The big mistake Americans made was thinking a business man can create jobs as president


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Um so how? Seriously think about it. How? How does business experience translate into GOVERNMENT policy of economic growth? Sure, It sounds reasonable to say a business man knows how to create jobs for a nation, but their experience really only applies to a private business creating jobs. It doesn’t apply to knowledge in economics on a macro level. Trump himself barely even qualifies either way. Daddy gave him 10’s of millions of dollars in the 80’s with 80’s dollar inflation. Trump would be a Wal-Mart greeter today if it weren’t daddy.

Also, think of what big corporations actually do in America. The CEO and board have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do they do this? By minimizing as much investment into labor as possible.

They ask the question “well, we would prefer to pay the minimum wage, but we also want to make our job positions attractive enough so that people will still take them. How high do we need to make the wage to fulfill that basic need? Obviously we aren’t concerned whether or not someone can live off the wage. That’s their problem.”

None of that shit is wisdom meant for benefiting citizens on an egalitarian level.
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Um so how? Seriously think about it. How? How does business experience translate into GOVERNMENT policy of economic growth? Sure, It sounds reasonable to say a business man knows how to create jobs for a nation, but their experience really only applies to a private business creating jobs. It doesn’t apply to knowledge in economics on a macro level. Trump himself barely even qualifies either way. Daddy gave him 10’s of millions of dollars in the 80’s with 80’s dollar inflation. Trump would be a Wal-Mart greeter today if it weren’t daddy.

Also, think of what big corporations actually do in America. The CEO and board have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do they do this? By minimizing as much investment into labor as possible.

They ask the question “well, we would prefer to pay the minimum wage, but we also want to make our job positions attractive enough so that people will still take them. How high do we need to make the wage to fulfill that basic need? Obviously we aren’t concerned whether or not someone can live off the wage. That’s their problem.”

None of that shit is wisdom meant for benefiting citizens on an egalitarian level.

TDS thread 1,516
Um so how? Seriously think about it. How? How does business experience translate into GOVERNMENT policy of economic growth? Sure, It sounds reasonable to say a business man knows how to create jobs for a nation, but their experience really only applies to a private business creating jobs. It doesn’t apply to knowledge in economics on a macro level. Trump himself barely even qualifies either way. Daddy gave him 10’s of millions of dollars in the 80’s with 80’s dollar inflation. Trump would be a Wal-Mart greeter today if it weren’t daddy.

Also, think of what big corporations actually do in America. The CEO and board have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do they do this? By minimizing as much investment into labor as possible.

They ask the question “well, we would prefer to pay the minimum wage, but we also want to make our job positions attractive enough so that people will still take them. How high do we need to make the wage to fulfill that basic need? Obviously we aren’t concerned whether or not someone can live off the wage. That’s their problem.”

None of that shit is wisdom meant for benefiting citizens on an egalitarian level.

The whole premise of this thread is stupidly slanted besides being just fucking wrong.

But why don't we ask BillyBullshit (Billy000) to product some documentation to back up his claims.

Please show us what big corporations do in America via some kind of consistent message....not some shitwad article by Paul Krugman. There should be a theme. Come on BillyBullshit....let's see it.
Um so how? Seriously think about it. How? How does business experience translate into GOVERNMENT policy of economic growth? Sure, It sounds reasonable to say a business man knows how to create jobs for a nation, but their experience really only applies to a private business creating jobs. It doesn’t apply to knowledge in economics on a macro level. Trump himself barely even qualifies either way. Daddy gave him 10’s of millions of dollars in the 80’s with 80’s dollar inflation. Trump would be a Wal-Mart greeter today if it weren’t daddy.

Also, think of what big corporations actually do in America. The CEO and board have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do they do this? By minimizing as much investment into labor as possible.

They ask the question “well, we would prefer to pay the minimum wage, but we also want to make our job positions attractive enough so that people will still take them. How high do we need to make the wage to fulfill that basic need? Obviously we aren’t concerned whether or not someone can live off the wage. That’s their problem.”

None of that shit is wisdom meant for benefiting citizens on an egalitarian level.

Oh yeah right. We should really get rid of all big (useless) corporations. cause we all know they don't hire anyone, give internships to kids coming out of college, don't create or make anything.
Lets just get the government to give us all shovel ready jobs at 15 bucks an hour.

