The big mistake Americans made was thinking a business man can create jobs as president

Um so how? Seriously think about it. How? How does business experience translate into GOVERNMENT policy of economic growth? Sure, It sounds reasonable to say a business man knows how to create jobs for a nation, but their experience really only applies to a private business creating jobs. It doesnā€™t apply to knowledge in economics on a macro level. Trump himself barely even qualifies either way. Daddy gave him 10ā€™s of millions of dollars in the 80ā€™s with 80ā€™s dollar inflation. Trump would be a Wal-Mart greeter today if it werenā€™t daddy.

Also, think of what big corporations actually do in America. The CEO and board have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do they do this? By minimizing as much investment into labor as possible.

They ask the question ā€œwell, we would prefer to pay the minimum wage, but we also want to make our job positions attractive enough so that people will still take them. How high do we need to make the wage to fulfill that basic need? Obviously we arenā€™t concerned whether or not someone can live off the wage. Thatā€™s their problem.ā€

None of that shit is wisdom meant for benefiting citizens on an egalitarian level.
Most corporations value good employees. You are correct, corporations exist to make a profit. Where you stumble is thinking they are supposed to be welfare institutions. Government regulations actually make it tougher for businesses to make a profit and therefore they have less $$$ to pay employees. The way corporations 'benefit' citizens is by providing goods and services along with employment but they can only do this by making a profit. When government takes a large chunk of that profit in taxes, fees, legislation that makes business harder to run, those benefits are reduced.
Um so how? Seriously think about it. How? How does business experience translate into GOVERNMENT policy of economic growth? Sure, It sounds reasonable to say a business man knows how to create jobs for a nation, but their experience really only applies to a private business creating jobs. It doesnā€™t apply to knowledge in economics on a macro level. Trump himself barely even qualifies either way. Daddy gave him 10ā€™s of millions of dollars in the 80ā€™s with 80ā€™s dollar inflation. Trump would be a Wal-Mart greeter today if it werenā€™t daddy.

Also, think of what big corporations actually do in America. The CEO and board have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do they do this? By minimizing as much investment into labor as possible.

They ask the question ā€œwell, we would prefer to pay the minimum wage, but we also want to make our job positions attractive enough so that people will still take them. How high do we need to make the wage to fulfill that basic need? Obviously we arenā€™t concerned whether or not someone can live off the wage. Thatā€™s their problem.ā€

None of that shit is wisdom meant for benefiting citizens on an egalitarian level.

How does business experience translate into GOVERNMENT policy of economic growth?

How does LACK OF business experience translate into GOVERNMENT policy of economic growth?

A Politicianā€™s Dream is a Businessmanā€™s Nightmare

" I also wish that during the years I was in public office, I had firsthand experience about the difficulties business people face every day. That knowledge would have made me a better U.S. Senator and a more understanding presidential contender.ā€
ā€George McGovern, 1972 Democrat Party

A POLITICIAN'S DREAM (Senate - June 04, 1992)
Um so how? Seriously think about it. How? How does business experience translate into GOVERNMENT policy of economic growth? Sure, It sounds reasonable to say a business man knows how to create jobs for a nation, but their experience really only applies to a private business creating jobs. It doesnā€™t apply to knowledge in economics on a macro level. Trump himself barely even qualifies either way. Daddy gave him 10ā€™s of millions of dollars in the 80ā€™s with 80ā€™s dollar inflation. Trump would be a Wal-Mart greeter today if it werenā€™t daddy.

Also, think of what big corporations actually do in America. The CEO and board have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do they do this? By minimizing as much investment into labor as possible.

They ask the question ā€œwell, we would prefer to pay the minimum wage, but we also want to make our job positions attractive enough so that people will still take them. How high do we need to make the wage to fulfill that basic need? Obviously we arenā€™t concerned whether or not someone can live off the wage. Thatā€™s their problem.ā€

None of that shit is wisdom meant for benefiting citizens on an egalitarian level.

Oh yeah right. We should really get rid of all big (useless) corporations. cause we all know they don't hire anyone, give internships to kids coming out of college, don't create or make anything.
Lets just get the government to give us all shovel ready jobs at 15 bucks an hour.

Corporations hire at different levels of employment and help to create a network of jobs that are interconnected. The economy is much more complicated then you think which is why you cant understand it, and have your head half full of rubber cement. Please get some perspective.
I think he understands it just fine. The fact is that a for profit corporate CEO is not capable of running a government because a government is not for profit and the money that goes to government is to be spent on services. As far as understanding an economy a real estate developer is not the guy you want planning an economy, especially one with multiple bankruptcies who lost 1 billion dollars per year for a decade. That shows consistently poor planning and decision making which is vital to the office of the presidency.

Now lets get something straight here, trump did not create the good economy we once had. That was the result of Obama/Biden. They handed it to trump who didn't have to do a thing but let the good times roll. And you guys gladly gave him the credit for reasons we all know. So now, I am telling you that if you dare re elect this idiot you are going to learn the very hard way that he did not build the economy and that is not something we can afford.

