The Bible is true

Who said anything about Catholics?

First you want to know if I have any theories, so then I give you a theory about people creating their own version of faith and calling it Catholic.

Clearly, it was I who said something about Catholics! Pay attention! :wink:
Who said anything about Catholics?

First you want to know if I have any theories, so then I give you a theory about people creating their own version of faith and calling it Catholic.

Clearly, it was I who said something about Catholics! Pay attention! :wink:

My question asking if you had any theories was specifically asking if you had any theories about what or who if not God relegates the intelligences of idolators to the lowest place, the realm of the dead as described in scripture..

Are you, a teacher of catholic doctrine and dogma, acknowledging that Catholics practice idolatry even if you didn't realize it??

And some people don't believe in miracles...

Imagine that!
My question asking if you had any theories was specifically asking if you had any theories about what or who if not God relegates the intelligences of idolators to the lowest place, the realm of the dead as described in scripture..

Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, mind has not conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him...

My experience of God, the Being I worship, is a being of a tremendous, immeasurable love. I don't dwell on your low places, but on a loving God whose place for those who love Him we cannot even conceive. That is my focus.

It is why it is difficult for me to be worried about your doomsday synopsis of low places. The Church is filled with people who love God, and those who love God haven't much room left for worry. Our trust is in God, and that He will do what is best for us.

I do understand that it is your opinion that the lowest place is possibly still too good for any Catholic. That doesn't worry me, either. :smile:
We can't prove God exists, we don't even have evidence that he does, so I think calling God a theory is extremely generous.

Taz will have to explain his thought process. I teach science, so I have this tendency to think of a theory as something that explains observable facts. In this way, I can take a teaching (heard or written), apply it to a situation, and observe what happens.

I would not got up to a person and say, "You are a theory." About the best I could do is say, "You walk, talk, and look like a person. Therefore my theory is that you are a human being."

I'm sorry about this, because I also teach grammar, and you and Taz may think I am picking at straws, when what I'm really am is a good example of an out of control grammar police. :smile:

Still, I am unsure of Taz's statement.

"The earth was created by God," qualifies as a theory. It explains a fact (the earth exists). Throughout history, we have stories of people who felt they were being cared for, or taught, by something spiritual/supernatural, not physical. Right away, we may run into a problem using the word 'theory', if nothing was observable. Still, we might catch the meaning if someone said, "Because of spiritual healing, I theorize there is a God."

But God himself is not a theory. A theory explains an observable fact. I haven't seen God explaining observable facts lately, therefore He is not a theory. :wink:

Yes, I know! The workings of my mind can take one aback.
In the sentence you claimed to be the grammar police you made a rather confusing grammatical error. "I'm really am..."

I guess that makes me grammar internal affairs. You are suspended temporarily with pay until the investigation is complete.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Seriously though, there is no observable facts regarding God. In fact quite the contrary. I do recall faith is highly important in regards to religion.
My question asking if you had any theories was specifically asking if you had any theories about what or who if not God relegates the intelligences of idolators to the lowest place, the realm of the dead as described in scripture..

Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, mind has not conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him...

My experience of God, the Being I worship, is a being of a tremendous, immeasurable love. I don't dwell on your low places, but on a loving God whose place for those who love Him we cannot even conceive. That is my focus.

It is why it is difficult for me to be worried about your doomsday synopsis of low places. The Church is filled with people who love God, and those who love God haven't much room left for worry. Our trust is in God, and that He will do what is best for us.

I do understand that it is your opinion that the lowest place is possibly still too good for any Catholic. That doesn't worry me, either. :smile:

I'm sure that many Catholics have a deep seated and sincere love for God. I am also sure that unscrupulous men inspired by real demons, not invisible ones, have taken advantage of that love and diverted people into worshiping that which is not God before they developed the intellectual capacity and maturity to choose good and reject evil and have suffered the consequence of death, here and now, in the very day they defy the command against idolatry, not in some future doomsday scenario, and are bound by ignorance and the power of death to say and do stupid things that injure themselves and the people they love for decades if not the rest of their lives...unless they repent...

