The Biggest Trump Gaffs Never Make the News.

Trump is right because Isis must be destroyed soon before it destroys us.

You destroy ISIS by providing Ground, Air, and Air Cav support so that Exxon can Steal Iraqi oil? One thing has nothing to DO with the other. Plenty of ways to fight ISIS. Adding the THEFT of a nation's resources is a VERY bad way to deal with it..

One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. This is insane. A STABLE Syria/Iraq govt would NEVER have been run over by ISIS. We DESTABILIZED both of them. And America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

ISIS TOOK heavy military equipment and arms from the Iraqis like candy from children. And it was OUR weapons. How much longer do you want US to be the "Iraqi Army" ????
Defending oil, no we do not. Sticking around untill the government is stabilized however is our obligation as we fucked it up in the first place.

Does that mean a functioning democracy? Not necessarily. It may mean we have to admit that it was folly to try in the first place and a dictator gains control of the nation again. Horrible outcome - better than instability.

We pretty much WROTE their Constitution. Designed infrastructure they didn't need or want. They basically humored us to get us to leave so they could get back to killing each other until some nutbag tyrant brings their "peace" back.
And that is one of the areas that we went wrong. We cannot set up a puppet government that we like and think it will remain.
You destroy ISIS by providing Ground, Air, and Air Cav support so that Exxon can Steal Iraqi oil? One thing has nothing to DO with the other. Plenty of ways to fight ISIS. Adding the THEFT of a nation's resources is a VERY bad way to deal with it..

One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. This is insane. A STABLE Syria/Iraq govt would NEVER have been run over by ISIS. We DESTABILIZED both of them. And America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

ISIS TOOK heavy military equipment and arms from the Iraqis like candy from children. And it was OUR weapons. How much longer do you want US to be the "Iraqi Army" ????

Not Americanize the oil.

the issue is to continue to deny folks like isis the oil

which cuts off their funding to continue their murderous terrorist actions
Trying to take the oil would not really accomplish this.

The cold hard fact is that to control those resources you are going to need locals. That requires a functioning government that simply did not exist there because we removed it. A functioning government is not possible without resources.

In short, the one way to absolutely ensure that the nation never stabilizes, continues radical violence aimed at the US and continues to breed radical terrorists is to remove any possibility that they can prosper.

That is what trying to loot the only resource they have does - ensures constant, unending poverty.

taking the oil from isis would stop them

cut off their heroine trade as well

it didnt help we gave them a billion dollars

worth of arms when we left
No, it wouldn't. It would create an entire nation that is unable to ever stabilize. In essence, they would have less money but a LOT more conscripts. ISIS kills most effectively when they are not trying to spend a lot of money. One weapon in one persons hand in one mall is where the threat to the US exists.
One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. This is insane. A STABLE Syria/Iraq govt would NEVER have been run over by ISIS. We DESTABILIZED both of them. And America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

ISIS TOOK heavy military equipment and arms from the Iraqis like candy from children. And it was OUR weapons. How much longer do you want US to be the "Iraqi Army" ????

Not Americanize the oil.

the issue is to continue to deny folks like isis the oil

which cuts off their funding to continue their murderous terrorist actions
Trying to take the oil would not really accomplish this.

The cold hard fact is that to control those resources you are going to need locals. That requires a functioning government that simply did not exist there because we removed it. A functioning government is not possible without resources.

In short, the one way to absolutely ensure that the nation never stabilizes, continues radical violence aimed at the US and continues to breed radical terrorists is to remove any possibility that they can prosper.

That is what trying to loot the only resource they have does - ensures constant, unending poverty.

taking the oil from isis would stop them

cut off their heroine trade as well

it didnt help we gave them a billion dollars

worth of arms when we left
No, it wouldn't. It would create an entire nation that is unable to ever stabilize. In essence, they would have less money but a LOT more conscripts. ISIS kills most effectively when they are not trying to spend a lot of money. One weapon in one persons hand in one mall is where the threat to the US exists.

No, it wouldn't. It would create an entire nation that is unable to ever stabilize.

isis is not a country it is an illegal terrorist organization

it all takes money to facilitate
Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. This is insane. A STABLE Syria/Iraq govt would NEVER have been run over by ISIS. We DESTABILIZED both of them. And America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

ISIS TOOK heavy military equipment and arms from the Iraqis like candy from children. And it was OUR weapons. How much longer do you want US to be the "Iraqi Army" ????