No let's get this straight you racist blow hard, Obama didn't do shit for the economy, he held back the recovery.

If Obama did something fucking name it I have been waiting almost 6 years for some one on the left to tell me what Obama/Biden did.
If Obama did something fucking name it I have been waiting almost 6 years for some one on the left to tell me what Obama/Biden did.
They took an economy in deep recession. Hemorrhaging 800,000 jobs a month, and turned it around to set the record for the longest continuous economic growth in the nations history. Obama is in the history books for that.
If Obama did something fucking name it I have been waiting almost 6 years for some one on the left to tell me what Obama/Biden did.
They took an economy in deep recession. Hemorrhaging 800,000 jobs a month, and turned it around to set the record for the longest continuous economic growth in the nations history. Obama is in the history books for that.

They took an economy in deep recession.

The recession ended in June 2009.

and turned it around

What did they do in 5 months to "turn it around"?
They took an economy in deep recession.

The recession ended in June 2009.

and turned it around

What did they do in 5 months to "turn it around"?
According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the combination of the Stimulus (which by itself didn't do it) plus the Cash for Clunkers (which jumpstarted the auto business) which got the manufacturing sector ramping up in preparation, pushed GDP into positive territory.
And an even bigger mistake was thinking a guy who never had a job before in his life could be president.

And an even Bigger mistake is believing 3 fingers groping Joe will be President.
Iā€™d take a goddamn chimp over Trump.
your racism/hate/bigotry is out in the open
If we are talking taking a chimp over an orangutan, then sure, Iā€™m racist lol
Um so how? Seriously think about it. How? How does business experience translate into GOVERNMENT policy of economic growth? Sure, It sounds reasonable to say a business man knows how to create jobs for a nation, but their experience really only applies to a private business creating jobs. It doesnā€™t apply to knowledge in economics on a macro level. Trump himself barely even qualifies either way. Daddy gave him 10ā€™s of millions of dollars in the 80ā€™s with 80ā€™s dollar inflation. Trump would be a Wal-Mart greeter today if it werenā€™t daddy.

Also, think of what big corporations actually do in America. The CEO and board have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do they do this? By minimizing as much investment into labor as possible.

They ask the question ā€œwell, we would prefer to pay the minimum wage, but we also want to make our job positions attractive enough so that people will still take them. How high do we need to make the wage to fulfill that basic need? Obviously we arenā€™t concerned whether or not someone can live off the wage. Thatā€™s their problem.ā€

None of that shit is wisdom meant for benefiting citizens on an egalitarian level.

How does business experience translate into GOVERNMENT policy of economic growth?

How does LACK OF business experience translate into GOVERNMENT policy of economic growth?

A Politicianā€™s Dream is a Businessmanā€™s Nightmare

" I also wish that during the years I was in public office, I had firsthand experience about the difficulties business people face every day. That knowledge would have made me a better U.S. Senator and a more understanding presidential contender.ā€
ā€George McGovern, 1972 Democrat Party

A POLITICIAN'S DREAM (Senate - June 04, 1992)
Itā€™s just irrelevant altogether. Quit trying to sound clever.
And an even bigger mistake was thinking a guy who never had a job before in his life could be president.

And an even Bigger mistake is believing 3 fingers groping Joe will be President.
Iā€™d take a goddamn chimp over Trump.
your racism/hate/bigotry is out in the open
If we are talking taking a chimp over an orangutan, then sure, Iā€™m racist lol
..don't try to babble your way out of it
Everything was fine until the democrats and Chinese alliance blossomed. Once the DNC took delivery of the virus shitstain obama paid for it all started to fall apart.
If Obama did something fucking name it I have been waiting almost 6 years for some one on the left to tell me what Obama/Biden did.
They took an economy in deep recession. Hemorrhaging 800,000 jobs a month, and turned it around to set the record for the longest continuous economic growth in the nations history. Obama is in the history books for that.
Again what the fuck did Obama do ?

Obama was anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling

Anti jobs see him trying to stop the Boeing plant in South Carolina

Auto bailouts/tarp/lower taxes/stimulous copied of off Bush Jr.

Wall Street= Feds Janet yelled

The top 10 unemployment states where blue.

Again what did Obama do?
They took an economy in deep recession.

The recession ended in June 2009.

and turned it around

What did they do in 5 months to "turn it around"?
According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the combination of the Stimulus (which by itself didn't do it) plus the Cash for Clunkers (which jumpstarted the auto business) which got the manufacturing sector ramping up in preparation, pushed GDP into positive territory.

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research,


the combination of the Stimulus (which by itself didn't do it)

How much was spent before June 2009?

plus the Cash for Clunkers (which jumpstarted the auto business)

The Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS), colloquially known as "cash for clunkers", was a $3 billion U.S. federal scrappage program intended to provide economic incentives to U.S. residents to purchase a new, more fuel-efficient vehicle when trading in a less fuel-efficient vehicle. The program was promoted as a post-recession stimulus program to boost auto sales, while putting more fuel-efficient vehicles on the roadways.

