make it easier for judges to throw out election results. Under the plan, losing candidates would no longer have to prove that individual fraudulent votes swung the election but rather that the number of allegedly fraudulent votes exceeded the margin of victory—which is exactly what Trump falsely alleged in 2020. The measure would also lower the burden of proof needed to demonstrate illegal voting, so that candidates only have to show a “preponderance of evidence” instead of “clear and convincing evidence.”
He did a lot of good things but making it a good thing to love our country was one of, if not, his best contributions. We need that back desperately right now.
No, the orange retard, make it a 'good thing' for his gullible cult to love him and lie for him.

July 5 2018
Eight members of Congress, all Republicans, spent America's Independence Day in Russia.

Seven senators — John Kennedy (R-LA), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Hoeven (R-ND), John Thune (R-SD), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) — and one House member, Kay Granger (R-TX), are all in Moscow over the Fourth of July holiday this week for talks with Russian lawmakers and officials.

How 'patriotic'.

July 10 2021
Republicans are rushing to change the rules to make it easier for their party to overturn the will of the voters in future elections.

While GOP-controlled legislatures rush to make it harder for Democratic constituencies to vote, they are also intensifying their control over how elections are run and how votes are counted, after Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election results. Twenty-four new laws have been passed in 14 states this year that will allow state legislatures to “politicize, criminalize, and interfere in election administration,”

When Texas Republicans scrambled to pass a massive voter suppression bill over Memorial Day weekend, they included a provision written behind closed doors with no public scrutiny that would make it easier for judges to throw out election results. Under the plan, losing candidates would no longer have to prove that individual fraudulent votes swung the election but rather that the number of allegedly fraudulent votes exceeded the margin of victory—which is exactly what Trump falsely alleged in 2020. The measure would also lower the burden of proof needed to demonstrate illegal voting, so that candidates only have to show a “preponderance of evidence” instead of “clear and convincing evidence.”

No, the orange retard, make it a 'good thing' for his gullible cult to love him and lie for him.

I'm talking about loving america and being proud of your country, you're more interested in showing how Trump and Republicans are bad so I have no desire to further a conversation with you because I don't enjoy hearing my head against a brick wall.
I'm talking about loving america and being proud of your country, you're more interested in showing how Trump and Republicans are bad so I have no desire to further a conversation with you because I don't enjoy hearing my head against a brick wall.
You tried to paint democrats as America haters, trying to destroy the country and Trump is a hero.
Actions are louder than words.
I just pointed out, Trump's/republican actions don't match their words.
He absolutely empowered the wingnut extremists but I don’t see why any sane person would think that’s a good thing. Y’all are pushing a pathway to anarchy
We are not, you are with your fucking up societal norms and attacking the foundation of western civ, just so you can have dudes play womens sports and have you communism........which is the ultimate goal, we get it.........some people never learn, communism really really sucks.
Trump was a diehard Reganista , his policies followed suit

Which his policies were awesome and he was better than Reagan on the border........but I think Reagan would have TRumps posisiton now. We tried amnesty and it failed.....
RATFLMAO!!!! Considering Trump is the biggest BS grifter of them all. Any picture dictionary with the word grifter in it should have his ugly mug on it as a definition of the word.
Sorry bro, I think he's the only person to have his net worth go down as really don't get what a grifter is.......
We are not, you are with your fucking up societal norms and attacking the foundation of western civ, just so you can have dudes play womens sports and have you communism........which is the ultimate goal, we get it.........some people never learn, communism really really sucks.
That stuff is just liberty dude… live free.

You on the other hand with this stolen election nonsense is quite literally going after the foundation of our democracy which is the our vote. Shame on you
And he did tons of great things, like The SALT tax deduction being removed........genius and way over due........but the best thing he did was prove us right about the RINOs in the party and drove them out of power and even out of the party

Jen Rubin, who never really advocated the republican position, was always called a republican/conservative for the WaPo.........we knew she wasn't and thanks to Trump she left the party and her crazy bullshit as well...........

Donald J Trump, we thank you for exposing all these bullshit grifters and covert democrats trying to come across as republicans.........I can not thank you enough for that.

Plus lets face it Jen Rubin looks like a democrat.........she is medusa level ugly.

The best thing Trump did was push you guys further to the've lost 7 of the last 8 popular votes and you're straying further and further away from the center.

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