Not Americanize the oil.

the issue is to continue to deny folks like isis the oil

which cuts off their funding to continue their murderous terrorist actions
Trying to take the oil would not really accomplish this.

The cold hard fact is that to control those resources you are going to need locals. That requires a functioning government that simply did not exist there because we removed it. A functioning government is not possible without resources.

In short, the one way to absolutely ensure that the nation never stabilizes, continues radical violence aimed at the US and continues to breed radical terrorists is to remove any possibility that they can prosper.

That is what trying to loot the only resource they have does - ensures constant, unending poverty.

taking the oil from isis would stop them

cut off their heroine trade as well

it didnt help we gave them a billion dollars

worth of arms when we left
No, it wouldn't. It would create an entire nation that is unable to ever stabilize. In essence, they would have less money but a LOT more conscripts. ISIS kills most effectively when they are not trying to spend a lot of money. One weapon in one persons hand in one mall is where the threat to the US exists.

No, it wouldn't. It would create an entire nation that is unable to ever stabilize.

isis is not a country it is an illegal terrorist organization

it all takes money to facilitate
The oil is not ISIS - it is Iraq. Taking the oil from Iraq - which is what we are talking about here, plundering Iraq as the 'spoils of war' - would not allow Iraq to stabilize and creates the breeding ground that ISIS requires.

They need a government to do that and a government and its people require resource to exist. ISIS was not an issue for the last hundred years that the Iraqi people controlled their own resources. It only became an issue because we destabilized the region. The oil is not the issue - the lack of a stable government is.
Not Americanize the oil.

the issue is to continue to deny folks like isis the oil

which cuts off their funding to continue their murderous terrorist actions
Trying to take the oil would not really accomplish this.

The cold hard fact is that to control those resources you are going to need locals. That requires a functioning government that simply did not exist there because we removed it. A functioning government is not possible without resources.

In short, the one way to absolutely ensure that the nation never stabilizes, continues radical violence aimed at the US and continues to breed radical terrorists is to remove any possibility that they can prosper.

That is what trying to loot the only resource they have does - ensures constant, unending poverty.

taking the oil from isis would stop them

cut off their heroine trade as well

it didnt help we gave them a billion dollars

worth of arms when we left
No, it wouldn't. It would create an entire nation that is unable to ever stabilize. In essence, they would have less money but a LOT more conscripts. ISIS kills most effectively when they are not trying to spend a lot of money. One weapon in one persons hand in one mall is where the threat to the US exists.

No, it wouldn't. It would create an entire nation that is unable to ever stabilize.

isis is not a country it is an illegal terrorist organization

it all takes money to facilitate
The oil is not ISIS - it is Iraq. Taking the oil from Iraq - which is what we are talking about here, plundering Iraq as the 'spoils of war' - would not allow Iraq to stabilize and creates the breeding ground that ISIS requires.

They need a government to do that and a government and its people require resource to exist. ISIS was not an issue for the last hundred years that the Iraqi people controlled their own resources. It only became an issue because we destabilized the region. The oil is not the issue - the lack of a stable government is.

The oil is not ISIS - it is Iraq. Taking the oil from Iraq

isis has stolen the oil and is in control of it

isis not only controls oil in iraq

it controls oil in syria

they sell over a million dollars worth daily

we would be taking it from an illegal terrorist organization

which uses the funding to continue their terrorist organization
Trump is right because Isis must be destroyed soon before it destroys us.

You destroy ISIS by providing Ground, Air, and Air Cav support so that Exxon can Steal Iraqi oil? One thing has nothing to DO with the other. Plenty of ways to fight ISIS. Adding the THEFT of a nation's resources is a VERY bad way to deal with it..

One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

Islam Slammed into the Sand

We won't take many casualties defending the oil we confiscate from the Nazislamis. The natives will be impoverished without it, which means they won't have the money to buy weapons. Any bullets they already have will be used in Muzzie against Muzzie scrambling for scarce resources, just as it was before they slithered out of the desert after Mohammed unified the perpetually warring clans.

Second, the oil will be owned by the American people, not by the oil companies, which will work for us or else. Gasoline will cost less than 20 cents a gallon.

What country do you live in? Is it a brutal Empire? History of pillaging and subjecting other countries?

WE --- don't do that...
Appease Porridge Is a Witch's Brew

Sure we do, and we should be proud of it. Conquering a formerly worthless wilderness occupied by useless Stone Age savages was imperialistic. If Columbus had first discovered it today, he would have found it in the same sorry state it was in 1492. The White conquest of America benefited the whole world, or at least the humans worth saving.
Trump is right because Isis must be destroyed soon before it destroys us.

