The Big Lie

You admit that your mind is closed to new information.

Your mind was made up, 40 years ago, when you were younger and now you are immune to information that might contradict what you thought when you were much younger.

And you don't see a problem with that.
I'm very wishy washy and can switch loyalties. Watch any season of Cobra Kai or Game of Thrones with me and you'll know that. He had plenty of opportunities to realign my negative view of him. He didn’t.

Trump IS true shit. Has been since the 80s. Only gotten worse.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
That's peachy that you think that. In both 2016 and 2020, the American people disagreed.

The popular vote is irrelevant to my point.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
To YOU. Most disagreed.

Disagreeing is one thing. Deciding to not respect the peaceful transfer of power, is another.

You people choose to tear this nation apart. Good job.

Hey, I remember asking you people, if you people don't respect the elections you lose, why should we.

I never got an answer.
You really do live in a completely upside down world than the rest of the humans on the planet.

I don't recall Hillary Clinton going around telling everyone the election was rigged and she really won. (And she actually got millions more votes than he did) I seem to recall a concession speech from her.

Did you ever think maybe you didn't get an answer because your question was crazy? :lol:

Errr, sure. She didn't do that. Instead you have leftards rioting in the streets and lying to the feds to get warrants to gin up impeachments on false and illegal grounds, and cancel culture, and arresting people for defending themselves, ect. ect. ect.

I mean, you had to know that that was relevant, right?

oh, right. Of course you did. YOu were just lying again. Or is it still?

See, we need to ALWAYS remember that nothing you libs say, means shit.

That bit where you pretended to not understand what I was obviously referring to? That was just you talking shit. To help support the BIG LIE.
What "riots" are you talking about? This more of your projection? Trump's mob rioted on January 6th. There was no Hillary mob riot.

There was no "ginning up" of anything. Trump actually DID all the things he was accused of. Apparently you missed the Mueller report? And Trump really did threaten Ukraine that we would withhold aid if they didn't dig up dirt on the Bidens. That happened.

Are you pretending that the last 5 years of riots did not happen?

There, seriously, has not been 5 years of "rioting". There have been mass protests since the killing of George Floyd by a police officer. Floyd died a year ago last month.


You see repeated reports of violence from lefties, clearly showing up in 2016, before you even lost.
Ah, so you were employing hyperbole. There was not "five years of rioting" as you claimed. There were protests immediately after Trump as elected and some turned violent. :lol:

Actually I was underselling it. THe rioting started even before he won and has not stopped. So more like SIX years of rioting.

BUT, my focus was more on the RESISTANCE, after his win, ie your side's refusal to accept the peaceful transfer of power.

But, I like the way you are avoiding the point to quibble over details. It shows that you are self aware enough to realize that I am right and that your only hope is to distract from that.
Except that didn’t happen. There was no riot like we saw from the Trump mob. There was no effort to overturn the election results like we’ve seen from Trump and his merry band of sycophants. Hillary Clinton did not conduct a partisan audit of Florida ballots and continue to travel the country insisting she really won.

If it wasn’t for false equivalence y’all would have nothing.

Correct. THe left's riots were far worse, far larger, far longer lasting and far more deadly.

THe anti-democratic efforts of your side have been discussed in teh op and since then. YOu are bringing up other shit to try to distract from them right now.

YOu are a liar.
You live in an alternate reality...goes well with your alternate facts. :lol:

the OP was moved to conspiracy theories...for a reason. :lol:
Try again.
Were all these white racists Democrats? Republicans keep saying it was them who ended slavery but today it seems like they are the KKKlanmen of yesterday.
They try to deny it but the parties have switched. The conservative south has always been the most racist region of the country. It still is. But back then, it was primarily Democrat. Now it's primarily Republican. But it's always been conservative.

Meanwhile, in the real world.

Great move on her part

Chicago’s mayor declared that she would only grant one-on-one interviews to minority journalists to protest the lack of diversity in the Windy City press corps.

Why is there such a lack of diversity in the press corps? Are blacks not qualified to be reporters? Seems to me those news agencies need to implement a diversity program.

So stop crying about how bad whites got it dummy. We have all the jobs.

YOur defense of blatant racism, makes my point. It is not the South today, that is the hot bed of racism, it is dem cities and circles.
You really, really, really do not understand what racism is. The Chicago mayor was shining a light on actual racism.
The Chicago mayor is an idiot. Anything she says should be roundly ignored. The racism she claims is being used to cover her complete failure. She depends on stupid guilty self hating fools and press committed to destroying the country.
I noticed you didn’t address anything that the Chicago mayor is bringing up. She is rightfully pointing out that the press corps is unusually white. Can you counter her argument with facts?
An image search ain’t gonna cut it. How many black reporters and journalists are there compared to white in Chicago?
I don't care. Are the reporters qualified? Do you think merit has anything to do with it?
No we don't believe merit has EVERYTHING to do with it. We understand bias is why only white males are getting hired.

You guys always claim blacks aren't qualified to be CEO's and that's why there are so few black CEO's. OK fine. But now you're saying they aren't smart enough to be reporters?
This is where they get their “facts“.

THe IQ gap is real. It is "science". That you don't like it, is irrelevant.
You just exposed yourself for the racist I knew you to be.

lol!! You are a dumbass.
Not by a longshot. You did just expose yourself as a racists though. It's called scientific racism and it's just as ugly today as it was when Hitler preached it.

Its defenders claim to be standing up for uncomfortable truths, but race science is still as bogus as ever.
Although race science has been repeatedly debunked by scholarly research, in recent years it has made a comeback. Many of the keenest promoters of race science today are stars of the “alt-right”, who like to use pseudoscience to lend intellectual justification to ethno-nationalist politics. If you believe that poor people are poor because they are inherently less intelligent, then it is easy to leap to the conclusion that liberal remedies, such as affirmative action or foreign aid, are doomed to fail.

I understand. This evidence is a problem for our Traditional America Ideological belief of All Men being created Equally by God.

Also, for you liberal ideology of always blaming the evul white man and his wacism for EVERYTHING.

But in the real world, it explains a lot.

I mean, the idea that the education gap is caused by evul wacist white teachers?

LOL!!! Have you ever MET any teachers? They are the one of the most liberals groups on the fucking planet.
You don't "understand" anything. You do realize this has been studied and your race/IQ bullshit has been debunked 12 ways to Sunday? The only people that still cling to it are racists.

I understand that liberals lie all the time. That anything that threatens their primary weapon, ie false accusations of racism, will be BURIED in lies from lying whores.

IQ is real. The idea that it is not, is absurd.

Do you really want to derail the thread into a technical discussion of intelligence?

What am I saying? Of course you do, especially since you will just be crying WACIST, like a retarded monkey over and over again, which is what you think debate IS.

The OP point stands. You people perpetuated a fraud on the American people and had violent brown shirt mobs roaming the streets during the campaign. That makes the election not free and fair and thus not legitimate.

You know who likes the term "you people"? Racists. Yes, IQ is real and can be effected by outside influence. You would know that if you read beyond the racist "studies" that seem to support your very racist world view.

In evaluating the claims by hereditarians with known racist ties of higher white and Asian IQ, we must be mindful of a tendency called the ‘Pygmalion effect’ .....

In context, my use of the term, "you people" was obviously aimed at you liberals, and as you are white, if any race, white liberals.

How ironic that you are arguing about intelligence and make such a retarded mistake.

OF course, you did know that. YOU were just lying still.

Anyhow, you admit that IQ is real. Yes, it can be effected by "outside influences". Policy to address those "influences" would be reasonable.

What is not reasonable is denying that the gap is not still there. I note that your cut and paste article, focuses on black and brown numbers increasing relatively,

with no discussion of how much they remained BELOW the percentages of white and asian children, proportional to the local demographics.

Funny. I mean what would REALLY make your point, is if once corrected for, the differences or the "gap" disappeared.


You are terrified of information that might reveal the world to be less racist.
Because the "gap" has nothing to do with race and only racists think it is.

Funny. You cited a study and I addressed it.

Instead of answering or rebutting my points, you just dropped the information based portion of our discussion and just called me wacist.

Because that is all you lefties have.

And that is why you are so terrified of information that might explain a significant portion of the achievement gap in our society.

Because you NEED for it to be wacism, because without that assumption on your part and the part of blacks and browns, you have nothing left to point to, to justify your hate and rage and anti-white racism.

Would you be happy if it were proved to you, that was a real, valid reason for the results you see, taht was not something you could blame on white wacists,

OR would you rather than the nation was a place where large groups of people, ie whites, are working together as a group to hurt their fellow citizens, just for the sake of hate and evulness?
I can see that you are dedicated to your racists ideals and that no amount of evidence to the contrary is going to dissuade you of the notion. You don’t care that the only people pushing this IQ/race narrative are racists. You don’t care that science has debunked the IQ/race narrative.

Blacks are not less intelligent than whites. Hispanics are not less intelligent than whites.

I want to see a nation where racists are marginalized and kept to the dark web.

Funny, if the iq gap is not real, funny you didn't mention anything about dealing with those outside factors that cause the appearance of the iq gap.

After all, that study produces a supposedly huge increase in minority students.

Why are you not anxious to build on that success?

Surely there are countries, perhaps in Europe where they don't have evul wacist wepublicans, who stop good people like you from addressing those issues and thus have TRUE EQUALITY, and everyone lives together in peace and love.

Twue Luv. Without limit or shame.
We should be taking the results of the California and Broward studies and figure out why minority students aren't performing as well as white students. We know, as a result of these studies, that it's not because of their race as racists like YOU contend.
Try again.
Were all these white racists Democrats? Republicans keep saying it was them who ended slavery but today it seems like they are the KKKlanmen of yesterday.
They try to deny it but the parties have switched. The conservative south has always been the most racist region of the country. It still is. But back then, it was primarily Democrat. Now it's primarily Republican. But it's always been conservative.

Meanwhile, in the real world.

Great move on her part

Chicago’s mayor declared that she would only grant one-on-one interviews to minority journalists to protest the lack of diversity in the Windy City press corps.

Why is there such a lack of diversity in the press corps? Are blacks not qualified to be reporters? Seems to me those news agencies need to implement a diversity program.

So stop crying about how bad whites got it dummy. We have all the jobs.

YOur defense of blatant racism, makes my point. It is not the South today, that is the hot bed of racism, it is dem cities and circles.
You really, really, really do not understand what racism is. The Chicago mayor was shining a light on actual racism.
The Chicago mayor is an idiot. Anything she says should be roundly ignored. The racism she claims is being used to cover her complete failure. She depends on stupid guilty self hating fools and press committed to destroying the country.
I noticed you didn’t address anything that the Chicago mayor is bringing up. She is rightfully pointing out that the press corps is unusually white. Can you counter her argument with facts?
An image search ain’t gonna cut it. How many black reporters and journalists are there compared to white in Chicago?
I don't care. Are the reporters qualified? Do you think merit has anything to do with it?
No we don't believe merit has EVERYTHING to do with it. We understand bias is why only white males are getting hired.

You guys always claim blacks aren't qualified to be CEO's and that's why there are so few black CEO's. OK fine. But now you're saying they aren't smart enough to be reporters?
This is where they get their “facts“.

THe IQ gap is real. It is "science". That you don't like it, is irrelevant.
You just exposed yourself for the racist I knew you to be.

lol!! You are a dumbass.
Not by a longshot. You did just expose yourself as a racists though. It's called scientific racism and it's just as ugly today as it was when Hitler preached it.

Its defenders claim to be standing up for uncomfortable truths, but race science is still as bogus as ever.
Although race science has been repeatedly debunked by scholarly research, in recent years it has made a comeback. Many of the keenest promoters of race science today are stars of the “alt-right”, who like to use pseudoscience to lend intellectual justification to ethno-nationalist politics. If you believe that poor people are poor because they are inherently less intelligent, then it is easy to leap to the conclusion that liberal remedies, such as affirmative action or foreign aid, are doomed to fail.

