The Biggest Trump Gaffs Never Make the News.

Why not? Let's cut out the PC bullcrap for once, huh?

If you think that invading another nation and occupying that nation because we think their people would be better off is "PC", I don't know what to say. That is just crazy, and seem ridiculously too willing to kill and destroy to push your own version of what is 'better' on the world. You've already compared the situation to the US being parents and Iraq a child. That kind of arrogance and willingness to ignore the costs of any war is probably a big part of why we keep getting into conflicts we have no good reason to be in in the first place.

I am not willing to send American troops to fight and die, to kill who knows how many foreign soldiers and civilians in their own nation, just because I think they'd be better off.

We had already invaded. Too late. It was important that we stay and make sure things go right.

I'm sorry. They ARE like children.

So you don't care what THEY think or say. And now you think they need a mommy?

Obviously they do. Is that not clear to you?

No it is not clear that they need US to mommy them. They are the "basket of civilization". They had a functioning country for THOUSANDS of years before we put them "under containment" 25 years ago. And YOU or the the entire RESOURCES of the USA is not able to fix now what we broke.

If you call constant warring and killing one another "functioning." Too late to cry over spilled milk. When we left, matters became a lot worse. We should have stayed and made sure OUR resources were not wasted. Wake the hell up!
There was a thread on this topic back in August. But the Donald AGAIN repeated this outrageous idea in the 2nd Debate last week.

Trump Wants to Steal Middle East Oil, and He’s Not Alone

I've always said,” Donald Trump told Matt Lauer at the Commander-in-Chief Forum on Sept. 7, “take the oil.” It was a rare instance of Trump not exaggerating. Seizing Middle Eastern oil has always been one of Trump’s favorite foreign-policy refrains. In addition to the Sept. 7 forum, he voiced virtually the same words during the first presidential debate on Sept. 26, at a foreign-policy speech in Youngstown, Ohio, on Aug. 15, and in numerous campaign rallies during the spring and summer. And the pattern stretches back long before the presidential campaign.

Every time Trump utters the phrase today, his wording is essentially the same: While occupying Iraq, we should have seized its oil. This, of course, does not yet amount to a coherent foreign policy. But Trump’s nomination by the Republican Party obliges the American public to try to understand it as one — and to acknowledge that Trump is not the first prominent figure to propose the violent seizure, by U.S. military forces, of Middle Eastern oil fields. Reckless though the policy is, previous administrations have tiptoed to the precipice of pursuing it.

In the 2nd debate -- he upped the ante by including this brain fart in an answer of "what to do about ISIS"? Claimed that if we had taken the Iraqi oils and given them to Exxon-Mobil -- than ISIS would not have them NOW as a source of income.

Wrong in so many ways. The idea that a CIC can GIVE spoils of war to a single Amer. company. The lunacy of providing continual security for such an act. The FACT that many Intl treaties PROHIBIT such an action.

It shows how "instincts" could EASILY lead to a third World War. And how bravado can screw our relations with MEast players before he even gets elected. It's cluelessness and arrogance of the first order. Yet the national "dialogue/shouting match" doesn't allow for discussion of these MAJOR clueless gaffes..

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Isn't that what the US government does by reserving all mineral rights for itself instead of allowing the US citizen who buys and discovers a valuable commodity on their property to gain from the sale?

That way they can give take the land (eminent domain) and give it to the big companies with little fuss or hassle from the landowner.



What the fuck are you talking about? If you find a valuable mineral on BLM or Forest Service land, you can file a claim, and as long as you work it, you own the profits from the minerals you mine. Subject, of course, to environmental laws. And if the mineral rights go with your deed to the land, then the minerals belong to you.

Damn, there are some extremely ignorant fuckers on this board.
There was a thread on this topic back in August. But the Donald AGAIN repeated this outrageous idea in the 2nd Debate last week.