Corporations hire at different levels of employment and help to create a network of jobs that are interconnected. The economy is much more complicated then you think which is why you cant understand it, and have your head half full of rubber cement. Please get some perspective.
And an even bigger mistake was thinking a guy who never had a job before in his life could be president.

True trump never had a job in his life. That's got to be who you are talking about because you ain't talking about Obama. When do the lies about him end bootney? You got your white boy president and he's fucked this country up. So maybe you start looking at his incompetence instead of repeating ignorant memes made up by racists about Obama.
Um so how? Seriously think about it. How? How does business experience translate into GOVERNMENT policy of economic growth? Sure, It sounds reasonable to say a business man knows how to create jobs for a nation, but their experience really only applies to a private business creating jobs. It doesn’t apply to knowledge in economics on a macro level. Trump himself barely even qualifies either way. Daddy gave him 10’s of millions of dollars in the 80’s with 80’s dollar inflation. Trump would be a Wal-Mart greeter today if it weren’t daddy.

Also, think of what big corporations actually do in America. The CEO and board have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do they do this? By minimizing as much investment into labor as possible.

They ask the question “well, we would prefer to pay the minimum wage, but we also want to make our job positions attractive enough so that people will still take them. How high do we need to make the wage to fulfill that basic need? Obviously we aren’t concerned whether or not someone can live off the wage. That’s their problem.”

None of that shit is wisdom meant for benefiting citizens on an egalitarian level.

Oh yeah right. We should really get rid of all big (useless) corporations. cause we all know they don't hire anyone, give internships to kids coming out of college, don't create or make anything.
Lets just get the government to give us all shovel ready jobs at 15 bucks an hour.

Corporations hire at different levels of employment and help to create a network of jobs that are interconnected. The economy is much more complicated then you think which is why you cant understand it, and have your head half full of rubber cement. Please get some perspective.
I think he understands it just fine. The fact is that a for profit corporate CEO is not capable of running a government because a government is not for profit and the money that goes to government is to be spent on services. As far as understanding an economy a real estate developer is not the guy you want planning an economy, especially one with multiple bankruptcies who lost 1 billion dollars per year for a decade. That shows consistently poor planning and decision making which is vital to the office of the presidency.

Now lets get something straight here, trump did not create the good economy we once had. That was the result of Obama/Biden. They handed it to trump who didn't have to do a thing but let the good times roll. And you guys gladly gave him the credit for reasons we all know. So now, I am telling you that if you dare re elect this idiot you are going to learn the very hard way that he did not build the economy and that is not something we can afford.
Um so how? Seriously think about it. How? How does business experience translate into GOVERNMENT policy of economic growth? Sure, It sounds reasonable to say a business man knows how to create jobs for a nation, but their experience really only applies to a private business creating jobs. It doesn’t apply to knowledge in economics on a macro level. Trump himself barely even qualifies either way. Daddy gave him 10’s of millions of dollars in the 80’s with 80’s dollar inflation. Trump would be a Wal-Mart greeter today if it weren’t daddy.

Also, think of what big corporations actually do in America. The CEO and board have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do they do this? By minimizing as much investment into labor as possible.

They ask the question “well, we would prefer to pay the minimum wage, but we also want to make our job positions attractive enough so that people will still take them. How high do we need to make the wage to fulfill that basic need? Obviously we aren’t concerned whether or not someone can live off the wage. That’s their problem.”

None of that shit is wisdom meant for benefiting citizens on an egalitarian level.

Oh yeah right. We should really get rid of all big (useless) corporations. cause we all know they don't hire anyone, give internships to kids coming out of college, don't create or make anything.
Lets just get the government to give us all shovel ready jobs at 15 bucks an hour.

Corporations hire at different levels of employment and help to create a network of jobs that are interconnected. The economy is much more complicated then you think which is why you cant understand it, and have your head half full of rubber cement. Please get some perspective.
Lol don’t be stupid. I never said we should “get rid” of corporations. Nothing I said had anything to do with that. I’m not even suggesting we get rid of capitalism itself. See, you want me to say that because it would make it easier to dismiss anything that I say. My point is simple: a corporation is not at all a model for how a nation’s economy should be run.
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If the pussy grabber can be president...