I understand. This evidence is a problem for our Traditional America Ideological belief of All Men being created Equally by God.

Also, for you liberal ideology of always blaming the evul white man and his wacism for EVERYTHING.

But in the real world, it explains a lot.

I mean, the idea that the education gap is caused by evul wacist white teachers?

LOL!!! Have you ever MET any teachers? They are the one of the most liberals groups on the fucking planet.
You don't "understand" anything. You do realize this has been studied and your race/IQ bullshit has been debunked 12 ways to Sunday? The only people that still cling to it are racists.

I understand that liberals lie all the time. That anything that threatens their primary weapon, ie false accusations of racism, will be BURIED in lies from lying whores.

IQ is real. The idea that it is not, is absurd.

Do you really want to derail the thread into a technical discussion of intelligence?

What am I saying? Of course you do, especially since you will just be crying WACIST, like a retarded monkey over and over again, which is what you think debate IS.

The OP point stands. You people perpetuated a fraud on the American people and had violent brown shirt mobs roaming the streets during the campaign. That makes the election not free and fair and thus not legitimate.

You know who likes the term "you people"? Racists. Yes, IQ is real and can be effected by outside influence. You would know that if you read beyond the racist "studies" that seem to support your very racist world view.

In evaluating the claims by hereditarians with known racist ties of higher white and Asian IQ, we must be mindful of a tendency called the ‘Pygmalion effect’ .....

In context, my use of the term, "you people" was obviously aimed at you liberals, and as you are white, if any race, white liberals.

How ironic that you are arguing about intelligence and make such a retarded mistake.

OF course, you did know that. YOU were just lying still.

Anyhow, you admit that IQ is real. Yes, it can be effected by "outside influences". Policy to address those "influences" would be reasonable.

What is not reasonable is denying that the gap is not still there. I note that your cut and paste article, focuses on black and brown numbers increasing relatively,

with no discussion of how much they remained BELOW the percentages of white and asian children, proportional to the local demographics.

Funny. I mean what would REALLY make your point, is if once corrected for, the differences or the "gap" disappeared.


You are terrified of information that might reveal the world to be less racist.
Because the "gap" has nothing to do with race and only racists think it is.

Funny. You cited a study and I addressed it.

Instead of answering or rebutting my points, you just dropped the information based portion of our discussion and just called me wacist.

Because that is all you lefties have.

And that is why you are so terrified of information that might explain a significant portion of the achievement gap in our society.

Because you NEED for it to be wacism, because without that assumption on your part and the part of blacks and browns, you have nothing left to point to, to justify your hate and rage and anti-white racism.

Would you be happy if it were proved to you, that was a real, valid reason for the results you see, taht was not something you could blame on white wacists,

OR would you rather than the nation was a place where large groups of people, ie whites, are working together as a group to hurt their fellow citizens, just for the sake of hate and evulness?
I can see that you are dedicated to your racists ideals and that no amount of evidence to the contrary is going to dissuade you of the notion. You don’t care that the only people pushing this IQ/race narrative are racists. You don’t care that science has debunked the IQ/race narrative.

Blacks are not less intelligent than whites. Hispanics are not less intelligent than whites.

I want to see a nation where racists are marginalized and kept to the dark web.

Funny, if the iq gap is not real, funny you didn't mention anything about dealing with those outside factors that cause the appearance of the iq gap.

After all, that study produces a supposedly huge increase in minority students.

Why are you not anxious to build on that success?

Surely there are countries, perhaps in Europe where they don't have evul wacist wepublicans, who stop good people like you from addressing those issues and thus have TRUE EQUALITY, and everyone lives together in peace and love.

Twue Luv. Without limit or shame.
We should be taking the results of the California and Broward studies and figure out why minority students aren't performing as well as white students. We know, as a result of these studies, that it's not because of their race as racists like YOU contend.
Because the majority of them live in Democratic shitholes. They do not get an education. They get day care.

You admit that your mind is closed to new information.

Your mind was made up, 40 years ago, when you were younger and now you are immune to information that might contradict what you thought when you were much younger.

And you don't see a problem with that.
I'm very wishy washy and can switch loyalties. Watch any season of Cobra Kai or Game of Thrones with me and you'll know that. He had plenty of opportunities to realign my negative view of him. He didn’t.

Trump IS true shit. Has been since the 80s. Only gotten worse.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
That's peachy that you think that. In both 2016 and 2020, the American people disagreed.

The popular vote is irrelevant to my point.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
To YOU. Most disagreed.

Disagreeing is one thing. Deciding to not respect the peaceful transfer of power, is another.

You people choose to tear this nation apart. Good job.

Hey, I remember asking you people, if you people don't respect the elections you lose, why should we.

I never got an answer.
You really do live in a completely upside down world than the rest of the humans on the planet.

I don't recall Hillary Clinton going around telling everyone the election was rigged and she really won. (And she actually got millions more votes than he did) I seem to recall a concession speech from her.

Did you ever think maybe you didn't get an answer because your question was crazy? :lol:

Errr, sure. She didn't do that. Instead you have leftards rioting in the streets and lying to the feds to get warrants to gin up impeachments on false and illegal grounds, and cancel culture, and arresting people for defending themselves, ect. ect. ect.

I mean, you had to know that that was relevant, right?

oh, right. Of course you did. YOu were just lying again. Or is it still?

See, we need to ALWAYS remember that nothing you libs say, means shit.

That bit where you pretended to not understand what I was obviously referring to? That was just you talking shit. To help support the BIG LIE.
What "riots" are you talking about? This more of your projection? Trump's mob rioted on January 6th. There was no Hillary mob riot.

There was no "ginning up" of anything. Trump actually DID all the things he was accused of. Apparently you missed the Mueller report? And Trump really did threaten Ukraine that we would withhold aid if they didn't dig up dirt on the Bidens. That happened.

Are you pretending that the last 5 years of riots did not happen?

There, seriously, has not been 5 years of "rioting". There have been mass protests since the killing of George Floyd by a police officer. Floyd died a year ago last month.


You see repeated reports of violence from lefties, clearly showing up in 2016, before you even lost.
Ah, so you were employing hyperbole. There was not "five years of rioting" as you claimed. There were protests immediately after Trump as elected and some turned violent. :lol:

Actually I was underselling it. THe rioting started even before he won and has not stopped. So more like SIX years of rioting.

BUT, my focus was more on the RESISTANCE, after his win, ie your side's refusal to accept the peaceful transfer of power.

But, I like the way you are avoiding the point to quibble over details. It shows that you are self aware enough to realize that I am right and that your only hope is to distract from that.
Except that didn’t happen. There was no riot like we saw from the Trump mob. There was no effort to overturn the election results like we’ve seen from Trump and his merry band of sycophants. Hillary Clinton did not conduct a partisan audit of Florida ballots and continue to travel the country insisting she really won.

If it wasn’t for false equivalence y’all would have nothing.

Correct. THe left's riots were far worse, far larger, far longer lasting and far more deadly.

THe anti-democratic efforts of your side have been discussed in teh op and since then. YOu are bringing up other shit to try to distract from them right now.

YOu are a liar.
You live in an alternate reality...goes well with your alternate facts. :lol:

the OP was moved to conspiracy theories...for a reason. :lol:

Yeah, but hurt libs getting their way.

Compare teh riots, like you talked, but actually DO it.

The Right had about 4 hours of riots.

The left had about 6 years of riots.

And you people are seriously arguing the position that OUR side is the problem?

You want a civil war? DO YOU WANT A CIVIL WAR?
Try again.
Were all these white racists Democrats? Republicans keep saying it was them who ended slavery but today it seems like they are the KKKlanmen of yesterday.
They try to deny it but the parties have switched. The conservative south has always been the most racist region of the country. It still is. But back then, it was primarily Democrat. Now it's primarily Republican. But it's always been conservative.

Meanwhile, in the real world.

Great move on her part

Chicago’s mayor declared that she would only grant one-on-one interviews to minority journalists to protest the lack of diversity in the Windy City press corps.

Why is there such a lack of diversity in the press corps? Are blacks not qualified to be reporters? Seems to me those news agencies need to implement a diversity program.

So stop crying about how bad whites got it dummy. We have all the jobs.

YOur defense of blatant racism, makes my point. It is not the South today, that is the hot bed of racism, it is dem cities and circles.
You really, really, really do not understand what racism is. The Chicago mayor was shining a light on actual racism.
The Chicago mayor is an idiot. Anything she says should be roundly ignored. The racism she claims is being used to cover her complete failure. She depends on stupid guilty self hating fools and press committed to destroying the country.
I noticed you didn’t address anything that the Chicago mayor is bringing up. She is rightfully pointing out that the press corps is unusually white. Can you counter her argument with facts?
An image search ain’t gonna cut it. How many black reporters and journalists are there compared to white in Chicago?
I don't care. Are the reporters qualified? Do you think merit has anything to do with it?
No we don't believe merit has EVERYTHING to do with it. We understand bias is why only white males are getting hired.

You guys always claim blacks aren't qualified to be CEO's and that's why there are so few black CEO's. OK fine. But now you're saying they aren't smart enough to be reporters?
This is where they get their “facts“.

THe IQ gap is real. It is "science". That you don't like it, is irrelevant.
You just exposed yourself for the racist I knew you to be.

lol!! You are a dumbass.
Not by a longshot. You did just expose yourself as a racists though. It's called scientific racism and it's just as ugly today as it was when Hitler preached it.

Its defenders claim to be standing up for uncomfortable truths, but race science is still as bogus as ever.
Although race science has been repeatedly debunked by scholarly research, in recent years it has made a comeback. Many of the keenest promoters of race science today are stars of the “alt-right”, who like to use pseudoscience to lend intellectual justification to ethno-nationalist politics. If you believe that poor people are poor because they are inherently less intelligent, then it is easy to leap to the conclusion that liberal remedies, such as affirmative action or foreign aid, are doomed to fail.

I understand. This evidence is a problem for our Traditional America Ideological belief of All Men being created Equally by God.

Also, for you liberal ideology of always blaming the evul white man and his wacism for EVERYTHING.

But in the real world, it explains a lot.

I mean, the idea that the education gap is caused by evul wacist white teachers?

LOL!!! Have you ever MET any teachers? They are the one of the most liberals groups on the fucking planet.
You don't "understand" anything. You do realize this has been studied and your race/IQ bullshit has been debunked 12 ways to Sunday? The only people that still cling to it are racists.

I understand that liberals lie all the time. That anything that threatens their primary weapon, ie false accusations of racism, will be BURIED in lies from lying whores.

IQ is real. The idea that it is not, is absurd.

Do you really want to derail the thread into a technical discussion of intelligence?

What am I saying? Of course you do, especially since you will just be crying WACIST, like a retarded monkey over and over again, which is what you think debate IS.

The OP point stands. You people perpetuated a fraud on the American people and had violent brown shirt mobs roaming the streets during the campaign. That makes the election not free and fair and thus not legitimate.

You know who likes the term "you people"? Racists. Yes, IQ is real and can be effected by outside influence. You would know that if you read beyond the racist "studies" that seem to support your very racist world view.

In evaluating the claims by hereditarians with known racist ties of higher white and Asian IQ, we must be mindful of a tendency called the ‘Pygmalion effect’ .....

In context, my use of the term, "you people" was obviously aimed at you liberals, and as you are white, if any race, white liberals.

How ironic that you are arguing about intelligence and make such a retarded mistake.

OF course, you did know that. YOU were just lying still.

Anyhow, you admit that IQ is real. Yes, it can be effected by "outside influences". Policy to address those "influences" would be reasonable.

