The big mistake Americans made was thinking a business man can create jobs as president

I am an Independent.
That means you are independent of the brains to determine if you are for freedom( like our Founders were) from liberal govt or against it. Make sense now?
No. It means that I am not a Lemming who needs to a belong to a political party.
you don't need to belong because you seemingly lack the IQ to determine which party has the best political philosophy. You belong to the flip flopping fools party! embarrassing!
I am an Independent.
That means you are independent of the brains to determine if you are for freedom( like our Founders were) from liberal govt or against it. Make sense now?
No. It means that I am not a Lemming who needs to a belong to a political party.
you don't need to belong because you seemingly lack the IQ to determine which party has the best political philosophy

Worry about yourself, snowflake. You do you and don't worry about me.
I am an Independent.
That means you are independent of the brains to determine if you are for freedom( like our Founders were) from liberal govt or against it. Make sense now?
No. It means that I am not a Lemming who needs to a belong to a political party.
you don't need to belong because you seemingly lack the IQ to determine which party has the best political philosophy

Worry about yourself, snowflake. You do you and don't worry about me.
Not worried just teaching you what being an independent flip flopper jelly fish really means after you bragged about being one.
I am an Independent.
That means you are independent of the brains to determine if you are for freedom( like our Founders were) from liberal govt or against it. Make sense now?
No. It means that I am not a Lemming who needs to a belong to a political party.
you don't need to belong because you seemingly lack the IQ to determine which party has the best political philosophy

Worry about yourself, snowflake. You do you and don't worry about me.
Not worried just teaching you what being an independent flip flopper jelly fish really means after you bragged about being one.
Your opinion is not a fact. You sound like a Leftist. I choose my path and you choose yours.
And an even bigger mistake was thinking a guy who never had a job before in his life could be president.

And an even Bigger mistake is believing 3 fingers groping Joe will be President.
I’d take a goddamn chimp over Trump.

You 2008 and he turned out to be the worse POTUS in History.
Well obviously you’re a racist douche bag so your perspective is completely biased and therefore useless.
Obviously you're a Leftist douche bag so your perspective is completely biased and therefore useless.

See how I did that....?
Nah, I’m just right.
You're most definitely very LEFT.
Very left is....correct.
Which is why you are very illogical.
Okay just so we are clear on something. Answer me this point blank: is voting republican a good idea? Don’t give me this whataboutism bullshit about democrats. Just answer the question.
I am an Independent. Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. Depends on the individual. It is not black and white. That is why you are illogical. You don't see that.
Under what circumstances does it make sense to YOU.
What do you mean? There are multiple. Do you mean local, state, national? Be specific.
Um fine let’s start with national. Okay. Eyes are all on you. Go! Answer the question!
And an even bigger mistake was thinking a guy who never had a job before in his life could be president.

And an even Bigger mistake is believing 3 fingers groping Joe will be President.
I’d take a goddamn chimp over Trump.

You 2008 and he turned out to be the worse POTUS in History.
Well obviously you’re a racist douche bag so your perspective is completely biased and therefore useless.
Obviously you're a Leftist douche bag so your perspective is completely biased and therefore useless.

See how I did that....?
Nah, I’m just right.
You're most definitely very LEFT.
Very left is....correct.
Which is why you are very illogical.
Okay just so we are clear on something. Answer me this point blank: is voting republican a good idea? Don’t give me this whataboutism bullshit about democrats. Just answer the question.
I am an Independent. Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. Depends on the individual. It is not black and white. That is why you are illogical. You don't see that.
Under what circumstances does it make sense to YOU.
What do you mean? There are multiple. Do you mean local, state, national? Be specific.
Um fine let’s start with national. Okay. Eyes are all on you. Go! Answer the question!


My top five interests -- No special order

#1) Lower Taxes
#2) Strong Military
#3) Balanced Budget
#4) Border Security
#5) Improved Healthcare --- our system as constituted sucks.
Which of the following do you believe to be true or false?

A) Daddy gave Donald a small 'loan' of ONLY $1 Million, just like Donald claimed.
B) Daddies original 'loan' to Donald was way more than $1 Million.
C) Daddies original 'loan' was in the Millions, then Daddy occasionally (on more than 1 occasion) bought $3 million in Chips from trumps casino Taj Mahal, and just walked out with the chips, NEVER chasing them in, so in reality, Another 'Loan.
D) Trump is an outstanding business man, and has earned the respect of fellow businessmen.
E) Trump is a con man, and pretends to LOVE America, when in reality it is just about trump.
F) After the FAILED and Bankrupt Casinos, trump couldn't get legitimate loans from legitimate US Banks, so he had to resort to "Foreign' banks to give him loans.
G) Trump currently has NO outstanding debts to anyone and is worth Billions, meaning he has Billions more in assests than he has in debt.
H) TDS post # 666.
My top five interests -- No special order

#1) Lower Taxes
#2) Strong Military
#3) Balanced Budget
#4) Border Security
#5) Improved Healthcare --- our system as constituted sucks.
FYI first 4 are conservative and last one might be if you want capitalist health care rather than libcommie health care
Which of the following do you believe to be true or false?