Trump Wants to Steal Middle East Oil, and He’s Not Alone

I've always said,” Donald Trump told Matt Lauer at the Commander-in-Chief Forum on Sept. 7, “take the oil.” It was a rare instance of Trump not exaggerating. Seizing Middle Eastern oil has always been one of Trump’s favorite foreign-policy refrains. In addition to the Sept. 7 forum, he voiced virtually the same words during the first presidential debate on Sept. 26, at a foreign-policy speech in Youngstown, Ohio, on Aug. 15, and in numerous campaign rallies during the spring and summer. And the pattern stretches back long before the presidential campaign.

Every time Trump utters the phrase today, his wording is essentially the same: While occupying Iraq, we should have seized its oil. This, of course, does not yet amount to a coherent foreign policy. But Trump’s nomination by the Republican Party obliges the American public to try to understand it as one — and to acknowledge that Trump is not the first prominent figure to propose the violent seizure, by U.S. military forces, of Middle Eastern oil fields. Reckless though the policy is, previous administrations have tiptoed to the precipice of pursuing it.

In the 2nd debate -- he upped the ante by including this brain fart in an answer of "what to do about ISIS"? Claimed that if we had taken the Iraqi oils and given them to Exxon-Mobil -- than ISIS would not have them NOW as a source of income.

Wrong in so many ways. The idea that a CIC can GIVE spoils of war to a single Amer. company. The lunacy of providing continual security for such an act. The FACT that many Intl treaties PROHIBIT such an action.

It shows how "instincts" could EASILY lead to a third World War. And how bravado can screw our relations with MEast players before he even gets elected. It's cluelessness and arrogance of the first order. Yet the national "dialogue/shouting match" doesn't allow for discussion of these MAJOR clueless gaffes..
This one of his classic drunk-guy-in-a-bar-talking-about-what-I-would-do-if-I-were-in-charge things.

He just blurts things out that simply can't be done, because he doesn't know better.

And then people just fall in line because they're committed and evidently don't know better, either.

One long, ongoing national embarrassment.

And how you continue to equte this political, diplomatic, and in many ways surprisingly social dilettante to Ms. Clinton and report that there is scant difference is a mystery.

Ms. Clinton is not perfect but when you stack up the simple store of experience, knowledge of the mechanics of government, the jiu jitsu of dealing with the institutional memories of the bodies of politics and comparative classiness vs. her opponent, it's not that close a call.

Her only PRACTICAL knowledge of govt is circumventing the APPROVED channels of Security Information transfer and her absolute CLUELESSNESS about sprouting Democracy in the Arab world. Her husband helped destroy Iraq and Somalia. She destroyed stability in Libya and thinks it's brilliant. And her plans for Syria are as dangerous and moronic as continuing to beat your head against a wall.

I'm EQUALLY screwed with the choices. Don't mistake me here. I hate both parties. VEHEMENTLY. They are not focused on public service. They only care about winning. If WINNING meant burning down the Smithsonian and the nation WITH IT --- they would do it. I'm SURE of that.
Then you are working hard to repeal the Citizens United ruling? Because as long as that is the law of the land, money controls the politics.
It's really quite pitiful that people cannot see how the world REALLY is because their brains are clouded by PC nonsense. This is not fucking Candy Land.

If you think the people of Iraq are "like children", I'm pretty sure you are the one with a poor grasp of how the world really is.

There is nothing PC about thinking it is better to allow a people to run their own nation rather than have the US occupy their land because 'they'll be better off'. There is nothing PC about thinking people will be resentful, at best, at having another nation's soldiers enforcing whatever rules that other nation decides should be enforced. There's nothing PC about actually wanting to consider what the people of a nation might think about having the US invade and occupy that nation, against the wishes of the people.

When you brush off the loss of property and lives with flippant remarks about how wanting to avoid unnecessary war is PC, the US being a parent, people being better off under forced US rule, and having no regard for what the people of another nation think, you are the one who seems to be acting child-like.