What is not reasonable is denying that the gap is not still there. I note that your cut and paste article, focuses on black and brown numbers increasing relatively,

with no discussion of how much they remained BELOW the percentages of white and asian children, proportional to the local demographics.

Funny. I mean what would REALLY make your point, is if once corrected for, the differences or the "gap" disappeared.


You are terrified of information that might reveal the world to be less racist.
Because the "gap" has nothing to do with race and only racists think it is.

Funny. You cited a study and I addressed it.

Instead of answering or rebutting my points, you just dropped the information based portion of our discussion and just called me wacist.

Because that is all you lefties have.

And that is why you are so terrified of information that might explain a significant portion of the achievement gap in our society.

Because you NEED for it to be wacism, because without that assumption on your part and the part of blacks and browns, you have nothing left to point to, to justify your hate and rage and anti-white racism.

Would you be happy if it were proved to you, that was a real, valid reason for the results you see, taht was not something you could blame on white wacists,

OR would you rather than the nation was a place where large groups of people, ie whites, are working together as a group to hurt their fellow citizens, just for the sake of hate and evulness?
I can see that you are dedicated to your racists ideals and that no amount of evidence to the contrary is going to dissuade you of the notion. You don’t care that the only people pushing this IQ/race narrative are racists. You don’t care that science has debunked the IQ/race narrative.

Blacks are not less intelligent than whites. Hispanics are not less intelligent than whites.

I want to see a nation where racists are marginalized and kept to the dark web.

Funny, if the iq gap is not real, funny you didn't mention anything about dealing with those outside factors that cause the appearance of the iq gap.

After all, that study produces a supposedly huge increase in minority students.

Why are you not anxious to build on that success?

Surely there are countries, perhaps in Europe where they don't have evul wacist wepublicans, who stop good people like you from addressing those issues and thus have TRUE EQUALITY, and everyone lives together in peace and love.

Twue Luv. Without limit or shame.
We should be taking the results of the California and Broward studies and figure out why minority students aren't performing as well as white students. We know, as a result of these studies, that it's not because of their race as racists like YOU contend.

It's been decades, since you people have started pushing back against IQ.

And you are still at the, "we should take a look at it stage"? LOL!!!

You know, it occurs to me, that your position on this issue makes no sense, on many levels.

1. Your initial claim to explain the supposed low number of black reporters is wacism. BUT, if the IQ gap is real, even if caused by "influences", then it is not wacism on the part of employers to not hire less qualified people.

2. If you really believe that the iq is caused by "influences", then you still believe in the iq gap, you just don't believe that it is caused by genetics. That makes you claim that believing in it, to be wacist is nonsense.

3. If you believe it to be caused by "influences" then why are you people not fired up to identify and address these "influences"?

4. Because if you are correct, then the solution to wacism is simple. Identify the "influences", remove them from the children's environments, the next generation of minorities has no iq gap and are equally qualified and capable in every regard, and BOOM wacism gone.

You admit that your mind is closed to new information.

Your mind was made up, 40 years ago, when you were younger and now you are immune to information that might contradict what you thought when you were much younger.

And you don't see a problem with that.
I'm very wishy washy and can switch loyalties. Watch any season of Cobra Kai or Game of Thrones with me and you'll know that. He had plenty of opportunities to realign my negative view of him. He didn’t.

Trump IS true shit. Has been since the 80s. Only gotten worse.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
That's peachy that you think that. In both 2016 and 2020, the American people disagreed.

The popular vote is irrelevant to my point.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
To YOU. Most disagreed.

Disagreeing is one thing. Deciding to not respect the peaceful transfer of power, is another.

You people choose to tear this nation apart. Good job.

Hey, I remember asking you people, if you people don't respect the elections you lose, why should we.

I never got an answer.
You really do live in a completely upside down world than the rest of the humans on the planet.

I don't recall Hillary Clinton going around telling everyone the election was rigged and she really won. (And she actually got millions more votes than he did) I seem to recall a concession speech from her.

Did you ever think maybe you didn't get an answer because your question was crazy? :lol:

Errr, sure. She didn't do that. Instead you have leftards rioting in the streets and lying to the feds to get warrants to gin up impeachments on false and illegal grounds, and cancel culture, and arresting people for defending themselves, ect. ect. ect.

I mean, you had to know that that was relevant, right?

oh, right. Of course you did. YOu were just lying again. Or is it still?

See, we need to ALWAYS remember that nothing you libs say, means shit.

That bit where you pretended to not understand what I was obviously referring to? That was just you talking shit. To help support the BIG LIE.
What "riots" are you talking about? This more of your projection? Trump's mob rioted on January 6th. There was no Hillary mob riot.

There was no "ginning up" of anything. Trump actually DID all the things he was accused of. Apparently you missed the Mueller report? And Trump really did threaten Ukraine that we would withhold aid if they didn't dig up dirt on the Bidens. That happened.

Are you pretending that the last 5 years of riots did not happen?

There, seriously, has not been 5 years of "rioting". There have been mass protests since the killing of George Floyd by a police officer. Floyd died a year ago last month.


You see repeated reports of violence from lefties, clearly showing up in 2016, before you even lost.
Ah, so you were employing hyperbole. There was not "five years of rioting" as you claimed. There were protests immediately after Trump as elected and some turned violent. :lol:

Actually I was underselling it. THe rioting started even before he won and has not stopped. So more like SIX years of rioting.

BUT, my focus was more on the RESISTANCE, after his win, ie your side's refusal to accept the peaceful transfer of power.

But, I like the way you are avoiding the point to quibble over details. It shows that you are self aware enough to realize that I am right and that your only hope is to distract from that.
Except that didn’t happen. There was no riot like we saw from the Trump mob. There was no effort to overturn the election results like we’ve seen from Trump and his merry band of sycophants. Hillary Clinton did not conduct a partisan audit of Florida ballots and continue to travel the country insisting she really won.

If it wasn’t for false equivalence y’all would have nothing.

Correct. THe left's riots were far worse, far larger, far longer lasting and far more deadly.

THe anti-democratic efforts of your side have been discussed in teh op and since then. YOu are bringing up other shit to try to distract from them right now.

YOu are a liar.
You live in an alternate reality...goes well with your alternate facts. :lol:

the OP was moved to conspiracy theories...for a reason. :lol:

Yeah, but hurt libs getting their way.

Compare teh riots, like you talked, but actually DO it.

The Right had about 4 hours of riots.

The left had about 6 years of riots.

And you people are seriously arguing the position that OUR side is the problem?

You want a civil war? DO YOU WANT A CIVIL WAR?
It was moved because it's a conspiracy theory.

Yes, "your side" is the problem. "Your side" is trying to undermine our small d democracy. Trump's insistence that he won, despite ALL evidence to the contrary is endangering our democracy because his cultlike followers believe him and were willing to attempt an actual insurrection as a result.
Try again.
Were all these white racists Democrats? Republicans keep saying it was them who ended slavery but today it seems like they are the KKKlanmen of yesterday.
They try to deny it but the parties have switched. The conservative south has always been the most racist region of the country. It still is. But back then, it was primarily Democrat. Now it's primarily Republican. But it's always been conservative.

Meanwhile, in the real world.

Great move on her part

Chicago’s mayor declared that she would only grant one-on-one interviews to minority journalists to protest the lack of diversity in the Windy City press corps.

Why is there such a lack of diversity in the press corps? Are blacks not qualified to be reporters? Seems to me those news agencies need to implement a diversity program.

So stop crying about how bad whites got it dummy. We have all the jobs.

YOur defense of blatant racism, makes my point. It is not the South today, that is the hot bed of racism, it is dem cities and circles.
You really, really, really do not understand what racism is. The Chicago mayor was shining a light on actual racism.
The Chicago mayor is an idiot. Anything she says should be roundly ignored. The racism she claims is being used to cover her complete failure. She depends on stupid guilty self hating fools and press committed to destroying the country.
I noticed you didn’t address anything that the Chicago mayor is bringing up. She is rightfully pointing out that the press corps is unusually white. Can you counter her argument with facts?
An image search ain’t gonna cut it. How many black reporters and journalists are there compared to white in Chicago?
I don't care. Are the reporters qualified? Do you think merit has anything to do with it?
No we don't believe merit has EVERYTHING to do with it. We understand bias is why only white males are getting hired.

You guys always claim blacks aren't qualified to be CEO's and that's why there are so few black CEO's. OK fine. But now you're saying they aren't smart enough to be reporters?
This is where they get their “facts“.

THe IQ gap is real. It is "science". That you don't like it, is irrelevant.
You just exposed yourself for the racist I knew you to be.

lol!! You are a dumbass.
Not by a longshot. You did just expose yourself as a racists though. It's called scientific racism and it's just as ugly today as it was when Hitler preached it.

Its defenders claim to be standing up for uncomfortable truths, but race science is still as bogus as ever.
Although race science has been repeatedly debunked by scholarly research, in recent years it has made a comeback. Many of the keenest promoters of race science today are stars of the “alt-right”, who like to use pseudoscience to lend intellectual justification to ethno-nationalist politics. If you believe that poor people are poor because they are inherently less intelligent, then it is easy to leap to the conclusion that liberal remedies, such as affirmative action or foreign aid, are doomed to fail.

I understand. This evidence is a problem for our Traditional America Ideological belief of All Men being created Equally by God.

Also, for you liberal ideology of always blaming the evul white man and his wacism for EVERYTHING.

But in the real world, it explains a lot.

I mean, the idea that the education gap is caused by evul wacist white teachers?

LOL!!! Have you ever MET any teachers? They are the one of the most liberals groups on the fucking planet.
You don't "understand" anything. You do realize this has been studied and your race/IQ bullshit has been debunked 12 ways to Sunday? The only people that still cling to it are racists.

I understand that liberals lie all the time. That anything that threatens their primary weapon, ie false accusations of racism, will be BURIED in lies from lying whores.

IQ is real. The idea that it is not, is absurd.

Do you really want to derail the thread into a technical discussion of intelligence?

What am I saying? Of course you do, especially since you will just be crying WACIST, like a retarded monkey over and over again, which is what you think debate IS.

The OP point stands. You people perpetuated a fraud on the American people and had violent brown shirt mobs roaming the streets during the campaign. That makes the election not free and fair and thus not legitimate.

You know who likes the term "you people"? Racists. Yes, IQ is real and can be effected by outside influence. You would know that if you read beyond the racist "studies" that seem to support your very racist world view.

In evaluating the claims by hereditarians with known racist ties of higher white and Asian IQ, we must be mindful of a tendency called the ‘Pygmalion effect’ .....

In context, my use of the term, "you people" was obviously aimed at you liberals, and as you are white, if any race, white liberals.

How ironic that you are arguing about intelligence and make such a retarded mistake.

OF course, you did know that. YOU were just lying still.

Anyhow, you admit that IQ is real. Yes, it can be effected by "outside influences". Policy to address those "influences" would be reasonable.

What is not reasonable is denying that the gap is not still there. I note that your cut and paste article, focuses on black and brown numbers increasing relatively,

with no discussion of how much they remained BELOW the percentages of white and asian children, proportional to the local demographics.

Funny. I mean what would REALLY make your point, is if once corrected for, the differences or the "gap" disappeared.


You are terrified of information that might reveal the world to be less racist.
Because the "gap" has nothing to do with race and only racists think it is.

Funny. You cited a study and I addressed it.

Instead of answering or rebutting my points, you just dropped the information based portion of our discussion and just called me wacist.

Because that is all you lefties have.

And that is why you are so terrified of information that might explain a significant portion of the achievement gap in our society.

Because you NEED for it to be wacism, because without that assumption on your part and the part of blacks and browns, you have nothing left to point to, to justify your hate and rage and anti-white racism.

