The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

There is no life anywhere but God and this creation here. I dont get my science from Hollywood
You don't get your science from ANYWHERE. You are not talking science. You are spewing magical voodoo chants and claiming to know things you could not possibly know. Adjust the bone in your nose, I think it is poking your brain, shaman.
So you say the world is not nothing and it is not a simulation but it is meaningless (=senseless)?
Excuse you. You are tasked, first , with answering the following question:

"Why exists existence?"

We will get to you answering your other questions after you answer this one. Boy oh boy... you sure are doing a lot of work to avoid the simple task you have no problem assigning to everyone else. I wonder why? No I don't.

So... your answer?

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Haha, that's what I thought. So take your snake oil show walking, ya charlatan.
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Then stop trying to derail the discussions with your horseshit by demanding others answer this same question. Got it?

You whine about manners, then lie about what I have said and refuse to answer the questions you demand others answer. In what universe is that "good manners"? None. Your entire act will now fall apart completely, top to bottom, due to this simple demonstration. Just like putting Uri Geller on the Johnny Carson show to watch him fail to bend spoons.
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So you say the world is not nothing and it is not a simulation but it is meaningless (=senseless)?
Excuse you. You are tasked, first , with answering the following question:

"Why exists existence?"

We will get to you answering your other questions after you answer this one. Boy oh boy... you sure are doing a lot of work to avoid the simple task you have no problem assigning to everyone else. I wonder why? No I don't.

So... your answer?

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Haha, that's what I thought. So take your snake oil show walking, ya charlatan.
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Then stop trying to derail the discussions with your horseshit by demanding others answer this same question. Got it?

You whine about manners, then lie about what I have said and refuse to answer the questions you demand others answer. In what universe is that "good manners"? None. Your entire act will now fall apart completely, top to bottom, due to this simple demonstration. Just like putting Uri Geller on the Johnny Carson show to watch him fail to bend spoons.
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So you say the world is not nothing and it is not a simulation but it is meaningless (=senseless)?
Excuse you. You are tasked, first , with answering the following question:

"Why exists existence?"

We will get to you answering your other questions after you answer this one. Boy oh boy... you sure are doing a lot of work to avoid the simple task you have no problem assigning to everyone else. I wonder why? No I don't.

So... your answer?

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Haha, that's what I thought. Oh, believe me, I know you think you know the answer. But you know your "answer" will wilt like lettuce in the sun, when subjected to the same scrutiny you reserve for others.
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Nothing." The answer you gave is "nothing".
That's a lie you literally made up as you posted it. See what I mean? You are a fraud, same as any other religious, forked tongue beguiler. When tasked with answering your own questions -- with clearly stating your own position, so that it can be scrutinized with the same rigor with which you examine the positions of everyone else -- you pull out a shiny bauble and say, "Hey, look at this instead!"

Your questions are not honest queries. They are props meant to obfuscate and confuse the discussion. And, like any religious charlatan, once you feel the discussion has been minced into an amorphous paste of nonsense, you jump right back in and pinch off a pile of magical nonsense.

Your attempt is ignored, and i task you with answering your own questions. Clearly and directly.

I don't have any idea why you make such a war full of senseless negative emotional words out of the very simple question "Why exists existence?"
And your answer is...? Pretending you are too dumb to understand the simple task given to you is not going to help your credibility.
no comment
What do you speak about? About your psychological problems?
Oh look, two more questions. No, sissy, you dont get to ask any more questions, until you start answering your own.

Which you will not do, because you are a fraud , and your questions are merely props to distract what you hope is a gullible audience, willing to suspend incredulity , in their confusion, for even a millisecond, so you can wedge into their brains and into the discussion your iron aged voodoo horseshit. Unfortunately for your tired act, you ran into the brick wall called a functioning, rational adult who knows your cheap parlor tricks better than you do.

This has all been demonstrated very clearly, by now. Looks like i am going to win that bet.
What do you speak about? About your psychological problems?
Oh look, two more questions. No, sissy,

Did you ever visit a kindergarten?

you dont get to ask any more questions, until you start answering your own.

Which you will not do, because you are a fraud , and your questions are merely props to distract what you hope is a gullible audience, willing to suspend incredulity , in their confusion, for even a millisecond, so you can wedge into their brains and into the discussion your iron aged voodoo horseshit. Unfortunately for your tired act, you ran into the brick wall called a functioning, rational adult who knows your cheap parlor tricks better than you do.

This has all been demonstrated very clearly, by now. Looks like i am going to win that bet.

