The Blood Of Tyrants

Why don't you just move your traitorous ass to a country you like better. We don't need unpatriotic pouters like you.

This is my home.

It is being desecrated by uniform collectivists that want to desecrate the land, step on the ideals of freedom and self sufficiency, and steal what they did not earn themselves to appropriate it for their unjust ends.

If joining the rank in file in lifelong servitude is what it means to be a patriot, then I do not want to be patriotic.

Sure. Are there monsters under your bed too?
Sure. Are there monsters under your bed too?

Even worst, there is an army of monsters sitting on capitol hill.

A legion of subjugated human slaves do their bidding throughout each and every town.
Any person who enjoys their peaceful life and respects the rule of law and the sanctity of life is anti-insurrectionist.

Not true.

Human life is being degraded everyday. We are forced to live in dependence, subjugation, servitude, and slavery. Just because you do not see it, does not make our reality any less true.

You all live in a relatively safe country surrounded by abundance and are free to say and do practically anything short of violence and property crime and you bitch about it.

Not true.

We live in a country that conforms against individuality, uses unjust power to destroy aspiring capitalists at the heed of corporations, and makes up excuses to lock up dissidents to their bullshit rule of law.

You think you sound all patriotic and hard with all that bullshit but you really just sound spoiled and whiny.


If there was anything to ever be spoiled and whiny about , it would be freedom.
Ok I'll play along for a moment, What freedoms do you think you specifically have been denied? No more vague pronouncements of personal oppression, what do you feel you cannot do here in this country?
What freedoms do you think you specifically have been denied?

All freedom.

There is no freedom in slavery, and the state has legal ownership over our personhood.
Yeah that's clear as mud. Since you feel so oppressed it should be fairly easy to give me a specific example. I eagerly await your clarification.

What do you mean by an example? There is only one relevant example.

Everything you can do and say is permitted by a machinelike state. That is slavery, and there is NO freedom in slavery.
What freedoms do you think you specifically have been denied?

All freedom.

There is no freedom in slavery, and the state has legal ownership over our personhood.
Yeah that's clear as mud. Since you feel so oppressed it should be fairly easy to give me a specific example. I eagerly await your clarification.

What do you mean by an example? There is only one relevant example.

Everything can do and say is permitted by a machinelike state. That is slavery, and there is NO freedom in slavery.
Look at it like this: When you read the declaration of independence they listed a bunch of things that they felt constituted oppression, they did not list a feeling of paranoia among them. The founders had no problem expressing exactly what they wanted but most of you patriots who claim to follow them cannot string together a rational thought on the subject.
For all the Alt Right Cucks and Pepes...


For all the Alt Right Cucks and Pepes...
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What freedoms do you think you specifically have been denied?

All freedom.

There is no freedom in slavery, and the state has legal ownership over our personhood.
Yeah that's clear as mud. Since you feel so oppressed it should be fairly easy to give me a specific example. I eagerly await your clarification.

What do you mean by an example? There is only one relevant example.

Everything you can do and say is permitted by a machinelike state. That is slavery, and there is NO freedom in slavery.
stephanie is that you?
They say its needed every so often to refresh the tree of liberty. Anything you do not refresh is either dying or dead. A lot of things point to the fact that refreshment maybe close at hand.

1, The size of the split in America percentage wise is not much different then Pre revolution.

2, The size of the split in America percentage wise is not much different then Pre civil war.

3, Gun sales and ammo sales and prices have done nothing but increase for the past eight years.

4, Prepper sites like the one CK owns have seen steady growth. {His site is listed at the bottom of the face page}

More and more Americans are gearing up for war with government. More and more Americans are standing up to government and saying no. We are about the youngest free nation and in many ways the last because we keep our guns.

The Swiss keep their as well along with a box of ammo knowing one day they may have to fight to return to their unit. Food prep classes are growing as well as military style training for citizens.

These classes do not grow or sales go up because of fear, they grow out of need and the overall desire to prepare as to what many see as the future. Hillary has already come out and said your 2nd was NOT a right but a mere suggestion. Contrary to what liberals claim here I DO have the ability to read and it does NOT say Bill of Suggestions.

If the American people are so stupid they allow that communist humping Clinton to pick judges who turn YOUR rights into "suggestions" then you have fully earned and deserve the blood that will run in your streets, the food shortages and the lack of medicine.

You democrats will have earned and deserve your place in camps if you are lucky to live long enough to get there. When only government has guns and you have a loud mouth and a sign, you have Kent State.

The RIGHTS of the American people were written in stone using the blood of patriots, our fore fathers. It also used the blood of a much larger better prepared tyrant. No Tyrant is to large to fail, maybe you idiots should remember that.


You are a clown. Trump will lose and you will do nothing but whine for at least four years. Your only "prep" is making sure you have enough tissues.
Liberoidals love BIG government handout Socialist 3rd world shithole politics.. See Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Baltimore.. every city liberals run turns to pure sewage.
Liberoidals love BIG government handout Socialist 3rd world shithole politics.. See Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Baltimore.. every city liberals run turns to pure sewage.
and the trailer dwelling sloop skulls in eastern north carolina love eating shit from the republicans
Bring on the Civil war.. Hell, past time ready for it.. Nothing will change.. The stank garbage known as the Anti-America, Anti-God leftists are determined to have their way, or none at all.. .. Too many Patriots out here to ever allow that to happen.. If Trump wins.. it's all good.. otherwise, we'll see what happens. If Helly Rotten goes for the guns in America, look out.. That will be the first shot of the new Civil War.. I volunteer to shoot anything LEFT that crosses the new American border once the shooting starts.
Bring on the Civil war.. Hell, past time ready for it.. Nothing will change.. The stank garbage known as the Anti-America, Anti-God leftists are determined to have their way, or none at all.. .. Too many Patriots out here to ever allow that to happen.. If Trump wins.. it's all good.. otherwise, we'll see what happens. If Helly Rotten goes for the guns in America, look out.. That will be the first shot of the new Civil War.. I volunteer to shoot anything LEFT that crosses the new American border once the shooting starts.
LOL brave people do not talk like that, all that big talk ain't worth doodly-squat.
There have only been two times in our history that the Country has been so divided.

The first was during the Adams Administration...when the forerunners to the OBama/Clintonites...were using the Sedition laws that they got their "Federalists" Party to put people in jail for criticizing the Federal Administration. (The federalists have always loved control--and Obama and Clinton are the New Federalists.

Jefferson ran against him and beat his ass...and immediately pardoned all persecuted under the Sedition Acts for exercising their First Amendment rights. Jefferson's even handed and highly competent administration lead to what is known to History (not that Democrats know any History) as the "Era of Good Feelings".

The other grave period was in the 1850's and it lead to a great and very bloody civil war...which no one saw coming any more than they do today.

The Federalists are back.

If Hillary Clinton continues Obama's policy of intentional dis-obeyance of the law and calculated corruption of every branch of the Federal telling what will happen, this time.
Look at it like this: When you read the declaration of independence they listed a bunch of things that they felt constituted oppression, they did not list a feeling of paranoia among them. The founders had no problem expressing exactly what they wanted but most of you patriots who claim to follow them cannot string together a rational thought on the subject.

All slavery is oppression.

You seem to disagree. That is fine, yet it doesn't make your reality any less true.

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