You destroy ISIS by providing Ground, Air, and Air Cav support so that Exxon can Steal Iraqi oil? One thing has nothing to DO with the other. Plenty of ways to fight ISIS. Adding the THEFT of a nation's resources is a VERY bad way to deal with it..

One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. This is insane. A STABLE Syria/Iraq govt would NEVER have been run over by ISIS. We DESTABILIZED both of them. And America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

ISIS TOOK heavy military equipment and arms from the Iraqis like candy from children. And it was OUR weapons. How much longer do you want US to be the "Iraqi Army" ????

Not Americanize the oil.

the issue is to continue to deny folks like isis the oil

which cuts off their funding to continue their murderous terrorist actions
Trying to take the oil would not really accomplish this.

The cold hard fact is that to control those resources you are going to need locals. That requires a functioning government that simply did not exist there because we removed it. A functioning government is not possible without resources.

In short, the one way to absolutely ensure that the nation never stabilizes, continues radical violence aimed at the US and continues to breed radical terrorists is to remove any possibility that they can prosper.

That is what trying to loot the only resource they have does - ensures constant, unending poverty.
Sand Simians Overstaying Their Evolutionary Expiration Date

Creating the backward savages' oil industry and then handing it over to such parasites enabled them to become terrorists. Their leaders spent the unearned money on degenerate luxury, military dictatorship, or promoting and financing jihad. It is an insult to intelligence to let such retards freeload off the achievements of evolved nations. And by High IQs, I am not referring to today's nerdy escapist pushovers.
You destroy ISIS by providing Ground, Air, and Air Cav support so that Exxon can Steal Iraqi oil? One thing has nothing to DO with the other. Plenty of ways to fight ISIS. Adding the THEFT of a nation's resources is a VERY bad way to deal with it..

One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

Islam Slammed into the Sand

We won't take many casualties defending the oil we confiscate from the Nazislamis. The natives will be impoverished without it, which means they won't have the money to buy weapons. Any bullets they already have will be used in Muzzie against Muzzie scrambling for scarce resources, just as it was before they slithered out of the desert after Mohammed unified the perpetually warring clans.

Second, the oil will be owned by the American people, not by the oil companies, which will work for us or else. Gasoline will cost less than 20 cents a gallon.

What country do you live in? Is it a brutal Empire? History of pillaging and subjecting other countries?

WE --- don't do that...
Appease Porridge Is a Witch's Brew

Sure we do, and we should be proud of it. Conquering a formerly worthless wilderness occupied by useless Stone Age savages was imperialistic. If Columbus had first discovered it today, he would have found it in the same sorry state it was in 1492. The White conquest of America benefited the whole world, or at least the humans worth saving.

And it ended there. As it did in Mexico and Canada and other Western nations that never sought to be empires.
You destroy ISIS by providing Ground, Air, and Air Cav support so that Exxon can Steal Iraqi oil? One thing has nothing to DO with the other. Plenty of ways to fight ISIS. Adding the THEFT of a nation's resources is a VERY bad way to deal with it..

One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. This is insane. A STABLE Syria/Iraq govt would NEVER have been run over by ISIS. We DESTABILIZED both of them. And America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

ISIS TOOK heavy military equipment and arms from the Iraqis like candy from children. And it was OUR weapons. How much longer do you want US to be the "Iraqi Army" ????

Not Americanize the oil.

the issue is to continue to deny folks like isis the oil

which cuts off their funding to continue their murderous terrorist actions
Trying to take the oil would not really accomplish this.

The cold hard fact is that to control those resources you are going to need locals. That requires a functioning government that simply did not exist there because we removed it. A functioning government is not possible without resources.

In short, the one way to absolutely ensure that the nation never stabilizes, continues radical violence aimed at the US and continues to breed radical terrorists is to remove any possibility that they can prosper.

That is what trying to loot the only resource they have does - ensures constant, unending poverty.
Sand Simians Overstaying Their Evolutionary Expiration Date

Creating the backward savages' oil industry and then handing it over to such parasites enabled them to become terrorists. Their leaders spent the unearned money on degenerate luxury, military dictatorship, or promoting and financing jihad. It is an insult to intelligence to let such retards freeload off the achievements of evolved nations. And by High IQs, I am not referring to today's nerdy escapist pushovers.