Would you be happy if it were proved to you, that was a real, valid reason for the results you see, taht was not something you could blame on white wacists,

OR would you rather than the nation was a place where large groups of people, ie whites, are working together as a group to hurt their fellow citizens, just for the sake of hate and evulness?
I can see that you are dedicated to your racists ideals and that no amount of evidence to the contrary is going to dissuade you of the notion. You don’t care that the only people pushing this IQ/race narrative are racists. You don’t care that science has debunked the IQ/race narrative.

Blacks are not less intelligent than whites. Hispanics are not less intelligent than whites.

I want to see a nation where racists are marginalized and kept to the dark web.

Funny, if the iq gap is not real, funny you didn't mention anything about dealing with those outside factors that cause the appearance of the iq gap.

After all, that study produces a supposedly huge increase in minority students.

Why are you not anxious to build on that success?

Surely there are countries, perhaps in Europe where they don't have evul wacist wepublicans, who stop good people like you from addressing those issues and thus have TRUE EQUALITY, and everyone lives together in peace and love.

Twue Luv. Without limit or shame.
We should be taking the results of the California and Broward studies and figure out why minority students aren't performing as well as white students. We know, as a result of these studies, that it's not because of their race as racists like YOU contend.

It's been decades, since you people have started pushing back against IQ.

And you are still at the, "we should take a look at it stage"? LOL!!!

You know, it occurs to me, that your position on this issue makes no sense, on many levels.

1. Your initial claim to explain the supposed low number of black reporters is wacism. BUT, if the IQ gap is real, even if caused by "influences", then it is not wacism on the part of employers to not hire less qualified people.

2. If you really believe that the iq is caused by "influences", then you still believe in the iq gap, you just don't believe that it is caused by genetics. That makes you claim that believing in it, to be wacist is nonsense.

3. If you believe it to be caused by "influences" then why are you people not fired up to identify and address these "influences"?

4. Because if you are correct, then the solution to wacism is simple. Identify the "influences", remove them from the children's environments, the next generation of minorities has no iq gap and are equally qualified and capable in every regard, and BOOM wacism gone.
No. The country is way beyond the "look at it" stage. We are at the DO something stage. We, as a country, are finally starting to address systemic racism and it's long overdue.

You admit that your mind is closed to new information.

Your mind was made up, 40 years ago, when you were younger and now you are immune to information that might contradict what you thought when you were much younger.

And you don't see a problem with that.
I'm very wishy washy and can switch loyalties. Watch any season of Cobra Kai or Game of Thrones with me and you'll know that. He had plenty of opportunities to realign my negative view of him. He didn’t.

Trump IS true shit. Has been since the 80s. Only gotten worse.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
That's peachy that you think that. In both 2016 and 2020, the American people disagreed.

The popular vote is irrelevant to my point.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
To YOU. Most disagreed.

Disagreeing is one thing. Deciding to not respect the peaceful transfer of power, is another.

You people choose to tear this nation apart. Good job.

Hey, I remember asking you people, if you people don't respect the elections you lose, why should we.

I never got an answer.
You really do live in a completely upside down world than the rest of the humans on the planet.

I don't recall Hillary Clinton going around telling everyone the election was rigged and she really won. (And she actually got millions more votes than he did) I seem to recall a concession speech from her.

Did you ever think maybe you didn't get an answer because your question was crazy? :lol:

Errr, sure. She didn't do that. Instead you have leftards rioting in the streets and lying to the feds to get warrants to gin up impeachments on false and illegal grounds, and cancel culture, and arresting people for defending themselves, ect. ect. ect.

I mean, you had to know that that was relevant, right?

oh, right. Of course you did. YOu were just lying again. Or is it still?

See, we need to ALWAYS remember that nothing you libs say, means shit.

That bit where you pretended to not understand what I was obviously referring to? That was just you talking shit. To help support the BIG LIE.
What "riots" are you talking about? This more of your projection? Trump's mob rioted on January 6th. There was no Hillary mob riot.

There was no "ginning up" of anything. Trump actually DID all the things he was accused of. Apparently you missed the Mueller report? And Trump really did threaten Ukraine that we would withhold aid if they didn't dig up dirt on the Bidens. That happened.

Are you pretending that the last 5 years of riots did not happen?

There, seriously, has not been 5 years of "rioting". There have been mass protests since the killing of George Floyd by a police officer. Floyd died a year ago last month.


You see repeated reports of violence from lefties, clearly showing up in 2016, before you even lost.
Ah, so you were employing hyperbole. There was not "five years of rioting" as you claimed. There were protests immediately after Trump as elected and some turned violent. :lol:

Actually I was underselling it. THe rioting started even before he won and has not stopped. So more like SIX years of rioting.

BUT, my focus was more on the RESISTANCE, after his win, ie your side's refusal to accept the peaceful transfer of power.

But, I like the way you are avoiding the point to quibble over details. It shows that you are self aware enough to realize that I am right and that your only hope is to distract from that.
Except that didn’t happen. There was no riot like we saw from the Trump mob. There was no effort to overturn the election results like we’ve seen from Trump and his merry band of sycophants. Hillary Clinton did not conduct a partisan audit of Florida ballots and continue to travel the country insisting she really won.

If it wasn’t for false equivalence y’all would have nothing.

Correct. THe left's riots were far worse, far larger, far longer lasting and far more deadly.

THe anti-democratic efforts of your side have been discussed in teh op and since then. YOu are bringing up other shit to try to distract from them right now.

YOu are a liar.
You live in an alternate reality...goes well with your alternate facts. :lol:

the OP was moved to conspiracy theories...for a reason. :lol:

Yeah, but hurt libs getting their way.

Compare teh riots, like you talked, but actually DO it.

The Right had about 4 hours of riots.

The left had about 6 years of riots.

And you people are seriously arguing the position that OUR side is the problem?

You want a civil war? DO YOU WANT A CIVIL WAR?
It was moved because it's a conspiracy theory.

Yes, "your side" is the problem. "Your side" is trying to undermine our small d democracy. Trump's insistence that he won, despite ALL evidence to the contrary is endangering our democracy because his cultlike followers believe him and were willing to attempt an actual insurrection as a result.
It was moved because this forum is biased. They have decided to side with the narrative. That is all it is, a narrative.

You admit that your mind is closed to new information.

Your mind was made up, 40 years ago, when you were younger and now you are immune to information that might contradict what you thought when you were much younger.

And you don't see a problem with that.
I'm very wishy washy and can switch loyalties. Watch any season of Cobra Kai or Game of Thrones with me and you'll know that. He had plenty of opportunities to realign my negative view of him. He didn’t.

Trump IS true shit. Has been since the 80s. Only gotten worse.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
That's peachy that you think that. In both 2016 and 2020, the American people disagreed.

The popular vote is irrelevant to my point.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
To YOU. Most disagreed.

Disagreeing is one thing. Deciding to not respect the peaceful transfer of power, is another.

You people choose to tear this nation apart. Good job.

Hey, I remember asking you people, if you people don't respect the elections you lose, why should we.

I never got an answer.
You really do live in a completely upside down world than the rest of the humans on the planet.

I don't recall Hillary Clinton going around telling everyone the election was rigged and she really won. (And she actually got millions more votes than he did) I seem to recall a concession speech from her.

Did you ever think maybe you didn't get an answer because your question was crazy? :lol:

Errr, sure. She didn't do that. Instead you have leftards rioting in the streets and lying to the feds to get warrants to gin up impeachments on false and illegal grounds, and cancel culture, and arresting people for defending themselves, ect. ect. ect.

I mean, you had to know that that was relevant, right?

oh, right. Of course you did. YOu were just lying again. Or is it still?

See, we need to ALWAYS remember that nothing you libs say, means shit.

That bit where you pretended to not understand what I was obviously referring to? That was just you talking shit. To help support the BIG LIE.
What "riots" are you talking about? This more of your projection? Trump's mob rioted on January 6th. There was no Hillary mob riot.

There was no "ginning up" of anything. Trump actually DID all the things he was accused of. Apparently you missed the Mueller report? And Trump really did threaten Ukraine that we would withhold aid if they didn't dig up dirt on the Bidens. That happened.

Are you pretending that the last 5 years of riots did not happen?

There, seriously, has not been 5 years of "rioting". There have been mass protests since the killing of George Floyd by a police officer. Floyd died a year ago last month.


You see repeated reports of violence from lefties, clearly showing up in 2016, before you even lost.
Ah, so you were employing hyperbole. There was not "five years of rioting" as you claimed. There were protests immediately after Trump as elected and some turned violent. :lol:

Actually I was underselling it. THe rioting started even before he won and has not stopped. So more like SIX years of rioting.

BUT, my focus was more on the RESISTANCE, after his win, ie your side's refusal to accept the peaceful transfer of power.

But, I like the way you are avoiding the point to quibble over details. It shows that you are self aware enough to realize that I am right and that your only hope is to distract from that.
Except that didn’t happen. There was no riot like we saw from the Trump mob. There was no effort to overturn the election results like we’ve seen from Trump and his merry band of sycophants. Hillary Clinton did not conduct a partisan audit of Florida ballots and continue to travel the country insisting she really won.

If it wasn’t for false equivalence y’all would have nothing.

Correct. THe left's riots were far worse, far larger, far longer lasting and far more deadly.

THe anti-democratic efforts of your side have been discussed in teh op and since then. YOu are bringing up other shit to try to distract from them right now.

YOu are a liar.
You live in an alternate reality...goes well with your alternate facts. :lol:

the OP was moved to conspiracy theories...for a reason. :lol:

Yeah, but hurt libs getting their way.

Compare teh riots, like you talked, but actually DO it.

The Right had about 4 hours of riots.

The left had about 6 years of riots.

And you people are seriously arguing the position that OUR side is the problem?

You want a civil war? DO YOU WANT A CIVIL WAR?
It was moved because it's a conspiracy theory.

Yes, "your side" is the problem. "Your side" is trying to undermine our small d democracy. Trump's insistence that he won, despite ALL evidence to the contrary is endangering our democracy because his cultlike followers believe him and were willing to attempt an actual insurrection as a result.

So, you're dropping that bit you raised, where you pretended that 4 hours of rioting was worse that 4 years of rioting.

BUT, you aren't admitting it was stupid shit. Because if I address the new shit you brought up to distract from the shit we were discussing, and I refute that stupid shit, and then the next piece of stupid shit you bring up,

if you need to, you will work your way right back to the stupid shit where you pretend that 4 hours of rioting is worse than 4 years of rioting.

You are wally.



  • 1624228021554.png
    35.7 KB · Views: 15
Try again.
Were all these white racists Democrats? Republicans keep saying it was them who ended slavery but today it seems like they are the KKKlanmen of yesterday.
They try to deny it but the parties have switched. The conservative south has always been the most racist region of the country. It still is. But back then, it was primarily Democrat. Now it's primarily Republican. But it's always been conservative.

Meanwhile, in the real world.

Great move on her part

Chicago’s mayor declared that she would only grant one-on-one interviews to minority journalists to protest the lack of diversity in the Windy City press corps.

Why is there such a lack of diversity in the press corps? Are blacks not qualified to be reporters? Seems to me those news agencies need to implement a diversity program.

So stop crying about how bad whites got it dummy. We have all the jobs.

YOur defense of blatant racism, makes my point. It is not the South today, that is the hot bed of racism, it is dem cities and circles.
You really, really, really do not understand what racism is. The Chicago mayor was shining a light on actual racism.
The Chicago mayor is an idiot. Anything she says should be roundly ignored. The racism she claims is being used to cover her complete failure. She depends on stupid guilty self hating fools and press committed to destroying the country.
I noticed you didn’t address anything that the Chicago mayor is bringing up. She is rightfully pointing out that the press corps is unusually white. Can you counter her argument with facts?
An image search ain’t gonna cut it. How many black reporters and journalists are there compared to white in Chicago?
I don't care. Are the reporters qualified? Do you think merit has anything to do with it?
No we don't believe merit has EVERYTHING to do with it. We understand bias is why only white males are getting hired.