Would you say to the families of dead Iraqis, or the families of dead US soldiers, "Well, stop being PC. We needed to be occupying Iraq because the people will be better off, and besides, who cares what Iraqis think?"?
Trump is right because Isis must be destroyed soon before it destroys us.

You destroy ISIS by providing Ground, Air, and Air Cav support so that Exxon can Steal Iraqi oil? One thing has nothing to DO with the other. Plenty of ways to fight ISIS. Adding the THEFT of a nation's resources is a VERY bad way to deal with it..

One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. This is insane. A STABLE Syria/Iraq govt would NEVER have been run over by ISIS. We DESTABILIZED both of them. And America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

ISIS TOOK heavy military equipment and arms from the Iraqis like candy from children. And it was OUR weapons. How much longer do you want US to be the "Iraqi Army" ????

Not Americanize the oil.

the issue is to continue to deny folks like isis the oil

which cuts off their funding to continue their murderous terrorist actions
Trump is right because Isis must be destroyed soon before it destroys us.

You destroy ISIS by providing Ground, Air, and Air Cav support so that Exxon can Steal Iraqi oil? One thing has nothing to DO with the other. Plenty of ways to fight ISIS. Adding the THEFT of a nation's resources is a VERY bad way to deal with it..

One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. This is insane. A STABLE Syria/Iraq govt would NEVER have been run over by ISIS. We DESTABILIZED both of them. And America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

ISIS TOOK heavy military equipment and arms from the Iraqis like candy from children. And it was OUR weapons. How much longer do you want US to be the "Iraqi Army" ????

Right. And then it was our responsibility to stay and defend our interests. Instead, we left too early and now the place is a mess.

exactly and left the oil fields undefended which ISIS took over

and sells a 1.5 million dollars a day to fund their terrorist ideology
Trump is right because Isis must be destroyed soon before it destroys us.

You destroy ISIS by providing Ground, Air, and Air Cav support so that Exxon can Steal Iraqi oil? One thing has nothing to DO with the other. Plenty of ways to fight ISIS. Adding the THEFT of a nation's resources is a VERY bad way to deal with it..

One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

Islam Slammed into the Sand

We won't take many casualties defending the oil we confiscate from the Nazislamis. The natives will be impoverished without it, which means they won't have the money to buy weapons. Any bullets they already have will be used in Muzzie against Muzzie scrambling for scarce resources, just as it was before they slithered out of the desert after Mohammed unified the perpetually warring clans.

Second, the oil will be owned by the American people, not by the oil companies, which will work for us or else. Gasoline will cost less than 20 cents a gallon.
Trump is right because Isis must be destroyed soon before it destroys us.

You destroy ISIS by providing Ground, Air, and Air Cav support so that Exxon can Steal Iraqi oil? One thing has nothing to DO with the other. Plenty of ways to fight ISIS. Adding the THEFT of a nation's resources is a VERY bad way to deal with it..

One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

Islam Slammed into the Sand

We won't take many casualties defending the oil we confiscate from the Nazislamis. The natives will be impoverished without it, which means they won't have the money to buy weapons. Any bullets they already have will be used in Muzzie against Muzzie scrambling for scarce resources, just as it was before they slithered out of the desert after Mohammed unified the perpetually warring clans.

Second, the oil will be owned by the American people, not by the oil companies, which will work for us or else. Gasoline will cost less than 20 cents a gallon.

What country do you live in? Is it a brutal Empire? History of pillaging and subjecting other countries?

WE --- don't do that...
Trump is right because Isis must be destroyed soon before it destroys us.

You destroy ISIS by providing Ground, Air, and Air Cav support so that Exxon can Steal Iraqi oil? One thing has nothing to DO with the other. Plenty of ways to fight ISIS. Adding the THEFT of a nation's resources is a VERY bad way to deal with it..