Evidence of that death and evidence of what scripture calls divine condemnation is made visible in that those who practice idolatry, however loudly they proclaim a love for God, cannot grasp the degrading nature of turning to something made by human hands that has no life for spiritual life, not to mention their apparent ignorance of the fact that entire books of the law and prophets are dedicated to excoriating such simple minded blindness and describing in great detail the disturbing consequent negative effects that believing in archaic superstitious lore has on the mind and the lives of believers who remain oblivious to their nakedness and defenseless against being eaten alive or perpetually fleeced by the many wild beasts of the field and even lower forms of life (see genesis 3:14) living in the jungle east of Eden in the wilderness of sin..

So I'm glad you are not worried. I'm not. Chances are that anyone blinded since birth is not guilty of deliberate sin and God will be merciful and forgiving to them but only those Catholics who say, "We see", their guilt will remain even as you continue to demonstrate an obstinate stupidity that you seem to have confused with faith. You have set aside the laws of God and teach others to do the same and as an expression of a so called love for God you do the exact opposite of what the word of God teaches is the only way to eternal life.. You have your reward already.

BTW, how does one focus on what they cannot even conceive?.... Never mind......

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In the sentence you claimed to be the grammar police you made a rather confusing grammatical error. "I'm really am..."

I guess that makes me grammar internal affairs. You are suspended temporarily with pay until the investigation is complete.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Good catch! You are now an official member of the Grammar Police.

Seriously though, there is no observable facts regarding God. In fact quite the contrary. I do recall faith is highly important in regards to religion.

Exactly. A theory relies on observable facts, and God can only be observed indirectly. Science explains the physical world with objective methodology. The spiritual realm must, by definition, rely on the subjective, and sometimes inference.
without revision the bible will never represent Truth or the true path to the Everlasting.

Revision by whom? The Bible is in it's final revision necessary.
Mx: The Bible is in it's final form....

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani - 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?'

not by whom but though the discovery of Truth the revisions necessary to complete the as yet unfinished life's goal for the Admission to the Everlasting ...

In the sentence you claimed to be the grammar police you made a rather confusing grammatical error. "I'm really am..."

I guess that makes me grammar internal affairs. You are suspended temporarily with pay until the investigation is complete.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Good catch! You are now an official member of the Grammar Police.

Seriously though, there is no observable facts regarding God. In fact quite the contrary. I do recall faith is highly important in regards to religion.

Exactly. A theory relies on observable facts, and God can only be observed indirectly. Science explains the physical world with objective methodology. The spiritual realm must, by definition, rely on the subjective, and sometimes inference.
I agree with that.

You may want to rethink making me grammar police. I am dyslexic. And I stump my spell checker from time to time.
without revision the bible will never represent Truth or the true path to the Everlasting.

Revision by whom? The Bible is in it's final revision necessary.
Mx: The Bible is in it's final form....

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani - 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?'

not by whom but though the discovery of Truth the revisions necessary to complete the as yet unfinished life's goal for the Admission to the Everlasting ...


I'm sure I don't understand what you are trying to say.
God is a theory.

While I know God to be a being, and therefore cannot treat him as a theory anymore than I can treat any being as a theory, it is also true that I have treated many of His teachings as theories.

Teachings, like scientific theories, can be tested. Scripture says that following and applying Christ's way will bring me a more fulfilling and more peaceful life.

How will you test out your theory that God is only a theory?
We can't prove God exists, we don't even have evidence that he does, so I think calling God a theory is extremely generous.

nope, no evidence at all..........:tinfoil::slap:
God is a theory.

While I know God to be a being, and therefore cannot treat him as a theory anymore than I can treat any being as a theory, it is also true that I have treated many of His teachings as theories.

Teachings, like scientific theories, can be tested. Scripture says that following and applying Christ's way will bring me a more fulfilling and more peaceful life.