Um so how? Seriously think about it. How? How does business experience translate into GOVERNMENT policy of economic growth? Sure, It sounds reasonable to say a business man knows how to create jobs for a nation, but their experience really only applies to a private business creating jobs. It doesn’t apply to knowledge in economics on a macro level. Trump himself barely even qualifies either way. Daddy gave him 10’s of millions of dollars in the 80’s with 80’s dollar inflation. Trump would be a Wal-Mart greeter today if it weren’t daddy.

Also, think of what big corporations actually do in America. The CEO and board have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do they do this? By minimizing as much investment into labor as possible.

They ask the question “well, we would prefer to pay the minimum wage, but we also want to make our job positions attractive enough so that people will still take them. How high do we need to make the wage to fulfill that basic need? Obviously we aren’t concerned whether or not someone can live off the wage. That’s their problem.”

None of that shit is wisdom meant for benefiting citizens on an egalitarian level.

Oh yeah right. We should really get rid of all big (useless) corporations. cause we all know they don't hire anyone, give internships to kids coming out of college, don't create or make anything.
Lets just get the government to give us all shovel ready jobs at 15 bucks an hour.

Corporations hire at different levels of employment and help to create a network of jobs that are interconnected. The economy is much more complicated then you think which is why you cant understand it, and have your head half full of rubber cement. Please get some perspective.
Lol don’t be stupid. I never said we should “get rid” of corporations. Nothing I said had anything to do with that. I’m not even suggesting we get rid of capitalism itself. See, you want me to say that because it would make it easier to dismiss anything that I say. My point is simple: a corporation is not at all a model for how a nation’s economy should be run.

The nations economy is NOT run as a model of a corporation, so thats silly to begin with. The Nation's economy is actually made up of a diversity of systems, INCLUDING corporations.
WHY? is it that a business person would be good at creating economic growth you ask?
Its because Government types who have never ran a business before, dont understand, the sacrifice it takes and how fucking hard it is for small business. And that why they over burrden them often times with redundant, and time consuming hoops to go through to get a business started. Give people incentive to start a business and hire people and you have the ingredients for economic growth. Take that away and you have the opposite.
Um so how? Seriously think about it. How? How does business experience translate into GOVERNMENT policy of economic growth? Sure, It sounds reasonable to say a business man knows how to create jobs for a nation, but their experience really only applies to a private business creating jobs. It doesn’t apply to knowledge in economics on a macro level. Trump himself barely even qualifies either way. Daddy gave him 10’s of millions of dollars in the 80’s with 80’s dollar inflation. Trump would be a Wal-Mart greeter today if it weren’t daddy.

Also, think of what big corporations actually do in America. The CEO and board have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do they do this? By minimizing as much investment into labor as possible.

They ask the question “well, we would prefer to pay the minimum wage, but we also want to make our job positions attractive enough so that people will still take them. How high do we need to make the wage to fulfill that basic need? Obviously we aren’t concerned whether or not someone can live off the wage. That’s their problem.”

None of that shit is wisdom meant for benefiting citizens on an egalitarian level.

Oh yeah right. We should really get rid of all big (useless) corporations. cause we all know they don't hire anyone, give internships to kids coming out of college, don't create or make anything.
Lets just get the government to give us all shovel ready jobs at 15 bucks an hour.

Corporations hire at different levels of employment and help to create a network of jobs that are interconnected. The economy is much more complicated then you think which is why you cant understand it, and have your head half full of rubber cement. Please get some perspective.
Lol don’t be stupid. I never said we should “get rid” of corporations. Nothing I said had anything to do with that. I’m not even suggesting we get rid of capitalism itself. See, you want me to say that because it would make it easier to dismiss anything that I say. My point is simple: a corporation is not at all a model for how a nation’s economy should be run.

The nations economy is NOT run as a model of a corporation, so thats silly to begin with. The Nation's economy is actually made up of a diversity of systems, INCLUDING corporations.
WHY? is it that a business person would be good at creating economic growth you ask?
Its because Government types who have never ran a business before, dont understand, the sacrifice it takes and how fucking hard it is for small business. And that why they over burrden them often times with redundant, and time consuming hoops to go through to get a business started. Give people incentive to start a business and hire people and you have the ingredients for economic growth. Take that away and you have the opposite.
Yeah no shit that isn’t the model we use which is why it was stupid to elect Trump. Duh.

Also, I’m sorry, “government types”? You mean like lawyers? That’s what Congress is made up of. Are you suggesting those that go through law school or study public policy aren’t familiar with hard work? That is just stupid.

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