The Bible is true

Not only is there nothing to be gained by believing an untruth, but there is everything to lose when we sacrifice the indispensable tool of reason on the altar of superstition.
Not only is there nothing to be gained by believing an untruth, but there is everything to lose when we sacrifice the indispensable tool of reason on the altar of superstition.
oh i don't know about that. a belief in the supernatural does not necessarily mean a person forsakes reason.
and there is nothing about a personal belief in a supreme being(s) that harms anyone else, and it might give comfort and purpose to the believer. nothing wrong with that, per se.
Not only is there nothing to be gained by believing an untruth, but there is everything to lose when we sacrifice the indispensable tool of reason on the altar of superstition.

That's pretty funny coming from you, guano.
Not only is there nothing to be gained by believing an untruth, but there is everything to lose when we sacrifice the indispensable tool of reason on the altar of superstition.

That's pretty funny coming from you, guano.
or care not to read further when fallacy is perceived, considering its history of brutality ?


Your opinion that it is fallacy does not make it fallacy, just makes it your opinion.
Mx: Your opinion that it is fallacy does not make it fallacy, just makes it your opinion.

... considering its history of brutality

that is not a perception it is fact, and those who follow that book seem to have the same appeal for its resultant consequences (slavery) throughout history with despair for change to alter future consequences for the better.

it is a political document using its central figure for ulterior motives.


I don't know that everyone that follows the Bible has the same appeal for its resultant consequences (slavery) throughout history with despair for change to alter future consequences for the better. That some have misinterpreted or have just mistakenly applied it is true, but not everyone falls into that category. Members of one party try to take some of what the Bible says and weave it into what they want to believe and practice.....there are always extremists, but not every Bible believer should be cast into the same group.
Mx: That some have misinterpreted or have just mistakenly applied it is true, but not everyone falls into that category.

... but not everyone falls into that category.

but they are all proxies to the bibles history of Brutality, who despair at altering what is not Truth and repeat the same errors.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?'

the above is truly spoken by Jesus "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani" an admission of error, the latter "No one comes to the Father except through me" is a fallacy - and is used by christians as it implies for unrestricted impunity for whatever cause they exact on society without accountability.

without revision the bible will never represent Truth or the true path to the Everlasting.


Saying "there are examples of the bible's history of brutality" is like saying "there are examples of the brutality of justice applied".

In other words, so what? People suffer and die, and sometimes they are punished, and punishment always sucks. Here's a as righteously as possible, accept Christ, and make the most of your limited time on earth trying to live the way God made you to live. It's the only guaranteed way to find joy in life.
So toss out morality and be obedient to a backward set of rules that applied to an extinct form of tribalism?

I prefer not to devolve

... but not everyone falls into that category.

but they are all proxies to the bibles history of Brutality, who despair at altering what is not Truth and repeat the same errors.
I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to say. Who is "they" and altering what "is not truth", and repeat what errors?

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?'

the above is truly spoken by Jesus "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani" an admission of error, the latter "No one comes to the Father except through me" is a fallacy - and is used by christians as it implies for unrestricted impunity for whatever cause they exact on society without accountability.[/quote]
Your statement is not clear....what do you mean by an admission of error? And, "No one comes to the Father except through Me" is what Jesus said.

John 14:6
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

without revision the bible will never represent Truth or the true path to the Everlasting.

Revision by whom? The Bible is in it's final revision necessary.
No, that's incorrect. People that can think don't need a massive clergy telling them how to feel think and live. I have shucked the shackles of organized religion. I'm not told how to think any more.

We must have had different clergy, but then the parishes I have been a member of have invariably been short a clergy or two. There is a difference between encouraged to think and being told how.

I was taught we all have individual lives, and we all have to learn for ourselves how to apply the Gospel message to our own life. No one else can do that for us.

If you turned your life over to someone else, even if that someone was clergy, I am glad to hear you have reclaimed it. I doubt anyone is protesting not having to, any longer, live your life for you.
No, that's incorrect. People that can think don't need a massive clergy telling them how to feel think and live. I have shucked the shackles of organized religion. I'm not told how to think any more.

We must have had different clergy, but then the parishes I have been a member of have invariably been short a clergy or two. There is a difference between encouraged to think and being told how.

I was taught we all have individual lives, and we all have to learn for ourselves how to apply the Gospel message to our own life. No one else can do that for us.

If you turned your life over to someone else, even if that someone was clergy, I am glad to hear you have reclaimed it. I doubt anyone is protesting not having to, any longer, live your life for you.
But if you get the wrong message, you aren't right. And who decides what is right and wrong?