A) Daddy gave Donald a small 'loan' of ONLY $1 Million, just like Donald claimed.
B) Daddies original 'loan' to Donald was way more than $1 Million.
C) Daddies original 'loan' was in the Millions, then Daddy occasionally (on more than 1 occasion) bought $3 million in Chips from trumps casino Taj Mahal, and just walked out with the chips, NEVER chasing them in, so in reality, Another 'Loan.
D) Trump is an outstanding business man, and has earned the respect of fellow businessmen.
E) Trump is a con man, and pretends to LOVE America, when in reality it is just about trump.
F) After the FAILED and Bankrupt Casinos, trump couldn't get legitimate loans from legitimate US Banks, so he had to resort to "Foreign' banks to give him loans.
G) Trump currently has NO outstanding debts to anyone and is worth Billions, meaning he has Billions more in assests than he has in debt.
H) TDS post # 666.

Are you a goofy little gossip girl??? Trump is the second coming compared to the libcommie opposition who support the Green New Deal Second Great Depression and Communist Revolution, open borders, free health care for entire world.

Please be very careful when you talk about Donald again!!
My top five interests -- No special order

#1) Lower Taxes
#2) Strong Military
#3) Balanced Budget
#4) Border Security
#5) Improved Healthcare --- our system as constituted sucks.
FYI first 4 are conservative and last one might be if you want capitalist health care rather than libcommie health care
No shit. Doesn’t mean I have to belong to a political party to think the way I do. And they should universal thoughts not “conservative “.
And an even bigger mistake was thinking a guy who never had a job before in his life could be president.

And an even Bigger mistake is believing 3 fingers groping Joe will be President.
I’d take a goddamn chimp over Trump.

You 2008 and he turned out to be the worse POTUS in History.
Well obviously you’re a racist douche bag so your perspective is completely biased and therefore useless.
Obviously you're a Leftist douche bag so your perspective is completely biased and therefore useless.

See how I did that....?
Nah, I’m just right.
You're most definitely very LEFT.
Very left is....correct.
Which is why you are very illogical.
Okay just so we are clear on something. Answer me this point blank: is voting republican a good idea? Don’t give me this whataboutism bullshit about democrats. Just answer the question.
I am an Independent. Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. Depends on the individual. It is not black and white. That is why you are illogical. You don't see that.
Under what circumstances does it make sense to YOU.
What do you mean? There are multiple. Do you mean local, state, national? Be specific.
Um fine let’s start with national. Okay. Eyes are all on you. Go! Answer the question!


My top five interests -- No special order

#1) Lower Taxes
#2) Strong Military
#3) Balanced Budget
#4) Border Security
#5) Improved Healthcare --- our system as constituted sucks.
Um okay.

1) Yeah but this only applies to the wealthy class
2) Already fucking strong. We spend more on defense than all of our allies do COMBINED
3) You do know that republican tax cuts only blow up the deficit right?
4) Homeland security has been a thing for awhile now.
5) Republicans do absolutely nothing about this shit whatsoever. It is absolutely bewildering to me as to why you included it.
I voted for Trump not because he happened to be a Republican but because I knew he would upset the overbearing political power that DC has accumulated over the years

So then you will always vote Republican since they want to cut govt power while Green New Deal freaks are always the exact opposite!!
Any party that wants to limit government power deserves my vote. Republicans also want government power but I consider them to be the lesser of the evils right now.
And an even bigger mistake was thinking a guy who never had a job before in his life could be president.

And an even Bigger mistake is believing 3 fingers groping Joe will be President.
I’d take a goddamn chimp over Trump.

You 2008 and he turned out to be the worse POTUS in History.
Well obviously you’re a racist douche bag so your perspective is completely biased and therefore useless.
Obviously you're a Leftist douche bag so your perspective is completely biased and therefore useless.

See how I did that....?
Nah, I’m just right.
You're most definitely very LEFT.
Very left is....correct.
Which is why you are very illogical.
Okay just so we are clear on something. Answer me this point blank: is voting republican a good idea? Don’t give me this whataboutism bullshit about democrats. Just answer the question.
I am an Independent. Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. Depends on the individual. It is not black and white. That is why you are illogical. You don't see that.
Under what circumstances does it make sense to YOU.
What do you mean? There are multiple. Do you mean local, state, national? Be specific.
Um fine let’s start with national. Okay. Eyes are all on you. Go! Answer the question!


My top five interests -- No special order

#1) Lower Taxes
#2) Strong Military
#3) Balanced Budget
#4) Border Security
#5) Improved Healthcare --- our system as constituted sucks.
Um okay.

1) Yeah but this only applies to the wealthy class
2) Already fucking strong. We spend more on defense than all of our allies do COMBINED
3) You do know that republican tax cuts only blow up the deficit right?
4) Homeland security has been a thing for awhile now.
5) Republicans do absolutely nothing about this shit whatsoever. It is absolutely bewildering to me as to why you included it.
I said those five are the most important and I never said I vote only Republican. Why are you whining like a bitch?

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