One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

Islam Slammed into the Sand

We won't take many casualties defending the oil we confiscate from the Nazislamis. The natives will be impoverished without it, which means they won't have the money to buy weapons. Any bullets they already have will be used in Muzzie against Muzzie scrambling for scarce resources, just as it was before they slithered out of the desert after Mohammed unified the perpetually warring clans.

Second, the oil will be owned by the American people, not by the oil companies, which will work for us or else. Gasoline will cost less than 20 cents a gallon.

What country do you live in? Is it a brutal Empire? History of pillaging and subjecting other countries?

WE --- don't do that...

and in this case will stil wouldnt be doing that

ISIS is not a country

they are a terrorist organization that stole the oil from others
You destroy ISIS by providing Ground, Air, and Air Cav support so that Exxon can Steal Iraqi oil? One thing has nothing to DO with the other. Plenty of ways to fight ISIS. Adding the THEFT of a nation's resources is a VERY bad way to deal with it..

One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

Islam Slammed into the Sand

We won't take many casualties defending the oil we confiscate from the Nazislamis. The natives will be impoverished without it, which means they won't have the money to buy weapons. Any bullets they already have will be used in Muzzie against Muzzie scrambling for scarce resources, just as it was before they slithered out of the desert after Mohammed unified the perpetually warring clans.

Second, the oil will be owned by the American people, not by the oil companies, which will work for us or else. Gasoline will cost less than 20 cents a gallon.

What country do you live in? Is it a brutal Empire? History of pillaging and subjecting other countries?

WE --- don't do that...

and in this case will stil wouldnt be doing that

ISIS is not a country

they are a terrorist organization that stole the oil from others

the oil belongs to IRAQ. Taking it back from ISIS is good strategy. But it is THEIRS -- not ours.
This Trump fart is right out of the GodFarther...

""Well see. It's like this. You want us to help get your lumber back. And we are here to help. But in the future, that makes part of YOUR lumber -- our lumber. Capice mi compagno???
Trump is right because Isis must be destroyed soon before it destroys us.

You destroy ISIS by providing Ground, Air, and Air Cav support so that Exxon can Steal Iraqi oil? One thing has nothing to DO with the other. Plenty of ways to fight ISIS. Adding the THEFT of a nation's resources is a VERY bad way to deal with it..

One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. This is insane. A STABLE Syria/Iraq govt would NEVER have been run over by ISIS. We DESTABILIZED both of them. And America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

ISIS TOOK heavy military equipment and arms from the Iraqis like candy from children. And it was OUR weapons. How much longer do you want US to be the "Iraqi Army" ????

Not Americanize the oil.

the issue is to continue to deny folks like isis the oil

which cuts off their funding to continue their murderous terrorist actions
Trying to take the oil would not really accomplish this.

The cold hard fact is that to control those resources you are going to need locals. That requires a functioning government that simply did not exist there because we removed it. A functioning government is not possible without resources.

In short, the one way to absolutely ensure that the nation never stabilizes, continues radical violence aimed at the US and continues to breed radical terrorists is to remove any possibility that they can prosper.

That is what trying to loot the only resource they have does - ensures constant, unending poverty.
Trump is right because Isis must be destroyed soon before it destroys us.

You destroy ISIS by providing Ground, Air, and Air Cav support so that Exxon can Steal Iraqi oil? One thing has nothing to DO with the other. Plenty of ways to fight ISIS. Adding the THEFT of a nation's resources is a VERY bad way to deal with it..

One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. This is insane. A STABLE Syria/Iraq govt would NEVER have been run over by ISIS. We DESTABILIZED both of them. And America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

ISIS TOOK heavy military equipment and arms from the Iraqis like candy from children. And it was OUR weapons. How much longer do you want US to be the "Iraqi Army" ????
Defending oil, no we do not. Sticking around untill the government is stabilized however is our obligation as we fucked it up in the first place.

Does that mean a functioning democracy? Not necessarily. It may mean we have to admit that it was folly to try in the first place and a dictator gains control of the nation again. Horrible outcome - better than instability.
And what is Aleppo?
You would have no idea if it was not for a single gaff.