You guys always claim blacks aren't qualified to be CEO's and that's why there are so few black CEO's. OK fine. But now you're saying they aren't smart enough to be reporters?
This is where they get their “facts“.

THe IQ gap is real. It is "science". That you don't like it, is irrelevant.
You just exposed yourself for the racist I knew you to be.

lol!! You are a dumbass.
Not by a longshot. You did just expose yourself as a racists though. It's called scientific racism and it's just as ugly today as it was when Hitler preached it.

Its defenders claim to be standing up for uncomfortable truths, but race science is still as bogus as ever.
Although race science has been repeatedly debunked by scholarly research, in recent years it has made a comeback. Many of the keenest promoters of race science today are stars of the “alt-right”, who like to use pseudoscience to lend intellectual justification to ethno-nationalist politics. If you believe that poor people are poor because they are inherently less intelligent, then it is easy to leap to the conclusion that liberal remedies, such as affirmative action or foreign aid, are doomed to fail.

I understand. This evidence is a problem for our Traditional America Ideological belief of All Men being created Equally by God.

Also, for you liberal ideology of always blaming the evul white man and his wacism for EVERYTHING.

But in the real world, it explains a lot.

I mean, the idea that the education gap is caused by evul wacist white teachers?

LOL!!! Have you ever MET any teachers? They are the one of the most liberals groups on the fucking planet.
You don't "understand" anything. You do realize this has been studied and your race/IQ bullshit has been debunked 12 ways to Sunday? The only people that still cling to it are racists.

I understand that liberals lie all the time. That anything that threatens their primary weapon, ie false accusations of racism, will be BURIED in lies from lying whores.

IQ is real. The idea that it is not, is absurd.

Do you really want to derail the thread into a technical discussion of intelligence?

What am I saying? Of course you do, especially since you will just be crying WACIST, like a retarded monkey over and over again, which is what you think debate IS.

The OP point stands. You people perpetuated a fraud on the American people and had violent brown shirt mobs roaming the streets during the campaign. That makes the election not free and fair and thus not legitimate.

You know who likes the term "you people"? Racists. Yes, IQ is real and can be effected by outside influence. You would know that if you read beyond the racist "studies" that seem to support your very racist world view.

In evaluating the claims by hereditarians with known racist ties of higher white and Asian IQ, we must be mindful of a tendency called the ‘Pygmalion effect’ .....

In context, my use of the term, "you people" was obviously aimed at you liberals, and as you are white, if any race, white liberals.

How ironic that you are arguing about intelligence and make such a retarded mistake.

OF course, you did know that. YOU were just lying still.

Anyhow, you admit that IQ is real. Yes, it can be effected by "outside influences". Policy to address those "influences" would be reasonable.

What is not reasonable is denying that the gap is not still there. I note that your cut and paste article, focuses on black and brown numbers increasing relatively,

with no discussion of how much they remained BELOW the percentages of white and asian children, proportional to the local demographics.

Funny. I mean what would REALLY make your point, is if once corrected for, the differences or the "gap" disappeared.


You are terrified of information that might reveal the world to be less racist.
Because the "gap" has nothing to do with race and only racists think it is.

Funny. You cited a study and I addressed it.

Instead of answering or rebutting my points, you just dropped the information based portion of our discussion and just called me wacist.

Because that is all you lefties have.

And that is why you are so terrified of information that might explain a significant portion of the achievement gap in our society.

Because you NEED for it to be wacism, because without that assumption on your part and the part of blacks and browns, you have nothing left to point to, to justify your hate and rage and anti-white racism.

Would you be happy if it were proved to you, that was a real, valid reason for the results you see, taht was not something you could blame on white wacists,

OR would you rather than the nation was a place where large groups of people, ie whites, are working together as a group to hurt their fellow citizens, just for the sake of hate and evulness?
I can see that you are dedicated to your racists ideals and that no amount of evidence to the contrary is going to dissuade you of the notion. You don’t care that the only people pushing this IQ/race narrative are racists. You don’t care that science has debunked the IQ/race narrative.

Blacks are not less intelligent than whites. Hispanics are not less intelligent than whites.

I want to see a nation where racists are marginalized and kept to the dark web.

Funny, if the iq gap is not real, funny you didn't mention anything about dealing with those outside factors that cause the appearance of the iq gap.

After all, that study produces a supposedly huge increase in minority students.

Why are you not anxious to build on that success?

Surely there are countries, perhaps in Europe where they don't have evul wacist wepublicans, who stop good people like you from addressing those issues and thus have TRUE EQUALITY, and everyone lives together in peace and love.

Twue Luv. Without limit or shame.
We should be taking the results of the California and Broward studies and figure out why minority students aren't performing as well as white students. We know, as a result of these studies, that it's not because of their race as racists like YOU contend.

It's been decades, since you people have started pushing back against IQ.

And you are still at the, "we should take a look at it stage"? LOL!!!

You know, it occurs to me, that your position on this issue makes no sense, on many levels.

1. Your initial claim to explain the supposed low number of black reporters is wacism. BUT, if the IQ gap is real, even if caused by "influences", then it is not wacism on the part of employers to not hire less qualified people.

2. If you really believe that the iq is caused by "influences", then you still believe in the iq gap, you just don't believe that it is caused by genetics. That makes you claim that believing in it, to be wacist is nonsense.

3. If you believe it to be caused by "influences" then why are you people not fired up to identify and address these "influences"?

4. Because if you are correct, then the solution to wacism is simple. Identify the "influences", remove them from the children's environments, the next generation of minorities has no iq gap and are equally qualified and capable in every regard, and BOOM wacism gone.
No. The country is way beyond the "look at it" stage. We are at the DO something stage. We, as a country, are finally starting to address systemic racism and it's long overdue.

Except, you only brought up the IQ gap to smear your enemies, not to discuss how to fix it. And you still have not mentioned ANYTHING you want to do to address it.

Cause, really, all you really want to do about "wacism" is keep the illusion of it alive, so that you can continue to cry wacism, like a retarded child, when someone is kicking your ass in a debate.

I made a number of points, seriously and honestly replying to your stated position. Your response was to cry wacism. Like a retard.

You admit that your mind is closed to new information.

Your mind was made up, 40 years ago, when you were younger and now you are immune to information that might contradict what you thought when you were much younger.

And you don't see a problem with that.
I'm very wishy washy and can switch loyalties. Watch any season of Cobra Kai or Game of Thrones with me and you'll know that. He had plenty of opportunities to realign my negative view of him. He didn’t.

Trump IS true shit. Has been since the 80s. Only gotten worse.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
That's peachy that you think that. In both 2016 and 2020, the American people disagreed.

The popular vote is irrelevant to my point.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
To YOU. Most disagreed.

Disagreeing is one thing. Deciding to not respect the peaceful transfer of power, is another.

You people choose to tear this nation apart. Good job.

Hey, I remember asking you people, if you people don't respect the elections you lose, why should we.

I never got an answer.
You really do live in a completely upside down world than the rest of the humans on the planet.

I don't recall Hillary Clinton going around telling everyone the election was rigged and she really won. (And she actually got millions more votes than he did) I seem to recall a concession speech from her.

Did you ever think maybe you didn't get an answer because your question was crazy? :lol:

Errr, sure. She didn't do that. Instead you have leftards rioting in the streets and lying to the feds to get warrants to gin up impeachments on false and illegal grounds, and cancel culture, and arresting people for defending themselves, ect. ect. ect.

I mean, you had to know that that was relevant, right?

oh, right. Of course you did. YOu were just lying again. Or is it still?

See, we need to ALWAYS remember that nothing you libs say, means shit.

That bit where you pretended to not understand what I was obviously referring to? That was just you talking shit. To help support the BIG LIE.
What "riots" are you talking about? This more of your projection? Trump's mob rioted on January 6th. There was no Hillary mob riot.

There was no "ginning up" of anything. Trump actually DID all the things he was accused of. Apparently you missed the Mueller report? And Trump really did threaten Ukraine that we would withhold aid if they didn't dig up dirt on the Bidens. That happened.

Are you pretending that the last 5 years of riots did not happen?

There, seriously, has not been 5 years of "rioting". There have been mass protests since the killing of George Floyd by a police officer. Floyd died a year ago last month.


You see repeated reports of violence from lefties, clearly showing up in 2016, before you even lost.
Ah, so you were employing hyperbole. There was not "five years of rioting" as you claimed. There were protests immediately after Trump as elected and some turned violent. :lol:

Actually I was underselling it. THe rioting started even before he won and has not stopped. So more like SIX years of rioting.

BUT, my focus was more on the RESISTANCE, after his win, ie your side's refusal to accept the peaceful transfer of power.

But, I like the way you are avoiding the point to quibble over details. It shows that you are self aware enough to realize that I am right and that your only hope is to distract from that.
Except that didn’t happen. There was no riot like we saw from the Trump mob. There was no effort to overturn the election results like we’ve seen from Trump and his merry band of sycophants. Hillary Clinton did not conduct a partisan audit of Florida ballots and continue to travel the country insisting she really won.

If it wasn’t for false equivalence y’all would have nothing.

Correct. THe left's riots were far worse, far larger, far longer lasting and far more deadly.

THe anti-democratic efforts of your side have been discussed in teh op and since then. YOu are bringing up other shit to try to distract from them right now.

YOu are a liar.
You live in an alternate reality...goes well with your alternate facts. :lol:

the OP was moved to conspiracy theories...for a reason. :lol:

Yeah, but hurt libs getting their way.

Compare teh riots, like you talked, but actually DO it.

The Right had about 4 hours of riots.

The left had about 6 years of riots.

And you people are seriously arguing the position that OUR side is the problem?

You want a civil war? DO YOU WANT A CIVIL WAR?
It was moved because it's a conspiracy theory.

Yes, "your side" is the problem. "Your side" is trying to undermine our small d democracy. Trump's insistence that he won, despite ALL evidence to the contrary is endangering our democracy because his cultlike followers believe him and were willing to attempt an actual insurrection as a result.

So, you're dropping that bit you raised, where you pretended that 4 hours of rioting was worse that 4 years of rioting.

BUT, you aren't admitting it was stupid shit. Because if I address the new shit you brought up to distract from the shit we were discussing, and I refute that stupid shit, and then the next piece of stupid shit you bring up,

if you need to, you will work your way right back to the stupid shit where you pretend that 4 hours of rioting is worse than 4 years of rioting.

You are wally.

View attachment 503742
Sorry, snowflake but this time has already been written in the history books. It will show a period of civil unrest after police shootings of unarmed African Americans. It will also tell of a failed insurrection based on a lie.
Try again.
Were all these white racists Democrats? Republicans keep saying it was them who ended slavery but today it seems like they are the KKKlanmen of yesterday.
They try to deny it but the parties have switched. The conservative south has always been the most racist region of the country. It still is. But back then, it was primarily Democrat. Now it's primarily Republican. But it's always been conservative.

Meanwhile, in the real world.

Great move on her part

Chicago’s mayor declared that she would only grant one-on-one interviews to minority journalists to protest the lack of diversity in the Windy City press corps.

Why is there such a lack of diversity in the press corps? Are blacks not qualified to be reporters? Seems to me those news agencies need to implement a diversity program.

So stop crying about how bad whites got it dummy. We have all the jobs.