I was a Catholic, fyi
But if you get the wrong message, you aren't right. And who decides what is right and wrong?
I was a Catholic, fyi

Here's the thing. I was the usual child, not precocious in any way, just the average child doing the average child investigations. From the questions classmates posed, it appeared they were doing the exact same thing. Yet, you are telling me, you got a message that you never questioned or investigated for yourself? You never set yourself hands-on experiments with your faith? You never did your own asking, seeking, knocking?

You were a Catholic, but you never heard we should do this?!?

I don't know how old you are now, but I'm wondering why it took you so long to figure out you weren't hearing anything at all. Never forget:

Listen carefully, but you shall not understand! Look intently, but you shall know nothing! Then we are told if our eyes see, and our ears hear, our hearts will understand, and we will turn and be healed. This can only occur if we want it enough to do our own seeking, knocking, asking. We can look intently at someone else sees, and never (without our own searching) perceive it for ourselves. We can listen, yet without our own investigation, we cannot understand what is being said.

As for your question on right or wrong: Have you ever considered choosing between what is best and what is good enough?
But if you get the wrong message, you aren't right. And who decides what is right and wrong?
I was a Catholic, fyi

Here's the thing. I was the usual child, not precocious in any way, just the average child doing the average child investigations. From the questions classmates posed, it appeared they were doing the exact same thing. Yet, you are telling me, you got a message that you never questioned or investigated for yourself? You never set yourself hands-on experiments with your faith? You never did your own asking, seeking, knocking?

You were a Catholic, but you never heard we should do this?!?

I don't know how old you are now, but I'm wondering why it took you so long to figure out you weren't hearing anything at all. Never forget:

Listen carefully, but you shall not understand! Look intently, but you shall know nothing! Then we are told if our eyes see, and our ears hear, our hearts will understand, and we will turn and be healed. This can only occur if we want it enough to do our own seeking, knocking, asking. We can look intently at someone else sees, and never (without our own searching) perceive it for ourselves. We can listen, yet without our own investigation, we cannot understand what is being said.

As for your question on right or wrong: Have you ever considered choosing between what is best and what is good enough?
I did my own seeking, I'm still seeking. The answers I have come to is that Catholicism is bollocks. I continued seeking and found that the same is true for Lutheranism, baptism, Pentecostal, assembly of God, Mormonism, Presbyterian, and seventh day Adventists.

The conclusion I have come to through exploring my faith is that religion isn't necessary.

It's the same thing over again with you as it is with others. The conclusion I have come to is wrong because it isn't yours.
I did my own seeking, I'm still seeking. The answers I have come to is that Catholicism is bollocks. I continued seeking and found that the same is true for Lutheranism, baptism, Pentecostal, assembly of God, Mormonism, Presbyterian, and seventh day Adventists.

The conclusion I have come to through exploring my faith is that religion isn't necessary.

It's the same thing over again with you as it is with others. The conclusion I have come to is wrong because it isn't yours.

Read your last sentence again. You are judging your conclusion as wrong, because you did not reach the same conclusion as I did???! I doubt you even know the conclusions I have come to. You certainly have no good reason to believe I am right and you are wrong.

Remember, I advised you to choose (not letting anyone else choose for you or telling you how to think) between what is best and what is good enough.

Forget me. This is your journey.
I did my own seeking, I'm still seeking. The answers I have come to is that Catholicism is bollocks. I continued seeking and found that the same is true for Lutheranism, baptism, Pentecostal, assembly of God, Mormonism, Presbyterian, and seventh day Adventists.

The conclusion I have come to through exploring my faith is that religion isn't necessary.

It's the same thing over again with you as it is with others. The conclusion I have come to is wrong because it isn't yours.

Read your last sentence again. You are judging your conclusion as wrong, because you did not reach the same conclusion as I did???! I doubt you even know the conclusions I have come to. You certainly have no good reason to believe I am right and you are wrong.

Remember, I advised you to choose (not letting anyone else choose for you or telling you how to think) between what is best and what is good enough.

Forget me. This is your journey.
You said a better argument would be completely opposite than the one I made.
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You said a better argument would be completely opposite than the one I made.

You will need to show me a direct quote. I went back and re-read all I wrote. I cannot find where I said, "A better argument would be completely opposite than the one you made."
Amnesia isn't a good excuse.

I don't have amnesia. I never thought such a thing, and never made such a statement, as my own research showed. Therefore you must have misunderstood something. From this response, I am going to conclude you don't wish to pursue your own misunderstanding, and that's fine.

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