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I'm quite sure there is life on other planets. I doubt that we will ever meet each other given the laws of physics.
Life or sentient life?
That's a tough one. I would say it seems like there should be at least one other example of sentient life in the history of the universe. Depending on the standard for "sentience", it may have evolved on Earth more than once.
I'm quite sure there is life on other planets. I doubt that we will ever meet each other given the laws of physics.
Life or sentient life?
That's a tough one. I would say it seems like there should be at least one other example of sentient life in the history of the universe. Depending on the standard for "sentience", it may have evolved on Earth more than once.
Could be.

The overwhelming number of specific occurrences that had to occur in a specific order that led to life on earth makes it a miracle that we exist.
I'm quite sure there is life on other planets. I doubt that we will ever meet each other given the laws of physics.
Life or sentient life?
That's a tough one. I would say it seems like there should be at least one other example of sentient life in the history of the universe. Depending on the standard for "sentience", it may have evolved on Earth more than once.
Could be.

The overwhelming number of specific occurrences that had to occur in a specific order that led to life on earth makes it a miracle that we exist.
Nah,I dont buy into that. Thats just a reiteration of hoyles fallacy. Using that specious reasoning, you could reduce the probability of ANY event to virtually zero. Think of all the specific things that had to happen for the milky way to be exactly as it is, exactly where it is? Yet we can look up and see 200 billion other galaxies.

See that rock on the ground? The odds of that rock being shaped exactly as it is, located exactly where it is, and having the precise chemical composition it has are near zero.

Your reasoning only really applies to "the odds of the EXACT type of life that exists here". To illustrate: the odds of lightning striking a specific cubic centimeter of land are infinitesimal. But the odds of lightning striking at all are 100%.

Yes, the odds of getting humans from an abiogenesis event are near zero. But we aren't restricting the discussion to the odds of getting humans.
Nah,I dont buy into that. Thats just a reiteration of hoyles fallacy. Using that specious reasoning, you could reduce the probability of ANY event to virtually zero. Think of all the specific things that had to happen for the milky way to be exactly as it is, exactly where it is? Yet we can look up and see 200 billion other galaxies.

See that rock on the ground? The odds of that rock being shaped exactly as it is, located exactly where it is, and having the precise chemical composition it has are near zero.

Your reasoning only really applies to "the odds of the EXACT type of life that exists here". To illustrate: the odds of lightning striking a specific cubic centimeter of land are infinitesimal. But the odds of lightning striking at all are 100%.

Yes, the odds of getting humans from an abiogenesis event are near zero. But we aren't restricting the discussion to the odds of getting humans.
I never implied human or even human-like life.

Just Sentient life.

Buy it or not, our existence is a miracle. Onle that God could have done elsewhere, or not.
I never implied human or even human-like life.
But you did, apparently without knowing it, when you referred to the "steps" that occured on the way to getting humans. At no point did you make any constraints about them being necessary for sentient life. Thats the failure of that fallacy. It is a reiteration of Hoyle's Fallacy.

I can use this specious reasoning to push the probability of ANY event to zero. In fact, with enough time, you can make the probability of any and ALL events in the universe exactly equal, and all virtually zero.

In that light, surely you see the failure of this reasoning.

"Buy it or not"

That is not compelling. It explains nothing and yields no useful predictions. Also, you have created another problem for yourself: You call it "a miracle", which is code for "magic". Then you also try to frame it as a physical, deterministic process. Sorry, you can't have it both ways.
I never implied human or even human-like life.
But you did, apparently without knowing it, when you referred to the "steps" that occured on the way to getting humans. At no point did you make any constraints about them being necessary for sentient life. Thats the failure of that fallacy. It is a reiteration of Hoyle's Fallacy.

I can use this specious reasoning to push the probability of ANY event to zero. In fact, with enough time, you can make the probability of any and ALL events in the universe exactly equal, and all virtually zero.

In that light, surely you see the failure of this reasoning.

"Buy it or not"

That is not compelling. It explains nothing and yields no useful predictions. Also, you have created another problem for yourself: You call it "a miracle", which is code for "magic". Then you also try to frame it as a physical, deterministic process. Sorry, you can't have it both ways.
No I didn't and I knew exactly what I wrote. I didn't use any secret codes or double entendres. Neither you it I have created any problems for me. But your arrogance isn't the point.

Maybe you're watching too much Star Trek. Or maybe you haven't listened closely to those that try to describe just how complex things are.
No I didn't and I knew exactly what I wrote.
Sorry, but you did. Like I said, without realizing it. You describe the "probabilities" (that you could not possibly know) of the steps to life on earth. But we are not discussing the probability of getting the precise kind of life we have on earth. So your line fails there. It further fails when one understands that this arbitrary assignment of probability to any event in the chain of events is a fallacy. See: Hoyle's fallacy.
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