YOur defense of blatant racism, makes my point. It is not the South today, that is the hot bed of racism, it is dem cities and circles.
You really, really, really do not understand what racism is. The Chicago mayor was shining a light on actual racism.
The Chicago mayor is an idiot. Anything she says should be roundly ignored. The racism she claims is being used to cover her complete failure. She depends on stupid guilty self hating fools and press committed to destroying the country.
I noticed you didn’t address anything that the Chicago mayor is bringing up. She is rightfully pointing out that the press corps is unusually white. Can you counter her argument with facts?
An image search ain’t gonna cut it. How many black reporters and journalists are there compared to white in Chicago?
I don't care. Are the reporters qualified? Do you think merit has anything to do with it?
No we don't believe merit has EVERYTHING to do with it. We understand bias is why only white males are getting hired.

You guys always claim blacks aren't qualified to be CEO's and that's why there are so few black CEO's. OK fine. But now you're saying they aren't smart enough to be reporters?
This is where they get their “facts“.

THe IQ gap is real. It is "science". That you don't like it, is irrelevant.
You just exposed yourself for the racist I knew you to be.

lol!! You are a dumbass.
Not by a longshot. You did just expose yourself as a racists though. It's called scientific racism and it's just as ugly today as it was when Hitler preached it.

Its defenders claim to be standing up for uncomfortable truths, but race science is still as bogus as ever.
Although race science has been repeatedly debunked by scholarly research, in recent years it has made a comeback. Many of the keenest promoters of race science today are stars of the “alt-right”, who like to use pseudoscience to lend intellectual justification to ethno-nationalist politics. If you believe that poor people are poor because they are inherently less intelligent, then it is easy to leap to the conclusion that liberal remedies, such as affirmative action or foreign aid, are doomed to fail.

I understand. This evidence is a problem for our Traditional America Ideological belief of All Men being created Equally by God.

Also, for you liberal ideology of always blaming the evul white man and his wacism for EVERYTHING.

But in the real world, it explains a lot.

I mean, the idea that the education gap is caused by evul wacist white teachers?

LOL!!! Have you ever MET any teachers? They are the one of the most liberals groups on the fucking planet.
You don't "understand" anything. You do realize this has been studied and your race/IQ bullshit has been debunked 12 ways to Sunday? The only people that still cling to it are racists.

I understand that liberals lie all the time. That anything that threatens their primary weapon, ie false accusations of racism, will be BURIED in lies from lying whores.

IQ is real. The idea that it is not, is absurd.

Do you really want to derail the thread into a technical discussion of intelligence?

What am I saying? Of course you do, especially since you will just be crying WACIST, like a retarded monkey over and over again, which is what you think debate IS.

The OP point stands. You people perpetuated a fraud on the American people and had violent brown shirt mobs roaming the streets during the campaign. That makes the election not free and fair and thus not legitimate.

You know who likes the term "you people"? Racists. Yes, IQ is real and can be effected by outside influence. You would know that if you read beyond the racist "studies" that seem to support your very racist world view.

In evaluating the claims by hereditarians with known racist ties of higher white and Asian IQ, we must be mindful of a tendency called the ‘Pygmalion effect’ .....

In context, my use of the term, "you people" was obviously aimed at you liberals, and as you are white, if any race, white liberals.

How ironic that you are arguing about intelligence and make such a retarded mistake.

OF course, you did know that. YOU were just lying still.

Anyhow, you admit that IQ is real. Yes, it can be effected by "outside influences". Policy to address those "influences" would be reasonable.

What is not reasonable is denying that the gap is not still there. I note that your cut and paste article, focuses on black and brown numbers increasing relatively,

with no discussion of how much they remained BELOW the percentages of white and asian children, proportional to the local demographics.

Funny. I mean what would REALLY make your point, is if once corrected for, the differences or the "gap" disappeared.


You are terrified of information that might reveal the world to be less racist.
Because the "gap" has nothing to do with race and only racists think it is.

Funny. You cited a study and I addressed it.

Instead of answering or rebutting my points, you just dropped the information based portion of our discussion and just called me wacist.

Because that is all you lefties have.

And that is why you are so terrified of information that might explain a significant portion of the achievement gap in our society.

Because you NEED for it to be wacism, because without that assumption on your part and the part of blacks and browns, you have nothing left to point to, to justify your hate and rage and anti-white racism.

Would you be happy if it were proved to you, that was a real, valid reason for the results you see, taht was not something you could blame on white wacists,

OR would you rather than the nation was a place where large groups of people, ie whites, are working together as a group to hurt their fellow citizens, just for the sake of hate and evulness?
I can see that you are dedicated to your racists ideals and that no amount of evidence to the contrary is going to dissuade you of the notion. You don’t care that the only people pushing this IQ/race narrative are racists. You don’t care that science has debunked the IQ/race narrative.

Blacks are not less intelligent than whites. Hispanics are not less intelligent than whites.

I want to see a nation where racists are marginalized and kept to the dark web.

Funny, if the iq gap is not real, funny you didn't mention anything about dealing with those outside factors that cause the appearance of the iq gap.

After all, that study produces a supposedly huge increase in minority students.

Why are you not anxious to build on that success?

Surely there are countries, perhaps in Europe where they don't have evul wacist wepublicans, who stop good people like you from addressing those issues and thus have TRUE EQUALITY, and everyone lives together in peace and love.

Twue Luv. Without limit or shame.
We should be taking the results of the California and Broward studies and figure out why minority students aren't performing as well as white students. We know, as a result of these studies, that it's not because of their race as racists like YOU contend.

It's been decades, since you people have started pushing back against IQ.

And you are still at the, "we should take a look at it stage"? LOL!!!

You know, it occurs to me, that your position on this issue makes no sense, on many levels.

1. Your initial claim to explain the supposed low number of black reporters is wacism. BUT, if the IQ gap is real, even if caused by "influences", then it is not wacism on the part of employers to not hire less qualified people.

2. If you really believe that the iq is caused by "influences", then you still believe in the iq gap, you just don't believe that it is caused by genetics. That makes you claim that believing in it, to be wacist is nonsense.

3. If you believe it to be caused by "influences" then why are you people not fired up to identify and address these "influences"?

4. Because if you are correct, then the solution to wacism is simple. Identify the "influences", remove them from the children's environments, the next generation of minorities has no iq gap and are equally qualified and capable in every regard, and BOOM wacism gone.
No. The country is way beyond the "look at it" stage. We are at the DO something stage. We, as a country, are finally starting to address systemic racism and it's long overdue.

Except, you only brought up the IQ gap to smear your enemies, not to discuss how to fix it. And you still have not mentioned ANYTHING you want to do to address it.

Cause, really, all you really want to do about "wacism" is keep the illusion of it alive, so that you can continue to cry wacism, like a retarded child, when someone is kicking your ass in a debate.

I made a number of points, seriously and honestly replying to your stated position. Your response was to cry wacism. Like a retard.

We are starting to fix it. We are recognizing systemic racism. That's step one.


You admit that your mind is closed to new information.

Your mind was made up, 40 years ago, when you were younger and now you are immune to information that might contradict what you thought when you were much younger.

And you don't see a problem with that.
I'm very wishy washy and can switch loyalties. Watch any season of Cobra Kai or Game of Thrones with me and you'll know that. He had plenty of opportunities to realign my negative view of him. He didn’t.

Trump IS true shit. Has been since the 80s. Only gotten worse.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
That's peachy that you think that. In both 2016 and 2020, the American people disagreed.

The popular vote is irrelevant to my point.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
To YOU. Most disagreed.

Disagreeing is one thing. Deciding to not respect the peaceful transfer of power, is another.

You people choose to tear this nation apart. Good job.

Hey, I remember asking you people, if you people don't respect the elections you lose, why should we.

I never got an answer.
You really do live in a completely upside down world than the rest of the humans on the planet.

I don't recall Hillary Clinton going around telling everyone the election was rigged and she really won. (And she actually got millions more votes than he did) I seem to recall a concession speech from her.

Did you ever think maybe you didn't get an answer because your question was crazy? :lol:

Errr, sure. She didn't do that. Instead you have leftards rioting in the streets and lying to the feds to get warrants to gin up impeachments on false and illegal grounds, and cancel culture, and arresting people for defending themselves, ect. ect. ect.

I mean, you had to know that that was relevant, right?

oh, right. Of course you did. YOu were just lying again. Or is it still?

See, we need to ALWAYS remember that nothing you libs say, means shit.

That bit where you pretended to not understand what I was obviously referring to? That was just you talking shit. To help support the BIG LIE.
What "riots" are you talking about? This more of your projection? Trump's mob rioted on January 6th. There was no Hillary mob riot.

There was no "ginning up" of anything. Trump actually DID all the things he was accused of. Apparently you missed the Mueller report? And Trump really did threaten Ukraine that we would withhold aid if they didn't dig up dirt on the Bidens. That happened.

Are you pretending that the last 5 years of riots did not happen?

There, seriously, has not been 5 years of "rioting". There have been mass protests since the killing of George Floyd by a police officer. Floyd died a year ago last month.


You see repeated reports of violence from lefties, clearly showing up in 2016, before you even lost.
Ah, so you were employing hyperbole. There was not "five years of rioting" as you claimed. There were protests immediately after Trump as elected and some turned violent. :lol:

Actually I was underselling it. THe rioting started even before he won and has not stopped. So more like SIX years of rioting.

BUT, my focus was more on the RESISTANCE, after his win, ie your side's refusal to accept the peaceful transfer of power.

But, I like the way you are avoiding the point to quibble over details. It shows that you are self aware enough to realize that I am right and that your only hope is to distract from that.
Except that didn’t happen. There was no riot like we saw from the Trump mob. There was no effort to overturn the election results like we’ve seen from Trump and his merry band of sycophants. Hillary Clinton did not conduct a partisan audit of Florida ballots and continue to travel the country insisting she really won.

If it wasn’t for false equivalence y’all would have nothing.

Correct. THe left's riots were far worse, far larger, far longer lasting and far more deadly.

THe anti-democratic efforts of your side have been discussed in teh op and since then. YOu are bringing up other shit to try to distract from them right now.

YOu are a liar.
You live in an alternate reality...goes well with your alternate facts. :lol:

the OP was moved to conspiracy theories...for a reason. :lol:

Yeah, but hurt libs getting their way.

Compare teh riots, like you talked, but actually DO it.

The Right had about 4 hours of riots.

The left had about 6 years of riots.

And you people are seriously arguing the position that OUR side is the problem?

You want a civil war? DO YOU WANT A CIVIL WAR?
It was moved because it's a conspiracy theory.

Yes, "your side" is the problem. "Your side" is trying to undermine our small d democracy. Trump's insistence that he won, despite ALL evidence to the contrary is endangering our democracy because his cultlike followers believe him and were willing to attempt an actual insurrection as a result.
It was moved because this forum is biased. They have decided to side with the narrative. That is all it is, a narrative.
Any arrests yet?

You admit that your mind is closed to new information.

Your mind was made up, 40 years ago, when you were younger and now you are immune to information that might contradict what you thought when you were much younger.

And you don't see a problem with that.
I'm very wishy washy and can switch loyalties. Watch any season of Cobra Kai or Game of Thrones with me and you'll know that. He had plenty of opportunities to realign my negative view of him. He didn’t.

Trump IS true shit. Has been since the 80s. Only gotten worse.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
That's peachy that you think that. In both 2016 and 2020, the American people disagreed.

The popular vote is irrelevant to my point.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
To YOU. Most disagreed.

Disagreeing is one thing. Deciding to not respect the peaceful transfer of power, is another.

You people choose to tear this nation apart. Good job.

Hey, I remember asking you people, if you people don't respect the elections you lose, why should we.

I never got an answer.
You really do live in a completely upside down world than the rest of the humans on the planet.

I don't recall Hillary Clinton going around telling everyone the election was rigged and she really won. (And she actually got millions more votes than he did) I seem to recall a concession speech from her.