10 Commandments Dude. Do not covet thy neighbor's ass or his wife. It's their economic life blood. And had you ever BEEN to MEast -- you'd know "sand simians" is a very inappropriate way to describe civilizations that PREDATE yours by 1000s of years.

Not impressed with your justifications for American Imperialism. Do you want to be actually guilty of the shit we've been FALSELY accused of for the past 100 years?
Not Americanize the oil.

the issue is to continue to deny folks like isis the oil

which cuts off their funding to continue their murderous terrorist actions
Trying to take the oil would not really accomplish this.

The cold hard fact is that to control those resources you are going to need locals. That requires a functioning government that simply did not exist there because we removed it. A functioning government is not possible without resources.

In short, the one way to absolutely ensure that the nation never stabilizes, continues radical violence aimed at the US and continues to breed radical terrorists is to remove any possibility that they can prosper.

That is what trying to loot the only resource they have does - ensures constant, unending poverty.

taking the oil from isis would stop them

cut off their heroine trade as well

it didnt help we gave them a billion dollars

worth of arms when we left
No, it wouldn't. It would create an entire nation that is unable to ever stabilize. In essence, they would have less money but a LOT more conscripts. ISIS kills most effectively when they are not trying to spend a lot of money. One weapon in one persons hand in one mall is where the threat to the US exists.

No, it wouldn't. It would create an entire nation that is unable to ever stabilize.

isis is not a country it is an illegal terrorist organization

it all takes money to facilitate
The oil is not ISIS - it is Iraq. Taking the oil from Iraq - which is what we are talking about here, plundering Iraq as the 'spoils of war' - would not allow Iraq to stabilize and creates the breeding ground that ISIS requires.

They need a government to do that and a government and its people require resource to exist. ISIS was not an issue for the last hundred years that the Iraqi people controlled their own resources. It only became an issue because we destabilized the region. The oil is not the issue - the lack of a stable government is.

The Iraqis are no longer in control. They've lost control. Did they ever have control to begin with?
One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. This is insane. A STABLE Syria/Iraq govt would NEVER have been run over by ISIS. We DESTABILIZED both of them. And America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

ISIS TOOK heavy military equipment and arms from the Iraqis like candy from children. And it was OUR weapons. How much longer do you want US to be the "Iraqi Army" ????

Not Americanize the oil.

the issue is to continue to deny folks like isis the oil

which cuts off their funding to continue their murderous terrorist actions
Trying to take the oil would not really accomplish this.

The cold hard fact is that to control those resources you are going to need locals. That requires a functioning government that simply did not exist there because we removed it. A functioning government is not possible without resources.

In short, the one way to absolutely ensure that the nation never stabilizes, continues radical violence aimed at the US and continues to breed radical terrorists is to remove any possibility that they can prosper.

That is what trying to loot the only resource they have does - ensures constant, unending poverty.
Sand Simians Overstaying Their Evolutionary Expiration Date

Creating the backward savages' oil industry and then handing it over to such parasites enabled them to become terrorists. Their leaders spent the unearned money on degenerate luxury, military dictatorship, or promoting and financing jihad. It is an insult to intelligence to let such retards freeload off the achievements of evolved nations. And by High IQs, I am not referring to today's nerdy escapist pushovers.

. It's their economic life blood. And had you ever BEEN to MEast -- you'd know "sand simians" is a very inappropriate way to describe civilizations that PREDATE yours by 1000s of years.

Not impressed with your justifications for American Imperialism.
OLD SCHOOL: Manifest Destiny /// NEW AGE: Many Fuzzy Desktops

It is our intellectual property, given away by our Dhimmi Doormat ruling class. Superior Western minds created the oil wealth of the dumb desert savages (they are not related to the ancient Mesopotamians). You are a mutant decadent misfit and belong with them rather than with us. Your dangerous privileged clique must be banished forever or we will have no future. Your ilk caused the historical parallel of what we may have to face again: the decadent patrician Romans causing classical civilization to be drift and collapse into the Dark Ages.

High IQs also created the wealth of our HeirHead aristocrats. Submission to the morals of those predatory parasites makes you approve of the actions of the even more worthless Muslims. And by the way, anti-imperialist Islamophilia is not Liberal, sucker. OPEC price-gouging was set up by the American oil companies so they could piggyback off its 1,000+% profit margins and blame the jihadists foreigners the flag-waving neo-con traitors collaborate with.

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