The program officially started on July 1, 2009, processing of claims began July 24,[2] and the program ended on August 24, 2009, as the appropriated funds were exhausted.[3][4] The deadline for dealers to submit applications was August 25.[5] According to estimates of the Department of Transportation, the initial $1 billion appropriated for the system was exhausted by July 30, 2009, well before the anticipated end date of November 1, 2009, due to very high demand.[6][7][8] In response, Congress approved an additional $2 billion.[6][7][9][10]


Cash for clunkers ($3 billion, LOL!) must have had one of these....

Again what the fuck did Obama do ?

Obama was anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling

Anti jobs see him trying to stop the Boeing plant in South Carolina

Auto bailouts/tarp/lower taxes/stimulous copied of off Bush Jr.

Wall Street= Feds Janet yelled

The top 10 unemployment states where blue.

Again what did Obama do?

Consumer spending typically accounts for two-thirds of GDP and while personal consumption expenditures increased +2.9% in 3Q (vs. a drop of -0.9% in 2Q), government consumption expenditures and gross investment increased +8.3% (vs +11.4% in 2Q), which shows that the government is still carrying a lot of weight. BEA reported that the ā€˜Cash For Clunkersā€™ program was a large reason for the PCE increase. All figures are ā€˜realā€™ which means theyā€™re adjusted for inflation.

3Q2008: -0.5% (final)
4Q2008: -6.3 (final)
1Q2009: -6.4% (final)
2Q2009: -0.7% (third reading, formerly known as final)
3Q2009: +2.8% (second reading)
If Obama did something fucking name it I have been waiting almost 6 years for some one on the left to tell me what Obama/Biden did.
They took an economy in deep recession. Hemorrhaging 800,000 jobs a month, and turned it around to set the record for the longest continuous economic growth in the nations history. Obama is in the history books for that.
Again what the fuck did Obama do ?

Obama was anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling

Anti jobs see him trying to stop the Boeing plant in South Carolina

Auto bailouts/tarp/lower taxes/stimulous copied of off Bush Jr.

Wall Street= Feds Janet yelled

The top 10 unemployment states where blue.

Again what did Obama do?
..let's be fair here..he did create 5 new national monuments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and screwed over the drilling industry/etc
Again what the fuck did Obama do ?

Obama was anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling

Anti jobs see him trying to stop the Boeing plant in South Carolina

Auto bailouts/tarp/lower taxes/stimulous copied of off Bush Jr.

Wall Street= Feds Janet yelled

The top 10 unemployment states where blue.

Again what did Obama do?

Consumer spending typically accounts for two-thirds of GDP and while personal consumption expenditures increased +2.9% in 3Q (vs. a drop of -0.9% in 2Q), government consumption expenditures and gross investment increased +8.3% (vs +11.4% in 2Q), which shows that the government is still carrying a lot of weight. BEA reported that the ā€˜Cash For Clunkersā€™ program was a large reason for the PCE increase. All figures are ā€˜realā€™ which means theyā€™re adjusted for inflation.

3Q2008: -0.5% (final)
4Q2008: -6.3 (final)
1Q2009: -6.4% (final)
2Q2009: -0.7% (third reading, formerly known as final)
3Q2009: +2.8% (second reading)

BEA reported that the ā€˜Cash For Clunkersā€™ program was a large reason for the PCE increase.

$3 billion, versus nearly $10 trillion?


That's a rounding error, not a "large reason".
Again what the fuck did Obama do ?

Obama was anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling

Anti jobs see him trying to stop the Boeing plant in South Carolina

Auto bailouts/tarp/lower taxes/stimulous copied of off Bush Jr.

Wall Street= Feds Janet yelled

The top 10 unemployment states where blue.

Again what did Obama do?

Consumer spending typically accounts for two-thirds of GDP and while personal consumption expenditures increased +2.9% in 3Q (vs. a drop of -0.9% in 2Q), government consumption expenditures and gross investment increased +8.3% (vs +11.4% in 2Q), which shows that the government is still carrying a lot of weight. BEA reported that the ā€˜Cash For Clunkersā€™ program was a large reason for the PCE increase. All figures are ā€˜realā€™ which means theyā€™re adjusted for inflation.

3Q2008: -0.5% (final)
4Q2008: -6.3 (final)
1Q2009: -6.4% (final)
2Q2009: -0.7% (third reading, formerly known as final)
3Q2009: +2.8% (second reading)
Cash for clunkers did all that?

Again what did Obama do?

Obama care slowed down the economy.

Obama raised the Social security tax

Obama gave us the damn mandate tax

After the Obama stimulous the unemployment rate went up not down.

I could go on and on that Obama didn't do a damn thing.

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