Did you ever think maybe you didn't get an answer because your question was crazy? :lol:

Errr, sure. She didn't do that. Instead you have leftards rioting in the streets and lying to the feds to get warrants to gin up impeachments on false and illegal grounds, and cancel culture, and arresting people for defending themselves, ect. ect. ect.

I mean, you had to know that that was relevant, right?

oh, right. Of course you did. YOu were just lying again. Or is it still?

See, we need to ALWAYS remember that nothing you libs say, means shit.

That bit where you pretended to not understand what I was obviously referring to? That was just you talking shit. To help support the BIG LIE.
What "riots" are you talking about? This more of your projection? Trump's mob rioted on January 6th. There was no Hillary mob riot.

There was no "ginning up" of anything. Trump actually DID all the things he was accused of. Apparently you missed the Mueller report? And Trump really did threaten Ukraine that we would withhold aid if they didn't dig up dirt on the Bidens. That happened.

Are you pretending that the last 5 years of riots did not happen?

There, seriously, has not been 5 years of "rioting". There have been mass protests since the killing of George Floyd by a police officer. Floyd died a year ago last month.


You see repeated reports of violence from lefties, clearly showing up in 2016, before you even lost.
Ah, so you were employing hyperbole. There was not "five years of rioting" as you claimed. There were protests immediately after Trump as elected and some turned violent. :lol:

Actually I was underselling it. THe rioting started even before he won and has not stopped. So more like SIX years of rioting.

BUT, my focus was more on the RESISTANCE, after his win, ie your side's refusal to accept the peaceful transfer of power.

But, I like the way you are avoiding the point to quibble over details. It shows that you are self aware enough to realize that I am right and that your only hope is to distract from that.
Except that didn’t happen. There was no riot like we saw from the Trump mob. There was no effort to overturn the election results like we’ve seen from Trump and his merry band of sycophants. Hillary Clinton did not conduct a partisan audit of Florida ballots and continue to travel the country insisting she really won.

If it wasn’t for false equivalence y’all would have nothing.

Correct. THe left's riots were far worse, far larger, far longer lasting and far more deadly.

THe anti-democratic efforts of your side have been discussed in teh op and since then. YOu are bringing up other shit to try to distract from them right now.

YOu are a liar.
You live in an alternate reality...goes well with your alternate facts. :lol:

the OP was moved to conspiracy theories...for a reason. :lol:

Yeah, but hurt libs getting their way.

Compare teh riots, like you talked, but actually DO it.

The Right had about 4 hours of riots.

The left had about 6 years of riots.

And you people are seriously arguing the position that OUR side is the problem?

You want a civil war? DO YOU WANT A CIVIL WAR?
It was moved because it's a conspiracy theory.

Yes, "your side" is the problem. "Your side" is trying to undermine our small d democracy. Trump's insistence that he won, despite ALL evidence to the contrary is endangering our democracy because his cultlike followers believe him and were willing to attempt an actual insurrection as a result.
It was moved because this forum is biased. They have decided to side with the narrative. That is all it is, a narrative.
Any arrests yet?
Not going to explain it again to a troll.
Were all these white racists Democrats? Republicans keep saying it was them who ended slavery but today it seems like they are the KKKlanmen of yesterday.
They try to deny it but the parties have switched. The conservative south has always been the most racist region of the country. It still is. But back then, it was primarily Democrat. Now it's primarily Republican. But it's always been conservative.

Meanwhile, in the real world.

Great move on her part

Chicago’s mayor declared that she would only grant one-on-one interviews to minority journalists to protest the lack of diversity in the Windy City press corps.

Why is there such a lack of diversity in the press corps? Are blacks not qualified to be reporters? Seems to me those news agencies need to implement a diversity program.

So stop crying about how bad whites got it dummy. We have all the jobs.

YOur defense of blatant racism, makes my point. It is not the South today, that is the hot bed of racism, it is dem cities and circles.
You really, really, really do not understand what racism is. The Chicago mayor was shining a light on actual racism.

No, she wasn't.

You don't know the reasons for the racial make up on the press rooms. YOu are ASSUMING racism, because it supports your world view and gives you an excuse for the racist policies you do support.

Such as the Mayor's policy.

She is denying white reporters access, based on race. That is pure racism. That you support because you assume it is to counter other racism, in a two wrongs make a right sort of way.

Which, A. you are just assuming the first wrong and b. it doesn't change the fact that it is racism.
Yeah, we kinda do. Systemic racism.

Like I said you assume "wacism" as the reason. Any other reason, is dismissed by crying "Wacism".

And you use that to justify your actual racist policy, that you support. IE discriminating against white reporters based on their race.
You have the ability to argue that it’s racist not to let whites be racist.

Some libs tell you that a group is disproportionately white, you just believe them, and assume that the reason has to be evul white wacists.

AND you accept that, as a justification for actual racism against your own people.

You are a cuck. And an anti-white racist.
Try telling Unkotare that or im2. They think I’m a racist towards blacks you say I’m a traitor to my race. Im2 says he doesn’t even appreciate it. Perhaps I join you

You admit that your mind is closed to new information.

Your mind was made up, 40 years ago, when you were younger and now you are immune to information that might contradict what you thought when you were much younger.

And you don't see a problem with that.
I'm very wishy washy and can switch loyalties. Watch any season of Cobra Kai or Game of Thrones with me and you'll know that. He had plenty of opportunities to realign my negative view of him. He didn’t.

Trump IS true shit. Has been since the 80s. Only gotten worse.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
That's peachy that you think that. In both 2016 and 2020, the American people disagreed.

The popular vote is irrelevant to my point.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
To YOU. Most disagreed.

Disagreeing is one thing. Deciding to not respect the peaceful transfer of power, is another.

You people choose to tear this nation apart. Good job.

Hey, I remember asking you people, if you people don't respect the elections you lose, why should we.

I never got an answer.
You really do live in a completely upside down world than the rest of the humans on the planet.

I don't recall Hillary Clinton going around telling everyone the election was rigged and she really won. (And she actually got millions more votes than he did) I seem to recall a concession speech from her.

Did you ever think maybe you didn't get an answer because your question was crazy? :lol:

Errr, sure. She didn't do that. Instead you have leftards rioting in the streets and lying to the feds to get warrants to gin up impeachments on false and illegal grounds, and cancel culture, and arresting people for defending themselves, ect. ect. ect.

I mean, you had to know that that was relevant, right?

oh, right. Of course you did. YOu were just lying again. Or is it still?

See, we need to ALWAYS remember that nothing you libs say, means shit.

That bit where you pretended to not understand what I was obviously referring to? That was just you talking shit. To help support the BIG LIE.
What do you mean impeachment on false grounds? Just because Mitch protected trumps criminal activities
Try again.
Were all these white racists Democrats? Republicans keep saying it was them who ended slavery but today it seems like they are the KKKlanmen of yesterday.
They try to deny it but the parties have switched. The conservative south has always been the most racist region of the country. It still is. But back then, it was primarily Democrat. Now it's primarily Republican. But it's always been conservative.

Meanwhile, in the real world.

Great move on her part

Chicago’s mayor declared that she would only grant one-on-one interviews to minority journalists to protest the lack of diversity in the Windy City press corps.

Why is there such a lack of diversity in the press corps? Are blacks not qualified to be reporters? Seems to me those news agencies need to implement a diversity program.

So stop crying about how bad whites got it dummy. We have all the jobs.

YOur defense of blatant racism, makes my point. It is not the South today, that is the hot bed of racism, it is dem cities and circles.
You really, really, really do not understand what racism is. The Chicago mayor was shining a light on actual racism.
The Chicago mayor is an idiot. Anything she says should be roundly ignored. The racism she claims is being used to cover her complete failure. She depends on stupid guilty self hating fools and press committed to destroying the country.
I noticed you didn’t address anything that the Chicago mayor is bringing up. She is rightfully pointing out that the press corps is unusually white. Can you counter her argument with facts?
An image search ain’t gonna cut it. How many black reporters and journalists are there compared to white in Chicago?
I don't care. Are the reporters qualified? Do you think merit has anything to do with it?
No we don't believe merit has EVERYTHING to do with it. We understand bias is why only white males are getting hired.

You guys always claim blacks aren't qualified to be CEO's and that's why there are so few black CEO's. OK fine. But now you're saying they aren't smart enough to be reporters?
This is where they get their “facts“.

THe IQ gap is real. It is "science". That you don't like it, is irrelevant.
You just exposed yourself for the racist I knew you to be.

lol!! You are a dumbass.
Not by a longshot. You did just expose yourself as a racists though. It's called scientific racism and it's just as ugly today as it was when Hitler preached it.

Its defenders claim to be standing up for uncomfortable truths, but race science is still as bogus as ever.
Although race science has been repeatedly debunked by scholarly research, in recent years it has made a comeback. Many of the keenest promoters of race science today are stars of the “alt-right”, who like to use pseudoscience to lend intellectual justification to ethno-nationalist politics. If you believe that poor people are poor because they are inherently less intelligent, then it is easy to leap to the conclusion that liberal remedies, such as affirmative action or foreign aid, are doomed to fail.

I understand. This evidence is a problem for our Traditional America Ideological belief of All Men being created Equally by God.

Also, for you liberal ideology of always blaming the evul white man and his wacism for EVERYTHING.

But in the real world, it explains a lot.

I mean, the idea that the education gap is caused by evul wacist white teachers?

LOL!!! Have you ever MET any teachers? They are the one of the most liberals groups on the fucking planet.
You don't "understand" anything. You do realize this has been studied and your race/IQ bullshit has been debunked 12 ways to Sunday? The only people that still cling to it are racists.

I understand that liberals lie all the time. That anything that threatens their primary weapon, ie false accusations of racism, will be BURIED in lies from lying whores.

IQ is real. The idea that it is not, is absurd.

Do you really want to derail the thread into a technical discussion of intelligence?

What am I saying? Of course you do, especially since you will just be crying WACIST, like a retarded monkey over and over again, which is what you think debate IS.

The OP point stands. You people perpetuated a fraud on the American people and had violent brown shirt mobs roaming the streets during the campaign. That makes the election not free and fair and thus not legitimate.

You know who likes the term "you people"? Racists. Yes, IQ is real and can be effected by outside influence. You would know that if you read beyond the racist "studies" that seem to support your very racist world view.

In evaluating the claims by hereditarians with known racist ties of higher white and Asian IQ, we must be mindful of a tendency called the ‘Pygmalion effect’ .....

In context, my use of the term, "you people" was obviously aimed at you liberals, and as you are white, if any race, white liberals.

How ironic that you are arguing about intelligence and make such a retarded mistake.

OF course, you did know that. YOU were just lying still.

Anyhow, you admit that IQ is real. Yes, it can be effected by "outside influences". Policy to address those "influences" would be reasonable.

What is not reasonable is denying that the gap is not still there. I note that your cut and paste article, focuses on black and brown numbers increasing relatively,

with no discussion of how much they remained BELOW the percentages of white and asian children, proportional to the local demographics.

Funny. I mean what would REALLY make your point, is if once corrected for, the differences or the "gap" disappeared.


You are terrified of information that might reveal the world to be less racist.
Because the "gap" has nothing to do with race and only racists think it is.

Funny. You cited a study and I addressed it.

Instead of answering or rebutting my points, you just dropped the information based portion of our discussion and just called me wacist.

Because that is all you lefties have.

And that is why you are so terrified of information that might explain a significant portion of the achievement gap in our society.

Because you NEED for it to be wacism, because without that assumption on your part and the part of blacks and browns, you have nothing left to point to, to justify your hate and rage and anti-white racism.