Then again, Trump has no idea that Russia invaded Ukraine. Hillary cannot figure out what classified information is and personal information is.

As far as gaffs go, asking what Aleppo is does not even approach some of the things the other candidates have said or done.
Trump is right because Isis must be destroyed soon before it destroys us.

You destroy ISIS by providing Ground, Air, and Air Cav support so that Exxon can Steal Iraqi oil? One thing has nothing to DO with the other. Plenty of ways to fight ISIS. Adding the THEFT of a nation's resources is a VERY bad way to deal with it..

One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. This is insane. A STABLE Syria/Iraq govt would NEVER have been run over by ISIS. We DESTABILIZED both of them. And America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

ISIS TOOK heavy military equipment and arms from the Iraqis like candy from children. And it was OUR weapons. How much longer do you want US to be the "Iraqi Army" ????
Defending oil, no we do not. Sticking around untill the government is stabilized however is our obligation as we fucked it up in the first place.

Does that mean a functioning democracy? Not necessarily. It may mean we have to admit that it was folly to try in the first place and a dictator gains control of the nation again. Horrible outcome - better than instability.

We pretty much WROTE their Constitution. Designed infrastructure they didn't need or want. They basically humored us to get us to leave so they could get back to killing each other until some nutbag tyrant brings their "peace" back.
One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

Islam Slammed into the Sand

We won't take many casualties defending the oil we confiscate from the Nazislamis. The natives will be impoverished without it, which means they won't have the money to buy weapons. Any bullets they already have will be used in Muzzie against Muzzie scrambling for scarce resources, just as it was before they slithered out of the desert after Mohammed unified the perpetually warring clans.

Second, the oil will be owned by the American people, not by the oil companies, which will work for us or else. Gasoline will cost less than 20 cents a gallon.

What country do you live in? Is it a brutal Empire? History of pillaging and subjecting other countries?

WE --- don't do that...

and in this case will stil wouldnt be doing that

ISIS is not a country

they are a terrorist organization that stole the oil from others

the oil belongs to IRAQ. Taking it back from ISIS is good strategy. But it is THEIRS -- not ours.

so what

if iraq cant stop ISIS from funding their terrorism with stolen oil

then we will

stopping thier money supply does just that
Trump is right because Isis must be destroyed soon before it destroys us.

You destroy ISIS by providing Ground, Air, and Air Cav support so that Exxon can Steal Iraqi oil? One thing has nothing to DO with the other. Plenty of ways to fight ISIS. Adding the THEFT of a nation's resources is a VERY bad way to deal with it..

One thing has nothing to DO with the other.

actually it does ISIS is selling lots of oil that it stole

it is important to cut off thier funding

ISIL sells its oil, but who is buying it?

Then go after ISIS. Not Americanize the oil. This is insane. A STABLE Syria/Iraq govt would NEVER have been run over by ISIS. We DESTABILIZED both of them. And America has NO WILL or right to spend another 12 years and 3000 dead and wounded troops defending oil for Exxon Mobil.

ISIS TOOK heavy military equipment and arms from the Iraqis like candy from children. And it was OUR weapons. How much longer do you want US to be the "Iraqi Army" ????

Not Americanize the oil.

the issue is to continue to deny folks like isis the oil

which cuts off their funding to continue their murderous terrorist actions
Trying to take the oil would not really accomplish this.

The cold hard fact is that to control those resources you are going to need locals. That requires a functioning government that simply did not exist there because we removed it. A functioning government is not possible without resources.

In short, the one way to absolutely ensure that the nation never stabilizes, continues radical violence aimed at the US and continues to breed radical terrorists is to remove any possibility that they can prosper.

That is what trying to loot the only resource they have does - ensures constant, unending poverty.

taking the oil from isis would stop them

cut off their heroine trade as well

it didnt help we gave them a billion dollars

worth of arms when we left

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