The .Bin Files


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Is 'modernism' biased or boring?

This yarn is inspired by the characterization of Scorponok.


American governance had changed since the days of Alfred Hitchcock and Ian Fleming. Smart-warfare was the name of the game and the capitalism-players included China and North Korea. American youngsters were busy making child-like stick-figure doodles of ridiculous democracy-derogatory fictional characters such as Evil Elf and Sad Saint who represented a pure distrust of modern metropolis and all its iconography. These comic book stylized 'avatars' symbolized the New Anarchy.


The mathematicians at MIT and CalTech were busy generating stock-formula reports and empiricism-science investigations regarding the geophysical impact of mirror-axes hypotheses (models of symmetry uncertainty) on the stability of modern grids. Equations characterized the proliferation of maximal values of reactive elements across synthetics-axes, deformations/formations of alterior forms across false-positive perfect mirrors, and constructions of animacy-scaling by by orientations in three-dimensional space. These mathematical/empirical investigations revealed a new age rigorous focus on the structural malleability of everyday objects of imposed-upon value (e.g., Internet spider-webs). The final analysis was that intellectual inquiry could yield devastating insights into the possibility of complete macro-structural collapse.


Fortunately, patriotic political cartoonists working for the New Yorker since the late 1990s were considered sages in their organization and requested to write/draw pieces on the silhouetted reality of perspective-based democracy apologetics (e.g., absentee-ballot voting). These idealistic (and arguably Utopian) New Yorker staff-members became the new trumpeteers of populism-based revolutionary sentiments (e.g., meritocracy-based divorce/impeachment hearings). The lessons learned from this deep cultural 'rift' between opposing views enlightened Americans (and America!) and made them more generally excited about Facebook. While some could argue that Chicken McNuggets should not be the basis of political heresy paranoia, others presented/marketed consumerism 'items/totems' such as TCBY, Gap, Target, and Eggo as 'trophies' of capitalism and worthy of Rationalism Dissection.


The responsibility to create cultural deification fell on the shoulders of college students at various populism-representative American schools such as Penn State, Notre Dame, Duke, Georgetown, UCLA, and Michigan. The new age student was required to understand the elevation of mob-psychology rhetoric from the level of basic economics (e.g., Wall Street) to lofty competitive platforms (e.g., European Union). To understand how principles regarding regeneration and replication played into the analysis of modern symmetries in global governance (e.g., World Bank), students of this new age had to study the relationship between self-image and urban geometry.


Was this Orwellian, Freudian, Marxist, Christian, Heterosexual? Some argued that a reliance on the axis created by modern virtual-market communication driven 'intelligentsia' would only prove that human beings are the victims of their own avarice, while other socio-analysts subtly suggested that images of perfect synchrony reinforced humanity's faith in macro-structures such as the United Nations and the European Union. Would the human mind simply buckle under the pressures of bureaucracy-deification 'mandates' (which could very realistically seem/feel suffocating!)? Would the political cartoonists resort to character deconstructions for their presentations on 'planar propaganda' (e.g., Tron)?


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The Media Joke

Here's a mock-dialogue between two fictional paramilitary soldiers, one a patriot, the other a terrorist, about the values of commerce-oriented civilization.


COBRA COMMANDER: Capitalism is a joke!
SNAKE-EYES: You sneer at everything, even Starbucks/Facebook.
COBRA COMMANDER: What's so 'jolly' about Christmas shopping?
SNAKE-EYES: Black Friday is an American symbol of friendship.
COBRA COMMANDER: Merchandising makes me smile (and giggle)!
SNAKE-EYES: American kids appreciate toys.
COBRA COMMANDER: I'm not going to die for Toys 'R Us.
SNAKE-EYES: Wouldn't you die for the World Bank?
COBRA COMMANDER: The World Bank is supposed to solve Third World debt.
SNAKE-EYES: Their mission involves the economic analysis of the entire system.
COBRA COMMANDER: When I see a 'capitalism-evangelist,' I feel like I'm with a dentist.
SNAKE-EYES: There's nothing humiliating about personal-care (e.g., tailors).
COBRA COMMANDER: Consumerism is not 'classy'; it's simply primal.
SNAKE-EYES: There's a difference between cholesterol and fascism.
COBRA COMMANDER: Tell that to Bill Clinton!
SNAKE-EYES: Media will cure isolationism, not create pornography.



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