Would you be happy if it were proved to you, that was a real, valid reason for the results you see, taht was not something you could blame on white wacists,

OR would you rather than the nation was a place where large groups of people, ie whites, are working together as a group to hurt their fellow citizens, just for the sake of hate and evulness?
I can see that you are dedicated to your racists ideals and that no amount of evidence to the contrary is going to dissuade you of the notion. You don’t care that the only people pushing this IQ/race narrative are racists. You don’t care that science has debunked the IQ/race narrative.

Blacks are not less intelligent than whites. Hispanics are not less intelligent than whites.

I want to see a nation where racists are marginalized and kept to the dark web.

Funny, if the iq gap is not real, funny you didn't mention anything about dealing with those outside factors that cause the appearance of the iq gap.

After all, that study produces a supposedly huge increase in minority students.

Why are you not anxious to build on that success?

Surely there are countries, perhaps in Europe where they don't have evul wacist wepublicans, who stop good people like you from addressing those issues and thus have TRUE EQUALITY, and everyone lives together in peace and love.

Twue Luv. Without limit or shame.
We should be taking the results of the California and Broward studies and figure out why minority students aren't performing as well as white students. We know, as a result of these studies, that it's not because of their race as racists like YOU contend.

It's been decades, since you people have started pushing back against IQ.

And you are still at the, "we should take a look at it stage"? LOL!!!

You know, it occurs to me, that your position on this issue makes no sense, on many levels.

1. Your initial claim to explain the supposed low number of black reporters is wacism. BUT, if the IQ gap is real, even if caused by "influences", then it is not wacism on the part of employers to not hire less qualified people.

2. If you really believe that the iq is caused by "influences", then you still believe in the iq gap, you just don't believe that it is caused by genetics. That makes you claim that believing in it, to be wacist is nonsense.

3. If you believe it to be caused by "influences" then why are you people not fired up to identify and address these "influences"?

4. Because if you are correct, then the solution to wacism is simple. Identify the "influences", remove them from the children's environments, the next generation of minorities has no iq gap and are equally qualified and capable in every regard, and BOOM wacism gone.
No. The country is way beyond the "look at it" stage. We are at the DO something stage. We, as a country, are finally starting to address systemic racism and it's long overdue.

Except, you only brought up the IQ gap to smear your enemies, not to discuss how to fix it. And you still have not mentioned ANYTHING you want to do to address it.

Cause, really, all you really want to do about "wacism" is keep the illusion of it alive, so that you can continue to cry wacism, like a retarded child, when someone is kicking your ass in a debate.

I made a number of points, seriously and honestly replying to your stated position. Your response was to cry wacism. Like a retard.
I’d respect you more if you didn’t deny things like trumps corrupt call to Ukraine. If you were honest and said you just don’t care I’d respect that. When Obama did something wrong I was willing to overlook it. I voted for Hillary even though she used private emails. I’ll admit it. I’m not a coward and liar like you

You admit that your mind is closed to new information.

Your mind was made up, 40 years ago, when you were younger and now you are immune to information that might contradict what you thought when you were much younger.

And you don't see a problem with that.
I'm very wishy washy and can switch loyalties. Watch any season of Cobra Kai or Game of Thrones with me and you'll know that. He had plenty of opportunities to realign my negative view of him. He didn’t.

Trump IS true shit. Has been since the 80s. Only gotten worse.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
That's peachy that you think that. In both 2016 and 2020, the American people disagreed.

The popular vote is irrelevant to my point.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
To YOU. Most disagreed.

Disagreeing is one thing. Deciding to not respect the peaceful transfer of power, is another.

You people choose to tear this nation apart. Good job.

Hey, I remember asking you people, if you people don't respect the elections you lose, why should we.

I never got an answer.
You really do live in a completely upside down world than the rest of the humans on the planet.

I don't recall Hillary Clinton going around telling everyone the election was rigged and she really won. (And she actually got millions more votes than he did) I seem to recall a concession speech from her.

Did you ever think maybe you didn't get an answer because your question was crazy? :lol:

Errr, sure. She didn't do that. Instead you have leftards rioting in the streets and lying to the feds to get warrants to gin up impeachments on false and illegal grounds, and cancel culture, and arresting people for defending themselves, ect. ect. ect.

I mean, you had to know that that was relevant, right?

oh, right. Of course you did. YOu were just lying again. Or is it still?

See, we need to ALWAYS remember that nothing you libs say, means shit.

That bit where you pretended to not understand what I was obviously referring to? That was just you talking shit. To help support the BIG LIE.
What "riots" are you talking about? This more of your projection? Trump's mob rioted on January 6th. There was no Hillary mob riot.

There was no "ginning up" of anything. Trump actually DID all the things he was accused of. Apparently you missed the Mueller report? And Trump really did threaten Ukraine that we would withhold aid if they didn't dig up dirt on the Bidens. That happened.

Are you pretending that the last 5 years of riots did not happen?

There, seriously, has not been 5 years of "rioting". There have been mass protests since the killing of George Floyd by a police officer. Floyd died a year ago last month.


You see repeated reports of violence from lefties, clearly showing up in 2016, before you even lost.
Ah, so you were employing hyperbole. There was not "five years of rioting" as you claimed. There were protests immediately after Trump as elected and some turned violent. :lol:

Actually I was underselling it. THe rioting started even before he won and has not stopped. So more like SIX years of rioting.

BUT, my focus was more on the RESISTANCE, after his win, ie your side's refusal to accept the peaceful transfer of power.

But, I like the way you are avoiding the point to quibble over details. It shows that you are self aware enough to realize that I am right and that your only hope is to distract from that.
Except that didn’t happen. There was no riot like we saw from the Trump mob. There was no effort to overturn the election results like we’ve seen from Trump and his merry band of sycophants. Hillary Clinton did not conduct a partisan audit of Florida ballots and continue to travel the country insisting she really won.

If it wasn’t for false equivalence y’all would have nothing.

Correct. THe left's riots were far worse, far larger, far longer lasting and far more deadly.

THe anti-democratic efforts of your side have been discussed in teh op and since then. YOu are bringing up other shit to try to distract from them right now.

YOu are a liar.
You live in an alternate reality...goes well with your alternate facts. :lol:

the OP was moved to conspiracy theories...for a reason. :lol:

Yeah, but hurt libs getting their way.

Compare teh riots, like you talked, but actually DO it.

The Right had about 4 hours of riots.

The left had about 6 years of riots.

And you people are seriously arguing the position that OUR side is the problem?

You want a civil war? DO YOU WANT A CIVIL WAR?
It was moved because it's a conspiracy theory.

Yes, "your side" is the problem. "Your side" is trying to undermine our small d democracy. Trump's insistence that he won, despite ALL evidence to the contrary is endangering our democracy because his cultlike followers believe him and were willing to attempt an actual insurrection as a result.
It was moved because this forum is biased. They have decided to side with the narrative. That is all it is, a narrative.
Any arrests yet?
Not going to explain it again to a troll.
Nothing to explain. There are no arrests, there will be no arrests.... Sucks to be you.

You admit that your mind is closed to new information.

Your mind was made up, 40 years ago, when you were younger and now you are immune to information that might contradict what you thought when you were much younger.

And you don't see a problem with that.
I'm very wishy washy and can switch loyalties. Watch any season of Cobra Kai or Game of Thrones with me and you'll know that. He had plenty of opportunities to realign my negative view of him. He didn’t.

Trump IS true shit. Has been since the 80s. Only gotten worse.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
That's peachy that you think that. In both 2016 and 2020, the American people disagreed.

The popular vote is irrelevant to my point.

Trump's policies on trade and immigration were the best available from the field of candidates we had.

THat you people flipped out, is just you...people, deciding that you would not respect elections that you lost anymore.
To YOU. Most disagreed.

Disagreeing is one thing. Deciding to not respect the peaceful transfer of power, is another.

You people choose to tear this nation apart. Good job.

Hey, I remember asking you people, if you people don't respect the elections you lose, why should we.

I never got an answer.
You really do live in a completely upside down world than the rest of the humans on the planet.

I don't recall Hillary Clinton going around telling everyone the election was rigged and she really won. (And she actually got millions more votes than he did) I seem to recall a concession speech from her.

Did you ever think maybe you didn't get an answer because your question was crazy? :lol:

Errr, sure. She didn't do that. Instead you have leftards rioting in the streets and lying to the feds to get warrants to gin up impeachments on false and illegal grounds, and cancel culture, and arresting people for defending themselves, ect. ect. ect.

I mean, you had to know that that was relevant, right?

oh, right. Of course you did. YOu were just lying again. Or is it still?

See, we need to ALWAYS remember that nothing you libs say, means shit.

That bit where you pretended to not understand what I was obviously referring to? That was just you talking shit. To help support the BIG LIE.
What "riots" are you talking about? This more of your projection? Trump's mob rioted on January 6th. There was no Hillary mob riot.

There was no "ginning up" of anything. Trump actually DID all the things he was accused of. Apparently you missed the Mueller report? And Trump really did threaten Ukraine that we would withhold aid if they didn't dig up dirt on the Bidens. That happened.

Are you pretending that the last 5 years of riots did not happen?

There, seriously, has not been 5 years of "rioting". There have been mass protests since the killing of George Floyd by a police officer. Floyd died a year ago last month.


You see repeated reports of violence from lefties, clearly showing up in 2016, before you even lost.
Ah, so you were employing hyperbole. There was not "five years of rioting" as you claimed. There were protests immediately after Trump as elected and some turned violent. :lol:

Actually I was underselling it. THe rioting started even before he won and has not stopped. So more like SIX years of rioting.

BUT, my focus was more on the RESISTANCE, after his win, ie your side's refusal to accept the peaceful transfer of power.

But, I like the way you are avoiding the point to quibble over details. It shows that you are self aware enough to realize that I am right and that your only hope is to distract from that.
Except that didn’t happen. There was no riot like we saw from the Trump mob. There was no effort to overturn the election results like we’ve seen from Trump and his merry band of sycophants. Hillary Clinton did not conduct a partisan audit of Florida ballots and continue to travel the country insisting she really won.

If it wasn’t for false equivalence y’all would have nothing.

Correct. THe left's riots were far worse, far larger, far longer lasting and far more deadly.

THe anti-democratic efforts of your side have been discussed in teh op and since then. YOu are bringing up other shit to try to distract from them right now.

YOu are a liar.
You live in an alternate reality...goes well with your alternate facts. :lol:

the OP was moved to conspiracy theories...for a reason. :lol:

Yeah, but hurt libs getting their way.

Compare teh riots, like you talked, but actually DO it.

The Right had about 4 hours of riots.

The left had about 6 years of riots.

And you people are seriously arguing the position that OUR side is the problem?

You want a civil war? DO YOU WANT A CIVIL WAR?
It was moved because it's a conspiracy theory.

Yes, "your side" is the problem. "Your side" is trying to undermine our small d democracy. Trump's insistence that he won, despite ALL evidence to the contrary is endangering our democracy because his cultlike followers believe him and were willing to attempt an actual insurrection as a result.

So, you're dropping that bit you raised, where you pretended that 4 hours of rioting was worse that 4 years of rioting.

BUT, you aren't admitting it was stupid shit. Because if I address the new shit you brought up to distract from the shit we were discussing, and I refute that stupid shit, and then the next piece of stupid shit you bring up,

if you need to, you will work your way right back to the stupid shit where you pretend that 4 hours of rioting is worse than 4 years of rioting.

You are wally.

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Sorry, snowflake but this time has already been written in the history books. It will show a period of civil unrest after police shootings of unarmed African Americans. It will also tell of a failed insurrection based on a lie.

I'd love to see that class room, where the teacher has to field questions, like, "why did the riots start before the shooting? Or, "why was there only one 4 hour riot from one side, and 4 years from the other?"

Of course,, if someone like you is in charge, they will just report the kid to the proper authorities as a wacist and he will be taken away for reeducation.

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