How will you test out your theory that God is only a theory?
We can't prove God exists, we don't even have evidence that he does, so I think calling God a theory is extremely generous.

nope, no evidence at all..........:tinfoil::slap:
I'm glad you agree.
God is a theory.

While I know God to be a being, and therefore cannot treat him as a theory anymore than I can treat any being as a theory, it is also true that I have treated many of His teachings as theories.

Teachings, like scientific theories, can be tested. Scripture says that following and applying Christ's way will bring me a more fulfilling and more peaceful life.

How will you test out your theory that God is only a theory?
God is a being in your own mind. That's ok though, I have no problem with dreamers, they're usually cool.
God is a being in your own mind. That's ok though, I have no problem with dreamers, they're usually cool.

When push comes to shove, what is anything but what our mind can perceive? Can you perceive the image of the tree outside my window? Of course not. The image of that tree is in my mind, not yours. In the same way, some minds can perceive God, others not so much. Usually, it is because some what to make that exploration, and others are interested in exploring other vistas.
God is a being in your own mind. That's ok though, I have no problem with dreamers, they're usually cool.

When push comes to shove, what is anything but what our mind can perceive? Can you perceive the image of the tree outside my window? Of course not. The image of that tree is in my mind, not yours. In the same way, some minds can perceive God, others not so much. Usually, it is because some what to make that exploration, and others are interested in exploring other vistas.
Bad analogy. You can touch a tree, but you can't touch god.
God is a being in your own mind. That's ok though, I have no problem with dreamers, they're usually cool.

When push comes to shove, what is anything but what our mind can perceive? Can you perceive the image of the tree outside my window? Of course not. The image of that tree is in my mind, not yours. In the same way, some minds can perceive God, others not so much. Usually, it is because some what to make that exploration, and others are interested in exploring other vistas.
Bad analogy. You can touch a tree, but you can't touch god.

The point is, you believe there is a tree outside my window because your mind has identified trees. If I told you there was love in the next room, you would probably believe that as well, because your mind has identified love through experience--even if one cannot truly touch or see love.

Sorrow, happiness, and contentment are other good comparisons. They cannot be experienced through the five senses, but they can be experienced through the mind.

If someone experiences an angel, or God, and can tell of this experience as easily as they can talk about love or sorrow, why the disbelief? I have never had an hallucination. Should I doubt those who tell me they have? Then why the doubt when people describe angels or God, based on the fact you have not had that experience?
God is a being in your own mind. That's ok though, I have no problem with dreamers, they're usually cool.

When push comes to shove, what is anything but what our mind can perceive? Can you perceive the image of the tree outside my window? Of course not. The image of that tree is in my mind, not yours. In the same way, some minds can perceive God, others not so much. Usually, it is because some what to make that exploration, and others are interested in exploring other vistas.
Bad analogy. You can touch a tree, but you can't touch god.

The point is, you believe there is a tree outside my window because your mind has identified trees. If I told you there was love in the next room, you would probably believe that as well, because your mind has identified love through experience--even if one cannot truly touch or see love.

Sorrow, happiness, and contentment are other good comparisons. They cannot be experienced through the five senses, but they can be experienced through the mind.

If someone experiences an angel, or God, and can tell of this experience as easily as they can talk about love or sorrow, why the disbelief? I have never had an hallucination. Should I doubt those who tell me they have? Then why the doubt when people describe angels or God, based on the fact you have not had that experience?
So you're comparing god to a feeling? The angels that are in your mind aren't real, tangible beings like sorrow, happiness and contentment...
Please try again.
So you're comparing god to a feeling? The angels that are in your mind aren't real, tangible beings like sorrow, happiness and contentment...
Please try again.

I am not comparing God to a feeling. You said God is only in my mind. I pointed out that when push comes to shove, everything is in our minds...images, feelings, God.

You say feelings are more tangible than angels and God. How do you know? Isn't it because you have never had any experience of angels or God? And not having any such experience yourself, you are certain no one else has either. Those of us who have can tell you the mind stores that experience in the same way it presents and stores images of trees...or feelings.

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